American cichlids: care, description, reproduction, types, compatibility


Aquarium cichlids are inhabitants of the underwater world of amazing beauty and intellectual abilities. They are difficult to care for, and they will decorate a pond only for an experienced aquarist. Their rich color often makes them mistaken for sea fish, but such a “pseudo-sea” will only be an advantage of a rich interior.

  • 1 History of the species
  • 2 Description and habitat
  • 3 Varieties of cichlids 3.1 South American cichlids
  • 3.2 Cichlids of Africa
  • 3.3 Asian cichlid species
  • 4 Mr. Tail Recommends: Basics of Cichlid Aquarium Keeping
  • 5 Compatibility
  • 6 Feeding
  • 7 Cichlid behavior
  • 8 Breeding
  • 9 Possible diseases and prevention
  • History of the species

    Cichlids are a large family of ray-finned fish belonging to the order Perciformes. There are about 3 thousand different species in the world with body sizes ranging from dwarfs, barely reaching 2.5 cm, to meter-long individuals.

    Some varieties are commercial, for example, tilapia, others are widespread in the aquarium hobby - Oscars, angelfish, discus.

    Despite the fact that aquarists’ serious fascination with these beautiful inhabitants of the underwater world began not very long ago, African cichlid tilapia were first bred in artificial reservoirs in Ancient Egypt and Assyria many thousands of years ago.

    Description of appearance

    Distinctive features of the representatives of the family are the presence of two colored stripes on the side and only one pair of nostrils.

    The caudal fin of most species has a rounded shape, the remaining fins are oblong. The head is large, and the males of some species have a fatty growth. Males are usually larger than females and have brighter colors.

    Body shape varies greatly between species. It was formed by evolution depending on the type of food of fish. Predators often have a narrow, torpedo-shaped body, which allows them to be fast. There are species with a flat round or triangular body. This shape helps them hide from predators in thickets of aquatic plants.

    African cichlids living in lakes are brighter than American ones. This color helps them attract females. Many bright colors have been created artificially by breeders for aquarium purposes.

    Representatives of the cichlid family are found in America, Africa, Madagascar, and several species can be found in Asia.

    Description and habitat

    Cichlids live on almost all continents of the world, with almost half of the species found in two unique lakes in Africa - Tanganyika and Malawi (Nyasa), which can be called a natural laboratory. Over millions of years of development, from the few fish that found their way into these ancient bodies of water, multiple species evolved.

    Cichlids are most often territorial varieties of perciformes, varying significantly in size and shape depending on their habitat, and are usually quite hostile. They prefer fresh water, but they also thrive in salt water.

    The main species of cichlids have a rounded, tall body, slightly flattened on the sides, with a large head and a mouth with well-defined lips. As males grow older, a fatty growth appears on their forehead.

    Most varieties are monogamous, choosing one partner for their entire long life (from 10 to 25 years).

    Photo gallery of cichlids:

    For aquaculture enthusiasts, this is mostly a complex fish; only some species are quite unpretentious, for example, black stripe, meeka, and angelfish.

    The lifespan of cichlids is determined by their habitat; at high water temperatures, metabolism and biorhythm accelerate. In cool (to a certain limit) fish live longer.

    Aquasalons usually sell teenage cichlids, their age is about 2-6 months. Young animals have a paler color, smaller body and fins, and their sexual characteristics are not clearly expressed.

    Subtleties of spawning

    It is better to breed American beauties in separate aquariums. Aggressive males start fights and haunt their neighbors. Fish are species that do not require hormonal stimulation. Zealous and sensitive parents protect their offspring from laying eggs to growing up.

    Lots of places where they like to live

    Depending on the type, the place chosen is:

    • wide leaves;
    • artificial shelters;
    • stones;
    • driftwood.

    The maturation period of germ cells depends on the size and age of the individuals. In tiny specimens, the first spawning occurs already at three months, and large populations (from 40 cm) approach adulthood in the fourth year of life. Males develop more slowly than females. Signs of readiness of the former are skirmishes with rivals, changes in color intensity, and of the latter - swelling in the anal area.

    After laying eggs in the aquarium, it is forbidden to turn off the lights at night, otherwise it is easy to lose all the offspring. The fry are initially fed with starter plankton, and as they grow older they are taught to eat live food. Universal mixtures are given to grown specimens that have reached the size of their parents.

    American cichlids are beautiful exotic fish that will decorate your home pond. To avoid problems with breeding, it is important to know the peculiarities of their nutrition and maintenance. Bright and unusual pets will delight you with a long life in an apartment.

    Varieties of cichlids

    The cichlid family, despite their ubiquity, is usually divided into three large classes:

    • South American - prefer soft water;
    • African - love habitats with medium and high rigidity;
    • Asian is the smallest class.

    They include many species that differ somewhat in shape, size and behavior.

    South American cichlids

    Of these, the following varieties are especially popular.


    These fish are small to medium sized cichlids. Quite peaceful ones are known among cancers, for example, the bluish-spotted one, and, conversely, even overly hostile species (turquoise).

    Spotted Acara is found in the natural environment in calm waters of Panama and Colombia. At the beginning of the 20th century, this fish was brought to Europe and Russia by professional aquarists.

    In artificial reservoirs it grows up to 5-7 cm, in nature it is much larger (about 15 cm).

    The flattened tall body has a rounded shape, the grayish color of the skin is practically invisible under the greenish-golden scales. There are large dark marks and several vertical stripes on the sides. The gills are covered with an intricate blue pattern. The dorsal fin has a pink border in males, and a white border in females.

    These fairly peaceful fish can be safely kept with other species.

    Nannakar anomalies

    The natural habitat of this species is the small reservoirs of Guiana. Introduced to Europe and Russia in the mid-20th century.

    The fish are small - the size of females rarely reaches 3 cm, males are larger - up to 8 cm. Males are painted in turquoise tones with a scattering of dark marks, and a blue pattern is visible on the gills. The fins on the back have a green-blue tint, the belly fins are lemon and green, and the fins on the chest are transparent.

    Females are not so bright, yellow in color with dark stripes along the sides. They behave quite calmly in the aquarium, but during the spawning period they become simply uncontrollable, even attacking other cichlids. At this time, they should be placed in a special spawning tank with abundant greenery.


    These South American cichlids form a very large species that includes various subspecies. The most popular Apistograms are Ramizer, Kakadu, Two-Stripe, Panda, Hongslo.


    They live naturally in the reservoirs of Venezuela. European and Russian aquarists began propagating them in an artificial environment in the 60s of the last century. They belong to the dwarf cichlid breeds; a rare individual reaches a size of 5 cm.

    A tall, flat body of a yellowish color with a greenish or purple tint, with the same spots on the sides. There is a bright dark mark on the stomach, and two vertical stripes of the same color on the head between the large eyes. Males are larger than the brighter females, whose abdomen is usually purple-scarlet.

    This species is absolutely non-aggressive and can get along with any aquarium inhabitants.


    Sometimes they grow up to 7 cm. They have a bright color, dominated by red, orange and gold tones. The dorsal fin resembles a fancy mottled scallop. These fish are quite angry.

    Altispinosa or Bolivian butterflies

    The most unpretentious representatives of this species, very bright and colorful, compatible with other fish. One of the few subspecies of cichlids that can be practiced by a novice aquarist.

    Two-way or Biteniates

    Small (up to 7 cm) and very active fish, beautifully colored with a characteristic dark stripe along the sides. Males are larger and brighter than females. Usually the main background is yellow, and the fins have a blue tint. It lives naturally in the rivers of Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil. Omnivorous and unpretentious in maintenance.


    A very beautiful and small (up to 8 cm) fish that lives in the basin of two rivers in Peru - the Ucayali and Yavari. The color is yellow throughout the body and fins with dark markings, often in the form of vertical stripes near the head and a bluish tint. Carnivorous, but unpretentious in care.


    Small, predatory and very bright fish. In nature, they live in the reservoirs of Colombia and Venezuela. Females are about 4 cm, males - 6 cm. They are brighter and more powerful, the color is dominated by reddish-yellow and orange tones. The fins are high-standing, sharp along the edge. In nature, they usually eat bottom invertebrates, but in an aquarium they are omnivorous and quite calm when there is an abundance of food. Monogamous, it is better to keep them as a pair or a small harem.


    They have elongated slender bodies, sometimes reaching a length of 15-17 cm. There are many subspecies of them - Black-striped, Flamingo, Meeks, Festums, Peaceful, Yellow. All of them are distinguished by the presence of bright stripes or spots on the body.

    Black-striped cichlazomas live in small lakes in Guatemala. In Europe and Russia, they began to successfully select this species in the 60s of the 20th century.

    The body is rather gray in color with multiple (up to 9) black stripes arranged vertically, often because of this they are called Zebras. Females are slightly smaller than males with a more contrasting pattern and an orange belly. They are quite unpretentious and calm, but prefer large bodies of water with abundant vegetation.


    Perhaps this is the most common variety of cichlids; they appeared in European aquariums already in 1909. In nature, they are numerous in the slow and wide rivers of South America.

    They have a characteristic large body shape, resembling a crescent, a modified triangular shape, with long and voluminous fins. The native color - white with black stripes - is now rare in aquariums; there are many brightly colored breeds obtained through breeding. They differ in color, various body shapes and fins. Very peaceful and unpretentious inhabitants of reservoirs, they are loved by both beginners and professionals.


    These fish are rightfully considered one of the most expensive and even elite. It is very difficult to maintain them so that you can admire the aquarium for hours. They are capricious both in terms of food and living conditions. In addition, they are very unstable to stress.

    Its natural habitat is the calm waters of the Amazon. They appeared in Europe in the 30s of the last century, and the first experience of successful artificial breeding dates back to the 60s.

    They have a large, almost round, flattened body (up to 20-25 cm). The color of natural species is bright brown with vertical dark stripes (there are 9 of them) and a greenish tint. Selected species of different colors - red, yellow, pink, white, blue.

    These are peaceful fish, but for successful keeping it is better not to add other species to them.

    The most famous breeds of discus are Heckel, Pigeon Blood, Leopard, Green, Cobalt, Marlboro, Blue Diamond, Snakeskin, San Mera, Red Melon, Red Card.


    Large cichlid species (up to 25 cm), living in nature most often in the waters of the Amazon. In the aquarium hobby, their widespread use began only in the 50-60s of the last century.

    The main tone of the slightly elongated body is usually grayish-gray, but it can also have a yellow tint. The fairly large scales are scattered with golden markings in the form of spots and lines. Selection has made it possible to develop various color variations, but black and white and orange are more common.

    Astronotuses are capable of digging up the entire soil, displacing the scenery. You cannot house peaceful fish with them, only similar predators.

    Geophagus altifronsa

    They have elongated massive bodies up to 20-22 cm. They live in the natural environment mostly in the Rio Negro River basin, they love lowlands and muddy floodplains, but with clean water.

    Color ranges from yellow-orange to bluish. Large head with elongated lips. Sexual dimorphism is practically not developed; male and female individuals are very difficult to distinguish.

    Peaceful and unpretentious inhabitants, they prefer to live in a flock of 5-8 individuals. Suitable for beginner aquarists.

    Cichlids of Africa

    This group is also diverse.

    Handsome chromis

    These small cichlids were introduced to Europe and Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The maximum body size of aquarium species is 12 cm. The usual color is brown-red, and the spawning period becomes bright scarlet with iridescent greenish spots.

    Keep only separately from other fish.

    Celmatochromis pulchera

    In nature, they live in tropical waters of West Africa. They appeared in European countries in the middle of the last century.

    They have a variegated color with a greenish-golden background, a black back and a longitudinal graphite stripe on the sides. The plumage is dotted with dark markings, and on the belly there is a scarlet spot, better expressed in females.

    Moderately hostile species, can be kept with fish of similar character.

    Labidochromis yellow

    Endemic to the African Lake Malawi, its description appeared in 1958.

    The main color is bright golden with thin black edging on the fins.

    Some varieties can show restrained aggression, but it is best kept only in species aquariums.

    Haplochromis venustus

    These cichlids are also an endemic species of Lake Malawi.

    In captivity they grow to 25 cm or more. They have a golden-olive color with light markings throughout the body. This pattern is more contrasting in females; there are blue dots on the gills and fins.

    Very smart hunters, attacking prey from bottom sludge, having previously buried themselves in it. You should not house them with other fish.

    Melanochromis auratos

    Another representative of Malawian hunters. Auratos have very pronounced sexual dimorphism - males are rather black with a white stripe on the sides, females are light in color with a graphite line along the entire body. Aggressive, kept only in cichlids.

    Melanochromus aureus

    These South African cichlids are large, beautiful predators. They are painted in golden tones, contrasting with the graphite fins.

    Blue dolphins

    The body shape of this underwater inhabitant of African lakes really resembles a dolphin. The color is light with a silvery-bluish tint. Peaceful and friendly fish, unpretentious in maintenance.

    Red Devil

    Cichlazomas labiatum are distinguished by a very exotic appearance and bright coloring, undemanding conditions of detention, and high endurance. But they weren’t called devils for nothing; they are extremely quarrelsome.

    They are an endemic species of the tectonic lakes of Nicaragua and Managua, united by the underground Tipitapa River. A very large species, some individuals reach a length of 35 cm. Males are larger than females and have a pronounced occipital growth. The color of the scales ranges from soft lemon to bright orange.

    Suitable only for keeping in a species aquarium.

    Princess of Burundi

    Cyclida Fairy is named after the name of the area where it was first discovered on the coast of the lake.

    The most popular fish of Lake Tanganyika. Quite calm, if the size of the artificial reservoir is large, it is able to get along with other fish. It is better to keep 2-3 females with one male.

    They are distinguished by their small size (up to 9 cm), weak sexual differences between males and females, gray-yellow colors, high fins with a bluish tint along the edges.


    A very bright and beautiful predator, whose color is dominated by orange and blue tones. The head is large with powerful jaws.

    It is endemic to Lake Malawi. In a large species aquarium it can get along with other large aggressive fish. It is difficult to keep at home, since the size of the smallest individual exceeds 25 cm.

    The body is large but flat, it is the most flattened cichlid of Malawi. Males are metallic blue with bright orange fins, females and juveniles are rather simply silver.

    Zebra Mbuna

    One of the most hostile fish in Lake Malawi. Suitable for keeping in a species aquarium only.

    "Mbuna" means "cliff dwellers", which describes the favorite habitats of this species.

    A small fish (7-9 cm) has a large convex head and high-standing fins, pointed at the edges. There are a variety of colors - charcoal white, orange, blue-black, but the most common are blue and light blue tones with vertical stripes of the same color, but more saturated.

    Queen of Tanganyika

    The zebra lobed cyphotilapia or Frontosa is endemic to East Africa's Lake Tanganyika. It usually settles at very great depths (up to 70 m) along the rocky coastline. This is an insidious predator that, in a species aquarium, if there is sufficient food available, behaves quite peacefully.

    A strong body up to 25 cm long has a large head with a characteristic growth on the forehead; it is more pronounced in males. Otherwise, sexual dimorphism is not developed. The main background is light, it is crossed out by wide dark stripes, making the fish really look like zebras. The sharp fins are colored in blue and bluish tones.

    Asian cichlid species

    There are only two naturally occurring species of cichlids thought to be found in the Asian region, but there are several others that overlap with the South American ones, such as the Oscars.

    Spotted etroplus

    Inhabitants of fresh and brackish waters of Sri Lanka and India.

    Small fish, the maximum size of which rarely reaches 9 cm. Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed, but males are slightly larger and brighter. They are quite peaceful and do not like to dig up the soil. Some aggression is shown during the period of caring for the fry.

    The juveniles are very beautiful, the head is large with such large eyes that they seem to occupy its entire area. The main color is deep brown, and the chest is bright orange.

    Green etroplus

    Also common in water bodies of India and Sri Lanka, where they grow to almost half a meter in length.

    In an aquarium, at 10-12 cm they already reach sexual maturity, growing to a maximum of 30 cm. They have a greenish color of scales and fins.

    They are quite calm and peaceful, but they eat all aquatic plants.


    A very popular aquarium fish, which includes many subspecies with different fin shapes and scale colors.

    They are found in nature in South and even North America, but an Asian species that lives in the reservoirs of Singapore is also known.

    This is a fairly large fish, up to 35 cm long. The dark background color is colored with bright red spots. The high fins are black. This coloring is characteristic of natural species; breeding species are distinguished by a wide variety of colors.

    After the Gulf War, many natural species of Asian cichlids were on the verge of extinction, so African tilapia are now introduced into reservoirs.

    Multiple aquarium varieties of Asian cichlids have been bred based on natural isomorphs - Israeli Tilapia, Nile, Mango, Redberry, Ironocyclagordonsis, Green Chromide.

    Cichlids of Central and North America

    They inhabit small rivers and associated lakes and swamps. Many representatives of Central American cichlids are found in brackish waters, as well as in river deltas that flow into the ocean. The habitat is different; it can be fast mountain streams with rocky rapids, or calm backwaters with dense aquatic vegetation. The area is rich in carbonates, so water conditions have high levels of hardness.


    If you set up the aquarium correctly, maintaining it will not cause much trouble. Much more problems are associated with finding compatible fish species. For the most part, Central American cichlids have complex intraspecific relationships, a warlike disposition and are aggressive towards other fish, therefore they are kept in species-specific aquariums or in very large tanks. In this case, the cichlids will occupy a certain area, which they will fiercely guard, and the rest of the fish will stay in the unoccupied part. However, avoiding conflicts and clashes will not be easy.

    Jack Dempsey Cichlid

    Jack Dempsey Cichlid or Morning Dew Cichlid scientific name Rocio octofasciata belongs to the family Cichlidae

    Cichlazoma Meeki

    Cichlazoma Meeki or Cichlazoma mask, scientific name Thorichthys meeki, belongs to the family Cichlidae

    "Red Devil"

    Red Devil Cichlid or Cichlid labiatum, scientific name Amphilophus labiatus, belongs to the family Cichlids

    Red spotted cichlid

    The red spotted cichlid, scientific name Amphilophus calobrensis, belongs to the family Cichlidae

    Black-striped cichlasoma

    Black-striped Cichlid or Convict Cichlid, scientific name Amatitlania nigrofasciata, belongs to the family Cichlidae

    Cichlazoma Festa

    Cichlasoma Festa, Orange Cichlid or Red Terror Cichlid, scientific name Cichlasoma festae, belongs to the family Cichlidae

    Cichlazoma Salvini

    Cichlasoma Salvini, scientific name Cichlasoma salvini, belongs to the family Cichlidae

    Rainbow cichlid

    Yellow gerotilapia or Rainbow cichlid, scientific name Archocentrus multispinosus, belongs to the family Cichlidae

    Cichlid Midas

    Midas Cichlid or Citron Cichlid, scientific name Amphilophus citrinellus, belongs to the family Cichlidae

    Cichlazoma peaceful

    Peaceful cichlid, scientific name Cryptoheros myrnae, belongs to the family Cichlidae

    Cichlazoma yellow

    Cryptocherus nanoluteus, Cryptocherus yellow or Cichlazoma yellow, scientific name Cryptoheros nanoluteus, belongs to the family Cichlidae (cichlids)

    Pearl cichlasoma

    Pearl cichlid, scientific name Herichthys carpintis, belongs to the family Cichlidae (cichlidae).

    Cichlazoma diamondata

    Diamond cichlid, scientific name Herichthys cyanoguttatus, belongs to the family Cichlidae

    Mr. Tail Recommends: Cichlid Aquarium Basics

    Even if only cichlids are stocked in the aquarium, it is very interesting to observe their behavior. These fish amaze not only with the beauty of their coloring, but also with their active social life, high intelligence and touching care for their offspring.

    The most common cichlids kept in home aquariums are angelfish, discus, melanochromus, oscar, chromis, and cichlas. Among these species there are individuals that differ significantly in size, shape of the body and fins, and type of nutrition - these are omnivores and predators.

    But the general requirements for keeping cichlids are the same:

    • They need spacious tanks with a capacity of at least 60 liters, and preferably 300-400 liters.
    • It is necessary to provide for the organization of grottoes, caves, driftwood, which will have not only a decorative, but also a protective function.
    • It is better to house cichlids in pairs or small families, where there are 2-3 females per male.
    • Optimum temperature +27…+28 °C.
    • Regular changes of a third of the water should be done at least 2 times a week.
    • It is mandatory to install powerful, preferably remote, filters and an aeration system.
    • It is better to install a special lid with an artificial lighting system on the tank.

    Experienced aquarists believe that the best cichlid is a bare stone wasteland, and it is better to install artificial plants, since live ones will be eaten instantly.

    But for some species of cichlids, such as apistogramma and parakeets, you can organize a real underwater garden. Only in this case is it important to correctly zone the reservoir, creating areas of grottoes and thickets there, as well as free space for the active movement of individuals.

    Zoning is very important for group keeping, for example, angelfish, since each pair occupies its own territory, which it actively protects.

    Vallisneria, which, when growing, creates a kind of screen-thickets, is well suited as a plant for these species of cichlids.

    For Malawian cichlid species, it is a good idea to float duckweed on the surface of the water as natural feeding. Decorative grottoes, coconut halves, driftwood, pots and amphorae also help with zoning. The soil is not so important; cichlids are indifferent to it. Lighting in an artificial tank should be moderate, in cool colors.

    Breeding Features

    Low-maintenance pets can adapt to any environment. When growing in an apartment, you need to select moisture that is close in composition to natural moisture. Representatives of the species are usually kept in three types of environments:

    • Transparent. Found in rivers with quartz sand, acidity is from 5 to 6.
    • Brown. A lot of decomposing organic matter and minerals are concentrated, pH 3−4.
    • Muddy. Clay-based liquid with a slightly alkaline reaction in the range of 7–9.

    • Such fish are sensitive to temperature changes.
      When breeding American aquarium cichlids, it is prohibited to use tap water. The huge content of phosphates, nitrites and chlorine negatively affects the health of pets. If the concentration of harmful substances is high, then even the strongest hybrids will not survive in such an environment. When preparing a container for habitation, it must be equipped with devices for oxygen saturation.

      All representatives of the species are sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Heat-loving fish prefer to live in comfortable conditions (not lower than +18°C), otherwise the entire population will die. Sudden changes are dangerous, as is cold weather. Without heating the liquid, purchasing exotic beauties is pointless.

      Preventive cleaning of the aquarium is a mandatory procedure that does not need to be done very often. Fish love an established habitat, so they respond negatively to ideal cleanliness. Hygiene measures to maintain optimal conditions are carried out once a week.

      Exotics have strong immunity and get sick only when the regime is violated. The most common disease is ichthyophthyriosis, accompanied by compression of the fins and a white coating on the scales. The pathogen parasitizes in any aquarium, but becomes active when the health of individuals is weakened.

      It is better to leave tropical pets in large containers equipped with vegetation for natural reservoirs. They form green thickets of Cryptocoryne and Echinodirus. It is worth remembering that many American cichlids cannot stand being kept with other species. Aggressive fish uproot plants , move pebbles and scare neighbors. They get along only with larger individuals, and during the mating season they need to be placed in another vessel.


    Before purchasing cichlids, it is necessary to thoroughly study the characteristics of this species, as many of them cannot be placed in one tank due to their uncooperative nature. Some have a preference for plants, others will actively eat their neighbors, although most breeds are only aggressive during the spawning period.

    It is unwise, for example, to keep several male parrot cichlids together, since one will definitely be the leader and will not calm down until he gets rid of the rest of his brothers.

    The best condition for cichlids to live in an artificial reservoir is to organize a species aquarium, where certain natural pictures of South American, African or Asian underwater flora and fauna are recreated.

    It is unwise to populate an artificial reservoir with these aggressive inhabitants and other peaceful species. But angelfish, for example, are much calmer than other cichlids; they can be combined with swordtails, mollies, platies, gourami, zebrafish, cockroaches, and corydoras.

    Compatibility with other fish

    Fish of the cichlid family are well compatible with their relatives of similar habits and sizes. It is desirable that there are more females in the aquarium, there is enough space and there are natural shelters. It is better to keep young animals separately so that they do not suffer from their older relatives. You should not keep cichlids from different geographical regions in the same aquarium. They do not communicate well and need different living conditions.

    Compatibility also depends on the specific species of cichlid. Aggressive predators are not compatible with anyone. But calm, peace-loving species, such as angelfish, easily get along with equally calm fish of their size.

    The main thing is that the neighboring fish do not fit into the cichlid’s mouth, then she will not consider them as food.


    The diet of cichlids varies quite a lot depending on the specific species. For herbivores, it is preferable to feed chopped lettuce, spinach, dandelion, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, and spirulina tablets.

    Predators need protein food - finely chopped squid, fish, beef, shrimp, live food. You also need to remember that a pair of African cichlids may completely refuse to eat during the incubation period of carrying eggs in the mouth (from 15 to 40 days).

    When keeping all cichlids, it is better to adhere to the rule of the golden mean - the fish diet should be complete, of high quality and properly balanced. For predators, the content of by-products (meat, seafood) should be minimal; it is better to give preference to live (bloodworms, Artemia nauplii, cortera) and ready-made industrial feeds.

    The Mbuna group of cichlids belongs to phytophages and in their diet up to 70% of food should be of plant origin and only 30% protein. It is most profitable to grow duckweed as a live feed, as it reproduces very quickly.

    All cichlids are not picky and eat dry daphnia and gammarus well.

    Twice a week you can feed them a homemade delicacy. To do this, take a frozen bovine or beef heart, cut off the fat and films from it, finely chop or grate it and freeze it in small portions.

    Breeding and reproduction

    Reproduction of a significant part of cichlid species in an aquarium is not difficult. Moreover, spontaneous spawning in a community aquarium when standard comfortable conditions are created is not at all uncommon.

    Preparation for reproduction

    For many species of cichlids, it is necessary to create special conditions that stimulate them to spawn. They imitate the natural conditions that precede their spawning in nature. The following pushing tools are used:

    • massive replacement of water after a long-term deterioration of its parameters. To do this, they skip several scheduled water changes, and then quickly change it almost entirely;
    • sudden change of food - for example, to ciliates or small crustaceans;
    • hunger for two or more days;
    • moving fish to another aquarium;
    • decrease in atmospheric pressure - sometimes you just have to wait for bad weather.

    How to distinguish a female from a male?

    Sexual dimorphism in cichlids is not very pronounced. It is possible to clearly distinguish a male from a female of some species only by the genital papilla: in males it is awl-shaped, and in females it is pear-shaped.

    But there are other, less obvious signs:

    • size - in some species, males are larger or smaller than females;
    • body shape – females are more rounded;
    • brightness of color - males are usually brighter;
    • specific coloring of the anal fins;
    • the shape of the fins - in males they are pointed, and in females they are rounded.

    Acquisition of manufacturers

    At the stage of preparation for reproduction, it is necessary for the cichlids to form a pair. But since sex determination is not always obvious, it is recommended to place at least 5-6 fish of each sex in one aquarium. After some time, they form pairs themselves. Excess fish are removed, leaving the strongest and most mobile ones. But where to get the initial flock of producers?

    Since adult breeder fish are quite expensive, it is recommended to purchase a school of fry or juveniles of the same age in the amount of 7-10 individuals. If you buy fish with already distinguishable sex, then the ratio of males and females should be observed depending on the method of reproduction of a particular species. For mouth-incubating fish this ratio is 1:4, for substratophiles it is 1:1.

    Feeding the producers

    In order for the acquired fry to become high-quality producers, you need to seriously approach the issue of feeding them. Three rules of nutrition must be followed: variety, quality and moderation.

    Diversity involves getting all the microelements for balanced fish development.

    Quality means food that is clean from the point of view of toxic substances and pathogenic bacteria.

    Moderation is one of the most difficult topics for beginners. In nature, cichlid fish are constantly fighting for their survival. They are malnourished and forced to hide from predators. Too comfortable conditions in the aquarium lead to fish becoming overfed, lethargic and passive. It is almost impossible to get normal producers from them.

    Only immediately before spawning can you increase nutrition by increasing the percentage of protein food.

    Arrangement and launch of an aquarium for spawning

    For a significant number of offspring, it is better to move the formed pair of fish into a separate spawning aquarium with a volume of at least 80 liters. Most cichlids are monogamous, so you should never separate a couple. It is better to heat the water in the spawning tank to 28 °C. It must be decorated with artificial shelters and vegetation. Species that lay eggs in the soil need a layer of up to 7 cm. From the aquarium where this pair lived, it is necessary to move a filter, a third or a quarter of the water or a part of the soil and from one fifth to one tenth of the water into the spawning tank.


    Spawning of cichlids in an aquarium consists of three stages: preparation, spawning itself and caring for eggs and fry. Let's look at them all.

    Mating games

    Mating games of cichlids can last several hours, or even days. These include males demonstrating strength in fights with rivals, marking their territorial domains, and attracting the attention of females. Watching how males court females is very interesting. This is a whole bright ritual of various movements and poses, circular rotations, fin flutters and head shaking. In the process, the fish can move the decorations, stir up the soil, and even completely clear the aquarium of algae.

    Spawning process

    Just before spawning, females have a well-defined ovipositor, and males have a genital papilla. And the behavior of fish in water is diverse and depends on the species.

    In cichlids that lay eggs on a substrate, the male moves behind the female, which lays eggs, and fertilizes her row by row.

    In species that incubate eggs in the mouth, spawning occurs differently. The female takes a T-shaped position in relation to her partner and begins to lay several eggs, immediately taking them into her mouth. The male fertilizes each batch of eggs right there. When all the eggs are completely spawned, the female swims away with the eggs and hides in a shelter, incubating the eggs in her mouth until the fry appear.

    Peculiarities of reproduction of cichlids of different breeds

    All cichlids can be divided into five groups according to their spawning method:

    1. spawning in shelters (caves, stones, half pots, empty shells, etc.); these are mainly small cichlids: apistogramma, pelvicachromis, neolamprologus;
    2. spawning on a substrate (various stones, plant leaves, aquarium glass, etc.); This is how acars, astronotus, angelfish, and discus spawn;
    3. full cycle of incubation in the mouth; characteristic of endemics of large African lakes, which is due to the lack of natural shelters in the landscape;
    4. placing the eggs on a substrate for one or two days and then incubating them in the mouth; characteristic of bujurquins, gymnogeophages, and some geophages;
    5. spawning in the water column with further incubation in the mouth; These are distinguished by cyprichromis and paracyprichromis.

    Caviar care

    There are two ways to successfully obtain offspring:

    • allow the female to incubate the eggs on her own;
    • apply artificial incubation of eggs.

    Let's consider both methods.

    Fish care for offspring

    All types of cichlids are extremely caring parents. After spawning, they begin caring for the eggs and, subsequently, the fry. Both parents alternately fan the clutch with their fins, finger it with their lips to clear it of dead eggs, destroy all approaching snails and drive away other fish. The constant movements of the fish's fins around the eggs provide it with an influx of water saturated with air. This promotes better development of eggs. When the owner tries to invade the aquarium, the fish also behave extremely aggressively.

    The parents also guard the fry and accompany them constantly. They help them, for example, chew large pieces of food. Or they deliberately dig into the ground, raising mud, so that it is easier for their offspring to get to food. At the same time, cichlid fry are extremely disciplined and obey all commands of their parents.

    Natural and artificial incubation of eggs

    Typically, cichlids incubate the eggs on their own.

    Cichlids that lay eggs on a substrate - stones, ceramics or plant leaves - incubate them on their own until the fry emerge. Future parents create a current of water along the eggs by fanning them with their pectoral fins. In addition, they periodically sort the eggs, removing dead ones from the clutch.

    In case of any problems, it is necessary to completely repeat all the actions of caring parents. The order is as follows:

    1. it is necessary to prepare a separate container of 20 liters with the same water as in the spawning tank and place it in a dark place;
    2. fill it with water from the aquarium where the spawning took place; the water level should be set to a maximum of 10 cm, or even better – 6-8 cm;
    3. equip the container with a heater that maintains a temperature of 27-28°C;
    4. at a distance of 5-10 cm from the future laying of eggs, it is necessary to create an influx of water using a sprayer from the compressor; it should be quite intense, but not to such an extent as to tear the eggs from the substrate;
    5. there should be no soil or plants in the incubator - this is a purely technical container, and it should be easy to clean;
    6. a lamp should be placed above the incubator next to it in order to further provide the fry with a change of day and night;
    7. 6 hours after spawning, the substrate with eggs must be carefully and as quickly as possible transferred to the hatchery;
    8. treat the water with an agent that prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria - preferably methylene blue;
    9. the most difficult thing is to sort the caviar; fungi and bacteria quickly grow on dead eggs, later moving on to living ones and killing them; therefore, it is very important to remove dead eggs; you need to sort the caviar with a thin pipette, removing the white ones and trying not to touch the living ones; sorting is carried out until the fry appear;
    10. you also need to constantly change the water a little at a time;
    11. continue incubation until the larvae hatch, approximately the third to fifth day after spawning.

    Caring for fry

    After complete hatching (usually within 1-1.5 hours), it is necessary to prepare the incubator for the life of the fry:

    1. change some of the water to reduce the methylene concentration;
    2. carefully collect the remains of the egg shells;
    3. remove the filter - the larvae are very small and can be sucked in even by a weak stream of water;
    4. install a small compressor;
    5. after a day you still need to change some of the water, and repeat this on the fifth day.

    IMPORTANT : Under no circumstances should the water level in the container be increased until the fry swim. It should be at a level of 6-10 cm.

    Conditions of detention

    Around the fifth day, the fry begin to swim. A couple of days after this, you need to gradually begin to increase the water level in the incubator.

    The most important task during this period is maintaining maximum water purity. The fry are extremely sensitive, and at the slightest violation of hygiene they begin to die en masse or stop developing.

    Keeping the water clean is complicated by the fact that babies need to be fed every 4 hours. If possible, you should change the water twice a day - in the morning and evening, and at the same time clean the bottom. In case of changes once a day, the water must be replaced by 90% each time. Water must be taken from the aquarium where the spawning took place.

    Starter feed

    The best starting food for cichlids is small plankton: rotifers, small cyclops, slipper ciliates, artemia nauplis and daphnia. It is advisable if it is added in this particular composition, since in this case the nutritional value is the highest.

    There are also dry substitutes - for example, Microplankton, Junior and Small Fry Wardley. Someone feeds the fry with yogurt or ground boiled yolk. But all this instantly spoils the water and slows down the growth of the fry.

    Food for adolescent fry

    Grown-up fry can be given live food of larger fractions - small bloodworms, chopped corret and tubifex. It is imperative to introduce spirulina into the food in its pure form or as part of dry food.

    IMPORTANT : overfeeding has an extremely negative effect even on adult cichlids, and doubly so on fry. Overeating very often causes their death.

    How long do they grow?

    The fish spend the first five days in the larval stage. Their distinguishing feature is the presence of a yolk sac.

    Literally every day the appearance of the larvae changes. On the second day, the eyes become clearly visible. By the fourth, they already take on a “fish” appearance. On the fifth day, the yolk sac practically disappears. On the sixth day, they finally transform from larvae into fry.

    They grow very quickly and by the end of the month their length can be 2-3 cm.

    Possible problems

    If all necessary conditions are met, failures with cichlid reproduction can only be associated with the choice of low-quality breeders. The reasons may be:

    1. “overextended” fish – improperly grown, delayed in development;
    2. “fed” – overgrown fish or fish with fatty internal organs, spoiled by overfeeding;
    3. too young or old; like all other animals, cichlids reproduce only during a certain period of life; it is different for different species, but approximately corresponds to a segment from 1/7 to 3/4 of the full lifespan;
    4. defective specific individuals, which cannot be distinguished externally;
    5. systematically spoiled fish for commercial reasons using irradiation, poisoning or the introduction of hormones; to exclude such options, manufacturers should be taken only from trusted sources;
    6. sterile artificially produced hybrids.

    In all other cases, cichlid spawning is guaranteed.

    Cichlid behavior

    Each of these fish has an individual character, it is not for nothing that they are considered the most intelligent species. For the most part, cichlids are very peculiar - they actively defend their territory, attacking even individuals that are larger than them, especially during the period of spawning and caring for fry.

    But if from a young age cichlids are raised together with other fish and adequate feeding conditions are observed, then signs of aggressiveness can be stopped to a large extent.

    Angelfish, discus and apistogramma are more peaceful and almost never get into fights.

    Many owners of cichlid fish species believe that these underwater inhabitants recognize the owner and household members.


    Cichlids are not only aquarium fish, some of them are commercial objects. They live in rivers and lakes of tropical South and Central America, in the waters of Africa and Asia. There are a lot of cichlids, some species are not even described, while others are on the verge of extinction.

    African and American cichlids are most often kept in aquariums.

    American cichlids include:

    • Astronotuses
    • Akary
    • Cichlazomas
    • Angelfish
    • Discus
    • Apistograms


    Sexual dimorphism differs among different species, but in almost all the males during the spawning period are distinguished by a peculiar fatty growth on the forehead, although in most breeds the females are larger and brighter.

    Almost all cichlids are monogamous and choose one partner for life.

    The multiplicity of cichlid species does not allow us to create a common breeding scheme for all. Some lay eggs on a substrate in the form of stones and plants; others dig holes, spawn in them and fertilize the clutch there; still others hatch eggs in their mouths. But all of them, without exception, are very caring parents, carefully caring for the fry.

    Discus and angelfish lay their eggs on stones and leaves of plants, cichlids lay eggs in pits, and almost all African cichlids carry them in their mouths.

    The males of these cichlids are distinguished by a rounded spot near the anal fin. Having laid eggs, the female “pecks” it and pinches the male, mistaking the dark mark for the egg, provoking the male to eject milk into her mouth and fertilize.

    When the owner is interested in offspring, it is better to place the naturally created pair in a special spawning tank. If individuals are selected artificially, fertilization will not occur.

    It is better to decorate the seed tank with stones and plants with large leaves and maintain optimal temperature conditions in it.

    It is considered normal that if a couple eats the first spawned eggs, the rest of the offspring are necessarily hatched.

    The fertility of different species of cichlids is different - some hatch up to 2 thousand eggs, and those who hatch them in their mouths, up to 100.

    When caring for the offspring, both parents fan the clutch with their fins to aerate and remove dead eggs, wash it, and bite into food for the fry. A swimming school of fry is always kept under the bodies of one or both parents, resembling fish with a brood.

    Juveniles must be provided with varied and high-quality food in the form of crustaceans, plankton, rotifers, slipper ciliates, nauplis, daphnia, artemia, and specially prepared dishes. They are fed up to 6 times a day.

    The fry of angelfish and discus “nip” the bodies of their parents, thus feeding on a special skin secretion. It is impossible to raise cichlid fry on dry, ready-made industrial feed.

    When the kids grow up a little, they are offered bloodworms, cortera, tubifex and live daphnia.

    Features of reproduction

    Cichlids are excellent parents and raise their offspring selflessly and originally. They are distinguished by very interesting mating games. During this period, their color becomes brighter. Difficulties may arise with breeding. Sometimes pairs of fish may not reproduce for a long time. They may need special feeding and natural living conditions. During the breeding season, it is better to keep them separate from other fish. But before transplanting a pair, you need to make sure that the female is ready to reproduce. Otherwise, the male may kill her.

    During breeding, cichlids, when building a nest, can dig up all the soil to find a better place and move heavy stones. Therefore, during the mating season, they can destroy the entire aquarium.

    Having laid eggs, cyclids diligently protect them from everyone, even from each other.




    Maintenance and care

    Aquarium cichlids are demanding in terms of keeping conditions. In order for fish to be comfortable in an artificial ecosystem, they need to create conditions that mimic natural ones as much as possible.


    The volume and shape of the tank for aquarium cichlids is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of a particular species. For example, 60-100 liters per piece will be enough for small fish, while large fish need at least a 200-liter container.

    Aquarium cichlids with an elongated body can be placed in a low tank. Discus and disc-shaped angelfish need a container with high walls.

    Water parameters

    Cichlids are heat-loving fish and need an appropriate microclimate. The water temperature in the aquarium intended for keeping them should vary between 22-27 0C. Other parameters are selected taking into account the needs of a particular species.

    Thus, African lake cichlids prefer hard alkaline water. And African river and American species can live in soft water with low acidity.


    Aquarium cichlids are demanding of water purity. Therefore, it is recommended to equip the tank for their maintenance with a filter. While small fish need a low-power internal filter, large species need a powerful external model.

    Also, a tank with aquarium cichlids must be equipped with an aeration system. It is recommended to select the model and performance of the compressor taking into account the dimensions of the container.

    An aquarium with a volume of less than 80 liters can be equipped with a Tetra AirSilent Maxi aerator. In a tank with a capacity of several hundred liters, it is better to install a more powerful compressor, like Tetra APS.

    Plants and soil

    Almost all aquarium cichlids are incompatible with living vegetation. Fish not only eat greens, but also have the habit of digging up the soil. If you plant plants in an aquarium with cichlids, then it is better to give preference to Anubias. They can grow without being planted in the ground and have hard leaves, so they are not afraid of being eaten or dug up.

    Although aquarium cichlids are not demanding on the quality of the bottom covering, it is better to use coarse river sand as a substrate. It is easier to clean and restore than others.


    Aquarium cichlids have very developed territorial aggression and any stranger who finds themselves in their possession is immediately attacked. If in the wild a fish simply escapes, in an artificial ecosystem it needs to be provided with places that can be used as shelter.

    It is recommended to decorate a tank with aquarium cichlids with caves, large shells, coconut shells, driftwood, grottoes and stone compositions. It is important not to overdo it with shelters and leave room for the fish to maneuver.

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