Pet turtles: a short course on care and maintenance

How to care for a turtle

Interesting fact: turtles have lived on Earth for about 250 million years. If you decide to buy this unique creation of nature at a pet store, first collect all the information on how to care for a turtle of this particular species.

Of course, first of all you should take care of purchasing and arranging a suitable terrarium. Since size varies from species to species, general recommendations cannot be given. But it should be taken into account that even for a small turtle with a shell diameter of no more than 15 cm, an area of ​​at least 150 cm in length and 60 cm in width will be needed. Also keep in mind that the turtle will grow.

An aquatic turtle can be kept at home either in an aquarium or in an aquaterrarium. (Read our special article on how to choose an aquarium.) The main thing is that the pool can only be filled halfway. Because otherwise the turtle will not be able to get ashore. Additionally, you should equip the space with decorative stones, roots and islands. There should always be damp, dark corners in the enclosure. It is better to spray young turtles every day because they need a lot of moisture.

Determining the sex of a pet

It is possible to say with certainty what gender a turtle is only after the onset of puberty. The animals differ in several features; the difference lies in the claws, shell, tail, dimensions of the Central Asians and eye color. Males have thicker and sharper claws. In nature, this is provided so that the male is firmly fixed during mating. Females have claws that are less long and blunt at the ends.

The main way to determine the sex of a turtle is to examine the shell.

Experts distinguish the sex of a turtle by its shell. Boys have an oblong shape, while girls have a round shape. In males, the lower part, called the plastron, has a concave shape. And on the hips there are spurs, which are provided by nature so that the male is held on to the female during mating. The tail of the land breed has a special meaning - it houses the genital organ. Boys have a wider and longer tail, while girls have a thin and small tail.

The sex can also be determined by the size of the animal. The female is larger because she carries the offspring. If there are several turtles in a terrarium, the difference in size is very noticeable. The most obvious way to determine gender is eye color. For girls they are yellow, and for boys they are brown.

Common diseases

Turtles, like any other animal, have diseases to which they are most susceptible. To prevent your pet from getting sick, you need to provide him with the right lifestyle and diet. The most common diseases are the following:

  1. Swollen eyes, increased tearfulness or stickiness. These signs indicate that the pet’s body lacks vitamin A. If this disease is noted, the eyes are washed with chamomile infusion and Sofrodex or Albucid drops are instilled. Injections of multivitamin preparations help to cope well with the disease.
  2. Rickets. If the Central Asian breed does not have enough vitamin D3 and ultraviolet radiation, then softening and then deformation of the shell begins to occur. If the disease is at an early stage, then it is necessary to install an ultraviolet lamp in the terrarium. If the disease has reached a progressive stage, you will need to take your pet to a veterinary clinic, where he will be given a calcium supplement. But the curvature of the shell cannot be corrected.

    If there is a lack of vitamins, the turtle can get sick

  3. Infestation with parasites. If worms are found in a Central Asian, the medication Albendazole will help get rid of them.
  4. Pneumonia or colds. The disease is expressed by a runny nose and difficulty breathing. The mucous membranes acquire a pale tint, a white coating appears, foam appears, and the saliva becomes viscous. Fight the disease with antibiotics.

Sense organs

Animals have excellent hearing and can distinguish low-frequency tones. They also have sharp eyesight. Everyone around them is seen in color. Red-eared aquatic turtles have a well-developed sense of smell and smell. They see not only above the water, but also below it. Nerve endings are located on the shell. They have a good sense of touch - pets can distinguish the taste of food. The aquatic breed cannot stay underwater for long because it does not have gills. To take in air, the turtle floats above the water.

Red-eared turtles have an excellent sense of smell and smell

In nature, life expectancy does not exceed 30 years. At home, with proper care, pets can live up to 50 years. At home, pets grow faster because they are provided with high-quality food and comfortable living conditions. To determine the approximate age of an animal, you need to look at its size and count the number of circles on its shell. In 12 months, 3 rings are formed.

But by the number of circles it is impossible to determine exactly how old a reptile is, because their growth depends on the quality of life, nutrition and hibernation period. The older the animal, the paler the color of its rings and the smoother its shell. Juveniles have brighter colors.

The land turtle is a very interesting animal as a pet. But when keeping it, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules of feeding, providing medical care and maintaining cleanliness in the terrarium, then the pet will delight its owner for a long time.

How to design a terrarium for a domestic land turtle

  • First, fill the bottom with a mixture of sand and garden soil. There the turtle can dig a hole for itself to sleep. Individual areas can be sprinkled with a thin layer of gravel.
  • Secondly, be sure to install decorative caves and grottoes, preferably cork ones.
  • Land-dwelling turtles have a particularly urgent need for an external source of heat. Vitamin D3 is formed under the influence of UV rays. It is especially necessary in the first months of shell formation. Therefore, you will need a special lamp for heating terrariums - this is the third necessary maintenance condition.
  • The terrarium can also be illuminated with halogen lamps. In order to imitate the natural rhythm of day and night, it is best to use models with a timer.
  • Pay attention to the creation of different climatic zones: warm and dry places should be adjacent to dark and cooler ones.
  • For small species of turtles, only flat bowls for feeding and water are suitable.
  • The terrarium must be well ventilated! If you want to cover it with a lid, make sure there are ventilation grilles on the side.

How often and at what time to feed

It is recommended to feed land turtles at the same time. For the first year of life, young individuals are fed 2 times a day, and adult representatives - every other day.

The volume of one serving is determined based on how much food she can eat in 30 minutes. Natural products are given in small pieces in the amount of 1-3 pieces. If the turtle does not eat a portion during a half-hour meal, next time you can slightly reduce the size of the pieces. In any case, the owner will have to focus on the individual appetite of the domestic reptile.

It is recommended to place food for the turtle in a special feeding bowl. You should not feed your reptile by hand. Uneaten pieces of food are removed, and the container is washed so that potentially dangerous microorganisms do not breed in it.

You should not feed your turtle spoiled or uneaten foods, as they can cause poisoning to the body.

Conditions for a pet aquatic turtle

Basically, the recommendations for creating a comfortable microenvironment for a pet aquatic turtle are the same, but there are a few nuances that should be taken into account.

  1. It is not recommended to plant aquatic plants that can be uprooted.
  2. To provide space for digging holes and food bowls, fill the waterless part of the tank with sand or coconut fiber.
  3. Dwarf shrimps do a good job of cleaning the water part. To kill snails, you can throw crustaceans into the water.

Additionally you will need to purchase:

  • decorative floating platform;
  • external filter;
  • water heater;
  • oxygen pump.

How to tame a turtle?

In order to establish contact with your pet, you will have to be patient. Turtle treats such as dandelion flowers, tomato or banana pieces will help. Offer treats by hand and avoid sudden movements.

Such regular feeding will soon teach the reptile to respond to the appearance of the owner by turning its body or head. Quite restrained attention, but still.

Once you have gained trust, the turtle can be picked up without fear of being scratched or bitten. Over time, your pet will definitely warm to you and will be happy to make contact.

Pet turtles on a walk

As adults, land turtles definitely need walks in the fresh air. If the air temperature is constant, they can develop kidney disease, and too little UV radiation weakens bones and armor.

  • When designing an enclosure, it is best to focus on the conditions of the natural habitat. For example, there should be plants in the home that reptiles can eat or use as shade. They also need rocks to climb on and cave shelters. Shallow waters are suitable for swimming and drinking. And since turtles are poorly protected from the cold, in cool weather they need a shelter made of glass or transparent plastic.
  • To make your pet feel comfortable outdoors, install an enclosure with a south-facing exit. Naturally, you also need to arrange a shady corner.
  • Since most species can climb fairly well, consider the safe height of the enclosure.
  • When constructing a fence, use only those materials that cannot cause injury.

Are walks good for you?

You can take your pet outside; it is beneficial for the reptile. But only if the weather is warm, dry and the air temperature is not lower than 25°C. The turtle will happily wander around the green lawn or lawn and breathe in the fresh air. It is important to choose a suitable area - calm, clean, where the reptile will be protected from overly curious or aggressive animals.

You should always watch it - despite the apparent slowness, these armored animals often run away from their owners. If the place turns out to be noisy, the turtle will hide and will not even show its nose from its shell. These pets love to feast on fresh herbs; you can let them go for a walk where dandelions, clover, plantain, timothy, and chamomile grow.

Conditions for hibernation

During the cold season, many species, with the exception of young or sick turtles, hibernate, which can last from three to five months. During hibernation, reptiles consume virtually no food and reduce their entire metabolism to a minimum. This means that wintering can take place, for example, in a well-ventilated box with bedding, which must be stored in a dark and dry place. In this case, the temperature in the hibernation room should not be lower than +4° and higher than +10°

Redness and swelling of the eyes

As a rule, such diseases occur due to poor turtle hygiene. Eye diseases are called ophthalmological. Symptoms are: the eyes may become swollen and cannot open, the eyelid is swollen and may stick together, the turtle cannot open the eyes, redness of the mucous membrane, a film on the eye, clouding of the cornea, loss of vision, fear of bright light, intense lacrimation, discharge from the eyes, decreased activity of the animal . The likelihood of ophthalmology occurs when the body is weakened after another illness.

When a disease is detected, it is important not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor who will select the appropriate course. There are many eye diseases in water turtles, and they are easy to confuse - only a specialist will be able to determine exactly what needs to be done to ensure good health

Care advice

Let us emphasize once again: caring for turtles is quite difficult for the owner. So think carefully before purchasing whether you really have enough time for your new pet. After all, there are often cases when various diseases arise precisely due to lack of care. But if you keep your turtle according to its species, it can live to an old age.

  • Keep your living space clean. Always pay attention to the cleanliness of the aquarium, enclosure or terrarium. Regular thorough cleaning prevents disease.
  • For aquatic species, first of all, regular water purification with activated carbon is necessary. Also, change a quarter of the water in your aquarium completely once a week.
  • In addition to regular water changes, it is also necessary to collect excrement residues and disinfect food and water containers.
  • In this case, special attention should be paid to devices. For example, if incandescent light bulbs are damaged, they must be replaced immediately.
  • Some species of land turtles also like to swim. To do this, offer a shallow bowl of warm water every week. However, make sure that the water only reaches the neck of your armored friend.
  • The armor can and should be carefully cleaned with a soft brush. But be careful: the shell is not as strong as it might seem. It is especially weak in young individuals.
  • In addition, you will need a rough material on which the turtle will sharpen its claws so that they wear off. If the claws are too long, they should be shortened so as not to interfere with walking. Do it yourself or ask your veterinarian for help.

Recommendations before purchasing

Advice for future owners:
It is necessary to find out in advance what the turtle eats and how to care for it. It is important to prepare a certain amount in advance (for a terrarium, enclosure, special equipment and food). It should be taken into account that the animal will grow over time. Therefore, it is important to take care of a larger terrarium or aquarium

There should be free space in an apartment or residential building in order to set up an enclosure for a pet. A mandatory requirement is proper nutrition and care. There must be an interest in the pet. You cannot make a purchase as a gift. Small children quickly get bored with animals and stop caring for them.

The place of detention must be clean and beautiful. The turtle looks impressive in a terrarium. You should not buy several copies at once. It's best to take one and take a closer look.

The best period for purchasing is late spring - early autumn. During the winter period, there is a possibility of buying a sick pet (you can also catch it on the way home). When purchasing an animal from a trusted place, you should not pay attention to the recommendations. It is better to purchase an aquarium before the pet arrives in the house. It is important to make it comfortable for living.

A good purchasing option is to pick up the turtle for free from the old owner who is tired of it or is unable to care for it.

Signs by which the state of health is determined: active movement, absence of discharge from the eyes and nose, presence of a reaction to people, closed mouth.

The price range is from 150 to 30,000 Russian rubles. When purchasing, it is important to ask the seller for a sales receipt or a copy thereof. In addition, a veterinary certificate stating that the pet is healthy is a desirable document. When buying new pets in addition to existing ones, you need to board them for 1 or 2 months. After the expiration of the term, you can place the newcomers with the rest of the animals.

Considering all the recommendations, you can make the right choice and buy a friend for the whole family. In addition, a turtle should be owned by those who know how to contemplate. Over time, she learns to recognize the owner.

What do you feed turtles at home?

The answer to this question depends on the specific species. The huge family of armored reptiles includes both vegetarians and omnivores. Basically, all species feed on grass and hay. But there are also species that eat snails or small insects. Therefore, turtles are fed at home according to the recommendations given by the breeder for each specific species separately. For example, omnivores can be offered a varied menu, which includes:

  • dandelion and clover leaves,
  • plantain,
  • meadow and garden flowers (daisies, nasturtiums),
  • all types of salad,
  • cucumbers,
  • bell pepper,
  • sea ​​shrimp,
  • river crustaceans.

Calcium is needed to form and maintain the shell in good condition. Therefore, the diet of any variety should include bone meal and crushed eggshells.

When looking for what to feed pet turtles, owners often give berries, fruits or ready-made concentrate as food. Whereas, for example, feeding apples and other fruits due to their high fructose content can cause intestinal problems. And pelleted food is so oversaturated with protein that it results in weight gain too quickly. And this, in turn, leads to various diseases.

Diet of the red-eared slider

Turtles love to eat a variety of foods. Dietary diversity is the key to your pet’s health. For this use:

  • balanced food;
  • food for aquarium fish;
  • vegetables;
  • aquarium plants;
  • insects;
  • seafood;
  • invertebrates.

But here it is important not to overdo it, because turtles are prone to overeating and further obesity. Also, young individuals need calcium in their diet, which is necessary for shell growth. The food contains a balanced composition containing all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the animal’s body. Many premium foods already contain calcium. Therefore, before preparing your diet and feeding, be sure to read the composition.

General guidelines for feeding turtles

To swallow food, a turtle needs liquid. And since they do not produce saliva, they always pull food into the water. Thus, to avoid frequent contamination of the water, feeding can be done in a separate container.

Veterinarians recommend giving turtles fresh vegetables. But, as a rule, most pets are absolutely indifferent to them. Aquarium plants can be a good alternative, since their composition is similar to those that the animal eats in natural conditions. For this you can use duckweed, lettuce leaves, boiled dandelion, etc.

Since turtles are practically omnivores, they will willingly feast on what they can get. These could be small snails, worms or insects. If the above species do not live with the turtles in the aquarium, but are one of the types of food, then it is better to refuse it. It is better to use a balanced special food containing vitamins and a complex of vitamins.

Feeding frequency

How often and in what quantity you need to feed your pet depends on its individual characteristics. It is recommended to feed young animals up to one year old every day. After a year, it is recommended to feed turtles once every 2-3 days. The amount of food also differs depending on the age of the pet. Newborn turtles should receive 50% more food than adults. In order not to make a mistake with the proportions, carefully read the recommendations on the packaging with a specific type of food.

Feeding the turtle

Types of domestic turtles: photos and descriptions

Turtles, which live almost all over the globe, can be divided into land, freshwater and marine. In total, today there are more than 300 species. There are also numerous subspecies.

According to their biological characteristics, they belong to the class of cold-blooded reptiles that lay eggs. As a rule, turtles prefer warm and dry habitats with a Mediterranean climate. However, some of them, such as the California turtle, live in the desert. But aquatic turtles mainly live in North America and Southeast Asia, in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans.

Aquatic species

Red-eared (Trachemys scripta) is one of the most popular varieties. The second name - yellow-bellied - is given by the color of the chest part of the shell, which in adulthood reaches from 25 to 50 cm in diameter. The red-eared turtle is considered not only the most popular, but also the most unpretentious. For details about what conditions red-eared turtles like and what they eat, see the video at the end of the article.

Mauritanian (Mauremys leprosa) is interesting from the point of view of versatility: it can live in both fresh and brackish water. This species is easy to keep. Depending on the subspecies, it can reach sizes of up to 30 cm. The Moorish tortoise in the wild primarily lives in dune landscapes, steppes, swamps and forests.

European marsh moth (Emys orbicularis) is a native of Europe and North Africa. Basically, breeders are interested in the subspecies with a black carapace. But in their natural habitat, individuals with a greenish-yellow shell color predominate.

Greek (Testudo graeca) is an endangered species especially valued by collectors. The maximum size of the carapace rarely reaches 30 cm. It is omnivorous in nutrition.

Land varieties of domestic turtles

Indian or Starfish (Geochelone elegans) is a representative of a small group of reptiles with a bright and rare color. Interestingly, female Indian tortoises are twice the size of males. An adult male specimen rarely reaches 17 cm, while females are often more than 25 cm long.

Egyptian (Testudo kleinmanni) - valued for its shell color similar to marble. Carapace - from 10 to 12 cm. Demanding on living conditions, susceptible to various diseases.

The spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata) is a charming creature, no more than 15 cm long. The shell with bright yellow dots makes the turtle one of the most sought-after species. This species can only be classified as a land species only conditionally: the spotted turtle swims, albeit poorly.

Setting up the house

The first rule of proper care for a reptile is to have a well-equipped terrarium. Those who think that for greater freedom it is better to let the turtle walk around the apartment are very mistaken. Drafts and a cold floor will sooner or later lead to the animal catching a cold. Turtles do not like the cold, and in their habitat they hide underground.

So, how to properly arrange your home:

  1. The minimum length of the terrarium should be five times longer and the width three times the length of the turtle. The depth of the terrarium depends on the nature of the substrate and the size of the animal, but should not be less than 30 cm.
  2. The bottom of the dwelling should be lined with soil or litter (most often ordinary hay or pine bark is used).
  3. The decor should be reminiscent of reptile wildlife. It can be decorated with large pieces of pine bark, pebbles, and plants, but here it is worth considering that the turtle can eat and trample the plants. Don't overdo it with decor, because extra pieces can take up extra space for your pet's life. The turtle must have a place to roam.
  4. It must have a small pool. This can be a bowl or basin, but small enough that a turtle standing at the bottom can keep its head above the surface.
  5. In the terrarium, place a small lamp with a power of no more than 100 W and no less than 60 W. Preferably in a corner so that the reptile can be not only in the illuminated area, but also in the shade.
  6. There must be a heater near the feeder and drinking bowl. The ideal temperature for a turtle is +26 degrees.
  7. The feeder must be stable so that the animal cannot turn it over. You should not install it near a heater so that the greens do not dry out.
  8. There should be a drinking bowl near the feeder (near the lamp). It needs to be well immersed in the ground so that while quenching its thirst, the reptile does not squeeze its neck.
  9. A prerequisite is a house for sleeping. This can be any pot, upside down and with a hole.
  10. The material for the terrarium does not matter. Mostly glass or plastic is used.

Important! The terrarium should not be placed in a place exposed to drafts, because the turtle may catch a cold, or in a place that is too exposed to the sun, in which case the animal may overheat.

Keeping in an aquarium

For one adult, it is recommended to purchase an aquarium with a volume of at least 200 liters and a length of 150 cm. The minimum depth should be no less than the length of the animal’s carapace.
For cleaning, filters are installed that must be periodically cleaned of contamination. In July and August, the daytime temperature is maintained at 27°C, and then lowered by one degree each subsequent month. The heating can be turned off at night. In winter, it is enough to warm the water to 4°-12°C. This is the optimal range for hibernation.

The aquarium should be in a dry place that will warm up to 40°C. Halogen lamps are used for lighting. Ultra-Vitalux ultraviolet emitters are turned on daily for 20 minutes. They help produce vitamin D in reptiles’ bodies and inhibit pathogenic microflora.

River sand, pebbles, basalt or silicon lava are placed at the bottom of the aquarium. A shelter made of stones or ceramics must be equipped.


Males reach sexual maturity at the age of 3-5 years, and females at 5-7 years. The sex of turtles can only be determined when the carapace length is at least 10 cm.

When mating, the male inserts his sexual organ into the female’s cloaca, climbing onto her back and holding onto her shell with his claws. A plastron concave inward helps him successfully carry out this procedure. Mating lasts from 15 to 20 minutes.

Pregnancy lasts 80-85 days. The female climbs ashore and digs a hole on the wet sandy shore and lays eggs in it. There are from 5 to 12 eggs in one clutch. Depending on the climate, incubation lasts two or three months.

With the help of an egg tooth, the babies break through the eggshell and get out into the wild. They immediately rush to the saving surface of the water. Many of them do not have time to escape and fall into the clutches of predators.

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