About aquariums
The axolotl is an incredible, fabulous creature whose appearance resembles a prehistoric amphibian or newt. Because of this
If you have watched the popular cartoon "Finding Nemo", you may have already thought about it.
The Central Asian tortoise (Latin: Testudo horsfieldii) or steppe tortoise is a small and popular domestic land tortoise.
Review author: “ZooVita” Turtles are interesting animals. They are already very popular in Europe
The red-eared slider (lat. Trachemys scripta) is the most common among pet turtle lovers. Unfortunately,
Review author: “ZooVita” Turtles are quite demanding and difficult reptiles to keep. And this
Nowadays, it has become very fashionable to keep unusual animals at home, such as
The decision of which fish to get first in your aquarium may be sudden, or it may
Newts in the aquarium Tritons are a general designation for a group of representatives of tailed amphibians, including
Leopard geckos are a genus of lizards from the leopard gecko family. Many exotic pet lovers keep beautiful reptiles