How and how often to change the water in an aquarium with a red-eared turtle


To successfully keep a red-eared turtle, the water temperature should not fall below +20 ºC, the most optimal parameter is +22+28 ºC.
The turtle spends almost all its time in water, so care should be taken to ensure that the water is clean. Animals sleep, eat and defecate directly in the water, so it needs to be changed frequently. A filter must be installed in the aquarium.

In a dirty aquatic environment, pathogenic microorganisms develop that cause various infectious diseases of turtles, which are then difficult to cure.

The water level in the aquaterrarium should be higher than the size of the turtle's shell

This is done so that an animal that accidentally ends up on its back can easily roll over on its own.

Normal development of red-eared turtles is possible only if good conditions are created for them. The turtle becomes a beloved pet, so you need to take care of it accordingly.

What water is suitable for red-eared turtles?

The red-eared slider belongs to the American freshwater turtle family. Under natural conditions, they prefer small warm lakes and ponds with marshy banks, floodplains and shallow swamps. These reptiles vitally need fresh water, without which adults can survive for no more than a couple of days. For red-eared turtles, water is a bedroom, a dining room, and a gym. However, for proper development and health, a pet in an aquaterrarium needs a small (about ¼ of the entire surface) island of warm land.

Why do turtles die in captivity?

The first common reason is poor content. If young individuals can live quite well in a small “aquarium”, then with age they need more and more space. An adult requires an aquarium up to 150 liters in size. In this case, it is necessary to frequently change the water, plant plants and do not forget to regularly examine the turtle.

The second reason is infections. A turtle can get sick by picking up an infection from another individual, or from the “decorations” of the terrarium - ampularia and store-bought algae. In addition, unfavorable conditions can also have an effect - lack of light, stagnant unfiltered water, too high or too low a temperature. In addition, turtles, like people, are susceptible to the environment and can get sick almost out of the blue.

The third reason is a lack of vitamins due to an unbalanced diet. In nature, the body tells the turtle if it lacks a certain vitamin, and it itself changes its diet. But in the confined space of the apartment she has no such choice. The diet of both adults and young individuals should consist of both animal products (food for fish and the fish themselves are suitable) and plant products (algae, lettuce and dandelion).

But here lies the fourth reason for the frequent deaths of turtles - not every city has a specialist who understands reptiles and is able to correctly identify the disease and prescribe treatment.

Why do you need to wash and clean your aquarium?

Due to the vital activity of fish and plants, food residues accumulate at the bottom of the aquarium, the water becomes cloudy, green and white deposits appear on the glass, soil, and decorative elements, and the filter becomes clogged. The resulting plaque indicates an imbalance in the ecosystem caused by the appearance of bacteria. This factor directly affects the fish, affecting their health. The aquarium requires weekly cleaning to ensure a comfortable life for the fish. In a clean aquarium, fish are more active, get sick less and live longer.

Temperature conditions in the aquaterrarium and its maintenance

To provide your beloved turtle with all the necessary conditions, you need to make a certain amount of effort. The size of the aquaterrarium should be impressive. The aquatic environment should make up 75% of the total area of ​​the turtle's home.

Note! A red-eared turtle can live without water for just a few days; do not experiment on your pet and do not keep the reptile without water for a long time!

The water temperature for the red-eared slider directly depends on the season. It is best to create the following temperature regime for adult turtles:

In the winter and spring periods of the year from +20 to +25 degrees, subject to consecration for at least 8 hours.

In the summer period of the year from +25 to +28 degrees, subject to consecration for at least 13 hours. In the autumn period of the year from +22 to +26 degrees, subject to consecration for at least 8 hours.

Young animals under three years of age should be kept at a temperature of at least +25 degrees.

A slight decrease in temperature is possible, but only for a very short period of time, since very low temperatures can cause various types of diseases in your beloved pet.

Note! Water for a red-eared turtle should have a temperature ranging from +20 to +28 degrees


It is best to use a submersible heater to maintain the required microclimate. To heat an island of land in a turtle’s home, you will need to use other devices, for example an incandescent lamp up to 60 W, or a special lamp for reptiles.

It is also quite possible to use an ultraviolet or mirror lamp, which will reflect the rays and provide the necessary heat on the land area. To prevent burns from occurring in a domestic turtle, the lighting must be positioned in such a way that the source is at least 0.6 m away from the aquatic environment of the aquaterrarium.

A red-eared turtle cannot exist without water at all, so it should be provided with a constant presence of an aquatic environment, the depth of which should correspond to the age and size of the pet. Basically, the depth size is 25 cm, which is the most optimal for the free movement of the reptile. Be sure to read the article on how much water to put in a reptile aquarium.

The red-eared turtle can live without water for only a few days, so it is necessary to provide it with the necessary fresh water environment with a pH value of 6.5-7.5 and with an average level of hardness. However, it is better not to take tap water, since it is treated with a substance such as chlorine. It is best to use settled water, from which the chlorine completely evaporates after one day.

Therefore, if breeders have a question about what kind of water to use for red-eared turtles, then the answer will be settled water, which should be partially replaced.

You cannot completely change the aquatic environment, as this will cause disruption to the existing microclimate in the home of the pet turtle.

How often is cleaning required?

If contamination is not removed in time, the aquarium water quickly begins to become cloudy, an unpleasant odor appears, and plaque forms on the walls. The use of filter devices helps to keep the tank clean longer, but proper cleaning of the red-eared slider's aquarium must be done regularly. To find out how many times a month you need to wash the terrarium and replace the water, you need to pay attention to the age and size of the pet:

  • for keeping small turtles 3-5 cm in size, very small containers are usually used, which need to be washed several times a week;
  • for young individuals with a shell diameter of 10-20 cm, medium-sized terrariums (50-80 l) are suitable, which need to be cleaned at least once a week;
  • adult individuals (shell 25-30 cm) will need a much larger housing volume (about 150-170 liters), which must be equipped with a system of powerful filters - an aquarium for turtles of this size will have to be washed less frequently, usually once every 30-45 days.

Water most quickly becomes contaminated with food debris and reptile secretions. To keep the water clean longer, it is recommended to use a special fish tank for feeding your pets. A small container is more convenient for eating, and after feeding you can immediately pour out the water and wash the walls.


Despite the need for a shoreline, the red-eared turtle in an aquarium spends most of its time in the water, which forces us to closely monitor the state of the aquatic environment - filtration is extremely important!

Acceptable water temperature varies from 22 to 28 °C, but not lower than 20 °C. To control, you can’t do without a thermometer.

To successfully keep a red-eared turtle, the water temperature should not fall below 20 ºC, the most optimal parameter is 22-28 ºC.

The turtle spends almost all its time in water, so care should be taken to ensure that the water is clean. Animals sleep, eat and defecate directly in the water, so it needs to be changed frequently. A filter must be installed in the aquarium.

In a dirty aquatic environment, pathogenic microorganisms develop that cause various infectious diseases of turtles, which are then difficult to cure.

The water level in the aquaterrarium should be higher than the size of the turtle's shell

This is done so that an animal that accidentally ends up on its back can easily roll over on its own.


Earlier in the article, we talked about the need to carry out both routine disinfection of the aquarium and mandatory disinfection in case of detection of harmful microorganisms. But there are also emergency situations that are associated with illness and death of fish

After such unfortunate events, it is very important to carry out the treatment correctly. To avoid the possibility of disease in healthy individuals, total cleaning will be required:

  • first of all, you need to fill the tank with a disinfectant for at least 24 hours - bleach or bleach will do;
  • all equipment and decor that was in the tank must be thoroughly boiled;
  • Then the aquarium is washed well and dried - for this you can use an ultraviolet lamp.

How do turtles sleep?

Aquatic turtles (red-eared, marsh) can sleep both on land and under water. Sleep can also catch them during a walk, when the owner releases the animal from the aquarium. Therefore, you need to do this only for a few hours and periodically monitor your pet so that it does not get lost or get stuck in hard-to-reach places.

Most often, domestic red-eared turtles sleep on land. They climb onto the island, close their eyes, calm down and fall asleep. Some animals retract their head and paws into their shell, while others do not. They leave their head extended and simply close their eyes. This happens because they get used to a calm environment, the absence of predators and competitors.

However, the red-eared turtle can also sleep in water. A sufficient amount of air accumulates in her lungs, the supply of which lasts for several hours. The animal sleeps in the water, completely submerged there, or stands on its hind legs on the bottom of the aquarium, and rests its front legs on an island or other object. The pet can spend several hours in a row in this position.

Features of turtle care

To see your pet healthy, active and happy, he needs daily care and attention. But not only the reptile itself requires care, its habitat and home are also no exception. How to properly clean a terrarium? This process is not that complicated. Although there is a filter in the aquarium of aquatic animals, it is not all-powerful. The water in the container must be changed at least once a month, but preferably more often. It is advisable that the water should be settled for replacement. It will be needed to partially replace the water in the aquarium. All decorative elements in the container must also be cleaned, but only with the help of preparations that will not harm the health of the animal in any way.

Many aquarists are faced with the problem of film on the water. This phenomenon can occur as a result of frequently feeding the turtle with dry food. If you do not remove the remaining feed in time and do not filter the water, the appearance of a film cannot be avoided. It is not very difficult to deal with it: the easiest way is to use an ordinary napkin. It is placed on the surface of the water and after a couple of seconds it is carefully removed with the film still attached. Such manipulations need to be repeated several times, and then change 25% of the water and turn on the filter.

It is worth remembering that hygiene products, all sponges and other materials that are used when cleaning the terrarium, it is advisable that they be strictly individual and not used anywhere else. This way you will avoid all kinds of animal diseases.

Caring for turtles should be regular, or better yet, daily, but it is worth it to ensure your pet is healthy, active and lives a full life.

How to arrange housing for a turtle?

As a rule, red-eared turtles are kept at home. Its home is an aquarium, which has a small plot of land or an aquaterrarium. The shore or land for a sea turtle must be equipped with an accessible approach so that the animal can always climb onto it without obstacles.

The shore must be designed in such a way that the water flowing from the turtle cannot stagnate in it. An aquatic turtle must be able to dry out its shell. A heating lamp with a power of forty to sixty watts is installed at a height of twenty-five to thirty centimeters above the land area. It is prohibited to place the lamp below, as the turtle may overheat.

Caring for such a pet requires having a fairly large home. If the aquarium will contain several animals, its dimensions must be appropriate.

Caring for large individuals will be much more difficult, since their maintenance will require housing exceeding several hundred liters. When buying an aquarium for a turtle, it is worth remembering that some breeds can grow up to 18-28 centimeters.

A domestic turtle can be kept in either a glass or plastic aquaterrarium, in which an aquarium filter and a heater must be installed, corresponding in power to the volume of infused water. Caring for a red-eared turtle requires compliance with the correct temperature conditions: the optimal water temperature is 26 degrees and the air temperature on the shore is at least thirty degrees.

For aquatic turtles, it is necessary to use an aquaterrarium, and in no case should they be kept on free grazing - that is, on the floor or in other “natural” conditions.

For normal life and growth of a turtle, an ultraviolet lamp is required. Such a device will ensure proper care for it, since ultraviolet radiation replaces sunlight, which promotes the absorption of calcium in the turtle. It is best to choose a lamp with five percent UVB.

The pet turtle should be kept in an aquaterrarium throughout the day. Only when feeding and cleaning her house is the pet placed in another container with water. To ensure proper care for the turtle, you should not let it go on the floor, as the animal may get sick or injured.

Should you pick up a turtle?

Let us remind you that red-eared turtles live at home in an aquarium . When removing an animal from the water, be prepared for it to be slippery. But this is not the main difficulty. The yellow-bellied creature is 100% likely to resist such contact. The turtle will begin to hiss, scratch you with powerful paws with sharp claws, bite, and it is possible that he will attempt to empty his bowels directly into your palm.

So in theory, you can pick up your pet, but is there a need for this tactile contact? If touching cannot be avoided, take the animal with both hands, fix it carefully but firmly, then the turtle will not slip out and you will not be bitten.

After contact, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Make sure that children do this especially. Explain to kids that affection with red-eared cats is unacceptable: these creatures, cute at first glance, can be dangerous, because carry salmonellosis. For this reason, animals should not wander around the kitchen and, especially, the dining table. You should also avoid washing your pet or its aquarium and accessories in the kitchen sink or bathtub.

Important Tips

  1. Feed your red-eared slider in a separate container of warm water. The pet does not produce saliva, so it chews and swallows moistened food. It eats sloppily, tearing prey with its claws and beak, leaving a lot of fragments. Jigging will help in the fight against uneaten remains.
  2. Don't overfeed. If you haven't eaten it within 30 minutes, return it to the jar.
  3. Do not allow waste to accumulate. Dirty water provokes skin diseases.
  4. If the food is frozen or refrigerated, warm it to room temperature. Turtles are susceptible to colds.
  5. Do not allow people to use dishes after the pet. Red-eared insects are carriers of salmonellosis. Follow the rules of hygiene when cleaning the aquarium.
  6. Take your pet for a walk once a week. Walking protects against obesity, but control is necessary. The animal hides in the apartment, demonstrating extraordinary agility. Without water, the red-eared fish will not survive even two days. Walking on the street lawn is advisable, but contact with predatory pets is undesirable: the result is unpredictable, predatory reptiles do not hesitate to attack cats and dogs.
  7. Do not handle turtles unless necessary. An unformed shell and skeleton are vulnerable. There is a risk of dropping, which threatens the small pet with death.

Features of cleaning large aquariums

It is not recommended to lift and carry heavy large aquariums alone - there is a high risk of dropping the device or straining your back. If there is no one to help, it is better to drain the water and clean a large aquarium right on the spot, using a hose and siphon.

Be sure to carry out a small cleaning every day - you need to remove all visible dirt.

With a large tank, the waste and its by-products are diluted. Therefore, general cleaning in large aquariums comes down to partial water replacement, as this is more practical. Some of the water must be replaced with fresh water (previously settled or filtered). The volume of fluid replaced and the frequency of replacement depend on:

  • aquarium volume;
  • number of living individuals;
  • pet size;
  • filter power;
  • where the turtle is fed.

IMPORTANT: If you partially replace the water, you will have to stop using disinfectants.

If washing a small terrarium is not difficult, then you need to prepare for working with large containers with a volume of 80-150 liters. First, you need to purchase a gravel vacuum or siphon from a pet store to remove water, which greatly facilitates the cleaning work. Using this device, you can not only drain the required amount of water, but also remove dirt and debris from the bottom of the aquarium.

Cleaning procedure:

  1. We transplant the pet into a separate container.
  2. We turn off all devices, remove as many accessories as possible, and wash them all separately.
  3. The soil can be left at the bottom and washed with a siphon.

  4. Use a special scraper to remove all the mucus from the glass.
  5. We wait for the dirt to settle after processing the glass.
  6. We drain the required part of the water, collecting as much dirt as possible from the bottom of the aquarium.

  7. Fill with fresh, settled water.
  8. We return all accessories, appliances and pets to their place.

Video: how to clean a large aquarium

What to do if the turtle managed to escape?

  1. First you need to put a bowl of water, and next to it a bowl of your favorite food. It is impossible that fresh and clean water could not interest this amphibian, and even more so, its favorite food. They have excellent eyesight and are able to spot treats from a great distance.
  2. If there is no reaction, and about 2 hours have passed since the escape, then you should fill several containers with water and place them in different places, such as dark corners, the space under the sofa, bed, under the table; this is necessary so that the turtle can find the nearest water and at least a little, but stay in it.
  3. Several hours without water can negatively affect its health: both its shell and skin can suffer. Under such conditions, the shell may begin to delaminate, and the delicate skin will begin to crack, as a result of which microcracks may appear on the skin, which will take a long time to heal.
  4. If time is running out and the turtle does not appear, then it is advisable to intensify the search, looking at all potentially dangerous places, since the pet could simply fall into a “trap”, despite the fact that they are able to actively move and overcome obstacles.
  5. The turtle can simply hide in a secluded place. As a result of active searches, contact with the turtle can be established. If she sees that someone is approaching her, she will certainly react to this by giving a kind of signal in the form of a whistle or clicks.
  6. If an adult turtle falls unsuccessfully onto its shell, it will be very difficult for it to get up, especially if there are some obstacles nearby.

Cleaning the terrarium: a job for specialists

Caring for reptiles, reptiles, spiders and scorpions requires special knowledge and skills. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with acquiring this knowledge gradually. For complete confidence in the correctness of the procedures, we recommend that you contact a professional.

This way, you are guaranteed to protect yourself and your pet from mistakes with disinfection and save a lot of time on performing these procedures. Cleaning terrariums is a necessary event to ensure the proper level of safety and comfort for your pets. Therefore, you should not do this yourself until you are confident in your own preparedness in this matter. Moreover, if the terrarium is very large in volume, and it is very problematic to cope on your own, even with the necessary skills, then calling a specialist will be truly the right decision.

Feed and feeding

Juvenile red-eared sliders are primarily carnivorous, but they become increasingly omnivorous as they age. The diet should be balanced and include a variety of protein sources, both meat and fresh plant foods. Do not feed only commercial food. Juveniles should be fed daily, but adult turtles can be fed every other day. To feed red-eared turtles, it is better to place them in a separate container - this will reduce contamination of the aquarium with both food and feces. Give your pet about 15 minutes to eat before releasing it back into the aquarium.

  • Commercial feeds should make up no more than 25% of a turtle's total diet. These should be high quality, low-fat products, floating pellets or sticks for fish, reptiles, turtles.
  • Animal protein is less than 25% of the adult diet. Live fish food (sometimes), earthworms, finely chopped lean raw beef or beef heart, boiled chicken, snails, tubifex, large mealworms, mealworms, baby mice, crickets, bloodworms, shrimp, tadpoles, lean fish (excluding those , which may contain parasites, such as goldfish).
  • Plant foods - 50% or more of the diet. Greens, dandelions, carrots (shredded), green beans, sweet potatoes, apples (grated), melon, berries, bananas, grapes, tomatoes, peaches, nectarines, aquatic aquarium or pond plants (duckweed, water hyacinth, water lettuce) .
  • Nutritional supplements: multivitamins containing calcium, mineral supplements. Vitamins for turtles are given 2 times a week.


How to disinfect soil

In addition to treating the container, it is very important to properly disinfect the aquarium soil. Various organics and microorganisms, the presence of which is detrimental to fish, can take root and function well in it.

There are three methods of disinfection:

  • boiling;
  • processing with special means;
  • calcination.

The first method involves boiling the soil for 15 minutes. Special preparations for disinfecting soil and aquarium plants can be purchased at a pet store. But calcination takes place in the oven - the soil must be placed on a baking sheet, and it must be in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

You will learn about disinfecting an aquarium in the video below.

What should an aquaterrarium be like for a red-eared turtle?

It should be quite long, but at the same time not wide and low. Volume not less than 120 liters. The water level must match the proportions of your turtle's shell so that it can turn over. A small bank should be installed near the aquarium. Maintain the water temperature within 25 degrees, on land - 31 - 33 degrees. To keep the temperature at the same level, a special heater must be provided.

The water must be changed and cleaned depending on the degree of contamination. But you can also use a special filter. For young turtles, external is preferable, and for adults, only internal. An ultraviolet lamp will not hurt, but it should not be located low, the approximate height is 25 cm, so that the turtle does not get a burn to the eyes. Another option for arranging an aquaterrarium is an incandescent lamp with the same requirements. They both need to switch off at night.

If the weather outside is nice and warm, try to take the turtles out to bask more often. But remember that the first time you don’t need to keep it in the sun for more than 5 minutes

And it is important to increase the time spent in the fresh air gradually. They also need a dark place where they can periodically hide from the sun, as they are susceptible to overheating

Some guidelines have been developed regarding temperature and lighting duration for all turtles of this species. This is not mandatory, but highly recommended for adults.

So, for the remaining two turtles from January to March the temperature should be 18 degrees, and the duration of illumination should be 8 hours, April - 21/8, where 21 is the temperature, and 8 is the duration of illumination, May - 24/10, June - 27 /13, July – 28/13, August – 28/11, September – 25/10, October – 22/8, November and December – 18/8.

And for Trachemys scripta troostii the requirements are as follows: January - March - 18/8, April - 20/8, May - 21/10, June - 23/13, July - 26/13, August - 25/11, September - 20/ 10, October – December – 18/8.

Cleaning and disinfection of terrariums

In what cases is terrariums and equipment in them treated?

- before introducing a new turtle;

- after the death of the turtle;

- during a turtle’s illness, placing the sick turtle in a nursery.

How are terrariums and equipment disinfected?

Detergents should be well ventilated, easy to wash, not absorbed into the walls of the terrarium and relatively safe for others.

During any sanitation, a number of the following general and specific provisions should be taken into account.

The equipment used for disinfection is similar to the equipment for daily cleaning. Treatment of terrariums is strictly individual. Animal nurseries, before each planting of a new specimen, should be washed with a 1% chloramine solution or irradiated with a bactericidal lamp. During any manipulations with the animal, the cages must be treated, even if disinfection is not carried out, to avoid contact with an undesirable bacterial environment. After each treatment, the container for the chloramine solution is washed and filled with a new solution; this rule should be especially strictly adhered to when disinfecting the terrariums of sick or dead animals. If the animal is sick, the terrarium is washed daily, and complete disinfection is carried out at least once a week.

To carry out chemical treatment, use a 1% solution of chloramine (monochloramine) or a 10% solution of bleach. These preparations can be purchased at pharmacies or hardware stores; they are easily washed off and evaporated, which makes working with them easier. The main thing is to thoroughly wash and ventilate the terrarium after treatment, otherwise these chemically active substances can cause external and internal burns in animals (through the respiratory tract).



Milder disinfectants are Virkon-S and chlorhexidine. The first is produced by KRKA specifically for processing equipment and tools used in livestock and poultry farming. The product has proven itself as a disinfectant for aquariums and aquarium equipment; it is also suitable for use in terrarium farming.

Virkon S


– antiseptic and disinfectant. Depending on the concentration used, it exhibits both bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects. The bacteriological effect of both aqueous and alcoholic working solutions is manifested in a concentration of 0.01% or less; bactericidal - in a concentration of more than 0.01% at a temperature of 22°C and exposure for 1 minute. Fungicidal effect - at a concentration of 0.05%, at a temperature of 22°C and exposure for 10 minutes. Virucidal effect - manifests itself at a concentration of 0.01-1%.

Alaminol The drug has bactericidal, tuberculocidal, virucidal, fungicidal properties with a pronounced cleaning effect.

Septabic Disinfectant in powder form.

ZooSan This is a detergent and disinfectant that contains the latest biopag disinfectant plus a unique odor destroyer. There are two versions of ZooSan - a household series (0.5 l bottle with a trigger) and a professional series (1 l, 5 l, 25 l, does not include an odor eliminator). The household series is ready for quick use in premises housing 1-3 animals, the professional series is a 100% concentrate and is intended for use in nurseries and animal farms.

Article on the topic: Setting up an aquarium for a red-eared turtle (equipment and design)

When working with chemicals, you must use rubber gloves, which after work can be easily processed in the same way as other equipment. Hands should be washed with 0.5% chloramine solution and then washed with soap. Hands must be sanitized after each contact with a sick animal, and even more so after cleaning the terrarium of a deceased pet.

For bactericidal irradiation, household bactericidal irradiators (OBB-92U, OBN-75, etc.) are used, the maximum radiation of lamps of which falls in the UVC range. After irradiation, the room is ventilated to reduce the concentration of ozone, an excess of which can lead to burns to the respiratory tract of people and animals. When irradiating a terrarium in a room where other animals are kept, all ventilation volumes should be closed and opened after general ventilation of the room. Similar manipulations are also necessary during preventive disinfection of the premises with a bactericidal lamp, if such is carried out. It is unacceptable for the rays of the bactericidal lamp to reach the animal.

, this leads to burns to the skin and eyes, and sometimes simply to the death of the ward.

Pest control

Disinsection is measures to combat various arthropods (cockroaches, flies, ants, ticks, etc.) accidentally introduced into your terrarium and capable of parasitizing your animals, as well as being carriers of all kinds of diseases.

Ticks belong to the Arachnida class of Arachnida and are divided into two orders: Acariformes mites and Parasitiformes mites; many representatives of these orders are parasites of various animals. Mites are not a very common problem in turtles, but they do sometimes occur in natural habitats. The development of acariform mites consists of five post-embryonic (egg) stages: larva, proto-nymph, deutero-nymph, trito-nymph and adult phase. Parasitic mites develop in four stages: larva, proto-nymph, deutero-nymph, and adult. Parasitism occurs at different stages, and some ticks have different animal hosts at different stages. For example, reptiles are often intermediate hosts of many species of the genus Ixodes ticks, which live on them at the proto- and day-nymph stages, while the final host of the adult tick is mammals, including humans.

Over 350 species of ticks are known to parasitize reptiles and amphibians. Moreover, there are specialized mites - parasites of these classes of vertebrates. They belong to extra-shelter parasites, that is, they lie in wait for reptiles in open natural areas. This also determines their feeding behavior; ticks are able to starve for a long time, waiting for the owner, then run over to the animal and, having made their way under its scales - scutes or between them, penetrate with their chelicerae (style-like jaws) into the body of the reptile and suck with an epistome (sucking grooved cone leading into pharynx) blood. Female ticks are parasitic; in one go they suck out an amount of blood 10 times their weight, after which they are able to lay up to 30 eggs. Having had enough, the female falls onto the substrate, where laying occurs. The eggs have very dense shells and can be preserved for a long time in unfavorable conditions, for example, when the temperature drops to a significant minus. Adult ticks also overwinter well and tolerate drought. Under suitable conditions, the development of the embryo in the egg and the hatching of the larvae occurs in a matter of days, and the entire cycle from egg to adult tick takes only one and a half to three weeks, depending on the situation. In favorable terrarium conditions, mites reproduce and develop in record time.

Article on the topic: Why does the water in an aquarium with red-eared turtles quickly become cloudy?

The harm from ticks is twofold. In addition to being bloodsuckers, they are also carriers of various diseases. Tick ​​control is necessary, but very complex and difficult. Therefore, first of all, you should learn the general rules to prevent ticks from getting into the terrarium. Firstly: this is a thorough examination of a newly received animal, destruction and removal of ticks found on it, followed by quarantine. Secondly: mandatory processing of the substrate, soil and other items. It is unacceptable to place untreated substrates, soils, decorations (driftwood, branches, etc.) into the terrarium, and it is also unacceptable to store untreated objects taken from nature in the room where your terrariums are located. Thirdly: regular sanitary prevention of terrariums and premises.

When processing animals, they are carefully inspected and ticks are removed mechanically. In order not to break off the blood-sucking apparatus of the tick when removing it, which, if left in the wound, can cause local suppuration, a drop of vegetable oil is applied to the tick. The layer of oil makes it difficult for the tick to breathe, and the tick weakens or removes its chelicerae. After this, the tick is removed with tweezers, and the bite site is treated with an antiseptic, for example, a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. For reptiles with an abundance of ticks, it is possible to completely treat the integument with vegetable oil, after which the animal is placed in a cage for 1-2 hours.

The edges of the depositor are smeared with Vaseline, at a level of 5 cm, so that ticks cannot leave it. After the expiration of the period, the animal is removed and placed in another tank with warm water and soda dissolved in water (1-2 tablespoons per 5 liters) for 2-3 hours. The oil from the animal is first washed off with a sponge. The edges of the water depositor are also lubricated with Vaseline. In this case, you should ensure that the water does not cool down and transfer the animal to warm water in time (not lower than 23-25 ​​° C); you cannot add hot water. To prevent the animal from drowning, a piece of driftwood or a stone is placed in the tank at a depth that will allow the animal to breathe without getting out of the water. After treatment, the reptile is placed in a pre-prepared quarantine terrarium, and the treatment is repeated if necessary. Vegetable oil for pest control must be well purified and not contain any impurities. It is unacceptable to use oil-based vitamins and other preparations to remove ticks.

Article on the topic: What kind of water does a red-eared turtle need, how much to pour into the aquarium when keeping it at home

There are also special anti-tick medications for reptiles, such as Reptix First Aid and the like: Reptix First Aid is an aerosol pesticide for killing ticks and other small parasites. You can treat both the animal and the terrarium. A non-toxic water solution, which, according to the manufacturer, is guaranteed to kill parasites within 5-10 minutes by blocking their respiratory openings.

Seedlings and terrariums with mites remaining in them are sprayed with chlorophos, karbofos or their analogues. Terrariums containing ticks are treated just as carefully as terrariums containing dead animals. For disinsection, preparations used for domestic animals (dogs, cats and birds), such as “Bolfo”, “Milben-zerstauber”, “Frontline”, etc., are used, with appropriate compliance with the instructions for their use. Some of these drugs can be treated with reptiles, followed by bathing.

Cockroaches, flies, ants and other unwanted arthropods are destroyed in the same ways as in everyday life, but in such a way that these objects, being poisoned, cannot become food for your pet. Global disinfestation can only be carried out when there are no terrarium inhabitants in the room.

Sanitary prevention

Sanitary prevention is regular, strictly periodic measures used to prevent any diseases among the inhabitants of the terrarium.

The measures are as follows: a) once a month it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of terrariums, in the same way as when transplanting animals from a terrarium to a new terrarium. b) Once a month, the premises (rooms) are disinfected using a household bactericidal lamp. The irradiator is directed upward to the ceiling, raising it above the terrariums. The ventilation of the volumes is first closed. The irradiation lasts 2 hours, after which the room is ventilated and the ventilation of the terrariums is opened. If necessary, irradiation is repeated 2-3 hours after ventilation. During the break, you can wash the room using a 1% chloramine solution. c) terrariums are treated once every six months in the same way as in case of illness or death of animals. d) once every six months the premises are thoroughly cleaned, which can be avoided by regularly maintaining order in it.

Requirements for the premises (room)

a) All holes and cracks in the room must be carefully sealed. This is necessary as a preventive measure in the event of an animal escaping, and as a preventive measure that prevents the possibility of settlement of all kinds of arthropods (ticks, cockroaches, etc.) b) The room must be ventilated. c) Doors and windows must close and lock tightly, without gaps or cracks. d) The room should not be cluttered and should be cleaned regularly.


Short description

Let's get to know the red-eared slider in a little more detail. The turtle got its “name” thanks to the bright red spots near the eyes on its head. Sometimes they can have an orange tint. Mostly turtles are small in size - from 3 to 10 centimeters, although they can also be quite large, giants for their species, reaching a diameter of up to 60 centimeters. The carapace is darker below, has an oval shape and is edged with yellow stripes.

The dorsal part is greenish, and as the turtle matures, it acquires an olive tint or yellowish-brown.

In the first few years of their life, turtles grow very actively; the diameter of the shell can grow up to 10 centimeters in a year. Then they grow much more slowly, adding only up to 2 centimeters every year.


  1. C2H5OH (Ethanol).
  2. C3H7OH (n-Propanol).
  3. C3H7OH (Isopropane).

Dosage: It is enough to wipe objects with ethanol (70%), n-Propanol (50-60%) or isopropanol (69-70%). Toxicity: Since alcohols are highly volatile and evaporate quickly, there is no danger to fish and plants. Features: Alcohols act very quickly. Even microbacteria die within a minute. Bacterial spores, on the other hand, are not affected. Commercially available disinfectants most often contain a mixture of alcohols, phenol, aldehydes and detergents. Basically, such disinfectants are not intended for aquarists because... their remains can lead to poisoning. After using such disinfectants, the aquarium should be rinsed with plenty of fresh water to completely remove any remaining harmful substances.

Rules of detention and causes of mortality

No matter how strange it may sound, the main cause of death of red-eared turtles is the breeders themselves. Today, many people have such pets. But unfortunately, novice breeders make a lot of mistakes that lead to death. This is all due to improper maintenance and care of pets. At home, many owners have turtles that are not able to live even 5 years.

Initially, you need to clearly know that turtles are cold-blooded. This means that their existence directly depends on the temperature and microclimate in their terrarium. Animals cannot independently regulate their body temperature, such as dogs or cats. The optimal temperature range for red-eared turtles is from 26 to 35 degrees. This is precisely the value found in natural conditions in ponds and other reptile habitats.

All this means that the temperature regime cannot be left to chance by breeders. The room in which the aquarium with the reptile is located should not be the main indicator for keeping it. After all, if the room is approximately 25 degrees, then the water temperature will be several degrees lower, and this is below the required norm.

When buying red-eared turtles, which live mostly in water, you should carefully approach the issue of maintenance and think through the conditions for this in advance. The reptile's home is a large aquarium with an island of land or a terrarium. For one individual, it will be enough to buy or make an aquarium of 200-250 liters, with 100 liters of volume in water. If there is a pair of reptiles, then the parameters will need to be multiplied in half.

The island itself with land must be located on approximately 3 parts of the entire bottom area. It is made from glass, stone or wood. It all depends on preferences or materials that are available to create with your own hands, in addition, the entrance to the island should be smooth, and all surfaces should be rough. To prevent the turtle from dying prematurely, it is created from natural materials or from those that are not toxic. You also need to additionally equip a ladder for entry.

It is also not allowed to use soil in an aquarium. And if it is used, then it should be twice as large as the reptile’s head. Turtles simply love to taste everything, as a result they can swallow any decorative element or small stones. The result may be suffocation or disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, which ultimately leads to death.

You should be no less careful when handling large elements of decoration. Although turtles are not always large, they are very strong and can break an aquarium with a stone or figurine. Each island with land must be equipped with special ultraviolet lamps, at a height of approximately 30 cm

They are necessary to maintain the health of the turtle, as well as for the warming and normal development of the pet. You will definitely need to install a heater in the aquarium. This is due to the fact that the water must be within a certain temperature range

Each island with land must be equipped with special ultraviolet lamps, at a height of approximately 30 cm. They are necessary to maintain the health of the turtle, as well as for the warming up and normal development of the pet. You will definitely need to install a heater in the aquarium. This is because the water must be within a certain temperature range.

All turtles are quite sloppy and create a lot of dirt around themselves. However, they love clean water. Therefore, breeders should buy an additional cleaning filter, which will have double the supply. In other words, if there is 100 liters of water in the aquarium, then the filter should be 200 liters and so on. When changing the water in the terrarium, you should only use settled water. It is prohibited to use water that has been passed through a household filter. Typically, this purification adds silver to the water to remove infections and bacteria. All this slowly poisons the turtles and, as a result, intoxication and failure of the animal’s internal organs begins. After this comes death.

Cleanliness is a guarantee of health and longevity

The diet of red-eared turtles is based on animal food, so the water becomes unusable quite quickly. To slow down the pollution process, it is better to transplant the turtle to a separate place with warm water while eating. To do this, you can take a basin of suitable size. But this does not mean that you can’t rush into cleaning. It should be noted that the more water a reptile has, the less often cleaning can be done. To regularly purify water, you can use a powerful filter. For young turtles, a small submersible pump is suitable, but for an adult turtle this will not be enough and to maintain it you will have to install a powerful remote filter. The water itself does not require any additional treatment, except to give it the opportunity to settle well.

Article on the topic: How turtles see, eyes and vision in red-eared and land turtles

Bringing a turtle out of hibernation

The process of bringing a turtle out of hibernation is gradual. First, raise the air temperature in the room, and then bathe the turtle in warm water. After wintering, it will be difficult for the turtle to return to normal life, therefore, for the first 2-3 days it does not need to be fed, and then you can gradually offer it this or that food in small quantities. As soon as the pet starts eating, everything is fine and he is ready to start a new life.

As can be seen from the organization of the process, this is a rather difficult process that is very difficult to organize artificially. In nature, the turtle itself knows when to hibernate, what needs to be done for this, and how long it needs to sleep. Moreover, she comes out of hibernation on her own, since her body is programmed in the appropriate way. In addition, she herself is able to find the appropriate place, especially since in natural conditions this is not a problem.

It is much more difficult to organize this process at home, so everything must be done to prevent the turtle from sleeping.

Aquarium water for red-eared turtles

This species of turtle belongs to the freshwater turtle family. In nature, they can be found in small lakes or ponds with marshy banks, in small swamps, as well as in river floodplains. For normal life they need fresh water. Without it, the turtle will not live more than two days. Water is of great importance for them, as it replaces the gym, dining room and bedroom. But this does not mean that she only needs water. For normal development, especially in an aquaterrarium, the turtle should be given at least ¼ of the land area.

Regular procedures: cleaning terrariums

The health and comfort of not only the pet itself depends on the frequency and correct care of the animal and its terrarium - for example, reptile feces contain salmonella, which can cause diseases in humans. Regular cleaning of terrariums will avoid many dangers. You just have to remember a couple of simple rules:

for cleaning it is necessary to use tools purchased specifically for this purpose; be careful when choosing a cleaning product - pets in terrariums are very susceptible to household chemicals; it is important to rinse the terrarium very thoroughly with plenty of water; Dishes and decorative items also need to be disinfected.

It is recommended to carry out superficial cleaning every day - to remove the remains of uneaten food, shed pieces of skin and waste products. General cleaning of terrariums should be carried out once every two weeks, and if you do not feel confident in your own abilities, you can invite an experienced specialist for such a task.

Cleaning terrariums: sequence of actions

For complete cleaning and disinfection, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for the procedures. You will need a set of necessary items: special brushes, rubber gloves, animal-safe cleaning agent, and a spare terrarium or aquarium. You will need it to place the animals in a safe place while the terrariums are cleaned.

First of all, you will need to remove your pet and carefully place it in a temporary container. Then you need to remove the old filler and particles of food and waste products. Thoroughly rinse the entire surface of the terrarium with a cleaning agent - reptiles and arachnids are very susceptible to various infections and viruses.

To maximize the optimization of the process, you can simultaneously disinfect the decorative elements of the terrarium and dishes. It is recommended not only to boil stones and various ceramic or clay structures, but also to heat them in the oven. Wooden attributes can simply be doused with boiling water.

Upon completion of disinfection procedures and rinsing the terrarium with running water, carefully distribute fresh filler and place sterile decorative elements and utensils. Now you can bring your pet back into a comfortable and clean terrarium.

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