Why small and round aquariums are not suitable for betta fish

Profile containers for cockerel

Bettas have been widespread in many countries for a long time, so in order to avoid the hassle of choosing the right aquarium for these fish, special profile tanks were created specifically for bettas. They take into account the characteristics of character, color, activity, so the fish feel comfortable in them. This aquarium is a rectangular aquarium, approximately equal in length and height. The built-in overhead lighting emphasizes the brightness of the color. More often in the center there is a large snag or a stone mound.

For the joint keeping of not one, but several fish of the same sex, an aquarium with separated sections is used. Each of them usually houses a female. And the rivals, constantly seeing each other, show off, straighten their fins, but because of the partition they are not able to fight and get injured.


Males mature quickly and are considered sexually mature at the age of 4 months, and begin to reproduce at 6-8 months. A pair of the same breed, and preferably the same color, is suitable for breeding.

Preparation for spawning takes several stages:

  1. For spawning it is better to equip a separate aquarium. A 4-5 liter tank with a water level of no more than 10-12 cm is suitable. Soil is not placed at the bottom, but plants are needed. The female creates shelter in them, and the male often uses them to build a nest.
  2. It is advisable to separate the female and male from each other for a week, during which time the female’s abdomen will noticeably become rounder.
  3. Then the fish are allowed into the spawning aquarium and their temperature is constantly raised to 28-30°C, this stimulates spawning.
  4. The male will begin to build a nest of foam on the surface of the water, which takes him from 1 to 3 days. If the pair is selected successfully, spawning will begin within a couple of hours.
  5. During spawning, the male courts the female, picks up the eggs and carries them to the nest.

After the end of spawning, the male drives away the female (she needs to be removed), and he himself takes care of the eggs in the nest: adding bubbles, removing unfertilized eggs. When the fry hatch and begin to swim, the male also needs to be removed, otherwise he may crush the fry.

During one spawning, 200 eggs are released, about a third of them survive.

What to choose

Before choosing a container in which your betta will spend the rest of his life, you need to know about your pet's needs. There is a myth that in their natural environment, Betta fish live in cloudy, shallow puddles, so they do not require special conditions or large volumes. This opinion is complemented by the contents in pet stores - more often than not, bettas are kept in mini-aquariums like glasses or glasses. But this is not so, bettas vitally need free space for swimming and clean water for a healthy life, which are provided by a large aquarium.

But a mini-aquarium is also useful, but not for permanent living. They breed fry or place sick fish for a quarantine period.

A tank with a waterfall is not suitable, as this is an unnatural feature for fighting fish. In the natural environment, cockerels do not encounter such flows of water, so they feel uncomfortable among the constant noise and splashing.

Choosing an aquarium for a betta

What is important when choosing:

  • Availability of jewelry and decor.
  • Will a filtration system be installed?
  • How is water heated?
  • What equipment will be installed.
  • How many fish are kept?


Mini aquariums are not suitable for bettas, so you need to be more careful when choosing the size of the container. The minimum size is 12–14 liters of water. In smaller tanks, life for the fish will be torture, this will ruin its health and psyche.

In addition, in a small aquarium it is more difficult to care for a betta, because the slightest changes in ambient temperature negatively affect the water, quickly cooling it. The problem with a small mini-aquarium is that it is difficult to install equipment that improves the quality of life of the fish. If not maintained carefully, the water quickly becomes rotten from food residues and organic waste.

Ideal volume

The ideal aquarium volume for one betta is 20 liters. In such a container the fish will be comfortable, there will be enough space for planting beautiful plants and placing decorations at the bottom. There will also be no excess volume of water that will spoil due to lack of population in the reservoir.

Beautifully designed shrimp tank.

It will be much more elegant to decorate an aquarium than a smaller container. In a 20-liter reservoir, you can use plants growing in the ground and on driftwood, floating on the surface and in the water column. It will fit a small grotto or a beautiful shell. For inspiration, it is useful to look at photographs of shrimp tanks, which, with a volume of 15-20 liters, look very elegant. An aquarium with a cockerel is no worse than a tank with shrimp, if it is properly prepared and decorated.


Bettas do not require specialized equipment. It is necessary to prepare a siphon for the cockerel to remove food debris and dirt from the substrate. Due to their tropical origin, fish are sensitive to temperature changes, so if you cannot establish a constant comfortable temperature in the room with the tank, then buy a heater. An aeration device (compressor) is not installed; they manage well without additional oxygen in the water.

You will also need a water thermometer to know whether the temperature of the aquarium is decreasing or increasing. Any kind of lighting, it is usually oriented towards the requirements of vegetation, not pets; fish feel good in an aquarium with lighting.

A lid is required; between it and the walls of the aquarium there should be a small gap for air exchange.

About the round pond

Beginning aquarists often start a round aquarium or a glass aquarium for their fish, which seems especially decorative. However, such a container for a betta is a serious mistake. Such a body of water is inconvenient not only for the fish, but also for the owner. It is extremely difficult to remove algae from glass. It is absolutely impossible to use a scraper for cleaning. In addition, curved glass disrupts visual perception, which is why you will no longer be able to enjoy all the beauty of the cockerel. It is inconvenient to arrange a background in this aquarium. It is practically not suitable for a round container, and this does not make it possible to create a complete aquatic world. It's just as bad for a cockerel in a glass as it is in a round tank.

Although round aquariums and glasses may look good, such a pond is harmful to the fish.

Today it has already been precisely established that life in a round aquarium has a negative effect on fish. Constant observation of the world distorted from behind the glass leads to the development of visual and mental disorders in the cockerel. In this state, the fish does not feel full. Using a round container for her is a mockery of the pet. Understanding this, it is naturally impossible to enjoy such an aquarium.

Installing an aquarium for a betta

  1. Select a location for installation. Do not place the tank in direct sunlight or in noisy rooms.
  2. Wash the soil and pour it to the bottom.
  3. When planting living vegetation, a substrate layer of more than 4 cm is required.
  4. Place decorations, driftwood, grottoes.
  5. Install the equipment and check its operation.

Cleaning the aquarium

Weekly cleaning of the aquarium and changing ¼ of the water is required. Cleaning is especially important in small tanks, where the water goes out faster. The filtration system also needs to be cleaned weekly. Every month the soil is siphoned to remove stuck food particles and waste.


When designing an aquarium for a betta, an important role is given to the substrate for the bottom. This is not just a decorative element; its own microflora is formed in the soil, which affects the other inhabitants. Microorganisms that populate the substrate maintain the biological balance of this environment. Plants extract nutrients and elements from the soil.

The soil for an aquarium is usually covered with small pebbles, gravel, river sand, colored stones, and shells. Substrate particles are rolled in shape without sharp edges or chips that could injure the occupant.


It is not necessary to decorate the aquarium; the fish feel good without it, but additional elements in the tank will diversify the pet’s life and open up opportunities for research. Install clay pots, stone mounds, caves, grottoes as desired.

How to set up an aquarium for a betta: choose decorative elements without chips or sharp edges that can easily damage the delicate fins and skin of the fish. The size of the decor is also important: the pet should swim out and in easily. Too small an internal space will cause the betta to get stuck and not swim out on its own. At least a few fingers should fit freely into the cave or pot.

Filling with water

Water is poured carefully so as not to wash away the soil. Do not use distilled water. Immediately after pouring, you should not introduce fish, because the plants must get used to it and go through the stage of clouding the water. Microflora is formed in the soil, which helps maintain biological balance. Only then launch the fish.

pH level

The average acidity of water for bettas is 6.1–7.4 pH.


If you care for your betta fish according to the rules and replace ¼ of the water volume weekly, then an additional filter is not required. Otherwise, it is purchased to ensure the purity of the water or when there is not enough time for proper care. But choose a low-power filter, because betta fish do not like strong currents.

Water heater

Before purchasing a heating device, find out what volume it is designed for, because if you choose incorrectly, it will overheat or excessively cool the aquatic environment. A water heater often comes complete with a thermostat, but when purchasing devices separately, check their compatibility and performance in advance.

Plastic or glass?

Aquarium inhabitants feel equally good in both glass and plastic containers. Plastic is lighter than glass, does not break, and is recommended for use in cases where active animals or children can damage the glass vessel. But the cost of such a tank is more expensive and caring for it is more difficult, since the walls can only be cleaned with a soft sponge. When cleaning with a scraper, the surface of the plastic becomes covered with scratches. There are no differences in installing and running glass and plastic aquariums.

The best aquariums for betta fish

Tetra Betta Bowl is a miniature aquarium that holds almost 2 liters of water, with LED lighting. The Betta betta aquarium can only accommodate one occupant. Rounded walls expand the space for swimming and activity of fish. Purchase soil, feed, equipment, and decor separately.

Hagen Marina Betta Kit Fireworks is a 2 liter aquarium for 1 inhabitant. Models vary in color; this allows the tank to fit into any interior. The kit includes gravel for the substrate, background, pet food and water conditioner. It is possible to place it on the wall.

The Fluval Chi is not a tank designed specifically for bettas, but is suitable for tropical creatures. Containers from 11 to 25 liters are sold. Additionally, the equipment includes LEDs, a filter, water conditioner, and substrate.

Hagen Fluval EDGE is a spacious tank for keeping betta fish. The volume of the aquarium for a betta is 23 liters, it has built-in lighting for day and night, and filtration.


  • The dark background emphasizes the brightness of the fish.
  • Installing a partition will reveal the full beauty of the males.
  • Avoid natural shells and marble stones as soil, they increase hardness.
  • The filter and decorations should not be close to each other so as not to interfere with water purification.

The aquarium for bettas is carefully equipped according to the needs of the pet, so that it is healthy and does not suffer from monotony. In a spacious tank, the fish will show their own beauty and temperament.


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