Catfish, North American catfish (Ictaluridae)

[edit] Catfish perverts

Somoporno with blowjob
Catfish are a whole order in which there are also giants, our native common catfish

not the only one among them, but also every little thing whose place is in aquariums. But all this commercial aquarium herring is of interest only to a narrow circle of ichthyophile fishermen. Much more interesting is the “urethral” catfish candiru - the horror of swimmers in the rivers of South America. In theory, this fish, guided by smell, crawls into the gills of other fish, where it becomes a parasite. However, it so happened that anonymous’s MPH would also work for her.

More subtle perversions are less known: in the armored catfish Corydoras, during spawning, the female gives the male a full-fledged blowjob, takes his milk into her mouth (hello, Boris Becker!), lubricates a suitable substrate with the resulting biological material and then sculpts eggs on it. English-language sources claim that the female gives a blowjob with swallowing, then the male’s milk quickly runs through her intestines and fertilizes the eggs that are already glued into place. This problem of the century needs to be solved by a new generation of young naturalists.

And synodontis catfish, living in the African Lake Tanganyika, manage to throw their eggs into the mouths of local cichlids, who then raise a brood of proglots in their mouths. It happens like this: when cichlids are having fish sex, the catfish simply sit next to them and begin to spawn themselves, having previously devoured some of the cichlid eggs. And then the cichlids, completely zombified by instincts, pick up the eggs of the catfish and incubate them in their mouths. Then a surprise awaits them: catfish develop faster than young cichlids, so they manage to devour their half-brothers and sisters before they hatch.


PakkoH 01 July 2013, 22:51 0

m drowning too, still just a cat

Mikka2009 October 10, 2013, 13:42 1

After catching the biara, I came to the mud at night, without changing the bait, and on the second cast I took it to the middle paralon!! )) On Itandenua I took a small wobbler that was sinking in 15 minutes in real time.

lyo08 November 29, 2013, 04:34 pm 0

small green twister

Evgeniy Groo December 22, 2013, 06:40 0

On Itandeua, on a medium-length fishing rod along the bottom, I actually caught a TF25 near the shore, as I was distracted and dragged it to the middle without jerking the mouse

Igor Zharkov June 30, 2015, 21:52 1

Best result - small salmon wobbler along the bottom, night, Sukurijuba

Larisa Nikolaeva February 25, 2021, 00:15 1

Sukurijuba, TF30, night, small pike wobbler, bottom, no interference. It goes easy.

komar February 27, 2021, 11:25 am 0

I spent a week catching real money with foam rubber and a m-tone wobbler for loki and no way.

kofein_23 09 November 2021, 17:43 0

muddy morning, medium green vibration for the quest. after that I tried 3 more and got it

DANIL MFKRUS October 09, 2021, 20:44 0

The best recipe: Lake Mutkuahua, medium foam fish on the bottom, bends its back very slowly, morning night evening.

Today we would like to present to your attention an article: Trophy fishing secrets of the game. The application cannot but please all users of the social network. It features excellent graphics, user-friendly interface and controls. Particularly pleasing is the abundance of fish - 200 species.

The need for constant, annoying pressing of the spacebar to catch fish disappears, and all control is reduced to just the mouse. I can't help but be pleased with the addition of new places where you can fish.

The game differs from others in its unusual similarity to real fishing. Our administration was unable to find analogues of the application. The game gives the user the opportunity to fish on three large rivers:

All rivers have separate fishing spots, by the name of which you can find out what kind of fish is biting there. They have a specific name, such as Somovya Yama, Somovye Ugodi, Karpovoye, etc.

Three types of gear will be available to the player:

At the start of a long and interesting journey, you will be equipped with only a weak and inexpensive float rod, but as your level increases, you will be able to purchase new, stronger gear. The interesting thing is that they wear out and as a result of use they will require repairs. The fish you catch must be sold or released. For released fish, the player is credited with energy, which can then be used to catch large specimens.

An excellent quality is that in the game window you can communicate with fishermen, right on the pond. This helps to find out where, what and what bites.

[edit] Somy - Grammar Nazi

Ichthyologists, drink valerian!
Through the works of the team of translators “Nicht Fershtein”, a fish called “striped catfish” appears in translations of books from English much more often than in domestic ichthyological literature. And it’s not about the Anglo-Saxons’ special love for this sea fish. It’s just that in English language the name of this fish is catfish, that is, catfish

, but the same name in the same language also denotes catfish.
And in dictionaries z
ubatka comes before
om in alphabetical order.
And the translators, not thinking to use their brains, take the first name they come across, so they produce these catfish (cold-loving fish from the North Atlantic) wherever catfish should be meant - including in the tropics and in fresh water, where there is no smell of catfish. Somolet
The lack of catfish in the translated literature on ichthyology is more than compensated by stupid cunts in all sorts of VKontakte, where catfish SUDDENLY multiplied beyond all measure. Let's look point by point. Soma

, if you put the emphasis on the first syllable, this is such a folk Indian magic drink with substances, the recipe of which is lost in the darkness of centuries, mentioned in Huxley’s “Brave New World” as a panacea for depression;
well, or “body” in Greek (hence chromo soma
, ribo
, etc.).
But if the emphasis is placed on the second syllable, you get the accusative or genitive singular case of the word catfish
However, for some reason a large number of grammarians believe that this is a personal reflexive pronoun of the feminine gender. Catfish, as a rule, can be caught
, and then
. But, thanks to the Untermensch, you can do all sorts of other things with the catfish, which causes convulsions, either from laughter or from hatred, and immediately a picture of a catfish appears in the thread, which kagbe says: “What do I have to do with it?” The only phrase that they are afraid to illustrate with pictures is “national self-consciousness”; it’s scary to even imagine what it could be.

Catching catfish. channel catfish

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Several species of catfish live in the reservoirs of the North American continent, and all of them are objects of sport fishing, so a lot of attention is paid to the hunt for catfish in the fishing literature. There is even a special magazine called Catfish, which talks exclusively about catching this fish. The magazine's editorial talks about the main natural baits for catfish that are used depending on the time of year.

Appearance (external structure)

The body of the channel catfish is elongated and torpedo-shaped. There are no scales, so the skin is slippery and smooth. The lateral line is clearly visible. The head is medium-sized, the snout is slightly pointed and flattened. On the top of the head there are 2 pairs of antennae, two more pairs are on the “chin”. The jaws are of equal length with numerous small teeth (“brush”).

The eyes are large. The dorsal fin is high and has a spiny ray. On the back, closer to the tail, there is an adipose fin (a kind of outgrowth of skin without an internal skeleton). The caudal fin is long, with sharp blades and a deep notch. Young channel catfish have an olive-steel back, a silvery-white belly, and many small black spots on their sides. In adults, the color of the back is steel, the sides of the fish are gray, and the belly is white. Males acquire a bluish tint during the mating season.


The catfish matures for reproduction at the age of about 5 years when it reaches a length of 25–30 cm. It usually spawns in late spring - early summer (+24–27°C). The male prepares a small nest-hole among stones, snags and vegetation, fastening it with a mucous secretion. Spawning is one-time (in one portion).

The fertility of female channel catfish in America is about 30 thousand eggs, in the reservoirs of Europe where it is acclimatized - no more than 10-14 thousand eggs. The caviar is large, up to 4 mm in diameter, bright yellow. After the female lays eggs, the male guards the nest and aerates the eggs with movements of his fins. After hatching the larvae, the males guard the flocks of young for some time.

Height, weight and age

Juvenile channel catfish grow very quickly: by the end of the first month of life, catfish reach a length of 6–10 cm, and by the year they can “stretch” up to 19 cm. In America, the channel catfish reaches a maximum length of 70 cm and a weight of 6 kg at the age of 12 years, The literature even mentions information about fish weighing 12 kg and 117 cm long (age 40 years).


All natural catfish food consists of amino acids; as a result of research, it has been found that, for example, channel catfish can identify several molecules of this type at a concentration of only 1:100,000,000. Catfish also have the same keen sense of smell, thanks to which they can recognize and remember other catfish by the unique smell released by their mucous membrane.

Catfish can sense the difference in smell and taste, for example, between juvenile carp and roach from a distance of 50 m. The flow of rivers brings both attractive and unpleasant smells and tastes to catfish, and in stagnant bodies of water, catfish have to move more intensely, checking the water for the presence of potential food . They can filter out most of the uninteresting sensations from all those that their ears, eyes and nostrils are tuned to receive. First of all, they are interested in the prey they prefer, certain food smells that attract catfish of specific species from generation to generation. An exception may be the channel catfish, which is omnivorous, absorbing almost any animal and plant food of a suitable size. Taught by experience, “catfish fishermen” know that the choice of bait can determine whether the catfish ends up in the boat or ignores the treat served to it by the fisherman.

The most constant rule that we follow when choosing bait when fishing in all reservoirs of the country is to use live or cut fish from the reservoir where we fish. That is, exactly what the local catfish are used to eating. Of course, at times his taste is appealing to hot dogs, chicken livers, and soap. But what distinguishes a real “somyatnik” from other fishermen is a good knowledge of natural baits and how best to present them to a predator.

Cut bait or whole and live?

When you choose a natural bait, the same question arises: should you use all of it or just part of it? Many predators at times have an absolutely clear preference for active, living prey. Catfish, especially large flatheads, often prefer live baits that remain active on the hook and attempt to escape the attacking predator. These are the ones that attract trophy fish.

At the same time, we catch large catfish using whole dead fish and their parts. "Rezanka" is sometimes the best choice, especially in the pre-spawning period. But for most of the year, live bait wins percentage-wise. Even when the cutter works, it is a bit of a stretch to say that it is better than a live fish, since in some situations it is simply easier to find and prepare for fishing.

However, channel, blue and white catfish often prefer baits that are easier to grab than more mobile ones. Channel catfish feast on half-decomposed herring and carp that died from winter starvation, and attractants with the aroma of such fish can be used for them. When cutting the bait, proteins and amino acids contained in the tissues are released, as well as blood, an unconditional attractant.

When piercing worms, frogs, crickets, crayfish and maggots with a hook, a natural juicy consistency is released, which is perceived by the olfactory and gustatory organs of nearby catfish. Predators, sensing a smell they like, approach its source, and then the taste buds located on the catfish’s whiskers, on the skin and in the mouth come into play to finally evaluate the prey for edibility. Catfish, accustomed to hunting prey of a certain type, quickly determine their smell, taste and are ready to eat them. Out of habit, they prefer certain baits, but at the same time they come up in ponds for artificial food and for fish of those species with which they were not familiar before.

Lures made from migratory fish

In spring and summer, the best bait in rivers is cut herring. One-year-old herring, migrating to the sea in the fall, is also a delicious bait for catfish. Herring, which does not go to the sea, but rises along the rivers in the spring, also ends up on the catfish menu. Large, from 25 to 40 cm, whole herring attracts the attention of large predators, and cut into pieces, it can become bait for catfish of any size.

And pieces of adult fish and even whole young individuals, from 25 to 45 cm, will not be missed by striped bass. The cut eel's muscles continue to contract, giving the bait movement, which attracts the attention of flathead catfish, which prefer live baits. The skin of the eel also fluctuates with the current, therefore, when cutting the fish, you need to leave a free layer of skin on the piece. For large catfish, pieces 8-10 cm long and 2.5-5 cm in diameter are required.

Herring bait

Herring is one of the most popular and effective natural baits, especially for catching trophy catfish. Fishing guide Jim Moyer prepares bait for an upcoming fishing trip or stores it for future use. Clears scales; removes the entrails by cutting the fish from the head to the anus. Then he removes the fillets from both sides of the carcass, guiding the knife along the spine. Pack fillets in sealable plastic bags and place them in a portable cooler on ice for same-day fishing or store in a stationary cooler for up to one month.

Herring heads are effective bait in the spring and early summer, but not in cold water, Moyer said. Long fillet strips are an excellent choice for summer and early autumn, except during periods when the current becomes too strong. Fillet cubes mounted on a hook No. 8/0-10/0 do not spin like a strip, and therefore are better suited for fishing in strong currents. Herring guts are an excellent choice for mid-winter fishing, but they are quickly destroyed by small fish when water temperatures rise above 4.5°C.

A piece of fillet on the tail hook of an artificial bait will help lure large catfish out of hiding. For catching channel catfish in early spring and fall, 8 cm live bait is good. This choice follows the basic rule: a small bait for cold water and a large one for summer nights.


The crayfish is placed by the tail on the hook of the bottom tackle. The best time to collect crayfish sometimes coincides with the time of hunting for catfish. Crayfish usually hide under rocks or other shelters during the day, and feed on any living or dead organisms they can find after dark.

For channel catfish, the crayfish is an excellent bait for drift fishing with bottom or float gear. When using a whole crayfish, you need to press down its head a little so that the brain matter attractive to the catfish is released into the water. Catfish eat freshwater mussels, snails of various types and even zebra mussels.

Crawlers remain the best bait for all catfish, but are sometimes not very attractive to channel catfish.
Even a large catfish is unable to refuse crawling out. A bunch of six worms on a size 3/0 hook is an excellent early season flathead bait. The scent and movement of the wriggling worms obviously attracts the attention of large catfish. The catalpa caterpillar is a popular bait, especially in the south, where it is widespread.
Fleshy green caterpillars become the object of attention of many fish, especially where trees grow along the banks and insects fall from the branches into the water. They can be stored frozen for a long time. The smell of caterpillars is so irresistible to fish that an extract from catalpas or ground caterpillars is added to some branded bait pastes. Grasshoppers are also an excellent bait for catfish, especially channel ones, not only in small streams and rivulets, but also in large rivers and reservoirs, where some of the catfish become accustomed to such food.

Grasshoppers often congregate in large numbers in grassy ditches or along cropland boundaries. They are concentrated near bushes and in grassy meadows along the banks of small rivers, lakes and ponds.

The leopard frog is one of the most widespread species of these amphibians, which are used as bait for catfish.

Leopard frogs mate in early spring, leave their eggs clinging to algae in ponds or river bays, and then retire to nearby meadows or grassy areas for the summer. With the exception of occasional amphibian visits to lakes and rivers, catfish rarely encounter leopard frogs during the summer. When the days become shorter and air temperatures drop in early fall, leopard frogs begin to prepare for winter. They concentrate in certain areas adjacent to water, especially in cold and rainy weather.

The catfish does not neglect any food that is given to it depending on the season, nor does it reject human food, such as a hot dog. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, natural baits that are natural to the natural system and familiar to the fish, or artificial baits that duplicate natural ones, work better.

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[edit] Girl and catfish

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