Turtles belong to the order of reptiles. In captivity, their life expectancy is up to 50 years.
There are many plants that are listed in the Red Book of Russia, but water chestnut is definitely
The ancient ancestors of frogs appeared on Earth approximately 290 million years ago, and so
Compatibility parameters of guppies with aquarium fish Guppy is a small viviparous fish, extremely hardy and
In every aquarium with fish and living plants, biological waste accumulates in the soil. This
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From this article you will learn: What is water hardness Why is it necessary to determine water hardness
Comet (Carassius gibelio forma auratus) Bloch 1782, one of the breeding forms of the aquarium goldfish,
Avid aquarists love not only fish: they create a real oasis for their pets, which
When we talk about pets, we usually mean cats, dogs, and birds. But in