How to get rid of snails in an aquarium: tips, experience, video
Home/AQUATERRARIUM/How to get rid of snails in an aquarium: tips, experience, video Are snails in an aquarium harmful or beneficial - the question
Ribbon (striped) leporin: description and content.
There is an interesting feature - the number of stripes on the body depends on the age of the fish, like annual
What to do if the filter in the aquarium is broken
A working aquarium filter is key to maintaining a healthy aquarium. Sometimes it happens that the aquarium filter
American cichlid: aquarium maintenance and varieties
Cichlids are loved by home aquarium owners for their diversity of species, bright colors and unusual habits. This
Goldfish lies on the bottom with its belly up
Why a fish can swim belly up: causes and solutions
Possible reasons If yesterday the goldfish felt normal, but today they turn over
American cichlids: care, description, reproduction, types, compatibility
03/02/2019Fish0 Aquarium cichlids are inhabitants of the underwater world of amazing beauty and intellectual abilities. Behind
What algae can red-eared turtles add to the aquarium?
Turtles are very cute and easy to keep and care for, making them one
Fire barb (veil, neon): reproduction (breeding), maintenance, photo, compatibility
Barbs, also known as “Barbels,” also known as “Puntiuses,” deserve special attention from aquarists as the most interesting
How to wash a filter in an aquarium: rules and working hours
The filter in the aquarium is the most important piece of equipment, the life support system for your fish,
Snail - coil: uninvited guest or aquarium orderly?
Everything you wanted to know about ampularia snails... Ampularia (lat. Pomacea bridgesii) is a large,
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