60 liter aquarium: necessary equipment, design, fish and plants

An aquarium is a decoration for any interior. Today it is not just a vessel with fish, but a real work of art, which has been developed into a separate branch of the design direction with several stylistic types. The design of a modern aquarium includes various aquatic compositions of algae, stones, figures of ships and fish. Before you start decorating an aquarium with your own hands, you need to understand the basics of this art, choose the style in which the aqua design will be made, and stock up on the necessary tools.

You can put a piece of wood in the aquarium

You can stick a photo on the back of the aquarium

The bottom of the aquarium can be decorated with toys

Basic styles for creating a unique aquarium

There are several stylistic trends in modern water design. But given that this art form is relatively young and dynamically developing, new methods and ideas for aquarium design are emerging. Below is a table with the main ideas of aquascaping, its features and main components.

Aquarium design with algae and stones

You can make tunnels like this from wood and algae

Style Essential elements Peculiarities
Dutch Densely planted plants of various shapes, colors and designs. No more than 3 varieties of plants are used, which occupy 70% of the aquarium area;

The design is based on the “rule of thirds”;

Iwagumi Large stones or rock fragments, usually an odd number. Each of them has its own name and purpose, according to Japanese philosophy.
Zen Garden Bonsai and Japanese rock garden, driftwood, moss, sand soil as a symbol of the sky. All components of this design must comply with the rules of Zen, have a certain size, shape, quantity and location.
Wabi-kusa In the center of the aquarium there is an island or driftwood. Equal attention should be paid to both the underwater and above-water parts of the aquarium plant.
German (paludarium) Plants, stones, driftwood above/underwater. A wide variety of flower plants are used, harmoniously combining both the underwater and above-water parts of the aquarium.
Taiwanese High plant terraces, small figures and stones. Complete imitation of a living landscape.

An aquarium with colored lighting will look very beautiful

An example of a classic aquarium with stones

There must be algae in the aquarium

See also Decorating the interior with moss, photo.

What stones are suitable for an aquarium?

For an aquarium, you can choose different stones: from a pet store, natural ones already made in a certain form, artificial and natural.

The most inexpensive of these examples would be natural stones; they are a very practical and cheap method of decoration. But you need to choose them with great care, since they can bring not only benefits to aquarium inhabitants, but also harm. This will depend on what substances the stones release.

Stones that change the alkaline balance: calcareous tuff, limestone, porous white sandstone.

calcareous tuff limestone porous white sandstone

Stones that change the level of water hardness: dolomite, marble, sandstone.

dolomite marble sandstone

Neutral stones that do not release anything into the water will be granite, gneiss, slate, and lava.

granite gneiss slate lava

Pebbles are also quite popular; they look like an oval pebble, ground with water; they can also release various substances, because these stones are not made of the same material.

Sea stones are also used in the compositions. They are also a free way to obtain material for an aquarium. Moreover, many people on vacation like to bring with them a piece of the sea in the form of a beautiful shell or a found pebble of an unusual shape or color. But even here you need to take some precautions so that your fish are not harmed. The stones must be prepared for sending to the aquarium: wash off all dirt, clean with a brush, not missing a single crack, and then douse with boiling water or fire.

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Already processed natural stones are also used, but mostly they can be found in the form of a ready-made composition. When creating such complexes, the stones are often painted or glued. The materials used for these manipulations may not be very suitable, and the fish may be harmed and damaged. You need to choose such compositions carefully.

Artificial stones are used to complete the image and add aesthetics to the work. They are made from materials that do not pose a danger to underwater inhabitants. Such objects are represented by various pieces of glass, a parody of natural stone, neon, they add mystery in the dark. There are a variety of sizes and shapes and you can find thousands of different options to suit you and your fish.

And one more category – “living” stones. These are pieces of coral that have been broken off from their large home in the sea. These are suitable for sea fish, but will be a wonderful addition and will bring benefit to them and joy to you, but their price may cause many to doubt the need for a purchase.

coral particles

General instructions for setting up an aquarium

Regardless of the style in which you decide to design your own aquarium, there are general instructions for quality work. Compliance with these instructions is the key to a vibrant and multifaceted underwater flora and fauna.

A castle in an aquarium will look very beautiful

You can put various items in the aquarium

The main rule is to isolate the fish in a separate vessel while the design idea is being implemented. It is important to fill it with water in which the organisms swam. After finishing the work, you should pour it along with the fish into a decorated aquarium.

It is also important to clean and treat all elements with disinfectants, including those that cannot be replaced. After installing all parts, you must ensure that all decorative and mechanical components are installed and functioning correctly.

Tree branches in an aquarium will look beautiful

You can decorate the aquarium with stones and shells

To create a real pond for the fish, you can decorate the aquarium with algae and wood.

See alsoBamboo in the interior - use cases

Specific types of aquariums

All these aquariums have special conditions.


A true saltwater aquarium is designed to house animals that live in salt water. These marine fish and invertebrates are usually much brighter and have more interesting shapes than freshwater ones.

Plus, marine aquariums contain live corals that have natural colors. These are real fragments of coral reefs that are transported along with their rich microflora. Observing this beautiful piece of the underwater world can be extremely interesting.

There are several types of them, depending on the inhabitants:

  • for predators - huge tanks designed for the life of sharks, rays and moray eels; these are the most unpretentious marine inhabitants, their main requirement is the volume of water;
  • for marine fish - non-predatory, with bright decorative colors; with their mere presence they are already able to decorate an aquarium; these are clown fish, Moorish idol, angel fish, chrysiptera, tamarin and others;
  • for invertebrates - corals, zoanthus, sea anemones, sponges, jellyfish, anemones, etc.; keeping them at home is the most difficult - they are sensitive to the slightest changes in living conditions; Special equipment will be required: foam separating columns, flow pumps, automatic water testing systems, microelements dispensers. If you do not have deep knowledge of marine aquarium keeping, it is easier (although not cheaper) to buy SAMP - a comprehensive water filtration system designed for a certain volume of the aquarium.


Biotope means “habitat of living organisms”. This direction of aquarium husbandry is the most complete recreation of the natural living conditions of specific fish and plants. Before this, a thorough study of information about the selected area of ​​​​wildlife is necessary. Some fans of the right biotopes make real expeditions to these areas.

Aquariums quite often contain fish from different continents, but in this direction this is completely excluded. And here there is the following feature. As a rule, the water in natural reservoirs is cloudy due to the large volume of fallen leaves and other organic matter, and there is a layer of sediment at the bottom.

And, it seems, aquariums with such a design may seem unattractive. But their conditions are as comfortable as possible for their inhabitants and allow you to observe their natural behavior. Which is a wonderful way to understand the world.

Cold water

Cold-water aquariums are aquariums with a water temperature of 23°C or lower. They contain fish that prefer these temperatures. The most common are goldfish. They are herbivores, so living vegetation is not used to support them.

But their habitat is decorated with decorative artificial plants and grottoes. The latter should not have sharp edges, because many goldfish have long and wide fins or bulging eyes.

The minimum volume is 50 liters per individual. Accordingly, for a group this is a capacity of 200 liters or more. They produce a significant amount of waste, hence the need for powerful filters and aerators.

With big fish

Not all aquarists love small fish. Some consider species reaching 20-30 cm in length to be beautiful. For example, astronotus, parrotfish, pangasius, pterygoplichts, chukuchans, piranhas.

The main difficulty in keeping them is the need for an aquarium of 500 liters or more. Good filtration and frequent partial water changes are also needed. Often, for this purpose, such aquariums are connected directly to the water supply and sewerage system.

The decorations must be well secured, otherwise a large pet may drop them and damage the glass.

With glofish

The name glofish comes from the English words glow - “glow” and fish - “fish”. These are fish with coelenterate genes inserted into their DNA, causing them to glow in the rays of a blue or ultraviolet lamp.

Although even without this effect, these fish have very bright, acidic colors. The most common glofish are artificially bred species of zebrafish, black-striped cichlasomas, thornets, angelfish, barbs, and labeo.

They perfectly enliven children's and futuristic aquariums. The main thing about them is the blue night lighting, which allows you to admire the “living lights”. A great idea to maintain the theme would be to purchase special soils, stones and decorations that have a glow effect.


The concept of a species aquarium has two meanings:

  • an aquarium with one type of fish; The style of the aquarium itself is not important; most often this is done for aggressive fish (for example, urchin fish or sharks), or to preserve a pure breed;
  • an aquarium, the main focus of which is the fish themselves, most often of unusual shapes and colors; the decorations are minimal.


A cichlid is a species aquarium of fish from the cichlid family. They are very bright and attractive. In addition, these fish show complex behaviors and can recognize their owners.

Cichlids are very diverse, among them there are both small and giants. Therefore, the size of the reservoir should be chosen in accordance with this - aquariums of both 60 liters and 150 liters can be relevant. The main feature of their character is territoriality. In some species it is so pronounced that it is impossible to keep them together with other species.

By origin, cichlids are distinguished from Central and South America and from Africa. The former love soft water, while the latter love hard water, so it is impossible to keep them together.

Large cichlids are incompatible with living plants, so artificial vegetation is used to decorate cichlids.


A paludarium is an aquarium consisting of aquatic and land parts. It is designed to recreate the atmosphere of a tropical forest. The underwater part of the composition may be inhabited by certain species of fish or crustaceans.

The photo shows that the surface part is located above the water level. This is a place for stones, driftwood and terrestrial moisture-loving plants. Often the paludarium is designed like a stream flowing into an aquarium. Floating plants are often planted on its surface, because they look at it from above.

Nuances of aquarium design

Some secrets for decorating an aquarium with your own hands.

  • When using items collected by yourself on the coast or in nature for decoration, you need to boil them for 6-8 minutes.
  • To check an element’s suitability for aquatic design, you need to drop a couple of drops of vinegar on it: if foam and characteristic “hissing” appear, the item should not be used.
  • The background gives the effect of depth. To do this, you can use special backgrounds that are sold in pet stores, or you can do it yourself - paint the outer side of the back wall in a solid, rich color (blue, green, gray, etc.).
  • It is optimal to secure decorative components using fishing line or cotton thread.
  • You should not use oak branches in decoration, as they release special enzymes that can color the water in the aquarium.
  • You can create the effect of an uneven bottom and mound by placing an ordinary plate on it, imitating a mound.
  • For small fish, it is better to use shallow soil, and for large waterfowl, it is optimal to use a combined bottom.

You can put stones in the aquarium

Example of aquarium design with sand

See alsoOriginal decor with butterflies: photos, tips, materials

Where to get stones

The fastest and most convenient option is to go to a pet store and buy stones there; in the modern world, quite a few varieties of stones have been invented. But it is also possible that there will not be exactly the ones you wanted to take, or the choice is meager. Then you can order in online stores. The stones you need may be in stock, but delivery will take some time, and not all sites are trustworthy. It is often advised to buy “Stones for a bath” from a building materials store; this is not an expensive method and is convenient, but I would like something more interesting, more intricate stones. But for a simple aquarium it’s a convenient option.

You yourself can go in search of stones - it will be entertaining and interesting, especially if you have children, then such a search can be turned into a game “Finding pirate treasure” or a treasure buried a long time ago in the surrounding area, and you won’t even notice how time flies. For example, you can safely go to the seashore, rocks, forests, to the foot of volcanoes; the necessary stones may be found in the mountains. But the choice must be conscious, keep in mind the picture of the future appearance of the aquarium - and everything will work out just fine.

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Aquascaping in 50 liters

Decorating a 50 liter aquarium is suitable for beginners in aquascaping. These tanks use automated systems for purifying water and saturating it with oxygen, which greatly facilitates further maintenance. This vessel is suitable for slowly growing plants that do not require a lot of light. A nuance in this design is the regular trimming of algae to ensure sufficient space for the living organisms inhabiting it. For a comfortable existence, you need to stock the following types of aquarium fish with the maximum number in such an aquarium:

  • Guppy – 20;
  • Danio – 10;
  • Swordtails – 10;
  • Pecilia – 6;
  • Molinesia – 5;
  • Goldfish – 1.

For large inhabitants, such as Shark Baloo, such a displacement will not be enough for a comfortable existence.

Beautiful lighting will further decorate the aquarium

An aquarium with algae and wood will look very nice

Remember, there must be enough space for the fish to swim.

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Caring for a small aquarium

This tank is easy to care for. But you need to do this often. Neglecting the rules of looking after a nano aquarium will lead to dire consequences. Due to the small displacement, uneaten food will quickly cloud the water. Algae grows faster in such a tank than in a larger tank.

It is necessary to create a cleaning schedule based on the diversity of inhabitants: changing water, daylight hours, cleaning the bottom. It is important not to lose vigilance and, in case of any deviation from the norm, to take immediate action.

A mini aquarium is a classic solution for decorating the interior at work or in a small apartment. Everything will function with the correct selection of equipment.

Aquascaping in 100 liters

This volume of the vessel expands the boundaries of creativity. Here you can use different aquarium plants, decorating it in the Dutch style, or use a minimum of elements and create aquascaping in the style of an Iwagumi or Zen garden.

You can put a small artificial castle on the bottom of the aquarium

Home aquarium design option

For example, decoration with Eleocharis sp. "Mini" will create a soft lawn that does not grow and does not require regular mowing. You can also supplement the aquarium with a couple of stones and a driftwood with moss in the form of a bonsai. To do this, you can use Java moss, which is unpretentious in cultivation, and the only requirement for full growth is an established carbon dioxide circulation system. In dim light, Java moss will have an oblong shape and a light shade; in bright light, its texture will be denser, and its shape will be more compact and neat.

An aquarium with algae and pieces of wood will look very beautiful

You can put stones in the aquarium

The aquarium can be built into the interior opening

See alsoBottle decor with ribbons - luxurious, ornate, unusual

Soil and vegetation

Designing a 30-liter aquarium requires a competent choice of flora and substrate for the long life of future inhabitants. This is important because plants saturate the aquatic environment with oxygen, and the type of soil determines how often you will have to clean the aquarium.

The substrate for small ponds is chosen in a discreet, natural color. The size of the component parts is no more than 5 mm. Before placement, the soil is washed or boiled well to get rid of harmful substances. The optimal layer in an aquarium is from 3 to 5 cm.

Once the soil is placed, you need to start choosing the flora. Plants are planted a day after laying out the soil so that all dangerous substances come out of the water. It is best for novice aquarists to give preference to unpretentious species that develop without additional help. The number of aquatic flowers is selected strictly according to the volume of the reservoir. If there is too much greenery, it will not leave room for the movement of small residents - guppies and barbs, and a small amount will lead to oxygen starvation.

Aquadesign in 200 liters

Such an aquarium is an ideal environment for creating marine design. This style is the most difficult to create with your own hands, as it requires the use of special equipment to maintain the level of acidity, salt and other indicators of the condition of the water. An important part of a marine aquarium is living aquarium rocks and plants, which prepare the water for the release of underwater inhabitants and provide it with special minerals and trace elements. It is recommended to place them directly on the bottom of the aquarium, and not on the sand. You can use real sea corals as decoration and completely reproduce the imitation of the ocean floor. An important nuance is to populate the living inhabitants step by step: first fish, several subspecies every 3-4 days, and after 2 weeks you can populate the aquarium with sea corals.

You can put a piece of wood in the aquarium

You can decorate the aquarium with stones

Attention! When designing an aquarium, remember that it needs to be looked after.

Creating a unique underwater world with your own hands is only the first stage of long-term work. Like any living organisms, algae and fish require regular care:

  • trim overgrown algae and plants;
  • clean the glass;
  • vacuum the soil.

If this work is done in a timely manner, harmful nitrates will accumulate in the water and soil, which negatively affect all living inhabitants of the aquatic world. When cleaning an aquarium, it is optimal to use not chemicals, but a solution of warm water and 5% vinegar.

See alsoHow to use a decorative cage in the interior


Before buying a 200 liter aquarium, you need to prepare the place where it will stand. It should be remembered that not all furniture can support the weight of such a product, so it is recommended to purchase a special cabinet along with the pond. A sheet of foam material is placed between its surface and the bottom of the tank to smooth out any unevenness.

To maintain a comfortable environment for its inhabitants inside an artificial reservoir, the following equipment is used:

  • filter – external, internal or mounted;
  • compressor - in a 200-liter volume the installation of this device is mandatory;
  • heater;
  • lighting devices - a lamp with fluorescent or LED lamps, which can be built into the lid or placed separately above the cover glass.

Correct placement in the aquarium

The prepared minerals are lowered into the tank after the placement has been thought out.

The following recommendations must be followed:

  • The pebbles are distributed evenly along the bottom so as not to create a load. If you want to group the composition, you need to correlate the weight of the stones and the strength of the bottom.
  • Large stones, especially natural ones such as granite and gabbro-diabase, are heavy. Therefore, their number is limited.
  • Decorations should not be leaned against walls. If not immediately, then later the glass will burst under pressure, even if it is very strong. Only small pebbles can be placed near the walls.
  • The structure itself must stand firmly. If the created stone structure falls on its side, aquatic life may be harmed or the glass may break.
  • Rocks can be used to secure floating algae. It must be taken into account that the plants stretch out, become stronger and can turn the structure over.

Typically, tall decorations are attached to the bottom with silicone glue designed specifically for aquariums. No other glue can be used. The downside is that rearranging them if necessary will be problematic. It will not be possible to remove it from the tank to rinse and clean it. Therefore, it is advisable to think over a structure that will be reliable in stability, with a wide base.

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