Aquarium ball (flask): design and what fish to stock

Aquarium football
Recently, Tetra posted in its in social networks post dedicated to the 2021 FIFA World Cup, taking place here in Russia. And at the same time I promoted the aquarium Tetra Cascade Globe stylized as a soccer ball.

Previously, we have already reviewed the launch and design of such an aquarium, but behind the scenes of the article there were many questions about the maintenance and care of such a small round aquarium. In light of the above, we decided to dot all the “Is” in this issue.

general description

Back in the middle of the last century, round aquariums were the only option for keeping pet fish. They could easily be found in pet stores for a low cost.

The fashion for spheres came from China in the mid-19th century, which is confirmed by the works of painters and many photographs depicting glass balls with a single swimming goldfish.

Rectangular home ponds appeared at the end of the 20th century and rapidly began to gain popularity due to a number of advantages. The owners, having appreciated the convenience and advantages of cubic containers, began to forget about their predecessors.

However, fashion is returning, and new technological capabilities make the stay of fish in spherical housing more comfortable than before. And if you take into account the aesthetic effect, it is not surprising that their popularity is again gaining momentum. You can even organize an artificial aquarium with artificial fish in them.

Antique round aquarium of French origin

Advantages and disadvantages

A round aquarium in an apartment has both advantages and disadvantages. It can be combined with any design, looks impressive, just like an aquarium bowl, will fit into the interior of even a small apartment, is compact and will not “eat up” a lot of space. It is convenient to move from place to place and can be quickly cleaned due to its small size. Such a bowl, without seams, is protected from accidental leaks.

The size of the mini-reservoir and its shape cause problems in the care and maintenance of fish, and also complicate the selection of equipment. Before purchasing, weigh all the pros and cons, since such a tank will require more care and time than a classic specimen. The disadvantages include:

  • With a volume of 15 liters, the diameter of the tank is 25 cm. A filter cannot be placed in an aquarium of this size; the water will have to be renewed every day. This is a labor-intensive process that negatively affects the health of the fish.
  • The maximum volume of spherical flasks – 50 liters – will not allow you to accommodate many pets. In addition, it cannot accommodate enough plants and shelters necessary for the life of fish. Also, a 50-liter aquarium, heating unevenly, will cause temperature changes and fluctuations, which will negatively affect the inhabitants. For a larger number of fish, it is better to choose a 150 liter aquarium.

The maximum volume of spherical flasks is 50 liters

  • The curved walls of the vessel create distortion, the optical refraction of light, causing additional flickering and glare that will cause great stress.
  • Bottom fish have catastrophically little space in such a dwelling.
  • Due to the narrowed top, there is a lack of oxygen in the water. It is impossible to attach a powerful compressor to the curved walls of a container.
  • A round or semicircular specimen requires more careful care. The water needs to be changed more often, and the walls will have to be cleaned only with special brushes and sponges.

Before purchasing a small aquarium to keep living creatures in it, you should think about the feasibility of the idea. After all, such a home will be uncomfortable for fish, and the costs of arranging it, maintaining it and keeping it clean will be little comparable to the aesthetic pleasure of its appearance.

Planet Aqua - a spherical world

European painters of the 19th century, when depicting an aquarium, always painted a glass ball with goldfish inside. It was in this form that the aquarium came to Europe from the birthplace of aquarium art - from China, where fish were kept in round vases, initially porcelain, and with the advent of transparent types of glass - in glass. And the rectangular shape of glass reservoirs familiar to us all arose only at the end of the century before last. But even today, when most people who are far from our hobby hear the word “aquarium,” they imagine a water world enclosed in a ball.

Round aquariums were widely distributed in our country and abroad until the mid-1960s, when they gradually began to be replaced by the “classics” that were familiar to us. Already in the 80s they were looked at as an unusual retro, and at the beginning of this century, with the spread of the technological approach to aquarium keeping, among people who were passionate about it, it became somehow indecent to even mention glass balls. The belief has spread that such a container is generally unsuitable as an aquarium, harmful to the health of the fish and to the eyes of the observer... However, history likes to repeat itself. Today, with the advent of a new generation of convenient equipment and the spread of fashion for miniature and subminiature "nano-aquariums", glass balls have launched a counter-offensive. And I must say, quite successful.

If you had told me three or four years ago that I would be giving advice on equipping a round aquarium, I would have twirled my finger at my temple. Indeed, I gave my last round aquarium to a lover of flower arrangements about thirty years ago, and when Germany and Austria adopted an addition to the law on cruelty to animals, banning the use of round aquariums for their intended purpose on their territory, I greatly welcomed this initiative. But everything is changing. And today we can say with confidence: the round aquarium is back! The development of special lamps, filters and other equipment for spherical tanks by the world's leading aquarium companies today makes it possible to create in them a completely comfortable environment for aquarium inhabitants, where they can live no worse than in classic aquariums.

Aquarium Aquael ball 25 l Aquarium Aquael ball 45 l

But it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of round reservoirs. Firstly, all the same restrictions that exist for nano-aquariums with a capacity of up to 15 liters apply to them (even if your balloon holds 25 liters!). Secondly, the design laws of such an aquarium are fundamentally different from those adopted in the rectangular “classic”: there is no division into the foreground, middle and background, and spherical glass creates its own special laws of perspective, according to which it is necessary to adjust the arrangement of design elements and planting . Thirdly, the range of fish and invertebrates that can live normally in a spherical container is very limited. Well, fourthly, I repeat, it is necessary to use special equipment. Let's start with him.

How to choose

A spherical aquarium will harmoniously fit into any interior, so the selection is based not on aesthetic, but on practical properties.

Beginners are not recommended to purchase a ball with a capacity of less than 20 liters. It is impossible to install aquarium equipment in small vessels; they will require more time and effort to maintain. It would be optimal to purchase a fully equipped tank with a filter, aerator, illuminator and thermal device suitable specifically for a given model.

Having determined a place in the room for a home pond, select a sphere with the maximum possible capacity. In this case, its walls should be no thicker than 5 mm, otherwise the optical distortion will increase.

Where is the best place to install

Finding a suitable place for a round vessel in a room is not an easy task. And if special cabinets are provided for rectangular aquariums, then the spherical version will have to be installed on existing furniture. At the same time, it should not interfere with or interfere with the life of the owner, and at the same time it should be clearly visible and visible from several sides.

Families with children, who will not bypass an item with live fish and may accidentally knock over the jar, need to carefully consider the installation location. For additional stability and safety, the vessel is placed on a special stand or secured to the wall.

For safety, the vessel is placed on a special stand.

In addition, the tank should not be placed near heating radiators, so as not to provoke hyperthermia, or directly near a window. Incident sunlight will lead to excessive water pollution, the growth of algae and microorganisms, covering the walls of the vessel with plaque.

general information

Today in stores you can find a round “jar” of any volume, ranging from 3 to 50 liters. As for the material from which they are made, there are two options. Modern aquariums are made from acrylic and silicate glass, each of which has its own characteristics.

For example, silicate glass is quite hard. It is difficult to leave a mark or scratch on it, but it breaks very easily. Standard rectangular aquariums are made from this glass. Acrylic, according to its parameters, will be much more reliable. It is characterized by plasticity and viscosity, so it is quite difficult to break such an aquarium. Despite this, it is easy to leave scratches on it, and this is its significant drawback. Round and designer aquariums of various shapes are made from acrylic.


The main elements of the equipment are:

  • compressor;
  • heater;
  • filter;
  • lamps;
  • UV for aquarium;
  • lid.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the presence of the mark “for a round aquarium”. Conventional equipment will not work, as it will be too bulky and massive, and attaching it will be problematic.

As an alternative, purchase a copy already fully equipped with the necessary equipment.

Light source

All aquatic organisms require additional lighting. This applies not only to fish, but also to vegetation. After all, only with a sufficient level of light does the process of photosynthesis occur and plants release oxygen into the environment.

There are three types of lamps for round aquariums:

  • A tabletop device on a leg with a flexible neck.

Table lamp on a leg with a flexible neck

  • Similar to the first one, but instead of a leg, the lamp is attached with clamps to the edge of the aquarium.
  • A lamp built into a special aquarium lid. This type of device is optimal because it performs several functions at once: it saves space, prevents fish from jumping out of the reservoir, protects children and four-legged pets from the curiosity, and also prevents excessive evaporation of liquid.

All lighting fixtures are equipped with modern LEDs, which saves energy and protects water from heating.
The duration of daylight is standard for all aquariums - no more than 10-12 hours a day. Otherwise, the convex walls of the container will quickly become overgrown with plaque.


As mentioned above, the surface of water in a round flask is much smaller than in the classic rectangular version. Such an area does not allow maintaining a sufficient level of oxygen for the full functioning of fish. To provide pets with vital air exchange, a compressor is installed in the container, the power of which is determined based on the volume of the aquarium, or a complete version is purchased.

A compressor must be installed in a round aquarium.


Maintaining the temperature regime is an important aspect of the well-being of fish, most of which come from warm tropical waters and are accustomed to temperatures of 22-27 degrees. Any deviation from these parameters is undesirable. For example, when the indicators are slightly exceeded, the oxygen concentration in water sharply decreases, and the proportion of nitrogenous compounds increases. Fish may die from intoxication. When the temperature drops, vital processes in the body slow down, biological balance is disturbed, and pets get sick.

Therefore, a heat device with automatic adjustment of parameters and a built-in thermostat is installed in the aquarium.


In a round tank, the problem of filtration is quite acute.
A small volume of aquarium soil is not enough for natural filtration and maintaining the bio-equilibrium of the system. In such flasks, installing a filter is the most important prerequisite. It is almost impossible to attach a standard unit to convex walls: it will hold weakly, a device attached to the edge will interfere with the lid, and bulky equipment will spoil the aesthetic appearance.

A smart solution would be to install a bottom filter for a round aquarium, specifically designed for its shape. It is a small rug with a pump, which is hidden with decorations and pebbles. Inside the filter there is gravel that traps contaminants. You can also study separately what kind of pump is in the aquarium and what it is needed for.

For a round aquarium, a bottom filter is installed

The larger the displacement of the vessel, the more powerful the filtration system should be. A good filter should filter and purify 5 liters of liquid within one hour.


The lid performs several functions:

  • Protects the inhabitants of the aquarium from the hunting paws of cats.
  • Equipped with LED lighting.
  • Does not allow water to evaporate.
  • Prevents fish from jumping out.

The lid is equipped with LED lighting

It is better to buy an artificial pond with a lid. It is difficult to find the missing part in the store.


To ensure a stable position and prevent overturning, the container is placed on specialized stands. It is impossible to find them on the open market. A stand for a round aquarium is supplied complete with it or can be made to order.

Setting up a small aquarium world

Below, for the density of the material, we offer you an article by the Tetra company, published in Yandex Magazine, about the Tetra Cascade Globe aquarium - “How to create conditions for fish in 5 steps.”

Small round aquarium cascade globe

Keeping an aquarium at home is inexpensive and requires almost no hassle. Everything you need can be easily ordered online. An aquarium, water and plant supplies, equipment, food, plants and fish will cost 6,500 ₽. The price includes 4 months of care. Prices valid as of June 6, 2021.

Time: 60 minutes.

Difficulty level: beginner.

Equipment: 6.8 liter Tetra Cascade Globe aquarium, 10 ml syringe, thin hose, regular scissors for trimming old leaves and tweezers for planting.

Materials and special means: one pot of Cryptocoryne Wendt , one bush of Thai fern Active Substrate soil , Tetra Betta AquaSafe Tetra Crypto fertilizer Tetra SafeStart bioculture Tetra Betta Larva Sticks food , Tetra EasyBalance .

Equipment: Tetra FN aquarium net size S, Tetra TH Digital digital thermometer, Tetra EasyWipes, Tetra Easy Crystal Filter Pack C 100 filter cartridges.

Unpack and install the aquarium - 10 minutes.

A small round aquarium is the best option for a small room: compact and inexpensive to maintain, suitable for one fish. Price - about 3000 ₽.

An aquarium needs a place where it will not disturb the household. A place near the battery is not suitable: sudden changes in temperature are harmful to the fish.

When you have chosen a place, unpack the aquarium and place it on a flat, solid surface.

Place primer and decor - 15 minutes.

We will need 1/3 of a package of Tetra Active Substrate made of sintered clay, which costs about 400 rubles for 3 liters. For a small aquarium, soil with particles with a diameter of 3-5 mm is suitable: beneficial bacteria will live in it, which purify the water and plant roots.

The color of the primer and decor are not important, as long as they do not react with water. To check neutrality, you need to drop vinegar on a pebble or driftwood: if it hisses, it means a reaction is taking place. Such soil or decoration will make the water too hard for fish and plants, and unnecessary algae will proliferate.

We lay the soil, wash the decor in running water and place it in the aquarium.

For a small aquarium, it is better to take small driftwood and stones, or do without them altogether.

Pour water - 10 minutes.

Pour 6 ml of Tetra Betta AquaSafe, taking into account that 0.8 liters of the aquarium is occupied by soil and decor. There are measuring marks on the bottle. A slight overdose is not dangerous, but it is better to use a medical syringe to avoid mistakes. Mix the water with an aquarium net. Do not throw away the remaining medication - it will be needed for water changes.

Tetra Betta AquaSafe contains useful substances and vitamins for fish, helping them quickly settle into a new place. Costs about 180 ₽. You can use regular Tetra AquaSafe, but you need half the amount - only 3 ml for our 6 liter aquarium. There will be no difference in price.

Plant live plants - 15 minutes.

Unpretentious and slow-growing plants are suitable for our aquarium. For example, cryptocoryne wendta for about 300 ₽ and Thai fern for 150-300 ₽.

We use scissors to cut plastic pots with plants and remove old rotten leaves. The roots need to be freed from weights and mineral wool, cut to a length of 3-4 cm.

We plant cryptocoryne: we bury the roots, and between the bushes we put half a tablet of Tetra Crypto fertilizer in the soil. You need to add it once a month. A package of 10 tablets costs 300 ₽.

We plant ferns: we do not bury the roots deeply, but only cover them with soil from above.

Prepare water for fish - 5 minutes.

Shake the bottle and pour 7 ml of Tetra SafeStart bioculture. The composition contains bacteria that purify water and protect fish from poisoning by their waste products. 50 ml costs about 250 rubles.

We install the filter and turn on the power supply.

Introduce fish - 5 minutes.

A male betta will live in our aquarium, because females do not have such bright and long fins. He quickly gets used to people and can even learn to take food from hands. There are many breeds and colors of cockerels, so they vary in cost - from 100 rubles to 1000 rubles. Our fish cost 400 rubles. We release the fish and turn on the light. It should burn for 8-10 hours a day - this is important for the health of the plants.

You can feed your pet the next day after moving in so that he has time to get used to his new home. Tetra Betta Larva Sticks Betta food is similar to red worms. They only need to be given 2-3 pieces once a day. If you overfeed a fish, it can get sick and die: the leftover food spoils the water.

Betta fish are aggressive towards other individuals, so they are better off alone. It is better to store food and all supplies out of the reach of children. One sachet of food for 100 ₽ is enough for 2-3 months, so do not buy in reserve - after opening the package it begins to lose vitamins and oxidize.

Change the water periodically.

On the 3rd day after launch, drain 1/3 of the aquarium using a thin hose, add water of the same temperature with the addition of 1 ml of Tetra AquaSafe. A water hose can be found at home or bought for about 160 ₽. On the 6th and 9th days after launch, we again change 1/3 of the water. Next time - after 5 days, that is, on the 14th day after launch.

Two weeks after launch, the microflora in the aquarium will be fully mature. Now you can start changing the water once a week, or use Tetra EasyBalance - this drug will reduce the number of changes to twice a year. Be sure to shake the bottle and draw 1.5 ml of the drug into the syringe - at the rate of 1 ml per 4 liters of water. Add the product to the aquarium. We use a syringe because an overdose is undesirable.

Keep the aquarium clean.

To remove excess food and dead plant leaves from the water, you need a size S net. The fish can be caught only if it is sick or there is an emergency in the aquarium. You cannot unnecessarily place your pet in a separate vessel, rinse the entire aquarium and soil - the microflora will die.

Replacement filter cartridges in the Cascade Globe aquarium need to be changed once a month. There are three pieces in a package for 350 ₽.

Water parameters and replacement rules

When starting up your home pond for the first time, you should let the water sit for 2 hours. It should not contain chlorine, impurities, or suspended matter. If time is limited, then add a special conditioner. Since the liquid evaporates daily, it is necessary to always have a reserve of settled water for topping up and changing.

Fluid changes are carried out weekly at 1/3 volume. Under no circumstances should you completely replace all the water or rinse the soil. Even in a home pond, over time, its own balanced biosystem is established, which links the vital activity of flora and fauna, bacteria and other microorganisms into one chain. Thus, life in the aquarium turns into a full-fledged autonomous ecosystem. If any of the parameters are violated, the balance is disrupted, which negatively affects all aquatic organisms.

Fluid changes are carried out weekly at 1/3 volume

Soil and decor

The right soil performs the most important function, being a natural filter of water from dangerous nitrogenous compounds. Most bacteria that neutralize toxic waste are found in the soil. The layer is formed 5-7 cm thick, the substrate should be light and loose, for example, gravel. Sand or small pebbles will not work. You can decorate the interior space with colorful glass, shelters, soil and other elements.

The special shape and small size will not allow organizing large-scale compositions with shipwrecks or underwater castles. But you can place a figurine of a chest with coins, coral reefs or marine-themed figurines on the bottom. In spherical models, objects look embossed, and any flaw will be immediately noticeable. In general, there are several possible options for how to beautifully decorate an aquarium, even a small one.

Decorators recommend placing small pebbles at the bottom and rooting plants in them that do not distract attention or obscure aquatic life. Living vegetation will help replenish oxygen reserves.

Proper soil is a natural water filter

Why do you need a filter and compressor?

In short, the compressor pumps in oxygen, aerating the water, and the filter cleans the flow. The main function in an aquarium is reduced to mechanical, biological, chemical purification of water from nitrates and other waste products of fish, medicines, food residues, unwanted algae, microorganisms, and ground contaminants. It also creates a current in the reservoir that is usually weak and insignificant for its inhabitants, and makes the water transparent, which significantly improves the appearance of the aquarium. It is believed that the filter serves as a permanent habitat for bacteria that make the water suitable for fish. The compressor is no less important, because it:

  • enriches the water with oxygen in densely populated fisheries where there are no living algae or where they cannot cope;
  • mixes different layers of water, equalizing their temperature and preventing it from stagnating, i.e., has a weak antibacterial effect;
  • imitates the flow, allowing you to create conditions close to natural for some species of fish;
  • makes the aquarium landscape more interesting due to bubbles;
  • complements the filter and prevents the appearance of film on the surface and dirt on the walls.

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What plants to choose and how to plant

Live or artificial vegetation is placed in the mini-aquarium. It is better to purchase live plants that will provide additional oxygen for the fish.

Unnatural algae also have their advantages: they do not require careful care and serve as an object for spawning. A few artificial plants would be helpful.

Tall single-stem vegetation is planted in the center of the reservoir, and low-growing grass is placed near the walls. Free movement of fish should be a priority.

Aquarium plants with underdeveloped roots that can take root in a small amount of soil are suitable for the sphere:

  • horn fern;
  • cryptocoryne;
  • moss;
  • nayas;
  • aquarium vallisneria;
  • hornwort;
  • elodea;
  • pistia.


Horn fern

However, even some of them can have a negative impact on the ecosystem. For example, pistia completely covers the surface of a reservoir, and nayas tends to grow very quickly.


Due to the small volumes of the round bowl, you will have to limit yourself to a minimum of plants. Greenery will become an additional source of oxygen, so live rather than artificial plants are placed in the vessel. They will serve as shelter for the fish.

For design, plants can be used to hide aquarium equipment: filter, compressor and heater.

The following types are suitable:

  • elodea;
  • cryptocoryne;
  • hornwort;
  • Vallisneria spiralis;
  • mosses;
  • pistia.
  • The main criteria for selection are compactness and independence from the root system.

    Design features of a round aquarium

    The design of a spherical reservoir has its own specifics; it is designed according to the principle of minimalism. It has a panoramic view, visible from all sides. It will not be possible to install large-scale decorations due to their small size, and there is nowhere to attach a background in the form of an underwater photo.

    The object is placed in a pre-prepared place so that it is visible from all sides. The largest decorative item (a driftwood, a castle, a long plant stem) is placed in the center. Low objects, multi-colored pebbles, and artificial algae are placed closer to the walls so that they do not interfere with the activity of the fish.

    What kind of fish can be kept in a round aquarium?

    A spherical bowl is not suitable for all types of fish. The fact is that the curved walls of the vessel refract light differently than in conventional models, so some pets will feel uncomfortable here. You should not stock too shy, nimble and overly active fish that love to swarm in the soil, which is already not enough. The same applies to aquarium glasses.

    Bright, unpretentious, miniature varieties are suitable for keeping in cramped conditions:

    • blue neons;
    • single cockerels;
    • lalius;
    • guppy;
    • mollies;
    • ampularia;
    • zebrafish

    Cockerel in a round aquarium

    Neons in a round aquarium

    In addition to fish, suitable inhabitants include ampullaria snails and cherry shrimp, which do not require filtration, as well as small catfish that clean the walls that quickly become dirty.

    The number of individuals should be stable (no more than 3-4), usually this is an aquarium for one fish, for example, a betta. An excess of inhabitants negatively affects the purity of the water, disrupting the biobalance.

    How to keep a goldfish in a round aquarium

    Goldfish, contrary to popular belief, cannot live in a round aquarium. She needs free movement and space of at least 50 liters each. These beauties grow large in size, and in cramped conditions their natural development will be disrupted: the skeleton is deformed, the functioning of internal organs is disrupted.

    In addition, goldfish are known to excrete large amounts of organic matter. A weak filtration system and small soil area will not cope with such a volume of pollution. The goldfish will begin to wither, suffocating on their own waste.

    Are there aquariums without fish?

    If you have a great desire to decorate the space with a round glass object, and at the same time not torment the fish and yourself with constant care for them, you can arrange a glass flask without inhabitants.

    Glasses and vases with green vegetation or blooming flora look very nice. Some owners decorate the space in the flask with driftwood and colored glass pebbles.

    Vase with pebbles, plants and artificial waterfall

    Vase with different types of gravel, driftwood and plants

    The following are suitable design elements for spheres without fish:

    • Marimo is a smart algae with an unusual shape that will give the tank a creative look.
    • Low-flowering plants (Anubias, Lindernia, Echinodorus) will look great alone in a glass space.
    • Green plants for the herbalist - moss, sagittaria, liliopsis - will give the feeling of a fairy-tale forest.
    • Bright shrimps that do not require special equipment will enliven the aqua world.
    • Slow, large ampullaries will clean the walls of the vessel.

    The fashion for decorating a room with glass aquariums and spherical vases without water is gaining momentum.

    Popular manufacturers

    There are still budget glass models similar to the Soviet ones on sale. Such containers greatly distort space, sound, and have a large mass. In addition, they are sold without equipment and equipping them according to all the rules is a real quest.

    More modern models are produced by popular European manufacturers. Among them are aquarium gurus:

    • Tetra company specializes in the production of aquariums, terrariums, and equipment for them. Inexpensive tanks from this company are fully equipped with everything necessary, including LED lighting.
    • Aquael produces a wide range of complete vessels, equipped with lids with a built-in filter, light and compressor. The cost depends on the size and model.
    • AA Aquarium specializes in producing small spheres of 10 and 20 liters with a complete set for the aquarist.

    AA Aquarium produces small spheres of 10 and 20 liters

    Terrible option

    On sale you can find so-called closed aquariums. In our market, most often this is a closed round aquarium with a shrimp, but there are similar options with fish. It is assumed that the animal can exist independently in such a small volume, or it is possible to feed a couple of flakes of food. The argument is: “There are no food pellets in nature, the fish must get their nutrition from the environment.” Although in reality the fish lives in a small amount of water without other creatures.

    In nature, fish live in a huge, well-developed ecosystem, where there is a huge amount of water that is regularly renewed. And food supplies in the natural environment are not limited to a few flakes once a day. In nature, fish have access to a variety of living plants, insects, larvae, worms, crustaceans and smaller fish.

    In a closed small system with only a plant, the fish or shrimp will slowly starve and become sick due to the stress of being in such a small container. It is better not to buy such closed systems.

    Fish for a small aquarium

    Choose an aquarium with the largest volume of water you can find room for. Any home aquarium that cannot be fitted with a filter or heater must be handled with great care. For example, it is difficult to install any equipment in a small round aquarium. And such a container will need special care. In a separate article you can read “How to care for a small round aquarium.”

    It is better to find a small but fully functional aquarium. There are many of these on sale, small in size, and with all the necessary equipment: lighting, filter, heater and primer. You can even find micro aquariums from 7 liters in volume with a full set of everything you need.

    Round aquarium - development prospects

    Scientific progress does not bypass the field of aquariums. Manufacturers and designers strive for perfection, modernizing current models, creating comfortable conditions for both fish and their owners.

    Designer Susie Shelley (a graduate of Loughborough University) created the perfect round aquarium called "Avo". It has a unique self-cleaning filtration system that allows water to pass through, trapping dead microorganisms and organic residues, which are then used to feed plants.

    "Avo" has an automated lighting system that promotes an enhanced photosynthesis process. The light changes depending on the time of day. The red spectrum predominates in the morning, white in the afternoon and blue in the evening. The lamp is attached using magnets and can be removed at any time.

    Avo also has a built-in heater that maintains the required level of heat. Heat flows are evenly distributed throughout the entire water column, without creating temperature changes.

    At the moment, Avo is not produced at retail, but is at the stage of investment and implementation into mass production.

    Possible mistakes

    When keeping a glass sphere with fish, you should not make the following gross mistakes:

    • Round containers are not suitable for large flocks. Depending on the displacement, no more than 3-4 copies of inhabitants are inhabited. Some species live well alone.
    • Overfeeding fish is dangerous in any type of housing, but in a round tank the consequences will be much more serious.
    • You cannot install a spherical vessel near a window. This will provoke excessive growth of green mass, water blooming and increase the plaque of microorganisms on the walls.

    Do not install a spherical vessel near a window


    1. In tight spaces, it is impossible to create thematic and interesting landscapes and add decorations and plants.
    2. Equipment for spherical aquariums is not universal, so it is not always possible to find them right away.
    3. The number of fish and acceptable species are very limited.
    4. The convex shape creates the illusion of extraneous movement due to the refraction of light and shadows; there is a constant and sharp change in water parameters - these are the causes of stress for fish.
    5. Small containers get dirty quickly, so you need to carefully care for the vessel and change the water often.
    6. Fish placed in a round container are forced to suffer throughout their lives from constant agitation. It will not provide aquatic pets with a full-fledged existence. The life of the fish is shortened, and pets are susceptible to disease.

    Therefore, many aquarists change their mind and buy a spacious rectangular tank.


    A few simple rules, the observance of which will help establish a balanced ecosystem in your home pond and allow you to enjoy its aesthetic appearance with a minimum of labor costs:

    • It is mandatory to equip the tank in accordance with technical requirements.
    • Regular water changes, but no more than 1/3 of the volume.
    • Monitoring the condition of the water and the behavior of pets in order to respond in time to disturbances and imbalances.
    • It is better to choose an installation location away from sources of natural light.
    • Introducing ampularia and small catfish into the flask will reduce the frequency of cleaning the walls and soil.
    • Beginners should not be introduced to new water right away. You should add liquid to them in portions from the vessel in which they will permanently reside.

    Also, experienced aquarists recommend not filling the container to the edge, but leaving a couple of centimeters to the edge. This increases the area of ​​water that receives oxygen.

    Undoubtedly, a round aquarium has many advantages, but it also has disadvantages. When purchasing a tank, you should listen to the advice and recommendations of experienced owners: place it in the right place, equip it and arrange it according to the rules, and accommodate only suitable pets. Then all the shortcomings will be covered by its charming appearance, harmoniously integrated into any interior.

    Did you have a round aquarium? What is your experience with keeping fish in it? Share in the comments.

    An alternative to the round prison

    It is difficult to imagine that an adequate person would want to consciously torture poor little creatures by placing them in such an unsuitable and unnatural place for life. But you shouldn’t deny your desire to have a family of fish.

    The best shelter for them within an apartment can be a large rectangular aquarium. Not only can a large aquarium easily accommodate all the necessary equipment, it is also much easier to maintain since it does not require frequent water changes.

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    But most importantly, this is the most humane option in relation to the fish. A rectangular aquarium can accommodate more decorative items, houses and loopholes in which the fish can hide if necessary to feel safe. With such an aquarium there is also a wider choice of all kinds of inhabitants.

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