Fish farming, where to start? Everything about organizing the artificial cultivation of fish in ponds, aquariums and swimming pools

Today everyone knows about the beneficial properties of fish as a gastronomic product. No meat can replace the totality of nutrients that it contains. Thanks to these properties, fish is always in demand among buyers and owners of catering establishments. That is why growing different varieties of fish at home deserves attention. Each of them has its own characteristics of living. Some fish can live and breed in pools and aquariums; for other varieties, you only need to rent a pond. Before starting fish farming at home, you need to decide on the type of fish that is most suitable for breeding.

To set up artificial ponds you will need a fairly large plot of land. Sometimes renting a reservoir is more acceptable than building it. It should be taken into account that the lease of natural resources is always formalized through a competition announced by local authorities. We will tell you in our next article how to build ponds and whether it is possible to save space so that the business is more profitable. Today we will talk in more detail about pools and the use of such devices as cages.

Technology of fish breeding in the pool

One popular way is to breed fish at home in a pool. Containers can have different geometric shapes and are made of wood, metal, plastic, fiberglass and concrete. The pool can be installed outdoors or in a utility room. The peculiarity of the technology is that the fish are densely populated in the container and fully fed with balanced feed. The advantages of breeding freshwater animals at home in special tanks include the ability to control temperature and hydrochemical conditions. Such a business will operate all year round, without interruption during the winter months.

Business has another advantage - complete automation of most processes. However, this aspect may have a negative impact on the final profit, since automation requires large amounts of energy. The processes of filtering and heating water are mandatory for a farm at home. This significantly increases the cost compared to the pond breeding option. Experts recommend growing expensive commercial varieties in swimming pools.

An example that is suitable for fish breeding at home is the small-sized compact module “Sturgeon”. It can be used to grow any commercial fish: trout, catfish, carp, sturgeon. To install it you will need an area of ​​25 sq.m. It is usually installed in a garage, shed or greenhouse. The manufacturer supplies, along with the equipment, detailed instructions for keeping, feeding and caring for fish. In a pool of this size at home, you can grow (per year):

  • 5 tons of carp;
  • 2 tons of sturgeon;
  • 12 tons of catfish;
  • 3 tons of trout.

The numbers, you see, are impressive. If you multiply them by the market price of these types of fish, then the income of the entrepreneur will have significant indicators. The cost of one pool is about 5 thousand dollars. Renting such containers is usually not provided. In addition to the equipment itself, it is necessary to purchase fry, this is another expense item, food, and take into account the consumed electricity in the cost price.

Business in growing fish in cages

Another way is to grow fish using cages. The whole procedure takes place on a river or reservoir, so calling it a breeding method at home can be very conditional. For smooth running of business, a reservoir lease is arranged. In Russia, all natural resources are owned by the state. However, renting a pond for a long time is quite possible. Cages are used for heat-loving fish: crucian carp, carp, carp. They are a net that hangs freely deep into the reservoir, similar to fishing equipment. Cages are made of latex or nylon in the form of a mesh, with a cell from 6.5 mm to 10 mm. A wooden frame is installed on the surface of the water. The fry are planted in such cages. After this, the farmer's main job is to feed the fish. There can be two options: provide additional food for fish from the surface and attract river invertebrates into cages.

The positive side of this method is that the fish is grown in conditions close to natural, and the capital investment to start a business is minimal. You will only need to rent a specially equipped reservoir for fish breeding, cages and a minimum of equipment. This type of business also has disadvantages. Firstly, it is a lot of labor, and secondly, it is impossible to control the microclimate in a natural reservoir. The slightest fluctuation in temperature, and all the livestock placed in cages may be lost. This method is not as widespread among farmers as growing fish in artificial ponds or pools.

We will talk in more detail about growing trout, carp and sturgeon fish in our next materials. Depending on the technology, it is necessary to select equipment. Growing various commercial fish as a business has its strengths and weaknesses. An entrepreneur will be able to choose the one that is most comparable to his capabilities, knowledge and desire to build a thriving business.

Reproduction of spawners

The reproductive characteristics of spawning fish depend on their species. Some fish spawn in schools, others form permanent or temporary pairs. Reproduction can be stimulated by:

  • changing the diet - abundant feeding of animal feed, adding vitamins;
  • changes in temperature and other water parameters;
  • decrease or increase in water level;
  • water change;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs.

Males ready to breed usually display bright mating colors and may be aggressive towards other fish; in females the abdomen increases in volume. Some species choose a place in the aquarium to lay eggs and protect it from other inhabitants of the artificial reservoir. This could be a piece of driftwood, a rock or a plant from which the producers will clean off dirt and plaque, or one of the corners of the tank in which the pair will begin to build a nest.

To protect eggs from being eaten and to protect parents from stress, it is better to transplant fish that are ready to breed into a separate aquarium. It is equipped in accordance with how aquarium fish reproduce. If fish lay eggs in caves, on stones or plant leaves, these objects should be placed in the pond. If the fish scatter eggs and do not take care of them, the bottom of the aquarium is covered with a net or lined with large and heavy glass balls to protect the eggs from being eaten by the parents. Some fish bury their eggs in the ground; a substrate of sufficient thickness is prepared for them from peat or coconut fibers. For labyrinth fish that build nests from foam, it is necessary to have floating plants and a cover under which the necessary layer of air is created.

After spawning, the fish are transplanted back into the general aquarium. The parents of those species that care for the eggs are left with the clutch.

Step-by-step plan for starting a business

To start breeding fish on a scale that will allow you to sell it at a good profit, you need to decide on some of the features of this business.

  1. What type of fish, when farmed artificially, will give the greatest profit in a given region.
  2. How the fish farm will be organized: artificial/natural reservoir, swimming pool, breeding conditions.
  3. Providing high-quality fodder.
  4. Production equipment.
  5. Sales of products.


Environmental conditions directly affect the nutrition of fish. Food should contain both animal fats and vegetable fats. Without them, liver disease is possible.

The fiber content for different types ranges from twenty to forty percent. It is also necessary to add biological active substances and bran to the diet. Young animals need to add powdered milk to their food. All types of fish will not refuse earthworms and insects.

Feeding should occur once or twice a day at approximately the same time.

What equipment to choose for a fish farm

Breeding fish in pools is the preferred method when it is impossible to arrange an artificial pond in natural landscapes. To do this, you need a “bowl” of a water pool, equipped with a filtration system and pumps. And mechanisms that distribute special feed for fish stocks. The organization of a fish farm in dams, natural or artificial reserves also has its own characteristics. A natural pond must be cleaned before releasing the fry in order to avoid its mass death.

What is better, make your own pond or buy a mini farm?

As expert analysis shows, in order for the profitability and payback of a business to be high, significant production volumes are required. The average level of profitability is low - about 15-20%, and small ponds will require additional investments and expenses. More frequent cleaning will be required, as well as an advanced aeration system capable of promptly and efficiently removing carbon dioxide, which is harmful to fish. Overcrowding of fry housing can lead to epidemics of diseases and loss of production.

A self-dug small pond (up to 0.5 hectares wide and 1.5 meters deep) is suitable for breeding crustaceans (for example, blue or Australian crayfish), but it is better to grow fish in large artificial reservoirs.

It is important to know! It is much more expedient than the idea of ​​​​creating a reservoir yourself, to buy a ready-made artificial one (for example, a former quarry), clean it up and start your own business. Or - purchase a ready-made business in the form of a mini fish breeding farm.

The portals where such sales are carried out guarantee the availability of all permits and control documents that are necessary for legal fishing, organized in accordance with all the rules.

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What documents are needed to open a business?

Conducting business activities is possible in the form of individual entrepreneurship or as a limited liability company. To register an individual entrepreneur you will need: a civil passport, an application for state registration, a receipt confirming payment of the fee, a scanned copy of the TIN certificate. To register an LLC, you will also need: an application, two copies of the charter and a decision on the founding of the enterprise, if the founder is a single person. Protocol of shareholders' meetings and agreement on the establishment of the company (if there are several founders). Then, a document confirming payment of the state duty. It is also possible to register a farming form of business, i.e. A peasant farm, which is registered in the same way as an LLC.

Do you need permits to build a pond and raise fish?

When organizing a fish farm, there may be some bureaucratic difficulties associated with regional characteristics. Permission to rent a reservoir must be obtained from the regional authorities. This requires a large package of documentation. Stocking a reservoir with fish requires special veterinary approval; the exploitation of a leased plot of land requires adherence to environmental safety standards, etc.

It is not legally prohibited to breed fish in reservoirs and stocks located on private lands. Therefore, building a pond, installing a closed water supply system for fish breeding, or filling a quarry with water is much more effective and simpler. Because this does not require permission from regional structures and other bureaucracies. But you will definitely need a veterinary certificate to sell fish (epidemiological conclusion and invoices for fishery products).


Sales of products and additional sources of income

The rapid sale of products depends on the established prices. It is important to find regular customers and sell them quality products.

Shop owners gladly agree to cooperate with farms, highly appreciating the quality of their products and favorable prices.

Suitable for selling fish:

  1. The shops.
  2. Catering establishments.
  3. Supermarkets.
  4. Special fish points in the markets.
  5. Personal fish store.

Many entrepreneurs in the fishing business are looking for additional sources of income. Your own fish farm as a business can be an excellent source for attracting regular customers. The main thing is to equip the place near the reservoir with comfortable ladders, bridges, paths, fences, tables and benches.

On the territory of the fishery it is possible to organize:

  • paid fishing;
  • rental of fishing rods and tackle;
  • sale of freshly caught fish on site;
  • boat rental;
  • cooking fish on the grill or fire.

These additional benefits will regularly increase the income of the entrepreneur.

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