Freshwater fish, their types, names, features and habitat

Modern aquarium hobby is represented by such a huge variety of fish that sometimes novice water enthusiasts are simply lost in the choice.

We have done a lot of work, analyzing which fish are most often purchased in our stores, and studied customer reviews about them (both positive and negative), and tracked the ratings given to certain fish. Based on this, we have prepared interesting materials on the topic “The best freshwater aquarium fish according to Aqua Logo customers.” In them, we examine in detail both the pros and cons of the most commonly purchased fish, and give practical advice on how to make their stay in the aquarium harmonious and comfortable.

crucian carp

The most popular freshwater fish of the carp family. Maximum weight 1.5 – 2 kg. It is found everywhere - in the European part of Russia, in the Urals, in Siberia. It is thanks to such a vast habitat, as well as increased fertility and excellent survival, that it is not yet afraid of extinction.

In addition, it is omnivorous, feeding on everything it can find in water and mud. It loves warmth, with the onset of cold weather it loses its appetite, buries itself in the soft thick mud and sleeps until spring. But if the reservoir has a sandy bottom, the crucian carp is forced to look for food in winter, although it no longer bites as actively.

Almost all novice fishermen learn the skill of float fishing from crucian carp; it loves everything that is at hand: bread, wheat, cereals, worms, bloodworms, maggots. He takes the nozzle confidently, the float immediately sinks or leads to the side. Even the most inexperienced fisherman can hook it.

In Rus', for a long time, not a single feast would be complete without crucian carp fried in sour cream. Crucian fish soup is less tasty because when boiled it retains a faint smell of mud. Disadvantage: crucian carp is bony, so you need to carefully sort the meat, especially for children.

Structure of fish

Fish are aquatic vertebrates that live in bodies of sea and fresh water. They have gill respiration to absorb oxygen dissolved in water and a body structure adapted to life in an aquatic environment.

The characteristic features of fish are gills and fins. Some have adapted to do without fins (lamrey), and are also able to additionally breathe atmospheric air (amphibian fish, for example, umbra).

Pisces are usually bisexual. Some fish species have pronounced sexual dimorphism. In this case, it is possible to distinguish females from males by various anatomical features, for example, by the shape of the body and fins. Sexual dimorphism in fish becomes more pronounced during the breeding season.

Internal structure

Fish swim with the help of muscles, which are divided into slow and fast.

  • Slow ones are intensely red in color, contain a large amount of myoglobin, do not get tired for a long time and are responsible for long monotonous swimming.
  • Fast muscles are powerful, white - used for jerking.

In addition to movement, muscles perform other functions. In some cold-water fish, muscle activity ensures thermoregulation (tuna), and these are the beginnings of warm-bloodedness. The modified muscles of electric stingrays and eels act as an electric battery.

Internal structure of fish
The basis of the fish skeleton is the spine, in the canal of which the spinal cord passes. The ribs extend from the vertebrae. The fins of bony species are formed by bony rays with a membrane. The bones of the skull are mobile, which allows the jaws to work more actively.

The brain is small in size, but quite well developed.

The inner ear is responsible for hearing; fish do not have an eardrum or actual ears.

The mechanism of respiration in fish is as follows:

  • Water enters the mouth, then it is pushed through the gills. In this case, the blood is enriched with oxygen in the gill filaments and enters all tissues.
  • The heart pumps venous blood back to the gills.

Antarctic fish have no hemoglobin in their blood, which is why, for example, icefish have colorless blood.

Circulatory system of fish
Digestive system of bony fish:

  • mouth opening with one or more rows of teeth;
  • pharynx;
  • short esophagus;
  • stomach (absent in cyprinids);
  • pancreas;
  • intestines;
  • liver.

Food is processed by enzymes in the stomach and enters the intestines. Fish that feed primarily on plant foods have longer intestines than those of predators.

The excretory system of fish is represented by gills and kidneys with a bladder and ureter.

Fish face a serious problem with osmoregulation. Marine species with lower (relative to ambient) osmotic pressure constantly lose water from their bodies and must drink heavily to avoid dehydration. This is best done in cartilaginous species (sharks), in which the osmotic pressure inside the body practically corresponds to the pressure of sea water.

  • Excess salts in marine life come out through the kidneys, gills, and intestines. Less urine is produced compared to freshwater.
  • In freshwater, the situation is the opposite - the surrounding water is constantly absorbed into the body due to the higher concentration of salts inside the body, that is, it is deliberately too much to drink. In such a situation, the osmotic pressure is equalized by the active removal of water by the kidneys.

Freshwater gills are adapted to actively absorb salts. Restoration of salt balance also occurs with food. Perhaps this is why the inhabitants of fresh water bodies love salty feeding.

Differences in the absorption and excretion of salt in freshwater and marine fish
Gonads - paired testes in males, which are also called milt, and single or paired ovaries in females.

Caviar is an egg with a nutritious yolk in a protective shell, sometimes sticky for attachment to the surface. In viviparous fish, males have a copulatory organ for internal fertilization.

Most fish have a swim bladder to regulate their weight. It is also needed as an air reservoir and can act as a barometer and hearing amplifier.

External structure

There are 3 sections (main) in the body of fish:

  • head;
  • torso;
  • tail part.

External structure of fish
The shape of the mouth is determined by the type of food:

  • in fish that feed from the surface, the mouth is directed upward;
  • in bottom fish, the upper jaw is longer, the mouth is directed downward, which allows them to take food from the bottom.

The mouth opening is framed by lips; some have antennae (organs of touch) located near the mouth. In the mouth, as well as on the gills, antennae, and even on the surface of the body, there are receptors responsible for taste.

Olfactory receptors are located in the nostrils. The sense of smell is more developed in fish whose sense of smell is actively involved.

In most fish, the eyes are located on the sides, with each eye forming a separate visual picture; in front, these pictures overlap by only 20-30%. This feature of vision does not allow accurate estimation of distance. The visual acuity of most fish is limited to a few meters, depending on the lighting and cleanliness of the water. At the same time, sharks have vision even sharper than that of humans due to a more intense interaction of the retinal receptors with light.

To increase the field of vision, some fish have bulging eyes. The field of vision is also expanded by a specific white spot on the ocular surface - a pearly organ that is connected to the retina.

It is worth noting that some fish manage without vision, orienting themselves in space using the lateral line.

The body shape of fish depends on the living conditions; it can be torpedo-shaped and spherical, eel-shaped and sail-shaped with fins developed in height. Various combinations of shapes are often found.

Fins are divided into paired (pectoral, abdominal) and unpaired (anal, caudal, adipose, dorsal). Paired fins are necessary for fish to level their position and maneuver when turning. The dorsal and anal serve as a keel for stability. There may be one, two (perciformes), or three (cod) dorsal fins. The body ends with the caudal fin - this is the main part of the fish’s body, responsible for movement.

Most fish are covered with scales, although some species do not have scales. Scales are a protective covering of bone plates. Skin pigment cells are responsible for different colors.

The skin also contains glands that produce a mucous secretion for better gliding in water and for protection against pathogens.

On the body of fish there is a kind of sensory organ - the lateral line, which runs in a straight line along the entire body. The lateral line is a subcutaneous canal with sensitive cells whose receptors perceive water vibrations.

The device of the lateral line of fish


Unpretentious, lives everywhere except the very North of Russia. Among “vegetarians” it is considered the largest. It can gain weight up to 35 - 40 kg, so it enjoys well-deserved authority among sports fishermen. Domestic and international carp fishing competitions are regularly held in various places.

Loves stagnant bodies of water and rivers with weak currents. It is rapidly gaining commercial weight, therefore it is in demand in fish farms. Despite the conditional herbivory, it can swallow a worm, an insect larva, a gaping fry - anything that it encounters along the way. In winter, it does not bite, descends into wintering pits and sits there until spring.

Float rods, donks, and devices for fishing with wire are suitable for it. The main piece of gear is a hook. It should be quite massive, sharp and forged, because the carp has a large mouth with thick lips, which are difficult to pierce when hooked.

This is a strong opponent, and when fishing, it often not only tears the line, but also unbends the hook. For bait, both dough and pasta, and maggot with a worm are suitable, and special boilies with specific odors are also sold.

The meat is delicious fried, baked, or stuffed. There is even a dish called “Christmas carp”. Disadvantage: bones are located not only in the skeleton, but also in meat, and with insufficient heat treatment and inattention can lead to injury to the larynx.


The genus of freshwater fish continues with the carp. It is sometimes called "wild carp" due to its similar appearance. But only he has an elongated body and a mother-of-pearl and gold color. In addition, carp is stronger, and the meat is denser and tougher. There are sedentary and semi-anadromous species. The former do not leave their native reservoir, while the latter tend to spawn in rivers.

An adult specimen can reach 30 kg, but the most often recorded weight is 2-3 kg. He is thermophilic, so he does not live in the north of Russia. In terms of taste preferences, it is also omnivorous, but unlike the ever-chewing carp, it feeds in accordance with the season.

In the spring it eats up vegetation, in the summer months it eats everything, and in the fall it gains weight due to protein foods: worms, larvae, crustaceans. In winter it goes deeper and falls asleep. Therefore, when choosing a bait for fishing, you need to take into account the time of year.

The gear must be especially strong - the carp is extremely strong, and it will instantly break off the thin fishing line. For fishing, feeders, donks, and, less commonly, float rods are suitable. The meat is even tastier than carp, but there are also a lot of small bones.

Features of fishing for freshwater fish

Fishing in fresh water requires taking into account many nuances. Large rivers contain more fish than lakes, ponds or reservoirs. Different species are caught in holes and thickets.

Differences from fishing in reservoirs

Fishing begins with choosing the right place. On small bodies of water you will have to change the location several times in search of recesses. Pay attention to the thickets and niches formed after the erosion of the coast. For fishing on medium rivers, holes, thickets of aquatic plants, and areas with reverse flow are suitable. To catch large individuals, choose places with a depth of more than 50 cm. It is important to take into account the behavior of the fish: crucian carp and bream do not like noise.

In places with an abundance of vegetation, rudd, pike, roach, and tench are found. Catfish, carp, pike perch, and podust live in the depths.


a photo of freshwater fish near the shore has seen a school of nimble little fish lined up against the current of the river, lazily moving their tails and fins. This is a roach, the most numerous of the carp family, and very common in our rivers.

Its small elongated body is covered with silvery scales, its back is black, its head is small with orange eyes. The size is small, usually from 100 to 300 g. It feeds mainly on small worms and larvae, catches insects from the water surface, and eats plants in the water.

Active all year round, therefore it is especially loved by winter fishermen, because many other species hibernate. In the summer it is caught using a float rod with a thin line and a swallow hook; bread or dough with aromatic additives and pearl barley are used for bait.

In winter, use a regular winter fishing rod with a small jig and a sensitive nod. For bait, bloodworms or small maggots are preferable. Roach meat is not as fatty as crucian carp and is considered a bit dry.

However, the fish is very suitable for frying, drying and cooking in fish soup. Disadvantage : roach is often infected with helminths, so it must be thoroughly cleaned and subjected to long-term heat treatment.


Outwardly it looks like the roach’s sister, only the body is more round. It got its name because of the color of its fins and eyes. Weighs on average 200-300 g. Loves clean, quiet water. The main menu consists of algae, but larvae and worms are excellent additions.

For fishing, the most convenient way is an ordinary fishing rod with a sensitive float, thin fishing line and a small hook. For bait it prefers bread, dough, pearl barley, and steamed wheat. The best food to eat is dried fish.


Anyone who has caught a tench at least once will never forget the impression of fighting this relatively small, but very strong fish. It lives in stagnant warm reservoirs of the European part of our country. He likes the abundance of vegetation and a thick muddy bottom in which he can dig - this is the basis of his food. Externally beautiful.

The powerful “golden” body with a wide tail is strewn with scales that look like beads. The head with a wide mouth and thick lips is adapted for digging in bottom silt. It grows on average to 30-40 cm, usually weighs 500-800 g. Although trophies of 1.2-1.5 kg are found, this is extremely rare.

They are caught using a float rod with strong, reliable tackle. The best activity is in late May - early June, when the water warms up enough. At this time he has a glutton, and he leans on the “meat kitchen”: worms, maggots, caddis flies. In the heat, he becomes full and lazy, so fishing requires constant feeding.

Its bite is peculiar: the float sways slightly, sinks slightly, as if it is “sucking in” the bait. And if you decide on the hook incorrectly, you can simply pull the bait out of his mouth. In addition, even when the prey is on the shore, it is too early to celebrate victory. The tench is so slippery that it is impossible to hold it in your hands.

Experienced fishermen throw it away from the water's edge. Then they remove the slippery prey from the hook, holding it by the gills. Tench is tasty and is most often fried or baked. There are few bones, but it is difficult to clean.

Therefore, it is better to cook small fish, up to 200-300 g, with their scales. It is so fine that you won't even notice it when you eat it. As it grows, the taste decreases - the meat becomes a little bitter, and the skin becomes tough.


It is recommended for the beginning aquarist to keep Fantail, Ryukin (or Nymph) and Black Telescope, but the latter should not be housed with fish competing for food. These three varieties, as well as the Common goldfish, Comet and Shubunkin, are easy to keep. This is due to the ability to withstand temperatures just above zero, when it drops by several degrees per day.

For most of these variations, their hardiness makes them ideal residents of a backyard pond. The only exception is the Black Telescope. This is not due to a lack of stamina, but due to his telescopic eyes. Because of them, the fish have poor eyesight, which is extremely bad when competing for food; in addition, they are easy to injure and become infected. It is worth noting that none of the above-mentioned goldfish species are suitable for cohabitation with the Black Telescope. They are too strong competitors for food. Acceptable neighbors include Telescope, Stargazer (Skyeye), and Bubbleeye (Watereye), which are less hardy but have similar limitations.

On the left is Bubble Eye (“Water Eyes”) (photo:, on the right is Stargazer (“Heavenly Eye”).

Modern goldfish are descendants of wild cyprinids, such as the silver crucian carp, or Carassius auratus gibelio, described by Bloch in 1782. These cyprinids originate in Asia, Central Asia (Siberia). They live in slow-flowing and stagnant waters of rivers, lakes, and ponds, feeding on plants, small crustaceans and insects. For a long time it was believed that goldfish descended from the Golden crucian carp, or Carassius auratus auratus, described by Linnaeus in 1758, but recent research points to the previous version.

Goldfish were originally developed in China, but by 1500 they were sold to Japan, by 1600 to Europe, and by 1800 to America. Most of the fancy goldfish were bred by oriental hobbyists. We can observe the results of centuries of painstaking work in the bizarre shapes and colors of modern goldfish. Currently, domesticated goldfish are distributed throughout the world.

The Black Telescope is a black variation of the Telescope, a goldfish believed to have originated in China in the early 18th century. Then this species was known as “Dragon Eye” or “Dragon Fish”. In the later half of the 18th century, they began to be bred in Japan, giving the name "Demakin". The black telescope is also often called the Dragon's Eye, the Black Peony, or the Black Demekin. This is one of more than 125 artificially bred variations of the fancy goldfish.


Another member of the carp family, however, bears little resemblance to its relatives. In common parlance there is such an expression - “give bream”, i.e. hit with your palm. The fact is that in appearance it resembles a palm - flat, but rounded. The older, the rounder. The head is small, the body is covered with dense scales.

The color is silver-moon, with a golden hue appearing as it matures. On average it weighs 2-3 kg. Many are sure that bream and bream are different fish, but the first is just an outgrown second. According to fishermen, the border between them is at 1 kg.

If below are breams, above are breams. It lives in calm lakes and deep rivers of the European part of the country. Considered an omnivore, it eats algae, worms, larvae, crustaceans - whatever it finds. It spawns at the very end of May, after which it begins to feed heavily.

Bream are caught using float rods and various bottom gear. The fishing area must be fed with steamed wheat and cake in the evening, and fishing should be done in the early morning. The bait is quite varied. Bream prefers dough, pasta, wheat, and corn.

A serious trophy is caught with a “brush”, when several earthworms are attached to a hook at once. Bream is interesting as an object for sport fishing, but as a food product it is a little disappointing. Disadvantage : abundance of small bones. Because of this, the price is highest in dried form.

Rules for choosing bait

An experienced fisherman takes several types of bait. Bait is divided into plant and animal.

The first group includes:

  • grains;
  • bread crumb;
  • plants' seeds;
  • cake;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • bran;
  • berries.

The most popular types of animal bait are bloodworms, worms, maggots, insects, beetles, mollusks, and crustaceans. Eel, tench, and perch can be caught using frogs. For predators, small fish (minnows, bleaks, gobies) are put on the hook. Insects and beetles are best used to catch fish that live in the upper layer of water. Worms, mollusks, and larvae are more suitable for bottom-dwelling species.

White amur

This fish originally comes from the Far East, from the Amur River, hence the name. Then they began to import it to other places, and so it gradually spread almost everywhere in Russia. Grass carp is strong and large and can gain weight up to 30 kg. Loves slow flowing or standing water. The scales are white, which is also reflected in the name.

Due to its rapid weight gain, it is of great commercial importance. He only eats grass. If you run it into an overgrown pond, then after a short time the pond will be significantly cleared of algae. Zhor falls at the end of May - June, when spawning ends.

They catch it exclusively with vegetable baits: corn, grain, porridge; float rods or donks are suitable. Spinning fishing has proven itself well. The fishing line is equipped with a tee without a sinker, on which a cabbage leaf is wound and released with the flow.

Cupid grabs the juicy bait from the surface and ends up on the hook. Fighting with large fish is even more exciting, because... you have to pull against the current. It is usually fried or baked, since carp meat is tender and moderately fatty.

Silver carp

It is quite unpretentious and tasty, so it is in demand for breeding in commercial ponds. It is much less common in nature. Outwardly, it bears little resemblance to its relatives from the carp family. A fairly long freshwater fish with a flat back and rounded belly. It is also distinguished from cyprinids by its small scales with a bronze tint.

A powerful head with a prominent mouth completes the look. Most often, the weight ranges from 1.5 to 3 kg, but some individuals reach 15-16 kg. It feeds on phytoplankton and algae, so it also perfectly cleans water bodies.

It likes to graze in schools closer to the surface of the water, and is caught using a float rod with well-chosen tackle. To eat, silver carp is fried, baked or stewed. Disadvantage : clearing it of scales is not an easy task.

We looked at several types of “peaceful” fish, loved by fishermen and welcome “guests” on our tables. Predators of underwater fauna are no less valuable as trophies and are also tasty. They are distinguished by the fact that they hunt their own kind, sometimes even eating their close relatives with pleasure. Let's start the story with the brightest representative - the pike.

Black molly

This aquarium fish can confidently be called the black queen of the home aquarium.
These are the most famous black aquarium fish, the most popular and widespread. In addition, they are inexpensive and quite easy to keep, and the offspring of these fish are born with enviable regularity and are fully formed - molly fish are viviparous fish. In nature, mollies are not found in solid black color; this color was obtained through inbreeding. There is both a regular form and a lyretail - with a tail with elongated edges, shaped like a lyre, as well as a disk form - the body is rounded and distorted, shaped like a balloon.


A predatory freshwater fish, the river “lone wolf,” lives everywhere in our country. It hides in the grass and waits patiently for a gaping or sick, weak fish to swim past. Then she flies out of the ambush like an arrow and grabs the prey. If the cast is unsuccessful, the pike rarely pursues the fish.

More often she returns to her original place and again freezes in anticipation. If you catch it, then after a while the place convenient for hunting will be occupied by another predator. The pike has a long body, the color of its scales depends on its habitat. The head is large with a huge mouth, in which there are many razor-sharp teeth curved inward.

Nature came up with this so that prey caught in the pike’s mouth could not slip back out. It grows up to 1.5 m and weighs up to 30 kg. It is a coveted trophy for many amateur fishermen. Fans of pike hunting are called “pikemen.”

In the summer, it is used with spinning rods with artificial baits (spinners, wobblers, etc.) and mugs with bait bait. In winter, spinners, vertical spoons, and balancers are suitable. Pike meat is dry, so most often it is stuffed or ground into fish cutlets.

The nuances of capture

To catch fish in a shallow river, no feeding is needed. A fisherman uses a fishing rod with a jig. For deeper waters, use a standard fishing rod with a small float. Spinning rods are suitable for any river, but you need different gear.

On the small river

Fishermen may not use fertilizer.

On small rivers, fish are caught using the following bait:

  • bloodworm;
  • red worms;
  • flies;
  • grasshoppers;
  • caddisfly larvae;
  • leeches.

On small rivers, fish are most often caught using bloodworms.
Jig fishing rods with a side nod are suitable for fishing. If the bottom is more than 1 m, take a standard one without a sinker and with a small float. Small inhabitants are caught with an ultralight spinning rod with a jig up to 1 g or with a load of 3-4 g and a silicone bait up to 5 cm (micro jig).

On medium

The fisherman sits in one area or moves around on a boat. In the latter case, holes and places are found that are inaccessible from land. From the shore they fish with a spinning rod with a fly rod or a “boat” tackle (it drags the bait along the water surface at an angle). Fishing with a float is possible in the shallows, where the bait moves with the current. The second option is to find a deep place near the shore with a reverse current. To catch bottom fish, you will need a feeder.

On the big

For fishing, use float rods or spinning rods. The main rule is to take into account the terrain, since the fish hides in edges, bays, dumps, overgrown places, near bridge supports and cliffs. It is convenient to travel along the large river by boat.

On a large

The most profitable place for fishing is the river delta. There is a good food supply here, so large individuals can be found. It is better to take a fast-action spinning rod with a length of 2.7-3.5 m and a test weight of more than 30 g. For fishing on a boat, a rod from 2.2 to 2.7 m in length is suitable.


It will surprise many, but it is he who can be called a real “river wolf”. Perch are schooling fish, and their hunting methods are similar to those of a real wolf pack. They do not ambush, as a single pike does, but surround a school of fish fry and attack the prey from all sides.

Frightened fry scatter and fall into the jaws of predators. Casually swallows worms, small mollusks, and does not even refuse carrion. Lives everywhere in Russia. Only owners of paid reservoirs do not like it - perch loves to feast on caviar, which causes great harm to pond farming.

The body is elongated, with hard scales and spiny fins, which, if handled carelessly, can prick the hand quite painfully. With age, the shape changes, the back of the perch arches, which is why the nickname “humpback” has stuck. The color of the perch depends on the layers of water in which it hunts.

The bottom predator has a dark green hue with almost black transverse stripes and scarlet fins. The closer to the surface, the lighter the color, it becomes slightly greenish, the stripes are barely noticeable, the fins turn pale. This is how it camouflages itself in the surrounding vegetation. Its usual weight ranges from 100 to 500 g.

Some species reach an enviable weight of up to 2 kg. Perch is constantly hungry, always in search of food. In summer, spinning rods with small spoons are used, as well as float rods for fry or worms. The main interest in this fish arises in winter, when many cyprinids retire or sharply reduce their vital activity.

Then jigs, winter spinners and balancers come into play, and they set up jigs with medium-sized live bait. Due to its active lifestyle, perch meat is dry, so it is not very suitable for frying. But the perch soup is simply magical. It is difficult to remove scales and is almost impossible for babies.

Therefore, when preparing fish soup, you need to boil small perch, throw it away, and strain the broth. Then boil the large one, remove the skin and scales from it, and select the meat. Onions and carrots are added in large pieces without sautéing. At the end of cooking the fish soup, it’s a good idea to add a piece of butter for fat content.

Who does the telescope fish get along with? Compatibility issue

Goldfish are very social creatures and are attracted to company. Not only do they not get along well with other fish species, but they are also scavengers. Black telescopes, along with the regular Telescope and Stargazer, have vision problems and are excellently kept together.

These varieties of goldfish cannot compete for food with other, more sighted and faster fish, so it is better not to keep them together. Goldfish are excellent scavengers, so you can get by without additional bottom-feeding fish.


Another perch specimen. The ruffe is rarely caught on purpose due to its small size. It rarely reaches a weight of 100 g, then it is already called “royal”. It often coexists with roach and perch and gets hooked by accident. It is a bottom dweller and therefore has a protective speckled brownish color.

There are protective spines all over the fins, so other predators try to avoid it. It's all covered in slime, which makes it not very pleasant to hold in your hands.

Although it is classified as a predatory freshwater fish, it feeds mainly on small bottom-dwelling creatures and does not neglect plants. Fishermen rarely throw away the ruff, leaving fish soup for cooking. When boiled, it gives it a unique taste and aroma.

Which fish are considered unpretentious?

So, the most tenacious (they are also unpretentious) fish are those that do not require special conditions of detention.

These special conditions include:

  • large aquarium volume;
  • special chemical composition of water;
  • unusual ranges hardness or acidity ;
  • low/high temperatures;
  • daily substitutions ;
  • special hormones for breeding;
  • composition of aquarium soil ;
  • expensive equipment;
  • rare food;
  • strict regime of water changes or feeding;
  • providing conditions for seasonal maintenance.

Fish require proper maintenance.
You must understand that even the most unpretentious fish may not turn out to be so, because in the hands of a bad aquarist, the most persistent and hardy individuals will quickly float up belly up. This rather means that with proper maintenance, such fish will not cause you any trouble .


A large fish of the perch family, it lives in rivers and salty coastal estuaries. The body of the pike perch is oblong, the color is gray-greenish with transverse stripes or spots, the back is brown, the belly is much lighter. Reaches a length of 1.5 m and weighs up to 20 kg. But the usual weight is about 2-3 kg.

In its habits it resembles a perch, only it prefers night hunting. Pike perch is considered an enviable trophy for all fans of spinning fishing; it is not easy to pull it out, but it is a great pleasure.

In winter it is caught using vertical spoons and baits. Like all perches, it is good for making fish soup. But the greatest recognition on our table was “pike perch jellied”. A dish with this name is on the menu of many restaurants.

Toxotes jaculatrix

The striped squirrel is an interesting fish with unusual behavior. The homeland of the splashed fish is fresh and brackish waters of Southeast Asia and Australia. Banded Mysteries have a tall, flattened body with a large mouth. They grow about 15 cm. A unique feature of the splashers is their ability to “shoot” a stream of water at their prey: insects and their larvae. Splashers swim near the surface, looking with their large eyes for prey on the water or sitting on branches near the water. The splasher is also capable of jumping out of the water and grabbing prey in flight.

In an aquarium, the squirrel adapts to eating frozen food, but will take crickets or other insects from the surface of the water with great pleasure. Splashers are quite demanding in terms of living conditions, so they can be recommended to professionals.

© Aqua Logo Evgeniya Stepanova

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From the same family, similar to pike perch, but much smaller in size. Rarely grows more than 2 kg. Lives in rivers of the European part of Russia. It feeds mainly on small fish.

It hunts around the clock, so it ends up on the hook much more often than the nocturnal predator pike perch. In summer and autumn they catch it with live bait, and in winter they set up baitfish with dead fish. Bersh is delicious for frying and stewing, and of course, in fisherman's soup.


He doesn't look like a predator at all. The asp belongs to the carp family and has no teeth. Its elongated body is protected by dense and large scales, right down to the powerful tail, with which it suppresses juvenile fish.

When an asp is hunting, it bursts into a school of fish and hits the water with its tail, making such a noise that it can be heard at a great distance. Then all he has to do is pick up the fry, stunned by such a blow. Doesn't like rapids, but doesn't recognize standing bodies of water either.

The element of the asp is deep, calm rivers. Currently, the asp is considered an endangered species, so measures are being taken to breed it in the central and southern regions.

They catch it in free water using a spinning rod, using small “perch” spoons, small live bait, even a worm, but extremely rarely. It is tasty, although, like all carp, there are plenty of bones in the meat. The fish is fried or made into aspic.


For the most part, Black telescopes remain a rich black color. Body color varies from gray to black depending on age. Fish may acquire copper-colored scales when kept in warmer water. The dark bronze fry of the Black Telescope do not have protruding eyes, but as they age they develop a black coloration and characteristic eyes. Although it used to be possible to find the Black Telescope with a beautiful veil-like tail, these aquarium fish now mostly have either a straight, ribbon or butterfly tail. Black telescope fry. The color is grayish-copper, individuals do not have bulging eyes.

Bright black telescope


Another representative of the carp family, which is conditionally classified as predators. He earned this reputation for his love of eating caviar and young fish. The chub picks up everything it sees. It opens its mouth, swims and collects insects, worms, and tree seeds from the water surface.

The chub lives in small rivers with trees and bushes hanging over the water. This fish stands out for its shiny scales, bright fins, and voluminous body. Usually small individuals are caught on the hook, but occasionally large chubs, up to three to five kilograms, are also caught.

Float rods and sometimes spinning rods are suitable for fishing. They also catch it by fly fishing with an artificial fly. He fights for life to the last, so the requirements for the strength of the gear are high. The meat is bony and is usually fried or baked with vegetables.


The largest freshwater fish in Russia. Outwardly it looks scary. A powerful, slippery body without scales, a huge head with a wide mouth, studded with many sharp teeth, and very long mustaches. The color is greenish-brown. It can grow up to five meters in length and weighs up to 400 kg.

Catfish loves clean and cold water, so they live in large bodies of water with deep areas. River pools are their favorite place, and catfish hide there all the time, rising to the surface only at night to hunt. The diet includes fish, frogs, shellfish, small aquatic animals and birds swimming on the water.

There are legends about giant catfish that they can even drag a person under water. Catfish are scavengers; they like the smell of decomposition, so they hide some of their prey under snags. Catching catfish is not an easy task. It is produced at night for large baitfish, frogs, and the meat of river mollusks.

Bottom tackle should be equipped with thick cords and the largest forged hooks. In addition, catfish are a treasured trophy of underwater hunters, although they try to avoid large ones so as not to become the prey of the monster themselves.

Catfish can be fried and boiled. Their meat is fatty, tender and contains no bones. For these qualities, people call catfish “river pig”. Young catfish are usually eaten, because with age their meat acquires an unpleasant odor.

Top freshwater aquarium fish

Author: admin07/10/2011, 11-01 We would like to share with you information about some of the most beautiful species of freshwater aquarium fish. There is no particular order in this list, since beauty, of course, is a subjective concept.

1. African cornflower haplochromis (Haplochromis jacksoni) African lakes Malawi, Tanganyika and Victoria abound in fish of the cichlid family. Lake Victoria cichlids are represented by the smallest number of species among the inhabitants of other lakes. The coloring of Victoria cichlids is less bright and variegated. Endemics of large African lakes usually grow to 15-18 cm, with the exception of the Frontosa species, which can reach a length of 30-36 cm. African cichlids are less aggressive than their American relatives. To keep them, you need a spacious aquarium with fresh, slightly alkaline water, and plenty of hiding places. All cichlids, without exception, are predators, and this must be taken into account when keeping them together with other fish.

2. Koi Carp These are freshwater ornamental carp that exist in a huge number of color variations. In amateur aquariums and ponds, the most common koi are those whose color consists of red, orange, black, and brown colors. However, there are a certain number of species that have other color shades: lilac, lemon yellow, and even green. Rare color combinations of koi are valued at hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars. Koi live a long time and are very unpretentious fish.

3. Discus These beauties are often called the kings of freshwater aquariums. The natural coloring of discus consists of brownish shades, but breeders have developed variations of all kinds of color combinations. These are very smart fish that quickly get used to their owner and take food directly from their hands. Discus fish love to live in clean, warm water in spacious aquariums with hard-leaved plants. These are one of the most expensive freshwater ornamental fish. Their cost can reach several hundred dollars per individual. The complex behavior of discus fish is very interesting to watch, and it is also a very exciting aesthetic spectacle.

4. Lion-headed cichlid (Stearocranus) The lion-headed cichlid steatocranus or cone-faced cichlid is interesting both for its unusual appearance and for its complex behavior. Its character cannot be called accommodating; at the same time, at first glance, it is clumsy; this fish is very agile and sharp. It is almost impossible to catch it with a net from the aquarium without first removing all the hiding places. A knobby fatty growth on the forehead gives the head of Steatocranus a resemblance to a lion's muzzle. In an aquarium, they usually do not grow more than 15 cm. This is the most popular species among freshwater aquarium lovers among representatives of the Steatocranus genus.

5. Leopoldi motor stingray (Potamotrygon Leopoldi) Leopoldi motor stingray is one of the most beautiful and expensive (from 2000 euros) freshwater stingrays. It looks great in exhibition aquariums and is very popular among collectors due to its compact size (up to 25 cm in diameter). The bottom of the aquarium for the motoro Leopoldi stingray should have enough space free from decorations for this fish to swim. The soil should be soft and loose. These stingrays can be kept together with large fish that occupy the upper water layers. Motoro rays are often used in freshwater imitation saltwater aquariums. They eat insects, fish meat, dry mixtures, but it must be taken into account that these are bottom-dwelling fish, and all food must sink.

6. Aravana (Scleropages fotmosus)

Aravana is a dream for aquarium lovers. This is a very expensive and incredibly graceful fish. In nature, it often jumps out of the water to catch large insects, so the eyes of the arawana are located at the very top of the head.

Interestingly, in captivity, Aravans catch food in the water column, which is why their eyes began to squint a little. The price of these fish can be tens of thousands of dollars, and their owners even perform operations on these fish to correct eye defects. Aravans look spectacular in elongated aquariums against a dark background. Their metallic shine gives them a certain alien appearance, and their smooth, graceful movements have a hypnotic effect on the observer.

7.Gold Fish Goldfish are the most common inhabitants of freshwater aquariums. There are a large number of hybrid shapes and color variations of goldfish. Breeders managed to modify their ancestor, the golden crucian, beyond recognition. Comets, veiltails, telescopes, orandas, lionheads, shubunkins and many other hybrids today decorate the aquariums of goldfish lovers around the world. Children love these large and active fish, but they often overfeed them, since goldfish always have a good appetite and it may seem that they are always hungry.

8. Orinoco catfish (Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus) Orinoco catfish is another representative of the catfish that does not breed in aquariums, and is especially popular among hobbyists. This voracious fish eats everything that can fit into its huge mouth, but willingly communicates with its owner and sometimes this communication develops into friendship between man and animal. The Orinoco catfish can grow over 60 cm, so large aquariums are required to keep it. It’s simply not possible to keep other fish with him, because the catfish will eat them. Large stones are not very suitable as decorations, since the catfish can wag its tail and break the glass of the aquarium with them. This fish can be fed with meat, fish and offal.

9. Knife fish (Apteronotus leptorhynchus) This unusual South American fish prefers to be nocturnal and hide in thickets of aquatic plants during the day. The knifefish is carnivorous and hunts at night, aided by special electroreceptors that detect subtle changes in electromagnetic fields. This fish swims equally well both forward and backward. Fish breeders from St. Petersburg were the first to produce offspring from a knife fish.

10. Panak (Panaque nigrolineatus) Panaks are one of the most original representatives of catfish. Their appearance resembles fossilized ancient fish. The suction cup mouth is equipped with a powerful scraper, with which panakas scrape off plant deposits from the surface of snags and stones. These catfish like to spend time with their mouths attached to glass or driftwood, often with their heads or backs down. The decorations in an aquarium with panakas must be arranged in such a way that they do not create traps for these curious fish. The panaka's head is wider than its body, and when they climb into a narrow hole or crevice, they get stuck in it and can die. Panakas will decorate large aquariums. They get along well with other species, although they can attack their fellows that are smaller in size.

11. Hybrid parrots (Parrot Fish) Hybrid parrots appeared not so long ago, but they won the sympathy of aquarium lovers at first sight, as they say. These funny fish, whose head actually bears some resemblance to the head of a real parrot, are brought to us from Southeast Asia. The breeders of this breed keep the origin of these fish in the strictest confidence. So far, only one thing is known for certain - hybrid parrots come from one of the species of cichlosoma, most likely - severum. These fish come in a wide variety of colors. Companies that supply parrots do not hide the fact that the fish are artificially colored, but this technology, again, is not disclosed. Hybrid parrots have good health and a relatively peaceful nature. They often breed in the aquarium, but their offspring are colorless.

12.Queen Nyasa (Aulonocara nyassae) Queen Nyasa is a prominent representative of the African cichlids of Lake Malawi. This beautiful fish fully lives up to its name with its majestic appearance. Queen Nyasa looks especially impressive during the mating and spawning season. The behavior of these fish, however, like most cichlids, is complex, so it is very fun to watch them. Ironically, the queens (females) of this species look much more modest than the males. Their outfit is usually dark olive in color, with contrasting dark stripes.

13. Cyphotilapia Frontosa Another African lake, Tanganyika, has its own queen - Cyphotilapia Frontosa. She has a very expressive appearance, which is why she has become popular among cichlid lovers. This fish is great for a show aquarium and can be kept with other large fish of its size. Cyphotilapia is safe for catfish and mobile silversides, but it is not averse to digging in the soil and pulling out plants from there. Frontosa can perfectly complement the composition of pseudo-marine aquariums, since it has an extraordinary appearance and color.

14. Cichlosoma severum “Red Pearl” (Red Severum) Cichlosoma severum “Red Pearl”. It is also called false discus for its certain external similarity. Indeed, the uninitiated can easily mistake these severums for the kings of aquariums - discus fish. Red pearls, despite their impressive size, are quite peaceful fish. This is an artificially bred breed with incredibly spectacular colors. Red severums are graceful and majestic, calm, but during the spawning period they exhibit some irritability: they begin to frantically defend their territory.

15.Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) Piranhas. The beauty of these fish is on a fine line with horror. Perhaps it is this unusual contrast that makes these fish especially popular lately. There are a huge number of rumors and myths around piranhas, often fictitious and not true. One of the most common myths speaks of the extraordinary bloodthirstiness and gluttony of these fish. In fact, piranhas eat very little: 30-40 grams is enough for normal growth of one individual. meat in two days. At the same time, they coexist peacefully with small characins, viviparous species, barbs, etc. For example, piranhas can be kept in the same aquarium with a flock of neons, without any risk to the life of the latter.

16. Clown botia (Botia macracantha) Clown botia is a funny, originally colored fish that occupies the bottom layer of the water column. This social fish does not tolerate loneliness. Bots should only be kept in groups. The peak activity of these fish occurs at night, so they need to be fed in the evening. In order for the bots to feel comfortable, their aquarium must have many shelters in the form of snags and rocky grottoes. These fish occupy the hole they like and from then on consider it their living space. This must be remembered when changing the decorations in the aquarium. The bots are fed sinking dry and frozen food.

17. Angelfish (Pterophyllum Scalare) Angelfish are frequent inhabitants of freshwater decorative aquariums. They look great among mangrove snags and thickets of plants with long elongated leaves. These are quite large fish: together with their fins, their height can reach 20 cm. If you do not keep barbs, minors and other lovers of profiting at other people’s expense with them, then the angelfish grow long “whiskers” - which are actually modified pectoral fins. The natural coloration of these freshwater fish is silvery with vertical dark stripes. Breeders have developed many breeds and color variations of these fish. Today, angelfish “koi”, which have red, yellow and orange colors in their coloring, are very popular among hobbyists. Fish of this breed do not grow as large as their black and white relatives.

18. Labeo bicolor (Labeo bicolor) Labeo two-color. The homeland of this fish is the streams and rivers of Thailand. Labeo is not a catfish, but it can swim upside down and does this quite often, eating fouling from plants and stones. This is a very beautiful, slender fish that cleans the aquarium of algae. You should not keep several labeos at the same time, unless the aquarium is long and spacious so that each of them takes up its own territory. Otherwise, conflicts between them are inevitable, although Labeos cannot bring much harm to each other.

19. Apistogramma Remirezi (Papiliochromis ramirezi) Apistogramma Ramirezi or, as it is also called, a butterfly, a small fish of indescribable beauty and grace. These are very peaceful apistograms, which can be kept even in a small aquarium with other small fish. Butterflies look spectacular in aquariums densely planted with nymphs and echinodorus. In this case, it is desirable that the surface of the water be obscured by light filter plants. In such an almost intimate environment, the Ramirezis feel relaxed and demonstrate their interesting characteristic behavior.

20. Pearl gourami (Trichogaster leeri) Pearl gourami looks great in a freshwater aquarium overgrown with Vallisneria and other narrow-leaved plants, among driftwood and coconut shells. These fish, like other labyrinth fish, from time to time swim to the surface of the water to take a breath of air. Male gourami are larger than females and have more variegated colors. These fish are very sensitive to temperature changes and cannot tolerate temperatures dropping below 22˚C for a long period. And, if you raise the temperature in the aquarium above 29˚C, the male gourami begins to build a nest from air bubbles on the surface of the water, after which spawning occurs. It is very interesting to observe the mating behavior of gourami, but in order to obtain viable offspring, it is necessary to provide these fish with special conditions in the spawning aquarium.

21. Labidochromis 'yellow' Yellow hummingbird cichlid. Bright yellow color is not often found among freshwater tropical fish, which may be why the hummingbird cichlid can so often be found in pseudo-marine aquariums. Despite their formidable origins, yellow hummingbirds have a very peaceful character and get along with all types of medium and large-sized fish. These are very active and cheerful fish that can enliven and decorate any aquarium.

22. Neon (Paracheirodon axelrodi) Neons are one of the smallest, but very impressive aquarium fish. A flock of these luminous beauties will not disturb the idyll of the Dutch aquarium, but will enliven its calm and peaceful landscape. They look equally good in both small and large aquariums. Neons can be kept with other schooling fish such as zebrafish, rasboras, barbs, etc. They do not like hard water, and spawn only in very soft water, which has a slightly acidic reaction. Breeding neons is not an easy task, so only very experienced amateurs do this.

23. Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) Guppies are the very first fish of beginner hobbyists, who often return to them again, having already gained experience. There is an opinion that these are very unpretentious fish, but this is not at all true. Yes, indeed, outbred “gupys” are able to withstand rather poor conditions, but purebred beauties, on the contrary, are capricious and demanding on the quality of water and feed. Today, breeders have bred a huge number of guppy breeds of various colors and fin shapes. An aquarium, dazzled with colorful patches of male guppies, is not just an interior decoration, but the pride of the owner - a real cult thing.

24. Nothobranchius (Nothobranchius rachovi) Nothobranchius is perhaps the only aquarium fish that can be bought by mail in the form of “dry caviar”. The fact is that in nature, nothobranchius lives in small puddles that form after rain in the African desert, which occurs there once a year. In the short time that this puddle exists, they manage to hatch, grow, spawn and, no matter how sad it may sound, die. Nothobranchius eggs are protected from drying out completely and wait in the sand for the next rainy season to go all the way again. For unknown reasons, these fish, which spend most of their lives in a muddy puddle, have unusually beautiful colors.

25. Handsome Chromis (Hemichromis bimaculatus) Handsome Chromis is one of the brightest representatives of the cichlid family. This predator has a stern disposition, but is potentially dangerous only for small fish, although during the spawning period it can strike any unwary aquarium inhabitant with a swift blow. Thousands of luminous points adorning its body shimmer with every movement of the chromis. A pair of these fish are caring parents who are able to breed and raise offspring even in a common aquarium, but the rest of its inhabitants will not be happy.

26. Sumatran barb (barbus tetrazona) Sumatran barbs are real water activators. For Feng Shui, it is a powerful energy tool. Barbs prefer to be on the move all the time, and given that they are a schooling fish, the aquarium with them will simply seethe. These incredibly energetic fish calm down only after a hearty feeding, hiding in the shade of large-leaved plants, and then not for long. In a spacious aquarium, Sumatran barbs can grow up to 5 cm or more in length. They look very impressive in a school, but it is not worth keeping them with sedentary fish, because... barbs are not averse to trimming their fins for fun.

To be continued. M.Tamilin specially for


Representative of cod. Unlike its marine counterparts, it has chosen fresh water bodies for its habitat. The powerful, elongated body is covered with small scales with recognizable black spots. It looks like a catfish, but is distinguished from it by its small head and huge mouth with many small and sharp teeth.

Of course, burbot cannot compare with catfish in size; the maximum weight of an adult is 20 kg. Found almost everywhere in Russia, except for shallow mountain rivers. They love to occupy holes and crevices in the steep clay banks of reservoirs, where village boys often catch them with their hands in the hot summer.

It feeds on fish, frogs, crayfish, worms and insects. In summer, burbot is caught using donks, and in winter, using girders. One of the few fish that spawn in the dead of winter. It is tasty and good in any form, but burbot liver is especially appreciated.

Other varieties

The fresh water bodies of Russia are inhabited by:

  • ram;
  • muksun;
  • Kaluga;
  • taimen;
  • river flounder;
  • Baikal omul;
  • lenok.

Other species of fish live in fresh water bodies of Russia.
Sometimes rotan, Siberian whitefish, lake salmon, and peled are found. During spawning, migratory species (beluga, stellate sturgeon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, and nelma) appear in fresh water bodies.


Freshwater sturgeon fish are represented in Russia by only two species. These are the well-known sturgeon and sterlet, which have inhabited the Earth for many millions of years. In recent decades, their numbers have been rapidly decreasing.

Delicious meat and especially precious black caviar made this fish attractive for both commercial fishing and poaching. At the same time, commercial fishing implies further reproduction of fish, and poachers simply destroy the sturgeon population for the sake of momentary profit.

The appearance of sturgeon and sterlet is almost the same, the only difference is in the size of the fish. If a sturgeon can reach a weight of up to 50 kg, then a sterlet weighing more than a kilogram is already considered worthy prey. The skeleton of these fish does not consist of bones, but of cartilage.

The body is without scales, and along the back there are cartilaginous plates, like a prehistoric dinosaur. The head with a long snout at first glance does not have a mouth. In fact, it is simply located on the underside of the snout.

This is due to the way these fish feed. They swim at the very bottom, picking up all the living creatures that come their way: crustaceans, larvae, mollusks, etc. It’s not worth talking about the methods of catching these fish, because sturgeon fishing is prohibited everywhere, and sterlet fishing is carried out only under a license.

Where did fish come from?

  1. The first known ancient fish-like creatures did not have jaws.
  2. Then, in the course of evolution, jaws formed from the gill arch and jawed fish appeared, which existed together with jawless fish for more than 100 million years.
  3. About 400 million years ago, cartilaginous fish appeared. Modern representatives of cartilaginous species (about 1000 species in total) are sharks and rays.
  4. Following the cartilaginous fish, bony fish developed - lobe-finned and ray-finned (they make up 95% of modern fish).
  5. The lobe-finned species include lungfishes that have both gill and pulmonary respiration. Of the ancient lungfishes, only the horn-toothed ones (found in Australia and Africa) have survived.


Modern lobe-fins are also represented by lobe-fins from the coelacanth family - they are considered living fossils, the structure of their skeleton remains the same as it was hundreds of millions of years ago. Moreover, the fins of the coelacanth are more reminiscent of the limbs of a frog.

Thus, one branch from the common ancestor of fish gave rise to modern fish, while the other may have been forced to adapt to life on land as a result of the drainage of water bodies. It is assumed that ancient fish with developed muscles at the base of the fins and with double breathing are the ancestors of the first amphibians, from which the evolution of vertebrates went further.



Freshwater fish families are adequately represented by salmonids, which include many different species. Chum salmon, pink salmon, whitefish, trout, sockeye salmon, grayling, char and others are united by similar characteristics. The main one is the color of the meat - from soft pink to rich coral.

Fashion designers even have a term - salmon color. That is why in Rus' such specimens were called “red fish”. Also common to all are a powerful body with speckled scales and a special jaw structure. They differ only in size and habitat.

Pink salmon and chum salmon can reach up to 50 kg, trout a maximum of 2 kg, and grayling only 0.5 kg. Large species live in rivers that have access to the sea, since most of them are anadromous and go into rivers only to spawn. Little ones like fast, clean, cold mountain streams.

All salmon are caught with spinning rods on artificial baits and fly fishing with a fly. This fish fights so actively for life that even small specimens can make an angler sweat.

Meat is considered one of the most valuable. Salted, dried, smoked, fried or baked salmon is a decoration for any table. And without red caviar it is impossible to hold a festive feast.

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