Females of 500 species of fish can quickly turn into males. How and why do they do this?

Almost all of us are convinced that the sex of every living organism is determined during development in the womb and remains for life. However, in nature there are about 500 species of fish that, if necessary, can change their sex and turn from females to males, and vice versa. How and why they do this has still remained a mystery to scientists, but a group of researchers from New Zealand was finally able to answer this question. They explained this process using the example of a fish called Thalasoma bluehead, which lives in the Caribbean Sea.

These tropical fish live in groups with several females and only one male. The male individual stands out among them with a blue head color, and is mainly engaged in searching for food and protecting females from predators. This way of life is very dangerous, so males often get lost or die, so one of the females, willy-nilly, has to turn into a male herself and take her girlfriends under her protection.

One of the fish that can change gender is called kabudai . Her middle name is wrasse . The females of this fish surprisingly turn into males in a few months. After this, the female, having turned into a male, challenges other males to a duel and drives them out of her territory. How can kabudai change gender?

After gender transformation, the female begins to attack the male

Reasons for sex change in fish in nature

Underwater inhabitants change gender for a number of reasons:

  • Temperature conditions. In a number of species, it is not initially known what gender the fry will be. Affiliation is established during the development of future fish from eggs, when most of the fry develop into males. This phenomenon occurs due to the work of the aromatase enzyme, which regulates the action of sex hormones. At high temperatures, the androgen-destroying substance becomes less active, which leads to an increase in the concentration of male hormones.
  • Light. Has a similar effect. In aquarium conditions, a lamp that is too bright causes the liquid to heat up. It is believed that under optimal conditions, there are more females capable of laying eggs to increase the population. If the external environment is unfavorable, the fry will experience stress, which is why androgens will begin to prevail over female hormones.

  • Age. In a number of coral fish, as they grow older, females can turn into males. A similar phenomenon is observed in parrot fish. At birth, all individuals are female. First, they spawn several times, after which they find their own private area of ​​the reef. Then the structure of the reproductive system changes.
  • Living conditions. In schooling fish, the phenomenon occurs when an imbalance occurs. For example, clownfish live in groups, each of which consists of a main pair and young males surrounding it. When the main male dies, the strongest of the others takes his place. If the female dies, her partner will change gender.


The habitat of the wrasse fish is from the north - the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the western part of the Pacific Ocean, the coastal waters of Portugal - to Morocco, the Mediterranean, and is found even in the Black Sea. The fish lives at depths mainly from 1 to 50 meters. Representatives such as the spotted wrasse can reach depths of 200 meters.

They have an elongated body covered with horny scales, a large elongated mouth with large thick lips with folds inside, and conical, incisor-like teeth.

The coloring of this species is very diverse and very bright, combining a variety of different colors and shades. This diversity varies throughout life, and the average lifespan of fish can be up to 17 years. The color of females and males is different. Most often, females are less bright than males. Young animals also differ sharply in color from adults.

The presence of color is inherent only in living specimens; if the fish freezes, the color disappears. Some specimens may fluoresce.

Description of favorite habitats - in the coastal zone among stones and rocks, not overgrown with algae. They are active mainly during the day and hide in coastal shelters at night. Diet: crustaceans, worms, mollusks, fish.

In nature, they most often live in pairs; spawning occurs in May-June. The male prepares a nest of algae on the sandy bottom, attracting females. They lay eggs in it, which the male instantly pours milk on.

Several females can lay eggs in one nest. During incubation, the male zealously guards the laying site until the fry appear, after which the parent’s guardianship ceases.

The fry grow very slowly. Habitat: upper layers of water. They feed on plankton. Wrasses, naturally small in size, thrive in an aquarium.

The fish is territorial in nature and is aggressive towards its smaller relatives. If housing conditions deviate from optimal towards worse, the juveniles experience stress, and then an excess of males appears. If conditions change towards improvement, then females predominate. They are hardy and unpretentious to living conditions.

How does gender change occur?

Scientists observed this process in the example of a group of females from which all the males were removed. RNA sequencing and epigenetic analysis were used to track the processes.

Due to the impact of unfavorable external factors (loss of the ability to reproduce), the fish begins to experience stress. Hormones that destroy the reproductive system begin to be released into the body.

At the same time, substances begin to be produced, under the influence of which male genital organs are formed. At the same time, appearance and behavior change.

The gonad, the sex gland of an individual, is completely rebuilt during the process of sex change. First, the genes responsible for the production of female sex hormones are turned off. Only after this are the systems that produce androgens activated.

Artistic natures

Pisces are rarely scientists, politicians, or heads of large companies. But there are plenty of them among actors, artists, historians, writers, poets, and researchers.

Fish are not fatal beauties: they captivate with tenderness and charm.

Pisces do not like conflict situations, deftly maneuvering between opposites. However, the fish’s mood can quickly change because it remembers how it was offended in childhood. And it’s bitter to cry from the memories.

Material wealth is important to Pisces. A fish born under the planet Neptune dreams of being a housewife. This does not stop her from dreaming of a career in the service. But not actively. Here's how it goes

What types of fish can change sex?

In addition to clowns and parrots, cleaner wrasse (kobudai) have the ability to change gender. They live in small groups of the main pair and the young individuals surrounding it. If the main male dies, the partner takes his place.

Sea bass, pygmy angels, guppies, some species of sharks, and representatives of the Aravanidae family are also capable of transforming into a representative of the other sex. Scientists have discovered a similar ability in about 350-500 species.


Compatibility of the Pisces woman with other zodiac constellations:

  1. With an Aries man, a woman under the sign of Pisces can find her happiness. Such a union allows you to develop the best qualities of both men and women. Next to a strong, courageous, courageous, energetic Aries, a girl can always remain feminine, tender and fragile. But sometimes Aries’s assertiveness does not allow him to come to terms with the passivity of his chosen one, so he shows cruelty. He is annoyed by the Pisces woman's unsuitability for housekeeping and her impracticality.
  2. Compatibility of a woman under the sign of Pisces is almost perfect with a Taurus man. This is the kind of relationship in which both live happily ever after. If they find each other, they can’t imagine their life with someone else. A man does everything to make the Pisces woman the happiest. Affection for each other lasts until old age.
  3. The Pisces woman has almost zero compatibility in marriage with Gemini men. These very different people live in parallel worlds; it is quite rare to encounter such a relationship. Sometimes, in practice, they turn out to be very durable, strong and happy if she is able to forgive his shortcomings, and he appreciates her defenselessness and fragility.
  4. The representative of the sign of the water element has excellent compatibility with the Cancer man, and is even considered ideal. According to statistics, divorces are very rare in families. These two people are literally made for each other. The couple has complete mutual understanding, happiness, sincerity and great love.
  5. In love, at the beginning of a relationship, a Pisces woman’s compatibility with a Leo man will be simply wonderful. This is a truly beautiful novel that can surprise many and cause envy. But over time, both increasingly notice the difference in characters and temperaments. This union can only be preserved thanks to the enormous efforts of Pisces.
  6. A Pisces girl can have a happy relationship and a strong family with a Virgo man only if they both grow spiritually, develop and change for each other.
  7. The relationship with the Libra man for the representative of the last zodiac sign is quite complex and ambiguous. In order for them to remain strong, she must always remain at a distance from her partner and not limit his freedom. There is practically no sincerity in this couple; each of them has a huge number of secrets.
  8. With a Scorpio man, a Pisces girl can become truly happy, as they have perfect compatibility. This is a very strong marriage, where there is an energetic dependence of two people, which forms a very strong and inextricable bond. This couple has devotion, fidelity, security, even a friendly atmosphere and great love.
  9. If a Pisces woman meets a Sagittarius man on her way, then the development of this relationship can be completely unpredictable. Perhaps they will complement each other with the missing qualities, but in another case, the huge difference in character will not allow them to stay together for a long time. In any case, Pisces will remember this relationship for a long time in bright and happy colors.
  10. The water sign girl is not at all attracted to the Capricorn man, just as he is not attracted to her. They can remain invisible to each other for a long time. Only mutual respect will help unite their couple. There are certain similarities in the characters of both, so they can complement each other and understand each other.
  11. There will be a lot of difficulties in a relationship with an Aquarius man. For them to exist for a long time, they need mutual understanding, which does not exist, a reserve of patience, mutual respect and the ability to forgive each other minor shortcomings. They are both not of this world, but this world is different for each.
  12. The union of two Pisces will be truly strong and happy, there is mutual understanding, joy, fun, each of them becomes the real half of the other. The relationship is filled with positive emotions that they receive from each other.


Of course, these fragile and airy people are very romantic. They often guess their partner's secret desires and rush to fulfill them. The strength of these women is in their weakness.

Representatives of this constellation really like lyrical poems, stormy confessions, compliments, walks under the moon, watching sunsets on the seashore.

They are vulnerable and impressionable and highly value real emotions.

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gold fish

One can dream that we have brought together the best feminine qualities of the zodiac circle. I assure you that Pisces will be the ideal spouse for any sign, which all men dream of.

Sensual and tender, playful and meek, swift and patient... This is a fish. Even, I would say, “Goldfish”.

Emancipation and feminism have nothing to do with it. She came out of Rembrandt's paintings. Here there is “a flutter of eyelashes, a languid gaze, a cooing speech.”

Any man would want to protect and protect such a sweet woman. A fish chooses a man with its heart. Only one thing remains unchanged: the man must be older than her. She is not attracted to her peers.

There is some calculation of the Lady in this: all care for the family will fall on the shoulders of the spouse. And the fish will be able to create a serene and happy home.

Family and marriage

The family life of this woman is going well. A patient and caring man becomes her life partner. She values ​​comfort, so one of the advantages of her chosen one should be a stable financial situation. She does not make a single decision without her husband and considers him to be her authority. Despite its impracticality, it maintains order in the house and pampers loved ones with delicious dinners. Likes to organize noisy celebrations.

Be more independent. Try not to burden your spouse with trivial problems and worries that you can resolve without his participation. If you behave like a small helpless child, sooner or later you will run into a scandal.

The fish is very vulnerable

The fish knows: there will be no scandals in the family. But the fish is very vulnerable.

Remember this, dear men.

The husband will find a true friend in her. However, do not forget that this woman is cold-blooded: if her husband’s love disappears, the fish will quickly cool down.

Men, the fish should always be kept in love tension.

No, not jealousy, but compliments, notes, phone calls, or flowers. The lady, many years later, having been married for a long time, still expects romance from her husband.

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How to distinguish a female from a male parrot fish?

Unlike most fish, male parrotfish are larger than females. In addition, the color of males is brighter and more saturated than that of more faded females. Note the parrotfish's tail fin. Females have more rounded fin tips, while males have pointed fin tips.

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These women are very sensitive to other people's pain and suffering; they can literally physically feel it. Pisces will always find the right words to console a friend, they will give sensible advice.

People usually gravitate towards representatives of this zodiac sign in the hope of finding moral support from them, which they often receive. Pisces will always find time to listen to a person and sympathize with him.

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