Alternanthera - conditions of cultivation and care in open and closed ground

This indoor plant grows well in its homeland in tropical and subtropical areas. This is mainly Africa, Asia and Australia. Delicate and modest varieties are common in these regions. Alternanthera, from the amaranth family, is a herbaceous perennial. This herbaceous shrub reaches only 20 centimeters in height. Its main attraction is its unpretentiousness. Leaves with small teeth and various colors. The inflorescences are small.

Unfortunately, it practically does not bloom in indoor conditions.

Alternanthera is increasingly used as a ground cover plant. The main feature is the variegated and unusual color of the foliage. Of the numerous species in indoor culture, the most common are several species:

Alternanthera Betzica is short-growing, up to 20 centimeters in height. It can take the form of a bush or subshrub. Pay attention to the Aurera variety with large and yellowish leaves and the Kanzi variety with yellow and matte green leaves at the base.

The lovely Alternanthera is also short, 5-10 centimeters. Strongly branches from below. This species has a huge number of varieties; their main difference is the color of the leaf, which is decorated with various shades and spots.

Alternanthera variegated – height only 15 centimeters, bushy. The leaf is usually dark red with copper-red veins.

Varieties and species are also popular among flower growers: Alternanthera rhineca, Alternanthera mini, Alternanthera rosanervig, Alternanthera lilac, Alternanthera betzikiana, Alternanthera rosea, Alternanthera garden, Alternanthera sessile, Alternanthera cardinalis, Alternanthera parple prince, Alternanthera serrated, Alternanthera rhineca differs from its other form alternanthera reineca mini (compact form that can be grouped with alternanthera reineca) and others.

The main thing is to determine the purpose of this flower and the form of its cultivation. The shoots are trimmed or pinched: this is done often if the flower is grown as a ground cover plant. But if it is in a hanging pot, it is better to let it grow freely, just place more cuttings in the pot.

Botanical description of the plant

Alternanthera is an annual or perennial plant that occurs in nature as small bushes with erect stems. This is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Amaranth family. Another name is anther. The culture grows up to 25 cm in height, has a dense, strong stem and unattractive inflorescences

The plant has a sparse rhizome with many adventitious roots. This structure allows the alternanthera to stay in the water, clinging to the ground with its roots. The roots of the plant are light, often white. Dense, low stems emerge from the roots.

Varieties of alternanthera differ in the form of stem growth. Different varieties have creeping, creeping or erect stems. The stems are highly branched, so the flower looks like a spherical bush. The shoots grow quickly, so a small individual quickly grows to a large size. However, the bushes are very fragile and break easily even from slight pressure. However, in the natural environment, this condition is compensated for by rapid growth. Parallel opposite leaves grow across the entire surface of the shoots.

Foliage, which changes its color depending on the lighting, is of great decorative importance. A special feature of this flower is its multi-colored leaf plates, which make the plant unusual. Thus, alternanthera leaves can be red, burgundy, and there are green varieties with spotted leaf blades. When growing a bush on the sunny side, the leaves often acquire a beetroot tint.

The leaves can be different in size and shape - there are long-leaved, merchant-leaved and narrow-leaved varieties. However, on any variety, the foliage is located opposite each other. On different bushes the foliage may be sessile or have a small petiole. Some species have jagged leaf plates with a pointed edge, while others have smooth, rounded edges.

Towards mid-summer, the shoots begin to produce inflorescences, which are not very decorative. Thus, alternanthera produces apical flowers of a single arrangement. The flowers are bisexual, similar to daisies. The inflorescence blooms with 5 white or cream-colored petals. Up to 5 stamens appear from the center of the inflorescence.

Landing of Alternanthera

With the right approach to choosing different types of this perennial, the appearance of the flowerbed will be creative and enriched. Having decided to transplant a flower or shoot, it is important to treat the soil with hot water or fry it. When planting alternanthera in open ground, you should maintain a distance between bushes of 8 cm or more, as this plant grows quickly, and also avoid clay, infertile soil and sunless places. Positive for the plant is moist and mineral-rich soil. To replant indoors, the soil must be mixed in equal parts with humus, sand and rotten leaves.


In its natural environment, alternanthera can be found in marshy areas of a warm climate zone. Thus, wild varieties grow in the countries of South America - Brazil, Paraguay. Some varieties are found in the southern regions of North America.

The species are native to the tropical region, so their distribution range includes Asia and northern Africa. Most of the species grow in Australia.

Cultivated varieties can grow both in water and in soil. Various Alternanthera crops grow in almost all regions and climatic zones. Thus, aquarium plant varieties thrive in the temperate climates of Russia, Ukraine and the Caucasus. With proper care and cultivation in a temperate climate, it is possible to grow both annual and perennial varieties of alternanthera.

Soil for alternantera

When growing in an aquarium, the soil does not play a special role - in this case, special mixtures intended for aquarium plants are purchased, but the presence of coarse sand has a positive effect on the development of the plant. In aquariums, alternanthera is most often placed on side shelves so that the shoots rise above the water.

When growing in a pot, coarse sand, perlite, as well as leaf and turf soil are mixed - all in equal proportions. Also in this case, drainage and holes in the pot are required.

Types and varieties

Alternanthera includes more than 180 different varieties. A large number of species have been cultivated and can grow in gardens, open and closed flowerbeds in parks. Some species grow in water, which determines their structural features and appearance.

Alternanthera rhineca

The most popular species used in aquarium keeping. In its natural environment, the bush grows in the tropical zone in bolts, like an emergent floating plant. However, due to its unpretentiousness and ability to withstand fairly harsh growing conditions, the variety often takes root under water. The culture is a perennial herbaceous plant that has creeping stems.

A feature of the plant is the rapid growth rate of shoots. With proper care, the bush grows 15 cm per month. Thus, flower growers and aquarists realize their ideas for decorating growing areas.

The stems of the variety are creeping. Leaves grow across their entire surface, arranged opposite each other. The leaves of the crop are sessile, reaching 4 cm in length and up to 2 cm in width. The surface of the leaf plate is rounded with smooth edges. a network of veins is visible on the surface. The leaves have a rich green color on top and pink-red underneath, which gives the bush an unusual and beautiful appearance.

The variety blooms in summer, when small buds appear in the axils of the leaves. The flowers are sessile, do not exceed 1.5 cm in diameter. The color of the buds is varied, from yellow and green to pink.

Since the flower quickly grows upward, when grown in small aquariums, the shoots quickly extend beyond the aquarium. Thus, airy leaves appear, which prevent the bush from growing normally under water. To prevent the bush from dying, you should regularly remove and pinch the places where the bush has reached the surface of the water.

Alternanthera violet

Under natural growing conditions, the variety’s habitat is standing water in small rivers and lakes. The plant lives on the surface of the water, so it is rarely used in aquarium decoration.

A special feature is poor survival rate in bright light. The species can only be found in shaded areas of water bodies. In addition, the plant lives only in clean water, which makes it rare to use the bush in a decorative form.

Lilac alternanthera is a perennial with erect, highly branched shoots. This variety reaches 50 cm in height, but in artificial cultivation it usually slows down its growth by 30 cm. Leaves appear opposite each other along the surface of the stem. The leaf blade is elongated, with smooth edges and a pointed end. The upper side of the leaf is colored in a dark or light shade of green or green-red. The lower part of the leaf blade is dark red, often burgundy. The leaf reaches a length of 6 cm, and a width of only 2 cm across.

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The variety blooms only on the surface of the water, so flowers appear as soon as above-water shoots and leaves form. The inflorescences are not decorative and practically do not differ from the previous variety.

Alternanthera sessile

A feature of the variety is the ability to adapt to underwater living conditions after the above-water leaves die off. At the same time, alternanthera produces a large number of new bushes and sprouts, which are also decorative. The variety changes leaf color as the amount of light falls on the plant.

The plant is an annual that predominates in the tropical zone of the mainland. Distributed mainly in swampy areas with a high content of clean water. The roots of the plant are practically undeveloped, so the bush feeds on small and weak roots. A branching stem emerges from the main root, which contains a large number of branches.

Opposite leaves of different colors are located along the entire surface of the stem. For example, with bright and prolonged illumination, a red or burgundy color appears at the bottom of the leaf plate, and a rich green hue appears on top of the leaf. When there is insufficient light, the leaf blade becomes brown or purple from below. The leaf length reaches 8 cm, and the width grows up to 2 cm. This variety has petiolate leaves, unlike many other species. A network of veins is clearly visible over the entire surface of the leaf.

Alternanthera betzica betzikiana

A perennial representative of the amaranth alternanthera. It grows naturally in Brazil. The peculiarity of the plant is its ability to take root both on the shore and under water. On land, the culture lives near bodies of water with high air humidity.

The perennial looks great in an aquarium, so it is a favorite of gardeners and aquarists. It grows as an erect bush, up to half a meter high. In an artificial habitat, the crop rarely outgrows the 20 cm mark. Alternanthera has fluffy, highly branched stems that bear long leaves.

The leaves are paired, located parallel to each other on the stem. A feature of the bush is the concavity of the leaves inward at the base. The leaf shape is elongated, heart-shaped. The leaf blade of the variety has different colors - gold, green or red.

Inflorescences are solitary. The bush begins to bloom in mid-summer, when small flowers with 5 petals form on the tops of the shoots. The flowers of the variety are yellow or beige.

Culture in an artificial environment requires special care because it grows quickly. To prevent the bush from filling the entire aquarium, the shoots have to be trimmed regularly. Also, when growing in an aquarium, it is worth remembering that the bush should not go beyond the water. This is due to the fact that the aerial leaves that appear on the plant grow quickly and do not allow the underwater parts of the bush to develop normally. If the plant remains half in water for a long time, the underwater part quickly dies.

Alternanthera betzikiana green

A variety of Alternanthera betzica, the peculiarity of which is the constant color of the leaves. Bushes are actively used to decorate aquariums because they do not require special care and have an attractive appearance.

The bushes are perennial and grow along rivers and slow-flowing reservoirs. The plant is erect, rarely exceeding 20 cm in height. The bushes have a large number of stems, which are characterized by rapid growth.

Alternanthera multicolor

A perennial plant that has highly branched, fragile stems. In its natural environment it grows in the tropical and subtropical zones of Africa and America. It grows in the form of an erect bush, up to 15 cm high. In its natural environment it grows along rivers and swamps. In addition, the culture easily takes root in home terrariums, pots and aquariums.

The leaves of the variety are lanceolate, elongated. The length of the leaf plate reaches 5 cm, and the width is 2 cm. The leaf plate can be painted in different colors, depending on the conditions of detention. Thus, there are varieties with green, yellow and red leaf blades.

The culture blooms only under natural conditions. The inflorescences are discreet, yellow or white. The diameter of the inflorescence does not exceed 1.5 cm. The shape of the buds is spicate. When kept at home, alternanthera has virtually no color, since the plant requires constant pruning and pinching of shoots.

Alternanthera serrata

A perennial that is not used as a decoration for aquariums and ponds. It grows naturally in North and South America. It grows in the form of large spherical bushes. The height of the plant can reach half a meter. This is a large representative of the alternanthera, which has opposite leaves and large, thickened stems.

The leaves of the bush are lanceolate and elongated. The length of the leaf plate reaches 10 cm, and the width is only 3 cm. The leaves of the perennial acquire a dark purple color if the bush grows in a sunny place. Otherwise, the leaf blades look purple or brown, which indicates a lack of lighting.

Under natural conditions it blooms in June. The inflorescences are solitary, appearing from the thickness of the leaf. The buds are white, small, and do not add decorative value. The inflorescence is capitate, does not exceed 3 cm in diameter.

Alternanthera aquatic

The most common variety, which is used to decorate large artificial reservoirs - ponds, lakes. The culture floats on the surface of the water. In its natural habitat, the species is found in the wetlands of Brazil, the Amazon River, and Paraguay.

The plant has a very large stem and shoots that can grow up to 3 meters in length. Shoots stretch along the surface of the water. A special feature of the variety is its well-developed roots, which cling tightly to the muddy bottom and prevent the alternanthera from floating away from its place. The shoots float on the surface of the water due to their hollow base filled with air.

The surface of the stems is covered with leaves, which are located on the stem parallel to each other. The leaf blades are large, have an elongated shape, and are located on the petiole. The length of the leaves reaches 14 cm.

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Another feature of the variety is the presence of roots under each leaf, which help keep the crop on the surface of the water. In addition, the roots provide the opportunity for further growth of the shoot if it breaks away from the main plant.

The bush is constantly growing and expanding. Therefore, for optimal appearance of the pond, the plant is regularly trimmed to the required size and shape. Due to its large size, it is almost impossible to plant the plant at home.

Alternanthera purpurea

An unpretentious perennial plant in growing conditions that can take root both in pond conditions and in small aquariums. The perennial grows in the form of an erect bush, up to 40 cm high. The stems branch well and grow quickly, so the bushes are constantly pruned at home.

A feature of the culture is the possibility of normal growth and development of the entire bush, even when growing above the surface of the water. The leaves are able to take root both in oxygen and oxygen-free environments, without harming the plant. The leaf blade of the variety has a wavy structure. The bush looks especially beautiful against the background of multi-colored leaves, green on top and red below. The leaves are located opposite each other.

After planting, the crop takes a long time to get used to new conditions, but then quickly grows. Upon reaching its maximum height, the shrub begins to bloom with small white flowers.

Alternanthera red

A perennial representative of the alternanthera, which has bright red leaves. It is rare in artificial environments because it requires special growing conditions. The plant is small upright bushes up to 15 cm in height. The stems of the variety are weak, branch well, and are usually red in color. Leaf blades grow on small cuttings. The leaves are oval and reach 4 cm in diameter.

Red alternanthera blooms with small, inconspicuous flowers that do not make the plant decorative. Flowers appear above the water as the bush grows. When grown in an aquarium, the bush stands out effectively against the background of its green neighbors.

Alternanthera mini

The most common variety of Alternanthera Rhineca. The variety is valued by aquarists because it does not exceed 20 cm in height. The variety does not require special care, since it grows little and forms small bushes, which under optimal conditions change the color of the leaves.

The stems are fragile, thin, branching at the base of the bush. Elongated red leaves are located over the entire surface. The leaf blade reaches 6 cm in length. The leaves are even, smooth, have smooth edges and a pointed end. The leaf blades are sessile, petiolate.

Alternanthera lovely or sweet

A perennial herbaceous representative of Alternanthera. Easily takes root in pots and in open ground. An important maintenance condition is high air humidity in which the bush should be located.

The plant has the shape of an erect bush with small, up to 15 cm in length, stems and shoots. The variety produces a small number of shoots, so it grows little in artificial conditions.

The leaves on the stem are arranged in a petioleless manner. Leaf blades, depending on the variety, can take on a green, red or orange tint, less often - burgundy. The leaves are oval-shaped, with smooth edges and a well-defined vein on the surface.

With optimal growth and development in normal climate and lighting, Alternanthera blooms in June-July. The flowers are hidden in the thick of the foliage, arranged singly. The inflorescences are small, white, and not decorative.

The variety is unpretentious in care, since for normal life it only needs lighting and temperature maintenance. With regular feeding, the bush looks great against a background of green flowers.

Alternanthera splendida

Grows in natural conditions. The variety is found along the banks of rivers and swamps in the southern part of America. It grows in the form of small single bushes, 20-40 cm high. There is a variety with creeping or erect stems. The culture is thermophilic, lives in hot climates and does not develop well at temperatures below 19 degrees.

In the aquarium hobby, this variety is quite rare due to its growth characteristics. The plant cannot exist without bright natural sunlight, which is not enough at home.

The leaves are parallel to each other and small in size. The shape of the leaf plate is oval, with smooth edges. The color of the leaves depends on the amount of light and can be red, pink, purple or burgundy.

Alternanthera rosea

A perennial cultivated variety of alternanthera that looks equally good in open ground, pots, and aquariums. The plant is quite tall, has a long creeping stem that covers the surface of the water. A special feature of the variety is the color of the foliage, which, depending on the lighting, can be pink or purple.

The plant does not have adaptations for surface floating above water. Therefore, when the shoots grow to the top of a container of water, they first crawl through the water and then slowly sink to the bottom under their own weight. In this form, the plant practically does not grow.

The bush is rarely kept in an aquarium, since it requires maintaining a high water temperature, which is rarely tolerated by other inhabitants of the reservoir. The culture grows only in clean water, which complicates the rules of care.

Alternanthera garden form osiris

A hybrid that was grown from varieties growing in Brazil. The crop is erect and grows in the form of herbaceous bushes. It has poorly developed roots, consisting of white roots clinging to the bottom of the reservoir.

The leaves of the variety grow parallel to each other. The leaf shape is round. The leaves are located on petioles that are shorter than the leaf itself. Depending on the amount of light, the top of the leaf turns green or yellow-green, and the bottom of the leaf blade changes to a crimson-green or red tint.

Growing and propagating alternanthera by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush

In fact, the reproduction of alternanthera, either in open ground or in an aquarium, is a very exciting, but long process that can last up to a year, depending on how exactly it is done. In general, there are three ways to obtain new bushes - by seeds, by dividing the bush or by cuttings. The first is the most energy-consuming and labor-intensive, so most often gardeners use the other two, and very often. The fact is that alternanthera is a rather unpretentious plant and this does not depend on whether it is for an aquarium or a garden. Any species can be propagated by these two methods easily, but not very quickly. For everything you need to have a reserve of patience.

Cuttings for propagation and growing new bushes must be cut in the fall. After that, they need to be rooted into the ground. As for the soil for propagation by cuttings, it should be nutritious and rich in lime, but it is often said that this is not necessary, since in relation to the soil, Alternanthera is not whimsical. The cuttings are stuck to the level of the first leaf on the shoot, after which you need to form a distribution greenhouse. It is also done quite simply: you can use a wooden box and transparent glass, a plastic bag or cling film. The temperature in the greenhouse must be very high.

After the cuttings are deepened into the soil, moderate watering should be done until the first new leaves appear. After this, the plant is removed from the breeding greenhouse and planted in a permanent place in a pot or aquarium. The fact is that it is worth remembering that an alternanthera, if grown in terrestrial conditions, when placed in water, can completely shed all its leaves and it may seem that it begins to fade. But don’t be afraid of this, after the plant adapts it will again delight you with its beautiful flowers. If you don’t want to mock the bush, you can make it into a decorative decoration for a terrarium or paluderium, as shown in the photo below.

Many gardeners grow alternanthera as an exotic garden plant, but it is worth remembering that in such conditions it will best take root in very moist soil. And, this species can be propagated by dividing the bush. This happens in the spring. Before this, the plant is carefully transplanted into a separate pot so as not to damage the roots. Further, it must be kept at home all winter at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees. In May, you can divide the mother bush and plant it in separate permanent places. Usually, it is customary to plant 3-4 cuttings or 1-2 parts of the mother plant in one hole.

Plant care

Caring for the crop is quite simple. The basic rule for caring for alternanthera is a large amount of light. This is due to the fact that the foliage on the crop becomes brighter when it receives direct sunlight.

For proper growth and development of the culture, it must be placed in a moist environment. The bushes begin to bloom only if high humidity is maintained. The temperature in the room where Alternanthera is grown should not be less than 24 degrees in summer and 17 degrees in winter.

The soil

Alternanthera is a perennial that feels good both in open ground and in ponds. When growing in soil, it is important to know what kind of soil to choose for the plant. Thus, alternanthera does not tolerate polluted, shaded soils that contain few nutrients.

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To grow bushes in a flower bed, the crop should be planted in a well-drained, nutritious mixture containing organic fertilizers and sand. The optimal substrate for growing alternanthera is an equal part of peat, sand and garden soil. Rotten leaves are added to the soil as organic fertilizer.


Aquarium varieties do not need watering, but the water must be replaced with clean water. It is necessary to water the crop only when growing in soil. Watering should be moderate so that the soil is constantly moist, but there is no stagnation of water.

Constantly keeping the roots in stagnant water should be avoided, since in this case the potted alternanthera begins to quickly rot.


Alternanthera is one of the few perennials that requires large amounts of direct sunlight for its decorative appearance. With insufficient lighting, the leaves quickly lose their decorative effect, turn dark and fade.

When growing Alternanthera in an aquarium, the optimal lighting is artificial lamps that shine for at least half a day every day. In open ground or in pots it grows only with constant exposure to the sun.

It is important to understand that when the air temperature is above 30 degrees, the plant must be placed in a shaded place. A large amount of artificial or sunlight and high temperatures often cause burns on the foliage.

Useful video

In the video below you will learn about growing and caring for Alternanthera at home:

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Caring for Alternanthera at home

Alternanthera is unpretentious in cultivation, however, to maintain its decorative appearance, in home growing conditions, the plant is provided with optimal growing conditions.

Care after purchase

Immediately after purchasing a crop, it should not be placed in a common place, since harmful bacteria and viruses may be present on the leaves. Thus, stems can become a breeding ground for gray mold, whiteflies and spider mites. Immediately after purchase, the leaves and stem should be treated with insecticides. You can plant a bush in a common garden only 10-14 days after purchase, when the quarantine has passed.

The pot with the plant is placed in a sunny place. If the leaves on the bush are dusty, then the crop is washed under a light shower or sprayed with a spray bottle. At the same time, you should cover the soil with a film to prevent excess moisture from entering the soil.


The bushes should be watered as the top layer of soil dries. The volume of water should be moderate. Watering can only be done with clean, settled water at a warm temperature.

In summer, the crop should be watered at least once a day. In winter, watering is reduced to 2 times a week.


When grown at home, flowers rarely appear. The inflorescences do not represent decorative sophistication, since they are practically invisible among the foliage.

Crown formation

Since the plant grows quickly, it is regularly pruned. Thus, flower growers independently give the bush the desired shape by trimming the crown.

Planting and transplanting

If there is a need to breed or transplant Alternanthera, the crop can be immediately planted in the soil. Before planting the bush in the ground, the substrate is calcined in the oven or poured with boiling water. This removes harmful bacteria and viruses from the soil.

When planting a crop in open ground, one should take into account the high growth rate of the bush. Therefore, flower growers maintain a distance of about 10 cm between young bushes.

In the case of transplanting a plant into a large pot, planting is carried out by transferring methods from one pot to another. It is important not to touch the roots of the alternanthera, so they are replanted together with a lump of earth from the previous pot.

Alternanthera pruning

Since the crop grows quickly, the bush is regularly pruned to maintain its decorative appearance. In addition, many varieties cannot grow both under and above water at the same time, so when the shoot reaches the top layer, it should be cut off.


It is possible to grow alternatera in open and closed ground, in aquariums and large reservoirs. The crop can spread as an annual or perennial plant, depending on the climate.

Diseases and pests

At home, gray rot, which appears due to excess moisture, causes many problems for indoor alternanthera. In case of disease, it is necessary to destroy all affected parts of the plant, and treat the remaining bushes with copper sulfate or another fungicidal preparation. Whiteflies, aphids and spider mites also cause great harm.


It lives under the leaves, where it lays larvae. The larvae leave sticky marks and the leaves begin to wither. This pest is easy to detect - just shake the stem and the insects will immediately fly off. The plant must be ventilated, as the whitefly loves humidity.


Aphids feed on plant juices and leave sticky residues of their vital activity. Aphids multiply on stems, forming large black colonies. You can fight this pest with soapy water, which is used to wash the plant. Also sprayed with infusion of garlic, alder, onion, and tobacco. You can use insecticides - Aktar, Fitoverm, Karate.

Spider mite

It leaves behind a powdery white residue. A little later, a cobweb forms between the leaves, and the leaf begins to dry. To get rid of this pest, plants are washed with soapy water, you can also spray with infusion of garlic or onion peels. Insecticides used are Actellik, Fitoverm and Neoron.

But you have to be very careful, as some of the drugs are toxic. It is dangerous to use them indoors.

In any aquarium, a variety of fish swim along with the vegetation, which not only hide behind the leaves of plants, but also prefer to bite off and break them off. Alternanthera leaves are fragile and they will be in danger near ancistrus and other similar large fish. A damaged plant will look spoiled and may even stop growing. To be in the vicinity of this plant, it is necessary to select the right fish and calculate the ratio of fish and plants in the aquarium.


Perennial varieties require special care in winter. An important maintenance condition is good lighting. If there is a lack of sunlight, the crop should be placed under artificial lamps.

The temperature for keeping alternanthera in winter should be no more than 18 degrees. The optimal temperature is 14 degrees.

In winter, the crop stops growing and does not require much water. Therefore, when grown indoors, watering is reduced to 2 times a week.

Keeping in an aquarium

Representatives of this genus should be planted near the side walls of the aquarium. There should be a distance of at least 6 cm between plants. Keep in mind that the root system develops quite quickly. If the height of the plant exceeds the water level, that is, its stems appear on the surface, then it begins to feed on air.

Because of this, airy leaves are formed, which greatly burden the underwater ones. As a result, the alternanthera loses its beauty. The pinching procedure will help maintain an attractive appearance.

To give the plant a decorative appearance, it is recommended to trim it regularly (once a week). This procedure will also have a positive effect on the splendor of the alternanthera.

The maintenance of this mini-shrub requires the creation of certain conditions in the aquarium:

  • the water temperature should be in the region of 24-30°C;
  • the acidity level should be pH 6.8-7°;
  • water hardness – dH 4-12°;
  • once a week it is necessary to replace 1/4 of the fluid volume;
  • install powerful filters (alternantera needs very clean water);
  • lighting should be bright - 0.5 W/l. with daylight hours of at least 12 hours;
  • use coarse sand and fine gravel as soil;
  • the soil layer should be 3 cm;
  • Once a month, add additional fertilizer in the form of microfertilizer with a high iron content.

Since the plant develops quite quickly, if necessary, it can be transplanted into a pot and begged for a new alternanthera in the aquarium. When replanting, you will need to place a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot. It is necessary to prevent water stagnation.


Breeding is not difficult for a gardener, since the shrub grows quickly. If necessary, propagation of the crop is carried out by cuttings or dividing the bush.

For propagation, healthy, large petioles should be cut off from the mother plant. The cut is made with a knife at the point where the shoot attaches to the stem. After this, the bottom of the shoot is freed from foliage and the petioles are placed in previously prepared moist soil. The landing site is well compacted.

Under optimal conditions, the petioles take root quickly. At the same time, new leaves appear on the plant.

Watering alternanthera

If you have chosen an aquarium plant for yourself, then watering is naturally not necessary, but from time to time the water needs to be replaced, since in stagnant water the bush slows down its development.

When growing in a pot, watering should be moderate - as the top layer of soil dries out, because in this case, stagnation of moisture in the soil can lead to rot.

Use in landscape design

Varieties of the plant are often used to decorate the garden. This ornamental plant has a number of advantages that allow you to create an unusual atmosphere in the garden.

The plant is planted as an annual or perennial. In the second case, for the winter the bushes are transplanted into indoor pots or greenhouses.

In landscape design it looks impressive against the backdrop of evergreen crops. Therefore, they decorate paths, flower beds, and rock gardens. Bushes can be given any shape, which is also important in art.

Alternanthera transplant

Transplants are carried out when the roots completely fill the pot; it is better not to resort to this procedure again, because the roots near the shoot of this crop are quite weak. If a transplant is needed, it is carried out in the spring.

If all the rules are followed, especially high humidity, flowering may occur, but even so, this rarely happens in indoor conditions.

Possible difficulties

Alternanthera is almost not susceptible to pest attacks and diseases. But there are potential enemies. Diseases – gray mold, insect pests – aphids, spider mites, whiteflies. Take care of your alternant according to all the rules!

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Alternanthera serrata - botanical information

In decorative floriculture, only one species of the genus Alternanthera is the most widely used - Alternanthera dentata - a herbaceous plant from the Amaranthaceae family, native to the West Indies and Brazil. It forms erect, spreading bushes from 30 to 60 centimeters in height and is characterized by rapid growth.

The leaves are linear-lanceolate, the species plant is green (up to 3.5 cm long), but the most popular garden plants are varieties with violet and purple leaves. Small white flowers appear in late autumn. Flowering can usually only be observed on indoor or container plants brought indoors for wintering. The flowering does not have any particular decorative value, so the plant is grown solely for its colorful foliage.

This is a tropical perennial, winter-hardy only in USDA zone 7, so in the middle zone and further north it is grown only as an annual or as an indoor flower.

Alternanthera serrata 'Little Ruby'. © Alpine Nurseries

Alternanthera serrata 'Purple Knight'. © Lyudmila Svetlitskaya

Alternanthera sessilis

Amaranth family – Amaranthaceae. Distributed throughout the tropical region of the Earth.

A long-stemmed, relatively undemanding plant, very popular due to the beautiful color of its leaves - from pink-green to lilac-red. Grows well both in a deep aquarium and in a humid greenhouse. Under water it grows evenly throughout the year.

Alternanthera thrives at water temperatures between 22 and 28 °C. In colder water, its growth slows down sharply. Hardness and the active reaction of water do not have a significant effect on the condition of the plant, however, soft water with a slightly acidic reaction is more preferable. In it, the alternanthera develops somewhat faster. It is necessary to change up to 1/5 of the water volume 3-4 times a month.

The lighting should be bright enough. The color of the leaves depends on its intensity - the brighter the lighting, the more red tones predominate in it. Both natural and artificial lighting are suitable for alternanthera. For artificial lighting, a combination of incandescent and fluorescent lamps is preferred. LD fluorescent lamps should not be used, since the spectrum of light they emit is not entirely suitable for the plant.

The alternanthera root system is poorly developed, so the nature of the soil does not play a significant role for it. You can use any substrate, but in coarse sand the roots of the plant develop better. Siltation should be moderate or weak. The thickness of the soil layer in the aquarium can be any; even a two-centimeter layer of sand is enough for satisfactory growth of the alternanthera.

Alternanthera sessile is very easily propagated by cuttings. Long stems that reach the surface of the water must be shortened by removing the top, which is planted directly into the ground, deepening the lower whorl of leaves. After a few days, the plant will form roots. Long stems can be divided into several parts, and each cutting should have 3-4 whorls of leaves. It can be planted immediately in the ground, without leaving water on the surface and without waiting for roots to appear in the leaf axils. Cuttings left to float grow worse than those planted in the ground.

Conditions for successful maintenance

In order for your indoor alternant to feel comfortable at home, you need to create the necessary conditions for it.

What kind of lighting does alternanthera need at home?

For normal well-being and productivity of the alternanthera, it needs to be provided with constant access to bright, direct sunlight. Firstly, this habit was transmitted to representatives of domestic species from their wild relatives. And secondly, a sufficient amount of sunlight maintains the decorative appearance of the foliage.

Thermal conditions and air humidity for successful maintenance of alternanthera

Alternanthera prefers to grow and develop in a warm, even sultry climate. This feature is also characteristic of cultivated species. Therefore, in summer the air temperature at which the original plant exists should not fall below 18ºC, the upper limit is 28º. In winter, the crop requires a regime of 10-15º.

Although the alternanthera loves air saturated with water vapor, which is so rich in the climate of tropical forests, it will feel no less comfortable in dry air. So keep in mind: spraying may not be carried out in the summer season. But then a high level of air humidity must be maintained through sufficient watering.

What kind of soil does indoor alternanthera need?

Choose a pot for planting alternanthera that is spacious, within reason. Prepare the substrate in accordance with the following recipe: 3 parts turf soil, 2 parts leaf soil and 1 part humus. In any case, know that the soil under the alternanthera should be highly fertile. For this purpose, it is useful to mix garden soil with peat and coarse sand.


For normal plant development, we recommend regularly using fertilizers. Choose high-quality mineral bait, this will help preserve leaves, color saturation and accelerate growth. At least several times a month, add a salt of a substance to the water, for example, vitriol in the proportion of a couple of mg per liter of water. You can also use specialized mixtures and fertilizers containing vitamins and other useful components.

Thus, the main secret to successfully growing alternanthera is proper care. Change the water in the aquarium regularly, use special fertilizers and vitamins. Take care of comfortable conditions: the right temperature, sufficient lighting and constant monitoring of the level of hardness and acidity of the water. By following all these rules of care, the alternanthera will delight you in a pot, aquarium or on your property for a whole year.

Alternanthera reineckii

Amaranth family – Amaranthaceae. Homeland - South America.

A very attractive long-stemmed plant whose leaves range in color from pink-red to dark purple. Its lashes, spreading along the surface of the water, can reach a considerable length. Alternanthera is best planted on the side shelves of an aquarium with a high cap, and the lights should be located at a great distance from the surface of the water. Plant the plant so that its tops are at the surface of the water. The growing lashes rise above the water, and as they grow, they sink into it under their own weight. Alternanthera grows in the aquarium throughout the year. Completely immersed in water, it develops very slowly. This type of alternanthera is somewhat less popular among aquarists than others.

It is best to keep this plant in a tropical aquarium at a water temperature of 24-28 °C. It satisfactorily tolerates a decrease in water temperature to 20 ° C, but its growth slows down. Water hardness, as well as the active reaction, does not play a significant role. It is best to keep alternanthera at a pH close to 7. The plant needs constant water refreshment. In old water its growth slows down.

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