What should the water temperature be for red-eared turtles?

Many people dream of having a red-eared turtle as an unpretentious pet, but before making this dream a reality, you should know the basic requirements that must be met in order for the freshwater creature to feel great in a person’s home or office space.

So, what you need to pay attention to:

  • What water temperature should be maintained in the aquarium?
  • How to create optimal conditions for keeping a turtle?
  • Rules for keeping the aquarium clean.

Coast heating and temperature maintenance

As for the coastline, it is necessary so that the hero of our story can get out and warm up.
The land line itself must occupy at least 25% of the entire aquaterarium. It is best to buy it in a store, but you can make it yourself. The main thing is that the island has sloping shores. The shoreline should be illuminated with UV lamps, which will provide warming, because the temperature on the shore must be 10 °C higher than the water temperature. Too high is also undesirable, so as not to provoke overheating. The height of the lamp is about 25-30 cm. If it is installed lower, the pet will receive eye burns.

Turtles are heat-loving animals and, living in natural conditions, they love to bask in the sun. To bring the maintenance at home closer to natural conditions, you will need to install a heating lamp. To maintain optimal temperature in the aquarium there must be a thermometer.

The operating time of the heating lamp is 10-12 hours a day. You can purchase it in a specialized store.

Keeping red-eared turtles at home

Red-eared turtles beautiful photo

Red-eared turtles are unpretentious creatures, however, like all living things, they need good maintenance and care. Despite the fact that turtles spend most of their lives in water, their aquarium house cannot exist without land. Therefore, you need to select an aquaterrarium divided into two zones: land above and water below.

For an adult red-eared turtle, an aquarium of 100 - 150 liters will be sufficient, for a young one 50 liters will be enough. Land must make up at least 25% of the total area. On land, you can pour earth or gravel, provided that the soil does not come into contact with the aquatic environment. The exit to land should be a shore with a gentle, non-slip slope. The erected artificial island must be 20 - 30 cm below the top edge of the aquarium, otherwise the animal can get out and run away.

The water level should be greater than the width of the turtle's shell so that the turtle can easily roll over if for any reason it ends up on its back. Due to the fact that turtles feed exclusively in water, good filtration and regular mandatory water changes 1-2 times a week are necessary. Tap water is not dangerous, but it is better to defend it. It is unacceptable to keep reptiles in dirty water, as this can lead to various diseases.

Red-eared turtle aquarium volume photo

The water temperature is maintained within 20 - 250C, the air temperature on the shore is about 31 - 330C. Above the island it is necessary to install an incandescent lamp of 40 - 50 W, since turtles like to bask on land, and an ultraviolet lamp for reptiles - 10% UVB for babies and 5% for adult healthy turtles; regular dosed ultraviolet irradiation is especially necessary for small turtles. Turtles love to bask on land, receiving enough ultraviolet radiation necessary for activity, good metabolism (digestion of food and stomach function) and prevention of rickets.

Lamps are hung at a height of at least 20–25 cm to prevent burns to the turtles’ eyes. Both lamps should be on for 10 - 12 hours a day; they are turned off at night.

Red-eared slider photo

German herpetologists recommend using the following water temperatures and lighting durations when keeping red-eared turtles throughout the year.

Red-eared slider photo

To keep your turtle's aquarium clean, we recommend using Prodibo Aqua'Turtle - a kit for effectively combating unpleasant odors in aquaterrariums where aquatic turtles live.

It combines two different products: - Aqua'Turtle Odor - eliminates unpleasant odors in the aquarium. — Aqua'Turtle Bacter is a biological preparation that consists of various specific strains of bacteria that are characteristic of reservoirs with reptiles. They provide clean water in the aquarium, suppressing the development of pathological microflora.

Compatibility of red-eared turtles. Newborn red-eared turtles can be kept with small fish. However, as turtles grow older, they are able to eat fish, so we select neighbors with character, for example, cichlids.

Temperature limits

For a red-eared turtle living in an aquarium, it is important to maintain a comfortable temperature of water and land. If there is no balance, the pet faces:

  1. Slow growth and development of diseases associated with decreased activity. This situation occurs when the water is too hot, forcing turtles to come ashore more often.
  2. Lethargy and loss of appetite. Cold water (10-15°), slowing down all internal processes, drives reptiles into a state of hibernation.

In the wild, red-eared turtles live in the tropical zone, so they prefer warm temperatures not only on land, but also in water:

  • the temperature on the island used by reptiles for resting and warming up must be at least 23 degrees in the shade and no more than 32 degrees in the light;
  • The optimal water temperature for the continued activity of pets should be from 22 to 28 degrees.

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Future owners mistakenly believe that at home the red ear should live in a flock with its relatives. In the wild, reptiles live separately from each other and do not change their behavior even with the appearance of offspring. The maternal instinct does not awaken in domestic turtles either, so it is recommended to remove them from the nest.

If the desire to raise several pets is too strong, then adhere to the following rules:

  1. Place a male in a group of females. When keeping several males, fights will begin for a partner or territory. They will have to be constantly monitored to prevent injuries during fights.
  2. Arrange separate feedings. In the absence of a competitor, reptiles will exhibit calmer behavior.
  3. Add space and divide it into closed areas. Sometimes increasing the volume of the aquarium is not enough, so add barriers and walls to block the view of other inhabitants.

If keeping turtles together is possible under certain conditions, then the idea of ​​adding aquarium fish is immediately doomed to failure.

New neighbors will be perceived as live food, so waterfowl predators will deal with them in the near future. You can only care for fish and turtles in separate aquariums, but you will still have to periodically feed the reptile with guppies or crucian carp.

Description of the red-eared turtle

The wrinkled shell of an adult red-eared turtle can reach a length of 28 cm, depending on the subspecies. The spot behind their eyes is not only bright red, but also bright yellow. In general, the colors of these turtles are extremely diverse, and in addition, they change greatly with age. Young animals are usually bright green, but older ones can turn completely black.

The plastron of red-eared turtles is bright yellow with dark round spots. Male ornamental turtles have a long tail and long claws, no notch on the plastron, and a slightly more pointed nose than females. Females have short claws and a short tail. Females (18-22 cm) are usually larger than males (14-16 cm). During the first 1.5 years of life they are able to grow up to 7.5 cm, then growth slows down and the turtle grows 1-1.25 cm per year.


In the first 2 years, a turtle is quite capable of growing to 20 cm or more, i.e. the turtle is not dwarf or decorative, as sellers often convince naive buyers of. Trachemys scripta scripta - Length up to 27 cm. It has a very noticeable yellow postorbital spot connected to a stripe on the neck. Each costal scute of the carapace has a yellow stripe.

The plastron is yellow with spots on most of the anterior scutes. Trachemys scripta elegans - Length up to 28 cm. The head has a wide red postorbital stripe and narrow stripes on the chin. On each costal carapace there is a transverse yellow stripe. Plastron with a large spot on each scute. Trachemys scripta troostii - Length up to 21 cm.

Reproduction and sexual differences of red-eared turtles

Red-eared slider breeding

Red-eared turtles reach sexual maturity at the age of 4–5 years in captivity and 6–7 years in the wild. Turtles living in terrariums mate without paying much attention to the season, while in nature the mating season takes place from March to July.

Males are generally smaller than females and have a long, thick tail. However, if the red-eared turtles are of different ages, then it is not always possible to determine the sex only by size , in this case the following factors must be taken into account: the male’s eye spot is more pronounced, the claws on the front legs are longer, the lower part of the shell is concave (in the female flat).

The mating process is accompanied by a mating dance. The male approaches the female's head. The female swims forward, and the male swims backward, stroking the female’s chin with his long claws. If the female is not against mating, she accepts these advances, otherwise the male is driven away, even to the point of using physical force.

Pregnancy of a red-eared turtle lasts for 2 months, but the period can be extended if the female cannot find a good place for laying.

To lay a clutch, the female needs to dig a nest on the shore of a reservoir. Interestingly, it can move long distances, up to 1.5 km, in order to find the best place for a nest. The nest has the shape of a jug up to 12 cm deep. Depending on age, red-eared turtles can make up to 6 clutches per year with a total number of 30 eggs (which is from 6 to 11 per clutch). The size of the red-eared turtle egg is about 4 cm. The incubation period lasts for 59 - 150 days, because Hatching time directly depends on temperature. So at temperatures from 22 to 30 ° C, the incubation period ranges from 55 to 80 days. The temperature in the nest directly affects the sex of turtles; females are born at temperatures of 29 °C and above, and males are born at 27 °C and below.

To get out of the egg, newborn red-eared turtles pierce the shell with an egg tooth, which falls off after an hour. All babies have a small pouch on their abdomen with the remains of incubation provisions: when it falls off, it leaves a quickly healing wound.

Details about the aquatic environment

When keeping your pet indoors, you should carefully monitor the depth of the reservoir. It directly depends on the pet’s age category and size. The turtle should move freely.

Fresh water can be used, but it should have medium hardness, with an active pH reaction in the range of 6.5-7.5. This is the average for tap water, but taking it from the tap is not recommended.

Everyone knows that tap water is disinfected by adding chlorine to it, which disappears only 24 hours after settling. This is the settled water that can be poured into the aquarium during cleaning. It is not worth changing the water completely, because the necessary microflora is formed in the container over a long period of time, and beneficial microorganisms mature. Cleaning is required frequently, and if you change the entire water every time, the aquarium will not have the necessary ecosystem.

Caring for your turtle

The first thing you should pay attention to when purchasing a pet is its appearance and size. A turtle that is under 5 cm in size at the time of purchase will be very difficult to raise.

At this age, small individuals are susceptible to various infections and diseases. This is how natural selection takes place. Therefore, a turtle 5–7 cm in size will be the best choice when purchasing.

You should also carefully examine the color of the shell. The claws and tail must be intact. The skin looks healthy and the eyes shine. After the pet is in the aquarium, watch how it swims. A healthy turtle should swim smoothly, without leaning in different directions.

Healthy turtle

Features of treatment

After purchasing a pet and moving it into an aquarium, it may go through an adaptation period. Typically it will take 2 to 5 days. At this time, the animal becomes a little inhibited, or, conversely, very active. There is no need to panic and pick up the animal. Give him peace and time to adapt to new conditions. After a while, the turtle will get used to the new environment and become calmer.

When trying to pick up a turtle, do it very carefully and always with both hands. Not all representatives are willing to make contact. Some may flounder, hiss, and defecate in fear. The shell becomes slippery in water; keep this fact in mind when removing your pet from the aquarium.

After you hold the turtle in your hands, be sure to wash them with soap. Despite being kept clean, turtles are often carriers of salmonellosis. To avoid the spread of infection, you must always monitor the condition of the aquarium and the quality of the food.

Cleaning the shell

Since green algae in an aquarium is a source of infection, it is important to regularly clean not only the container, but also the turtle’s shell. They can't do it themselves

During the decomposition process, algae also fall under the surface of the shell, and as they decompose, they harm the shell.

You will get used to the fact that once every 3-5 days you need to take the turtle out of the water and wipe its shell with a clean cloth, a special soft napkin, or gently brush it with a toothbrush. During the process, you should try to remove all small particles of algae and other dirt.

Cleaning the shell with a toothbrush

Some unscrupulous owners try to make the turtle's shell beautiful and lubricate it with various oils or creams to add shine. This is strictly prohibited, as it harms the skin and interferes with the healthy “breathing of the body” of the pet.

When cleaning a turtle's shell, you should not use various oils and kerma, as this will harm your pet's health.

Water temperature

So we have come close to the main question of the article, what should be the temperature of the water in the aquarium?

Temperature control must be observed regularly and very carefully. The reasons for this are:

  • If the temperature drops, the turtles eat poorly due to lack of appetite, they become quite passive. As a result, the immune system suffers, and, if measures are not taken, death.
  • An increase in temperature will lead to the fact that the turtle will spend a long period on land, because it will feel unwell in the water. Because of this, the growth and activity of the pet will stop.

Creating ideal living conditions for red-eared turtles is not so easy. It will take quite a bit of effort. Experts recommend purchasing an oblong-shaped aquarium; water in it will occupy ¾ of the part.

The water temperature directly depends on the time of year, as in principle does the light regime of the day. The optimal indicators are:

  • From December to May inclusive - not lower than 20 degrees, if daylight lasts 8 hours - 25 degrees.
  • From June to August inclusive - with daylight up to 13 hours - 25-28 degrees.
  • From September to November inclusive - with 8 hours of daylight - 22-26 degrees.

For small turtles (up to 3 years old), the temperature in the aquarium should not drop below 25 degrees.

If the deviations in temperature were short, then there is no need to worry, but long-term deviations can lead to illnesses in your pet, problems with the lungs and skin.

You can maintain normal temperatures in an aquarium using an ordinary submersible aquarium heater. It is equipped with a thermostat. To heat the land, it is advisable to use other auxiliary heaters. For this purpose, special lamps for reptiles are used. But you can use a regular 60-watt light bulb, a solar medical light bulb, or an ultraviolet light bulb. A mirror-coated lamp is also suitable. They are installed in a certain area of ​​the aquarium. To prevent the turtles from getting burns, the lamps are placed at a height of up to 60 centimeters from the water level.

Awakening after hibernation

After about 3 to 4 months of hibernation, the turtle should wake up on its own. If this does not happen, then you should remove the animal from the box and place it in a terrarium, having previously raised the temperature in it to 20 - 22C. You can also leave the turtle in the box, but move it to a room at room temperature. Once your turtle is awake and moving around on its own again, the following steps need to be taken. The first step is to bathe the animal in cool water with a temperature of 24 to 26C. At the same time, the turtle must drink a lot, restoring the water balance in the body. After this, place it in the terrarium, turn on the lights and offer fresh food. In the first days after hibernation, the turtle may consume a minimal amount of food, but this is normal.

Aquarium water

The amount of water in the aquaterrarium should be sufficient for the turtle to move freely. As a rule, the water level reaches about 25 cm and can fluctuate within small limits, depending on the age of the reptile.

The turtle needs fresh water with a pH reaction in the range of 6.5-7.5, which corresponds to ordinary tap water. But given the fact that the water is treated with chlorine, such water must be left to stand for 24 hours. Chlorine is a volatile substance and during this time there will be practically no trace of it in the water. This water is used for partial replacement.

It is not recommended to completely replace the water, so as not to disturb the microclimate and ecosystem of the aquaterrarium. In this case, it is better to perform partial water changes more often during cleaning.

How to choose a suitable aquaterrarium

Often, along with the turtle, fish, snails, etc. live in the aquarium. Therefore, the standard 100 liters will not be enough for us. To solve this issue, it is necessary to increase the space. It is not necessary to do this proportionally, especially if there is one turtle and the rest of the inhabitants are small fish. Although it is not recommended to keep fish and turtles together, since the latter are predators and can easily eat their neighbors. We must not forget that the thickness of the water layer should be at least 40 centimeters. This is done to ensure that the shell is completely covered. A container with a wide bottom is best. Don't forget that your turtle may escape. To prevent this from happening, you need to cover the aquarium with glass or a special backlit lid.

Short description

Let's get to know the red-eared slider in a little more detail. The turtle got its “name” thanks to the bright red spots near the eyes on its head. Sometimes they can have an orange tint. Mostly turtles are small in size - from 3 to 10 centimeters, although they can also be quite large, giants for their species, reaching a diameter of up to 60 centimeters. The carapace is darker below, has an oval shape and is edged with yellow stripes.

The dorsal part is greenish, and as the turtle matures, it acquires an olive tint or yellowish-brown.

In the first few years of their life, turtles grow very actively; the diameter of the shell can grow up to 10 centimeters in a year. Then they grow much more slowly, adding only up to 2 centimeters every year.

Contents in the pond

When the length of the red-eared turtle exceeds 10 cm, it can be kept in a pond located on a personal plot in the summer. One animal needs 300 liters of water.

The pond is positioned so that it is located in a southerly direction and warms up well in the sun. You can place pets in it when it warms up to 20°C, and the air temperature is at least a few degrees consistently higher.

To prevent pets from escaping, the artificial pond is fenced with a stone or wooden fence at least two shell lengths high. A place for sunbathing is also being built nearby.

Plants are planted in the pond that turtles cannot uproot. For example, cattail, common reed or marsh marigold. For sexually mature females, a beach is built from a mixture of sand and earth.

There is a very high risk that they will not survive it. European winters cannot be compared to the continental climate of North America.


Despite the need for a shoreline, the red-eared turtle in an aquarium spends most of its time in the water, which forces us to closely monitor the state of the aquatic environment - filtration is extremely important!

Acceptable water temperature varies from 22 to 28 °C, but not lower than 20 °C. To control, you can’t do without a thermometer.

To successfully keep a red-eared turtle, the water temperature should not fall below 20 ºC, the most optimal parameter is 22-28 ºC.

The turtle spends almost all its time in water, so care should be taken to ensure that the water is clean. Animals sleep, eat and defecate directly in the water, so it needs to be changed frequently. A filter must be installed in the aquarium.

In a dirty aquatic environment, pathogenic microorganisms develop that cause various infectious diseases of turtles, which are then difficult to cure.

The water level in the aquaterrarium should be higher than the size of the turtle's shell

This is done so that an animal that accidentally ends up on its back can easily roll over on its own.

How to treat an animal?

If this is your first time getting such a pet, don’t get lost. There is nothing difficult about caring for red-eared turtles at home. You just need to know what they are capable of and how they perceive our world. These four-legged animals have well-developed vision and sense of smell (turtles distinguish colors, detect other people's motor activity at a distance of up to 40 meters, and look for food by smell). But they hear poorly: after all, their ears are covered with skin. Only vibration and dull sounds are available to them. The shell is not just armor and protection, it is a part of the body that is very sensitive to touch because many nerves pass through it. Taste buds are also well developed: pets can refuse tasteless food in favor of some favorite treat.

The animals themselves make a variety of sounds: squeaks, snorts and hisses. Do not forget that turtles cannot breathe underwater; to breathe, they must rise to the surface. In general, these are very sensitive creatures that require special care. Organizing it is not at all difficult, the main thing is to follow the recommendations correctly.

As soon as you have a pet, get ready for a pleasant acquaintance, try to get to know your red-eared friend (or friend) better. Read the article: How to determine the sex of a turtle! Show it to the veterinarian: you won’t be able to make sure on your own that the new family member hasn’t brought a bunch of turtle diseases. If you already have turtles living in your house, don’t rush to add a new one to them. Arrange a kind of quarantine for her for 2-3 months (during this period you can make sure that the red-eared one is healthy).

Never place young turtles with old ones: “hazing” is rampant among these creatures, and often the “seasoned” inhabitants of the terrarium cripple the young ones.

Your pet needs time to adapt to an unfamiliar environment. During this difficult period, try not to bother him with your attention, do not pick him up.

Necessary equipment

Regardless of the type of turtle, each aquarium must be properly equipped. The reptile's home should correspond as best as possible to the natural conditions of its life. But the individual characteristics of the arrangement of its living space will depend on the type of turtle. Turtles are not very clean and pollute the water with food debris and excrement.

It is recommended to use a filter whose water throughput is 2 aquarium volumes per hour. In addition, the following equipment is required:

  • regular incandescent lamp (40 W);
  • ultraviolet lamp (UVB 5%);
  • water heater.

You should allocate a place for feeding by placing a feeder.

For land species, a small pond for swimming should be equipped in the terrarium.

The decorative design of the home is also important: beautiful driftwood, stones and shelters are placed where the pet can retire and relax


This species is an omnivore, but more than 70% of its diet consists of food of animal origin. Adult animals are more inclined towards vegetarianism and in some regions up to 90% of the food they eat consists of aquatic plants.

The reptile readily eats various insects, tadpoles, various crustaceans, fish and mollusks. The menu is varied with arrowhead, water iris, duckweed and hyacinths.

Almost always, eating food occurs in water, since these reptiles need liquid to swallow it. In captivity, they are fed worms, grasshoppers, ant larvae, freshwater fish and aquarium fish food.

How to equip an island?

The red-eared turtle leads a sedentary lifestyle, spending a lot of time not only in the water, but also on the shore, so the aquarium must be equipped with at least one, or preferably several, land areas per turtle (one in a shaded place, and the other in a brightly lit, warm place ). On land, the turtle receives oxygen and enjoys UV rays.

What is important to consider?

  • The land area should occupy at least a quarter of the entire bottom area.
  • Land areas should have a sloping shore that smoothly rises from the bottom. Steep cliffs are not allowed. You can build a ladder or a mini-ladder, put a large stone or a grotto with gentle walls.
  • The surface of the islands must be made of high-quality materials and be rough. If there is soil on the island, it should not crumble into the water.
  • If there are several turtles, then the land must have such a total area that all individuals simultaneously have access to it and can fit.
  • If there are several islands, then some of them may not be completely dry, but covered with water by several millimeters.

The island should be located approximately 30 cm below the edge of the terrarium so that the animal does not get out and run away.


Owners of a red-eared slider, no matter how cute the reptile may seem, should know that they should not let their pets sit on the floor. Turtles tend to get scared in a new place, so they can bite and painfully scratch their owner. After contact with reptiles, you should wash your hands, since pathogenic bacteria accumulate on the shell of animals.

In the summer, the red-eared turtle is taken for a walk, where the pet receives natural ultraviolet rays and feasts on fresh grass. A place for walking is chosen away from roadways, with a flat, clean lawn. The walk time is 30 minutes, the temperature outside in the shade should be 20C, otherwise the pet will become exhausted. You should take a bowl with clean water with you so that the turtle can drink.

Soil and plants

Depending on the purpose for which the turtle was purchased: as a pet or for breeding for sale, the soil is selected. In the first case, the bottom of the aquarium can be decorated with large stones, since turtles can swallow gravel. When breeding, you will need shallow soil so that the turtle can freely dig through it and lay eggs. You can add a layer of washed river sand.

Aquarium plants are of interest to the turtle; she tries to taste each of them, and if she likes it, the plant will be eaten; if she doesn’t like it, she will pull it out by the roots. Therefore, it is recommended to “plant” artificial plants in aquariums.

Should you pick up a turtle?

Let us remind you that red-eared turtles live at home in an aquarium. When removing an animal from the water, be prepared for it to be slippery. But this is not the main difficulty. The yellow-bellied creature is 100% likely to resist such contact. The turtle will begin to hiss, scratch you with powerful paws with sharp claws, bite, and it is possible that he will attempt to empty his bowels directly into your palm.

So in theory, you can pick up your pet, but is there a need for this tactile contact? If touching cannot be avoided, take the animal with both hands, fix it carefully but firmly, then the turtle will not slip out and you will not be bitten.

After contact, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Make sure that children do this especially. Explain to kids that affection with red-eared cats is unacceptable: these creatures, cute at first glance, can be dangerous, because carry salmonellosis. For this reason, animals should not wander around the kitchen and, especially, the dining table. You should also avoid washing your pet or its aquarium and accessories in the kitchen sink or bathtub.

Cleanliness is a guarantee of health and longevity

The diet of red-eared turtles is based on animal food, so the water becomes unusable quite quickly. To slow down the pollution process, it is better to transplant the turtle to a separate place with warm water while eating. To do this, you can take a basin of suitable size. But this does not mean that you can’t rush into cleaning. It should be noted that the more water a reptile has, the less often cleaning can be done. To regularly purify water, you can use a powerful filter. For young turtles, a small submersible pump is suitable, but for an adult turtle this will not be enough and to maintain it you will have to install a powerful remote filter. The water itself does not require any additional treatment, except to give it the opportunity to settle well.


In red-eared turtles, reproduction occurs in the spring. Males are capable of reproducing from the age of 4, females from the age of five. To see how reptiles lay eggs, the owner should prepare a breeding container:

  • The water level should not exceed 10 cm.
  • A container is installed on an island of land where turtles lay their eggs.

It is important to note that only a pair of turtles of the opposite sex should be present in the terrarium during the breeding season, otherwise the males will fight. The turtles mate in an interesting way: the male swims up to the female, tickles her with his claws and pokes her with her muzzle

After mating of the red-eared turtles has occurred and the expectant mother has laid eggs in a dug hole, the container with the offspring is transferred to the incubator. The optimal temperature is 27-30C, and it is noted that at 30C females are born, at 27C - males. After about 2 months, the turtles are born, but the babies cannot be released to adult reptiles, since yellow-bellied pets do not shine with parental love and can attack.

Temperature conditions in the aquaterrarium and its maintenance

To provide your beloved turtle with all the necessary conditions, you need to make a certain amount of effort. The size of the aquaterrarium should be impressive. The aquatic environment should make up 75% of the total area of ​​the turtle's home.

Note! A red-eared turtle can live without water for just a few days; do not experiment on your pet and do not keep the reptile without water for a long time!

The water temperature for the red-eared slider directly depends on the season. It is best to create the following temperature regime for adult turtles:

  • In the winter and spring periods of the year from +20 to +25 degrees, subject to consecration for at least 8 hours.

In the summer period of the year from +25 to +28 degrees, subject to consecration for at least 13 hours. In the autumn period of the year from +22 to +26 degrees, subject to consecration for at least 8 hours.

Young animals under three years of age should be kept at a temperature of at least +25 degrees.

A slight decrease in temperature is possible, but only for a very short period of time, since very low temperatures can cause various types of diseases in your beloved pet.

Note! Water for a red-eared turtle should have a temperature ranging from +20 to +28 degrees.


It is best to use a submersible heater to maintain the required microclimate. To heat an island of land in a turtle’s home, you will need to use other devices, for example an incandescent lamp up to 60 W, or a special lamp for reptiles.

It is also quite possible to use an ultraviolet or mirror lamp, which will reflect the rays and provide the necessary heat on the land area. To prevent burns from occurring in a domestic turtle, the lighting must be positioned in such a way that the source is at least 0.6 m away from the aquatic environment of the aquaterrarium.

A red-eared turtle cannot exist without water at all, so it should be provided with a constant presence of an aquatic environment, the depth of which should correspond to the age and size of the pet. Basically, the depth size is 25 cm, which is the most optimal for the free movement of the reptile. Be sure to read the article on how much water to put in a reptile aquarium.

The red-eared turtle can live without water for only a few days, so it is necessary to provide it with the necessary fresh water environment with a pH value of 6.5-7.5 and with an average level of hardness. However, it is better not to take tap water, since it is treated with a substance such as chlorine. It is best to use settled water, from which the chlorine completely evaporates after one day.

Therefore, if breeders have a question about what kind of water to use for red-eared turtles, then the answer will be settled water, which should be partially replaced.

You cannot completely change the aquatic environment, as this will cause disruption to the existing microclimate in the home of the pet turtle.

About little red-eared turtles

Almost all future owners of turtles want to get them when they are still small - cute, touching and funny. But raising such a baby to the average size of a one-year-old is not easy: the mortality rate in babies is very high. And most often - due to improper handling of them.

So what not to do?

  1. Remove the yolk sac on the plastron from small animals yourself.
  2. Create stressful situations.
  3. Take the extra one at a time.

Living conditions need to be made as comfortable as possible. What to feed baby red-eared turtles? Exclusively food of animal origin: 70% small lean fish and 30% by-products, insects, squid, shrimp, etc.

A terrarium for a red-eared turtle of any age should be placed so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight or drafts. But unlike adults, babies need a different temperature regime: water - 26-27 degrees, land - 32 degrees.

What to feed your pets

In the first few years of life, turtles need daily feeding. In subsequent years, it will be enough to put food in several times a week. The food must be natural, which can be mixed with purchased supplements. Such nutrition will be vitamin-rich and balanced.

Important! To keep the turtle's shell strong, I include a large amount of calcium in the diet. From plants, red-eared turtles can be given:

From plants, red-eared turtles can be given:

  • Plants for the aquarium (vallisneria, hornwort, duckweed, etc.).
  • Green carrot tops, plantain or dandelions.
  • Birch or willow branches.
  • For indoor plants, geranium, hibiscus or tradescantia are suitable.
  • Fresh fruits and berries are suitable only in yellow and red shades. This could be sweet peppers, melon, etc. Exceptions include tomatoes, garlic and cabbage, pineapple, legumes and radishes.

As top dressing you can use earthworms, small crustaceans, moths, boiled or boiled fish and meat (beef only). You should not allow food particles to remain in the aquarium for more than an hour - this will significantly affect the quality of the water. Shrimp, squid and beef liver will be a treat for your pet. Also, sometimes you need to give turtles live food so that they can hunt. It is strongly recommended to create living conditions for red-eared turtles that are as close to natural as possible.


What to feed a turtle

Red-eared turtles are predators. In nature, they feed on small fish, fry, and algae. At home you can eat different foods:

  • raw fish (the fish does not need to be gutted from the entrails);
  • lean meat (chicken, beef);
  • offal (heart, beef liver);
  • insects (grasshopper, bloodworms, caterpillars, worms);
  • snails, shrimps;
  • dry food (gammarus, special food for reptiles in granules);
  • plant food (aquarium plants, clover, dandelion, lettuce, carrot leaves).

The turtle needs to be fed a variety of foods; you cannot give only fish or only dry food - this can cause digestive problems. You can add mineral supplements and vitamins for reptiles to your food.

Young turtles aged 1-2 years are fed once a day, then less often - once every 3-4 days. There is no need to overfeed turtles; they can also become obese.

Baby turtles need plenty of protein food for proper growth and development. The older the reptile gets, the more plant foods should be present in its diet.

Turtles eat in water, so you can remove the turtle to a separate container while feeding so as not to pollute the aquarium. The food portion is adjusted so that within 20 minutes there is no food left.

For the first 3-4 years, red-eared turtles grow actively and eat a lot. Every year the turtle gains up to 5-7 centimeters in length; with age, growth slows down to 1-2 centimeters per year and appetite decreases.

Red-eared turtle on an island

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