How red-eared turtles mate at home

Turtles belong to the order of reptiles. In captivity, their life expectancy is up to 50 years. Many breeders want to get offspring from reptiles, but this can only be achieved by creating suitable conditions for turtles. In an unfavorable climate, pets may not show interest in each other throughout their lives. Therefore, it is important to know how turtles mate.

In order to get offspring of red-eared turtles at home, you should create favorable living conditions for them

Features and methods of determination

Difficulties in determining it are explained by the fact that a turtle is a reptile without clearly defined features that determine whether it belongs to a male or female organism.
Sexual maturity is achieved faster in captivity, so it is possible to determine who the individual is after reaching 2-5 years, when the shell grows to 10 cm. In the wild, this is possible after 6-8 years. There are alternative verification methods that are not widely used:

  • ultrasonography;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • radiography.

Ultrasound is applicable to adult turtles when the specialist is able to distinguish the ovaries from the testes. Blood testing is relevant in relation to sexually mature individuals, taking into account testosterone fluctuations during the mating season. Radiation diagnostics allows you to check the presence of individual parts of the hemipenis.

All small reptiles look like females before puberty. In adult turtles, differences can be distinguished in the skin, claws, head size, shell shape and other parts of the body.

At what age do they reproduce?

Aquatic turtles under natural conditions reproduce only when they reach puberty, which occurs only at 6-8 years of age.
Sexual maturity of red wives kept in comfortable home conditions occurs at 3-4 years for males and 5-6 years for females. Herpetologists recommend selecting 5-year-old healthy individuals with clearly defined species characteristics for mating. It is almost impossible to find out the exact age of a freshwater reptile; animals are brought from Europe without birth data. The growth rate, the formation of the shell, the presence of annual rings and the characteristic changes in the scutes directly depend on the conditions of keeping exotic animals. Therefore, the age of puberty in red-eared turtles is very conventionally determined by the length of the shell. Males at 5 years of age have a carapace length of about 11 cm, and females - no less than 15-17 cm.

Determination of gender

To ensure reptiles reproduce at home, it is necessary to find out which sex each turtle belongs to. Obviously, the offspring is the result of the mating of a male and a female.

This is interesting: A female reptile can lay eggs without the participation of a male, but storing them will not give any results, since fertilization in this case was not carried out.

Sexual dimorphism in red-eared turtles appears at one year of age. For comparison, it is recommended to take reptiles of the same age. The distinction between individuals is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • body size (females are larger);
  • claws on the front paws (in males they are longer);
  • tail (longer in males than in females);
  • the shape of the lower part of the shell (in females it is flat, in boys it is concave).

Necessary nuances

In males, puberty occurs earlier around the fifth year of life, while in females in the sixth year. Many people either don’t know this difference or forget about it. Naturally, in this case nothing happens.

If there are several turtles, then it is better when there is one male for several females . This will help avoid conflicts between “boys” and possible injuries. You can understand what sex a reptile is no earlier than it is one year old. Males are smaller in size, but have larger claws and tails. The lower part of the shell also helps to understand the gender - in boys it has a very noticeable “dent”.

For mating, it is recommended to place the female and male in a separate aquarium . It must be filled with clean, settled water. Temperature is extremely important - it should be warmer than the water in the “main” aquaterrarium. The fact is that a change in water and an increase in its temperature are an important additional incentive for red-eared turtles to mate.

In order for turtles to mate, they definitely need water , but the male can get carried away and not allow the female to surface. Therefore, the depth in this “special” aquarium should be small, about 10–12 centimeters.

Before mating, interesting “mating games” take place : the male swims near the female, periodically tickling her face with his claws and hitting her shell with the front edge of his shell. On YOUTUBE you can find a video of exactly how the “flirting” of red-eared turtles occurs.

The duration of sexual intercourse is on average 7–15 minutes. If, after “relocating” to a separate aquarium, the reptiles do not pay attention to each other, then they need to be resettled for a couple of days.

It is better to separate a pregnant female from the male, as he may involuntarily injure her.

Article on the topic: How many years do red-eared turtles live at home (in an aquarium) and in the wild?

Turtle Eggs: Differences and Fertility

Turtle eggs can be of different shapes (from round to oval) and different sizes, but have a typical structure for all turtles. The eggs of most land turtles and some freshwater turtles (for example, the European marsh turtle) have a hard and fragile shell, like chicken eggs. In most aquatic and some land (genus manouria) the shell is not fragile and leathery.

Egg fertilization

Turtles, like birds, can lay fatty or unfertilized eggs even in the absence of males. If you only have one female and she laid eggs, then they are unfertilized (fatty). Nothing will ever hatch from such eggs. Female turtles found in the wild during the summer are most likely pregnant, so their eggs must be incubated.

Assistance in the emergence of turtles

Reproduction of red-eared turtles also involves creating the necessary conditions for laying eggs. A female can produce from 6 to 10 eggs at a time, the size of which is about 4 cm. It is impossible to leave eggs where the mother turtle produced them. It is necessary to carry out the transfer of eggs into the incubator with great care, and in no case turn them over. The temperature in their new habitat should be from +25 to +30 degrees. You can also place the eggs in a large jar containing sand and place it near a heat source to ensure the temperature is always at the right level.

Turtles develop in approximately 2-5 months, provided that the temperature regime is maintained. After the babies appear, they cannot be transplanted to other adult turtles, since turtles do not have maternal instinct and can cause very serious harm to small turtles. It is best to purchase another aquarium in which the young animals will live during the first year of life.

From all of the above, we can conclude that breeding red-eared turtles is quite feasible at home. You just need to study the necessary information and create suitable conditions, and then babies will appear in your turtle family.

Conditions for mating

Reproduction of the red-eared turtle is possible subject to the optimal age for mating - individuals must be young, but at the same time have reached sexual maturity. The readiness of females to reproduce is observed at the age of five, males begin to give birth to offspring in the fifth year of life. If you keep more than two turtles at the same time, it is advisable that there is only one male among them, otherwise the males will fight for the opportunity to mate, causing injury to each other.

Pond slider

How to determine the sex of a red-eared turtle

It is possible to distinguish the sex of red-eared turtles by external characteristics that are present in each individual of this species. The main differences in the gender of animals:

  • Differences in shell color.
  • Tail type and size.
  • The color of a reptile's nose.
  • The size of the animal's shell.
  • Location of the cloaca.
  • Head.

Claw length

The claws on the hind legs are dull in both animals. The male's is longer and sharper.

Males use their claws to secure themselves to their partners' shells during breeding.

This method does not reliably help to find out the sex, because in young reptiles the claws are not fully formed, and a mature animal wears off its manicure on hard ground.

Male reptiles have femoral spurs on their paws and small scales on their hind limbs.

Features of the shell

To determine the sex of a red-eared slider, look at the ventral part of the shell (plastron). In males it is concave, in females it is not.

The protective element of turtles of different sexes is different. The shell of males is long, in the tail part it forms the Latin letter V. In females, the shell is rounded and large, for bearing eggs. A special hole at the end is for storing.

Males have fewer female companions. There are some exceptions.

In female individuals the color of the plastron is different, in males it is blue.

Tail and cloaca

The most reliable factor in determining gender. In males, the process at the back of the body is long, and the base and tip are wide. Females are characterized by the presence of a short tail uniform in length.

The female's cloaca is located closer to the base of the tail and resembles an asterisk. The reptile's anus is wide for laying eggs. The male's cloaca looks more like a longitudinal line, which is located in the back, closer to the tip of the process.

By behavior

The female has a calm character. She rarely moves unless necessary.

Males, on the contrary, are aggressive. When breeding, they chase the female

They try to attract attention by biting the female on the neck, and also nod often

Other signs

Each type of reptile has a special iris color. Aquatic turtles of different sexes have different eye colors.

The female individual has a yellow nose. For men it is pointed and small.

The male's head is larger with a longitudinal stripe of a reddish hue, which during reproduction takes on a rich, bright color. The upper jaw is whitish in color.

A rare method is a blood test and x-rays. It is pointless to use the method before the age of seven. Males have not yet formed testes, and females have ovaries. Upon reaching puberty, a boy is identified by a blood test that shows elevated levels of testosterone. Ultrasound helps to identify a female individual during the formation of follicles.

Mating of land turtles in captivity

This species of reptile reproduces both in nature and in captivity. Since land turtles mate in natural conditions only when they have to fight for the female, there must be at least two males in captivity in order to determine the winner in a battle. Otherwise, interest in the female will simply be lost.

Determining the sex of a reptile can be difficult. But upon careful examination and comparison of different-sex individuals, it is clear that there are still differences. For example, the claws on the limbs of males are longer and harder than those of females. The ventral side of the “guy’s” shell is concave, and the femoral spurs are massive. The tail is longer, rounded and wider at the base, because it contains the genitals. The shell covers it with itself.

Article on the topic: Dimensions of the red-eared slider by year, maximum adult size, height and weight depending on age

When keeping these reptiles, it is very important to know whether the land turtle is already sexually mature. How old is she when she mates? The answer will be: a female individual must reach the age of ten. The male at this moment must be at least five years old.

When the competitor is defeated, the time for the mating ritual begins. The male tries to show himself in all his glory to the female. He catches up with his chosen one, stretches out his paws and tail, and shakes his head. Then the male tries to crush the turtle under him. And sometimes a particularly zealous suitor does this with such force that it can damage the shell. This is why experts advise placing the “groom” with the “bride” rather than keeping them together: “when visiting” the male is less decisive and aggression is not as pronounced as in his own territory.


Getting red-eared turtles to breed in captivity is quite a difficult task. To achieve the desired result, you first need to take care of your pets’ diet. Reptile food should include vitamins and nutrients. Vitamin E is especially useful for males, as it has a positive effect on the reproductive function of animals. Calcium and phosphorus are useful for the normal course of pregnancy in females.

Before the intended mating, two turtles need to be placed in different aquariums. To create a suitable environment, it is recommended to change the water and heat it to 25 o C. It happens that during the mating process, the male does not allow the female to come to the surface for a long time. To prevent the reptile from suffocating, the water level in the aquarium should not exceed 10 centimeters. A container with sand must be placed inside the vessel, where the female will lay eggs.

It should be located in a dry area that is easily accessible to the turtle. Please note that mating will only occur if there is soil in the aquarium. A sign indicating that the female is ready to reproduce is the reptile displaying high activity, as well as its refusal to eat.

Mineral and vitamin supplements

The diet of turtles requires supplementation with minerals and vitamins. In particular, the female needs additional food supplements throughout the entire period before mating and during egg laying. This is important because it will consume large reserves of calcium to form the calcareous shells of the eggs. She also needs to supply the yolk with nutrients for the developing embryo.

To ensure that the female can produce healthy offspring, give her daily calcium carbonate in the form of limestone flour, pouring it separately from food, and special vitamins, for example, nutrobal or vionate (3 times a week).

The breeding process of red-eared turtles

Definition of male and female

Before creating breeding conditions for red-eared turtles, it is necessary to understand their gender. In order for turtles to be born, the presence of both a male and a female is necessary. A female can lay eggs in the absence of a male, but fertilization will not occur and babies will not be born.

Determining the sex of a reptile will become possible only after a year has passed from the moment of its birth. Because before this period, the signs by which gender can be determined are practically invisible. For comparison, it is necessary to take individuals that are the same age. In most cases, male turtles are smaller in size than their female counterparts. The tail and claws of a reptile are also an identifying feature, since in males these parts of the body are longer

When determining sex, you can also pay attention to the part of the shell that is located on the side of the abdomen; in female turtles it is completely flat, but males have a concave plastron

Cases of mating

In order for the reproduction of the red-eared turtle at home to be possible, the age of the individuals must be taken into account. Reptiles must have reached sexual maturity, but are not of advanced age

For turtles in captivity, the opportunity to continue the race appears at the same time as in the natural environment.

In male turtles, this ability appears after four years of life, but females can give birth only after five years of life. If you own several individuals, it is best if there is only one male representative among them. Several males in one home can cause aggression, which in turn will lead to injuries in pets.

Preparatory process before turtles mate

First of all, the owner needs to create conditions for the breeding of red-eared turtles. Having made the necessary efforts, even an inexperienced breeder can count on a positive outcome

You should take into account the fact that food can also play an important role in the cooking process. Before the expected copulation, you need to feed only nutritious food with added vitamins

An aquarium for the breeding of red-eared turtles must be prepared in advance, and individuals who are ready to start working on the offspring should be placed there. It is necessary to transplant only one individual at a time so that fights and aggressive behavior do not occur in the home.

First you need to change the water and raise the temperature level, the optimal water temperature is +25 degrees. The presence of warm water has a positive effect on the appearance of small turtles. You need to know that the male will not let the female out of the water during copulation. Therefore, the aquarium should be filled only 10 cm so that your pet does not drown. You should also provide the aquarium with a container in which the sand will be placed. This is where the female will lay eggs, so it should be placed very conveniently so that the reptile does not have any difficulties. Turtles will only breed if soil is present.

Females, ready for the reproduction process, become very active, and may not eat food at all.

Copulation process

At home, turtles are almost unaffected by the time of year, so mating can occur in any season. Despite this, experienced specialists have noticed that domestic reptiles are most active from the last month of winter until the end of spring. This period is considered the most favorable for creating offspring.

Before the mating process, red-eared turtles tend to organize peculiar mating games, which can take place over a couple of days. Domestic turtles should be provided with peace during this period, and should be kept away from noise and bright light. It is necessary to remember about the temperature regime, and be sure to maintain it at the desired level. It is not recommended to pick up your pet at this time.

The male carries out his advances in the form of a kind of vibration, during which he touches the head of the chosen one with his claws and touches him with the shell. The copulation process lasts no more than 5 minutes, after which the female will lay eggs.

Hatching and caring for baby turtles

Before hatching, turtles cut the egg shell from the inside using an egg tooth, which is located between the outer nostril and the upper jaw. It disappears within a few hours or the first days of life of the little turtles.

After hatching from eggs, young turtles do not leave the holes where the eggs were laid for a long period. The movement of turtles creates small chambers in the ground in which they sit. There is no need to try to help the animals leave the egg. Typically, baby turtles spend 1 to 3 days inside broken or cracked shells. If the turtle does not hatch within this period, it needs help. The turtle needs help when it cannot make a full cut or makes one in the wall of the egg facing the ground or the attachment point of another egg.

Hermaphrodites among turtles and indeterminate sex

Hermaphrodite is a word that came to us from the Greek language. A long time ago, according to ancient Greek mythology, Hermes and Aphrodite had a son, who received the name Hermaphrodite, by adding the names of his parents. And at the request of the highest gods, Hermaphroditus was united with the nymph Salmacis so that their bodies formed one creature. The creature was bisexual - it had characteristics of male and female. In the scientific literature, hermaphrodites are designated as follows - .- this is a designation of the male gender, a symbol of the spear and shield of the god of war, Mars. A is a designation of the female gender, a symbol of the mirror of the goddess of beauty, Venus.

Turtle pregnancy and egg laying

Behavior of pregnant females

It is better to immediately separate a pregnant female from the male, since during the mating period males can be aggressive and can harm even an already pregnant female. Before laying, females become restless, eat poorly, and fence off their territory. Pregnant female aquatic turtles spend a lot of time on land, basking under a lamp. During this time, she may refuse to eat. Try to offer her a variety of foods with good calcium supplements. Pregnancy lasts about 2 months, but if the female does not find a suitable place to lay eggs, she can continue to carry them for some time.

Determining the sex of turtles (male or female?)

In all turtles, sex is established when the egg is formed. In some species of turtles it depends on the incubation temperature. But most often, sex is determined in turtles when they become sexually mature based on secondary sexual characteristics. This usually occurs in nature at the age of 6–8 years, at home at the age of 2–5 years and the shell length is 9–11 cm. The larger the turtle, the longer it takes to grow and reach puberty. It is most convenient to determine sex in comparison with other turtles. Turtles living in captivity become sexually mature faster than those living in the wild.

There are several other methods, but they are used quite rarely. This is the determination of hormones in a blood test, radiography, ultrasound. On x-rays you can see the bones of the hemipenis (in some monitor lizards and geckos). Ultrasound is often uninformative due to the small size of the testes and ovaries. The female can be recognized by ultrasound during the formation of follicles. Analysis of hormones is informative in sexually mature individuals, but there are fluctuations in the level of the hormone depending on the mating season (during the rutting period, testosterone levels increase sharply).

Brief description of the order of turtles

These animals belong to the order of reptiles. They live in captivity up to 50 years. But in the natural environment they can exist about twice as many. Although there are legends that there are individuals that have reached 350 years or more. But only the lifespan of the Madagascan radiant tortoise Tui Malila is documented - 188 years. Today she is considered a long-living winner.

A distinctive feature of all types of turtles is the presence of a shell. Perhaps, thanks to him, they managed to survive, despite various disasters that occurred on our planet. After all, these creatures are very ancient.

Caring for eggs and young

In one clutch the female leaves from 6 to 10 eggs. The diameter of each is 4 cm. The container in which the masonry is located is emptied

The eggs are very carefully transferred to the incubator without turning them over. Temperature readings in it should be in the region of 25-30 o C

Instead of an incubator, you can use a regular jar of sand, which should be placed next to the heating system to create optimal temperature conditions.

The period of development of the young inside the egg is 2-5 months. All this time it is necessary to maintain the established temperature indicators. As soon as the turtles are born, place them in a separate aquarium where they will be kept for a year.

Temperature conditions for turtle breeding

For successful reproduction, turtles must be in a certain temperature range, namely +25-+30° C. Maintaining this temperature is extremely important for hormonal status, the formation and maturation of sperm. In our climate zone, it is impossible to obtain the desired temperature without artificial heating. For breeding purposes, it is especially important to maintain the desired temperature range in March, April and May, since the spring months are the main period in the breeding cycle.

Features of the reproduction process in red-eared turtles

Turtles, like many other animals, have learned to survive well not only in the wild, but also in captivity, where, as a rule, they are provided with all the necessary conditions for a comfortable existence. Reproduction in these reptiles is carried out by oviposition. In this case, the female can mate throughout the whole year.

It is noteworthy that the participation of the male in laying eggs is not mandatory. But there will be no offspring, since in this case there will be no fertilization. That is, the female can lay eggs on her own, but this will not give any expected result.

The age of the reptile is of great importance. Sexually mature individuals, but not old ones, are the best option for home breeding. The traditional slowness of turtles is manifested in everything, including the fact that they take a very long time to mature. Therefore, it will take some time until the turtle is able to lay fertilized eggs.

Turtles, like many other animals, have learned to survive well not only in the wild, but also in captivity

Of course, there is always a risk of acquiring two people of the same sex. It is clear that in this case there can be no question of any reproduction. It should be noted that it will be possible to find out the gender of a red-eared turtle only after it is at least a year old. There is no need to try to examine the genitals of a reptile - it makes no sense. The sex of an animal can be determined by a number of external signs:

  • females are usually larger in size than males;
  • in females the shape of the shell in the lower part is flat, while in males there is a characteristic arch;
  • boys have longer claws than females;
  • the same applies to the tail - it is longer in males.

Mating process in nature

First of all, it should be clarified that the genital organs of turtles are located in the tail. Therefore, the male approaches the chosen one from behind and crawls onto her back with the front part of his body. He adapts his tail under hers, directing the sexual organ to the right place.

At the end of the action, the male emits a “victory cry”. And let only his chosen one hear it, but this is the song of a winner who has achieved his goal. The female also responds to him with a “yelp.” This is how turtles mate in nature.

How do turtles mate?

Domestic keeping does not imply that the breeding season depends on the changing seasons, so reptiles can mate at any time. According to general observations, turtles are most active from February to May. Thus, the process of mating pets is best carried out at this time.

Until the moment of copulation, reptiles engage in mating games, which can last for several days in a row. During this period, the most important thing is to create the most comfortable conditions for the animals, ensuring them complete peace. Reptiles should not be disturbed by extraneous noise, vibration or bright light. Also, you should not pick up your pets during this time.

The process of mating games is that the male touches the female’s head with his claws and brings his shell into contact with the female’s plastron. The copulation time of reptiles is no more than five minutes. Then eggs are laid.

Mr. Tail Recommends: A Step-by-Step Turtle Inspection

It is recommended to determine the sex of a turtle by examining the shell (shell). In females, the shape is less elongated than in sexually mature males, characterized by rounded ends and greater width. Red-eared females (popularly called dwarf) are larger than males. This is explained by the need to bear healthy offspring during pregnancy. Males have a long, sharp nose.

It is easier to distinguish gender by plastron. This is the abdominal shield, which is part of the shell. To begin the inspection, you need to turn the turtle over, but do this while holding it along the edges of the tail, which will protect you from being bitten. Males have a concave plastron, females are flat-bodied. Differences are important for mating:

  • when concave, the male can securely fixate on the partner;
  • The flat shape makes it easier to carry eggs.

Male reptiles have a notch closer to the tail, which looks like the letter V. Knowing the characteristics of the acquired reptile species, you can recognize the sex by additional characteristics:



Painted Blue plastron is observed only in males. Any other is a trait of females.

American Boxtail Females have yellow or brown irises and a dome-shaped shell. Males have orange or red shells and an elongated carapace.

European Swamp Brown eyes in males, yellow in females.

Mountain Spengler Blue eyes for boys, brown for girls.

Callagur Males have a blue spot on a white head with a red pattern between the eyes. Females have a gray head with an orange pattern.

Indian yellowhead Yellow nose color is characteristic of females, red - of males.

In most species, males, unlike females, have long and sharp claws. The reason is that they help protect their lives and territory and make the mating process easier. An exception is African leopards, as pregnant individuals use enlarged structures to lay eggs.

The difference can be established by examining the cloaca - the opening on the underside of the tail. Males are characterized by larger sizes than females. It can be seen near the end of the appendage, and in the female's body the cloaca is closer to the shell and has a star-shaped shape. In male specimens of Central Asian, yellow-eared and other aquatic species, it looks like a longitudinal stripe.

The structure of male Mediterranean land turtles includes the location of the genital organs in the tail, which explains its large size and thickness. Puberty girls do not need increased dimensions. Upon careful examination of the paws, it can be established that males are characterized by protrusions, and the hind limbs are equipped with small scales.

In rare cases, being kept outside natural conditions provokes hormonal imbalance in ornamental turtles. With this development of events, it is impossible to distinguish the sex without the help of a professional, so you need to contact a veterinarian.

Be sure to wash your hands after examining turtles. The reptile's body may contain bacilli of acute intestinal infections, which do not affect its health, but are destructive to humans.

Description of the land turtle

Land turtle is translated from Latin as tile or brick. The turtle shell is hard and durable, it can withstand a load of 200 times the weight of the animal itself. External characteristics of the turtle:

  • Size depends on the species and age, but males are always smaller than females.
  • A durable shell reliably covers the abdomen and back.
  • The elephant-like legs are short, muscular, and end in fused toes with sharp claws.
  • The tail is short, triangular in shape. In some species it ends in a cone-shaped spine.
  • The color of the shell depends on the breed. In one species it is inconspicuous, in another it is bright and patterned.
  • The scaly neck is short, the almond-shaped eyes are directed downwards.
  • The turtle has no teeth; they are replaced by a beak, which is covered with rough protrusions.
  • Color vision and good hearing help the animal to search for food and respond to threats in a timely manner.
  • Some species, when threatened, begin to hiss like snakes.
  • The animal is slow and clumsy; when an enemy approaches, it pulls its head and paws into its shell and abruptly empties its large bladder.
  • Life expectancy in captivity is about 50 years, in natural conditions – 50-100.

The turtle is the oldest animal

Important! During prolonged drought and low air temperatures, the animal may go into hibernation.

Population and species status

The population of land turtles is declining every year. Main reasons for disappearance:

  • poaching;
  • agricultural and construction activities;
  • valuable, delicious turtle meat is popular among restaurateurs;
  • The hard shell is used to make souvenirs and traditional women's jewelry.

Keeping animals at home benefits turtles

How do red-eared turtles reproduce?

Length and growth rate of turtles

The change in the length of the turtles can be seen by the light seams between the carapace scutes. If the turtle grows quickly, the new horny layers along the periphery of the scutes become very light, then processes of pigment cells (dermal melanophores) grow there and pigment is transferred along them, usually in the form of thin rays or dark spots. When these growth rings “age”, the pigmented zones will not differ from the previous ones. This is the cost of accelerated growth in captivity. (c) D.B. Vasiliev.

The growth stripes of land turtles should not be too wide, otherwise this will indicate overfeeding.

As young turtles grow, their body shape and shell color change. The shell elongates and darkens. When the turtle grows and becomes sexually mature, if it is a male, then it may have a depression on the plastron, a thicker and longer tail, and long claws. Eye color and nose color may also change.

Differences in the character of males and females

Behavior during the mating season clearly demonstrates the difference in temperament between individuals. If girls are characterized by a calm state and moving within the aquarium only when necessary, then males show aggression. In order to attract the attention of the opposite sex, they begin:

  • chase turtles;
  • bite females on the neck;
  • make a squeak.

The last sign does not provide a guarantee - some girls are capable of imitating this sound, which introduces uncertainty. In childhood, they can imitate flirting with their claws and bite other individuals.

To prove his own strength, the male shows aggression towards his aquarium neighbors, provoking fights. They begin with a flip onto the shell and strikes with the paws. Sometimes there are attempts to bite competitors on parts of the body that are not covered with a hard shell (hind legs, tail, neck), which leads to severe, life-threatening injuries.

Mating games

Turtles are no strangers to demonstrative displays of affection. Males become very active during the mating season. Many people make the mistake of considering turtles to be silent creatures. After all, males, when courting their darlings, often make sounds similar to yapping. And females have the right to express their opinion with their voice.

Article on the topic: Is a turtle a mammal?

Usually males challenge rivals to fights. And during the period of “fighting”, weak animals can be injured and die. So it would be a huge mistake to consider turtles as calm and good-natured animals.

The male is not so loyal to his chosen one either. Seeing a female, it begins to shake its head up and down. But he does not intend to wait for her to reciprocate her feelings. Having performed a ritual dance of recognition, the male runs to the turtle and hits it hard with his head in the shell. In addition, he bites the reptile's paws until it is eventually subdued.

Reproduction of red-eared turtles

Red-eared turtles have rightfully won the title of favorite pet. A fairly large number of breeders purchase such a reptile and want to get offspring from it. However, breeding red-eared turtles at home involves a certain amount of knowledge that the owner must master before the little turtles are born.

Since domestic turtles do not show much interest in producing offspring, babies are extremely rare in captivity. Despite this, in most cases, it is the breeder who cannot create the right climate and conditions to begin the breeding process. Since it is unlikely that your pets themselves will want to create offspring without outside intervention, the owner needs to make a lot of efforts, thanks to which babies will appear in your turtle family.

Stressful situations

If the male is too active, he can injure the female, so you should not keep him nearby all the time. The turtle also needs distance from the male to successfully lay eggs. In a tense state, she can retain eggs, which will lead to serious complications. In captivity, despite all attempts, the female cannot independently hide from the persistent advances of her partner; for this reason, many breeders do not keep adult males and females together, placing them only for mating purposes.

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