I bought a rooster fish 5 days ago, at first everything was fine, active, swam. He hasn’t eaten for 3 days now. Constantly hangs on top, and since yesterday...

The most common disease of bettas is pseudomonosis, also known as “fin rot.” This disease is infectious and is spread by specific bacteria called Pseudomonas bacilli. Sources of infection can be soil, live food, sick fish that have not undergone quarantine. Bacteria can also be introduced into an aquarium with plants that were transplanted from an infected aquarium.

From the name of the disease it is clear that the bacteria infect the fins of fish. In this case, the fins of the fish first lower, and then begin to take on the appearance as if they were scorched by fire at the edges. As the disease progresses, it can completely consume both the fins and tail of the fish. (Sometimes, however, you can confuse a disease with an injury from exposure to alkaline water: the symptoms can be very similar. Therefore, water for bettas should have an average Ph value)

Causes of infection

Some of the most beautiful representatives of labyrinth fish are susceptible to various parasitic and bacterial diseases. You can tell that a betta fish is sick by its changed behavior. Sick fish stay in the low-lying layers of the reservoir, swim on their sides or belly up, and refuse to feed. White spots are noticeable on the body, plaque may appear or the color of the scales may change. In infectious diseases, the dorsal and caudal fins are affected. With fungal infections, sick fish are usually covered with a light, bluish coating.

Main causes of infection:

  • unfavorable water parameters in the aquarium (temperature, pH);
  • violation of diet, poor quality feed;
  • unfavorable conditions of detention;
  • lack of aeration, problems with water filtration;
  • a large amount of “garbage” in the ground;
  • violation of the rules of care.

Infection is facilitated by a large concentration of aquarium inhabitants per liter capacity. Bacteria can be introduced with soil, aquatic plants, or new fish that were introduced into the aquarium.

If disease symptoms appear to the same extent in most fish species, we recommend checking the parameters of the aquatic environment. If behavior has changed in a certain type of fish, this most likely indicates a bacterial infection.

Let's look at the main diseases of betta fish and their symptoms. Here are effective ways to treat them.

The cockerel does not eat and moves little

Often, a betta's refusal to eat can occur in an adapted and long-established fish. This is observed in the case of a sharp change in housing conditions (temperature, water condition, etc.) and is accompanied by quite serious consequences for the health of the fish. This is explained by a sharp decline in the body’s protective functions, and with it the ability to withstand new environmental challenges, including dangerous infections.

Hypothermia, low water temperature

The impact of low temperatures has a depressing effect on the activity of living creatures, and the aquarium betta fish is no exception. A decrease in water temperature below +24 °C is dangerous for its successful existence. This is due to the fact that in its natural environment this creature lives in hot equatorial waters, with fairly high and stable temperatures throughout the year.

Read about what you need to know about breeding betta fish in an aquarium.

A decrease in water temperature to +20 °C and below signals the fish’s body about the onset of an unfavorable period, as a result of which the processes of inhibition of metabolism are launched, and with this the activity of organs and systems. In this way, the body tries to switch to an autonomous mode with low nutrient consumption, the so-called suspended animation, which helps it survive an unfavorable period.

As a result of this, the mobility of the cockerel decreases, and a complete or partial refusal of food is observed. But most often, a decrease in temperature causes a cold in the fish, accompanied by a sharp suppression of the immune system. As a result, fasting becomes one of the symptoms of a cold, which, if not treated in a timely manner, can have a detrimental effect on the health of the betta.

Bad food

Various representatives of aquatic fauna are highly susceptible to all kinds of chemical compounds, toxicants, etc. Even small proportions of substances can have a detrimental effect on their health, therefore, during the course of evolution, fish have learned to skillfully distinguish them in any food. This is a natural necessity that has helped them successfully survive in nature to this day, therefore, when fed with low-quality or contaminated food, the betta can often quite calmly refuse food until high-quality food appears in the aquarium.

Read more about how many times to feed fish in an aquarium.

Despite the fact that these representatives of aquatic fauna are considered omnivores, they feed on fresh and clean food, as well as exclusively pre-prepared foods (chopped to the required size). To distinguish low-quality or harmful food, you need to take a good look at the behavior of the fish at the time of feeding. If your betta takes an active interest in feeding, timidly tries food and then rejects it, you should seriously think about changing the food or diet, especially if you decide to include something new in your betta’s food.

Incorrect water change

Water is as important a factor for the prosperous existence of fish as clean and fresh air is for humans. Due to the fact that bettas are kept in stagnant aquarium water, it requires constant replacement, as feces, food particles and other contaminants can lead to serious illnesses in these fish. However, not every aquarist can make the replacement correctly.

This often leads to quite serious stress, which becomes the main reason for the males suddenly refusing to eat. The main idea of ​​replacing water is to reduce dangerous concentrations of various substances, but this process is carried out smoothly, avoiding sudden changes in the state of the external environment. To do this, you should establish a stable mode with clearly established frequency. Depending on the population of the aquarium, the procedure is carried out from 2-3 to 5-6 times a month.

At the same time, the amount of new water in the aquarium should not exceed 20–30% of the total volume of the tank, otherwise it may disrupt the ecological balance inside the aquarium, which can have serious consequences for the fish’s body, including serious illnesses. A complete replacement of water is carried out in exceptional cases when partial replacement does not bring the expected improvement in its quality. This is often observed:

  • with progressive water bloom caused by microscopic algae;
  • when persistent acidification of the substrate has developed;
  • during the treatment of all kinds of infectious diseases;
  • if persistent, difficult to wash off fungal mucus has accumulated on the walls of the aquarium and decorative elements.

Did you know? The first artificially bred varieties of bettas with a variety of colors appeared in the United States in 1910 thanks to the American ichthyologist Frank Locke.

Fin rot disease

When watching bettas, it's hard not to notice their luxurious, colorful fins. However, it is they who are primarily at risk, since they are sensitive to various types of injuries and infections. Fin rot in bettas is one of the most common ailments among representatives of this species.

There are several reasons for rot in a cockerel:

  • poor care of the artificial reservoir;
  • surplus of fish;
  • poor filter performance;
  • untimely cleaning or poor operation of the siphon;
  • the presence of other sick fish in the reservoir.

Also, the fins of bettas can be injured by other inhabitants of the aquarium, sharp edges of objects and figurines.

Rot in a cockerel is expressed by the following external signs:

  • fins become cloudy or stuck together;
  • the appearance of ulcers on the body;
  • the tail has peeled off;
  • the fins are covered with a white coating.

If at least one of the above signs is present, the sick fish should be resettled. If there is no treatment for fin rot in cockerels, it can lead to death.

Prevention of treatment is carried out using antibacterial drugs, for example:

  1. Biomycin - norm 1.5 g per 100 l.
  2. Streptocide - 1.5 g for every 10 liters of water.
  3. Malachite green – 0.5 mg per 1 liter of water, gradually the dose increases to 0.7 mg.

The course of treatment is 2 months. You can use salt baths: 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water, duration – 30 minutes. All medications for bettas must be used according to the instructions. If the fish recovers, the fins grow back.

Why does the betta fish not eat food?

In most cases, fish refusal to eat is an acute reaction to sudden changes in their habitat. These may include moving to a new aquarium, overfeeding, etc. In this case, the period of targeted fasting can even last several days, which has a rather negative effect not only on the weight gain of the males, but also on the level of their immunity. In this situation, all possible measures should be taken immediately, otherwise refusal to feed may lead to the death of the cockerel.

Adaptation period

Aquarium pets, like other pets, have a hard time withstanding environmental changes. In a pet store, they live for more than one day under a certain light regime, as well as constant temperature and water conditions. After moving the fish to a new aquarium, the parameters of their external environment may change dramatically. There can be a lot of reasons for this, but often such changes are the result of using completely different equipment to support the life of the aquarium than in a pet store.

Important! To speed up your betta's adaptation to a new aquarium, try to avoid exposing the fish to harsh and intense light, temperature changes, and noise for several days. To do this, the aquarium is installed in the most secluded and quiet room.

In this case, the fish’s body needs a certain period to get used to the new conditions and composition of the water. This is often accompanied by many changes in their behavior, including refusal to eat. In this case, starvation of the cockerel is a natural norm that does not require drastic human intervention. This period often lasts several days, but particularly susceptible individuals can fast for a week.

Improper care

Among many inexperienced aquarists, there is an opinion that if in natural conditions a fish lives in muddy, dirty water that is practically unsuitable for normal existence, then when breeding it culturally there is no need to worry too much about the condition of the aquarium. However, this is not at all true. Cultural individuals are born in environmental conditions that are as close to ideal as possible, and therefore often lose the ability to withstand sudden changes.

This leads to their high susceptibility to the environment, as well as a decrease in the level of immunity. As a result, failure to comply with the general rules and hygiene of their maintenance leads to a sharply negative reaction of the body, which can often manifest itself as refusal of food. In this case, you should bring the fish’s habitat to optimal levels as soon as possible, since improper care in just a few weeks can lead to serious chronic illnesses, including the death of the betta.

Optimal environmental parameters for aquarium bettas:

  • aquarium volume - at least 4–5 l/1 individual;
  • water temperature - +24...+28 °C;
  • water hardness - 4–15° dGH;
  • pH of the environment - 6.0–7.5;
  • lighting intensity - 1 W/l;
  • the duration of artificial lighting of the aquarium is 6–8 hours a day;
  • CO2 level - no more than 15 mg/l;
  • ground flooring - river sand or gravel (can be replaced with special colored soil for aquariums);
  • compatibility - cockerels get along best with swordtails, platies, brocade and speckled catfish, thorns, rasboras, grumbling gouramis, minors, etc.

We should not forget that the condition of the fish and their behavior is influenced by the sanitary situation in the aquarium, therefore, in order to avoid oppression of the bettas, it is necessary:

  • regularly clean water from pollutants, at least once a week;
  • replace water with clean water;
  • Be sure to install a water filter in the aquarium;
  • Immediately after feeding, clean the bottom of any remaining food.

Important! To monitor the condition of the water in the aquarium, a thermometer, pH meter and salinity meter must be installed.

Food preferences

In most cases, the cockerel willingly eats any type of food - both live and dry. But, like any other pet, this fish can get used to a certain diet and its regime. Often, individuals raised in a pet store are fed the same type; in order to avoid losses, the cockerels are fed with cheap and often unbalanced universal food, therefore, after using new, high-quality and healthy food, quite often the cockerel may reject an unfamiliar diet.

Do not forget that fighting fish respond best to live food (bloodworms, earthworms, daphnia, brine shrimp, etc.), which is why they can ignore dry food, regardless of price and quality. In addition, among live foods, the cockerel has certain preferences:

  • planktonic crustaceans (daphnia, artemia) are best given after freezing;
  • earthworms should be given exclusively live;
  • Bettas often have no specific preferences for bloodworms, but most experienced aquarists recommend feeding fish with bloodworms only after preliminary freezing.

Also, the feeding intensity of the betta is seriously affected by the size of the feed.
Due to the physiological characteristics of the body, these creatures are not able to grind food to the required size, absorbing exclusively food particles suspended in water. Learn how to make your own live food for aquarium fish.

Quite often, fish completely ignore large particles of food, regardless of the type and quality, this is especially evident when feeding with coarse granular food, so any food for a betta must be prepared in advance.


Decorative fish species are practically incapable of independently regulating their diet and the amount of food they consume, which is why many inexperienced aquarists often overfeed their fish. Trying to prevent pets from starving often leads to obesity in the betta. For fish, this pathology is a fairly serious damage to the body.

In addition to thickening the abdomen, excess fat deposits lead to a variety of metabolic disorders, and with this, damage to the kidneys, liver and mesentery. The first symptoms of this problem are not only external signs, but also apathy, as well as voluntary fasting.

Did you know? In the 19th century, the inhabitants of Siam (modern Thailand) used male cockerels as “fighting fish” to conduct fights between them. Often such shows were accompanied by sweepstakes and fairly high bets on the winners.

It is quite difficult to overcome obesity in a betta, so the main recommendation for eliminating the pathology is timely prevention:

  • fish are fed no more than 2 times a day, in small portions;
  • At one time, the cockerel should not consume more than 5% of its own weight, so 3-5 minutes after feeding, it is necessary to remove all remaining food from the bottom and from the water column.


One of the most common reasons for not feeding fish can be called various ailments to which their delicate bodies are particularly susceptible. In this case, fasting is only a concomitant problem that develops against the background of external signs of damage to the body, general weakness and apathy. Most often, cockerels suffer from two common infections - ichthyophthyriasis ("semolina") and fin rot.

Fin rot is a collective name for a variety of putrefactive lesions in the body of ornamental fish that cause rotting of the fin. The pathological process is caused by various strains of microorganisms from the genera Aeromonas, Pseudomonas or Vibrio. The infection leads to rotting and destruction of the fin, and in advanced cases can lead to death.

Familiarize yourself with common aquarium fish diseases.

The main symptoms of fin rot:

  • change in fin color, characteristic clouding or browning;
  • blurred eyes;
  • the appearance of small ulcers on the body;
  • apathy and general weakness, the fish may be in a sedentary state for a long time;
  • almost complete refusal of food.

Overcoming fin rot is not easy, but it is possible. In modern veterinary practice, powerful antibiotics with antifungal and antibacterial effects are used for these purposes.

The most popular among them are:

  • Sera Baktopur - use the drug for water treatment at the rate of 22 drops (1 ml)/l of water per day. Apply the drug twice, with a break of 48 hours. After drug therapy, the water in the container is renewed;
  • Antibak-250 - the drug is diluted in a separate container at the rate of 1 tablet/10 liters of water, the resulting solution is used once for medicinal baths. The affected fish is kept in the medicinal solution daily, but no more than 4 hours a day, the duration of therapy is 6 days. The drug can also be used to treat an aquarium; for this purpose, 1 tablet is diluted in 200 liters of water. The duration of the procedure is 6 days, after which the water in the container must be renewed;
  • Tetracycline hydrochloride - add the product to aquarium water at the rate of 4-6 mg/l. The fish is treated twice, every 48 hours, but if necessary, the therapy is extended. Before each next cycle of drug administration, 25% of the water in the aquarium is changed to fresh.

Important! To treat bettas, medications made exclusively for freshwater species are used. Medicines for marine fauna are ineffective for them ( due to the high salt content in the water ).

Ichthyophthyriosis or, as it is popularly called, “semolina” is an invasive infection of freshwater fish by single-celled protozoa Ichthyophthirius multifiliis from the group of ciliates. The disease is quite dangerous, since a parasitic protozoan in just a few days can cause the death of the entire fauna of the aquarium, this is especially pronounced if the fish’s body is weakened by the primary disease.

The disease is diagnosed fairly quickly; the main reason for its development is often non-compliance with general hygiene rules when keeping ornamental fish.

The main symptoms of ichthyophthyriosis:

  • small white nodules on the body, first they affect the head, and then the body and tail;
  • apathy;
  • decreased movement activity;
  • the fish sinks to the bottom, moves jerkily, and often jerks;
  • refusal to eat or regurgitation of food after eating.

This disease is combated using the following veterinary drugs:

  • Sera Costapur - the medicine is added directly to the aquarium water at the rate of 22 drops (1 ml) / 40 liters of water per day. The drug is used twice with a break of 48 hours, but if necessary, the number of procedures is increased to 4. After drug therapy, the water in the container is changed to a new one;
  • Malachite green - used for water disinfection at a rate of 0.09 mg/l of water per day. Before each introduction of the product, 25% of the water in the aquarium is renewed. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the infection, so the drug is used until the symptoms of ichthyophthyriosis completely disappear;
  • Ciprofloxacin - add the product to aquarium water at a rate of 500 mg/80 l of water per day. Before each introduction of the drug, the water in the aquarium must be renewed. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the infection, so the drug is used until the signs of the disease completely disappear.

Additionally, drug therapy should be accompanied by warming up the fish; for this, the water in the aquarium is heated to the maximum permissible temperature, which is within the range of +29...+30 °C.
This will help speed up the body's recovery processes and its susceptibility to medications. Did you know? To speed up the recovery of the fish after exposure to any negative factors, a special salt mixture for freshwater aquariums should be added to the water (1 tbsp/19–20 l of water). It will help not only overcome all kinds of infections, but also reduce overall stress for the betta’s body.

However, ichthyophthiriasis or fin rot can return again, therefore, in order to prevent their occurrence in the future, you need to not only change the water in the aquarium, but also thoroughly clean its walls, as well as interior items, from dirt and plaque.

Costiosis in cockerels

The disease is caused by a parasite of the flagellated species Ichtyobodo necatrix. It clings to the fish with its flagella. This causes damage to the gills and skin.

It can occur when introducing a new pet that has not passed quarantine, or when using untreated soil or an unwashed plant.

As a result of exposure to this parasite, the skin is damaged and mucus is produced heavily.

The damaged fish begins to itch against the glass wall of the aquarium or against hard objects, loses appetite, and the body is covered with gray-blue spots (like a veil). The gills are covered in a thick layer of mucus, the fins stick together. A fish swims turning on its side. Most often the pet dies.

If a disease is detected, you must urgently move the cockerel to a separate aquarium, dissolving 5 crystals of potassium permanganate there.

For baths, use methylene blue, trypaflavin, bicillin.

The eggs of the parasite are resistant to external influences. To prevent the recurrence of bone disease, treatment should be carried out in quarantine.

How fast does betta fish grow?

Betta fish fry are very small and feed on live food. The growing process will take 1-2 weeks.

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Ichthyophthiriasis (semolina)

Have you noticed nodules or white bubbles on the body of the fish, reminiscent of lumps of semolina? Your pet is unhappy with the temperature of the water or the dirt, so she has contracted an infection caused by the ciliate ichthyophthirius. The signals are:

  1. Lack of appetite.
  2. Slow breathing;
  3. Impaired coordination of movements.
  4. Decreased activity.
  5. Weight loss.

In addition to bicillin-5 and trypaflavin, it is worth treating your betta fish in a salt bath.

Attention! Don’t think that just adding table salt will make the bacteria disappear. The recommended proportions must be carefully observed: non-compliance with the technology and excessive saturation of the solution lead to the death of the cockerel.


Ichthyophthyriosis, or “white semolina,” is caused by ciliated ciliates. A betta affected by the bacterium becomes covered with white dots, trembles, loses appetite and rubs against vegetation and decorations.

The reasons why the fish got sick with ichthyophthyriasis are:

  • lack of care;
  • overpopulation of fish;
  • excess food;
  • low water temperatures.

White semolina does not pose a serious threat, but you need to know how to treat semolina in aquarium fish. An unhealthy individual should be resettled in a separate tank, the water in which should be at least 30⁰. Salt should also be added there, and the following preparations:

  • malachite green;
  • bicillin-5;
  • anti-steam


The main symptom of this disease is a greatly enlarged, swollen tummy. Red spots appear at the base of the fins and on the abdomen. Sick fish refuse food completely and quickly lose weight.

Causes of dropsy: viral infection, fungal infection, unbalanced diet, improper living conditions, decreased immune potential.

Treatment is effective only at the beginning of the disease. Complex antibiotics are used. The aquarium and equipment must be completely disinfected. If a betta fish has a very swollen belly, unfortunately, it dies.

Disease Prevention

These lovely fish suffer from bacterial and parasitic diseases. It’s easy to understand that your pet is sick: the fish hides at the bottom, refuses to eat, becomes covered with plaque and white spots, the color changes, and the fins are affected.

Let's figure out what causes diseases in betta fish:

  1. Poor water quality (fraught with decreased immunity and death of fish);
  2. Expired, low-quality food (immediately remove uneaten food);
  3. Garbage. Depending on the capacity of the aquarium, you need to regularly clean the aquarium once a week and change about 1/3 of the water;
  4. Insufficient filtration;
  5. An excess of pets in one container;
  6. Plants from other bodies of water;
  7. Impossibility of spawning (females get cancer, males become lethargic);
  8. Avitaminosis.

Important! Monitor the expiration dates of the food and do not overfeed the fish (you can find out the exact amount of food from the staff). An excess of food, as well as a lack of it, negatively affects the underwater beauties with sweeping fins.

Have you noticed the same symptoms in several fish? Check and change the water, install additional aeration, carry out the disinfection procedure. It’s worse if only one of the fish is sick: this indicates the onset of a bacterial disease, fraught with negative consequences. Let's figure out what diseases of aquarium betta fish occur and find out the main symptoms.

Velveteen disease (oodiniosis)

The symptoms of this disease are quite similar to those of ichthyophthyriosis. the main difference is the presence of a light yellow coating on the body. The disease is caused by the flagellated parasite odonum. The infection is characterized by rapid spread.


  • splitting of scales and fins;
  • change in color, peeling of scales;
  • lethargy;
  • stuck together caudal and dorsal fins;
  • labored breathing.

If at least one cockerel is infected with oodinosis, it is necessary not only to completely disinfect the aquarium, but also to treat all its inhabitants. It is necessary to maintain an elevated temperature in the quarantine tank.

Corduroy disease can be cured with Formamed and Antipar. Sera oodinopur, JBL Oodinol, Ichthyofo are very effective.


Oodiniosis, or corduroy disease, begins due to exposure to the odonum flagellum. The reasons for infection can be insufficient care and low water temperatures.

When a betta fish is affected by oodiniosis, it moves in jerks, the body is covered with a golden-yellow coating or dots, which can be seen by shining a flashlight on the fish. Other symptoms may also occur:

  • weight loss and appetite;
  • apathy;
  • labored breathing;
  • scale detachment.

In case of infection, it is necessary to relocate sick individuals to a separate body of water. Both affected males and other individuals must undergo treatment. Antipar and Formamed are used for treatment, water and decorations are disinfected.

This is interesting: if a male betta is blowing bubbles, you should not immediately attribute it to illness. This is how the fish shows that it is ready for offspring.


The disease is caused by the gram-negative bacteria Flexibacter columnaris. The disease is also known as “mouth fungus” due to the similarity of symptoms to a fungal infection.

The following factors contribute to the development of the disease:

  • overcrowding in aquariums;
  • increased concentration of organic matter in water;
  • violation of care rules;
  • rapid breathing;
  • insufficient aquarium volume.

Sick pets become lethargic, apathetic, swim jerkily, stay near the bottom, and hide in aquarium decor, plants, and shelters. The gills and oral cavity are severely affected. With severe damage, the gills become necrotic and acquire a light brown or, conversely, darker color. The accumulation of fluid in the eyes of fish signals damage to internal organs.

To prevent the spread of infection, treatment for columnaria begins in the initial stages of development. Systemic complex antibiotics are used. Disinfect the aquarium.

What to do if the fish is hiding


For some fish species this is completely normal behavior. In nature, most of our aquarium fish are included in the menu of their larger relatives and other predators. Therefore, hiding for them is an instinctive way of self-preservation. If the fish are provided with suitable secluded places, they will become bolder, feel safe and will be able to leave their shelter more often than is the case in nature. After all, they will soon realize that it is unlikely that anyone will eat them (provided that the aquarist is careful and keeps only compatible fish in the same aquarium).

If we are talking about nocturnal fish, then we should expect that during the day they will hide, or at least remain inactive, in some quiet place. Newly introduced fish into the aquarium hide for a while until they recover from the stress of transportation and become familiar with their new surroundings. Some viviparous females hide when the time of birth approaches. Fish of some species that care for their eggs and fry may choose some secluded and isolated corner for this purpose.

However, there are circumstances in which such secrecy may become a cause for concern. For example, if it is abnormal behavior for a given species or for a given individual, or if this behavior cannot be attributed to any of the reasons listed above. This atypical behavior indicates that the fish is experiencing stress, even if in fact it is not sick. If the situation is not corrected, stress can cause serious health problems in the fish.

  • A fish may hide because it is a victim of aggression.
  • The fish hides because it is afraid that it may become a victim of aggression or that it may be eaten. This sometimes happens if fish of disparate sizes are kept in the same aquarium, even if the larger individuals are peaceful herbivorous fish. Instinctively aware that a larger fish may pose a threat, the smaller fish will seek cover.
  • A similar situation can arise if fish that have disparate habits in terms of swimming methods are kept in the same aquarium. Fish that quickly rush around the entire aquarium can be extremely restless neighbors. This fast movement can be perceived by other fish as a threat of aggression or attack, and simply the fear of colliding with rushing fish can cause stress.
  • Fish may hide when the light is too bright. It can be hidden behind decorative objects to avoid too much water flow created by the filter.
  • Schooling fish can be nervous and hide if kept alone or in too small groups. Deprived of the natural protection of the pack, they seek alternative protection.
  • Fish may hide if they are not feeling well. Perhaps this is an instinctive reaction - the fish wants to avoid predators and other troubles, because in this state it is not able to take normal actions to evade them.

If fish are bred from a time when they were all small and approximately the same size, then their final size and behavior are no longer so important. Apparently, aquarium fish learn to recognize each other as individuals, sometimes establishing a social hierarchy. Thus, a 2.5 cm long tetra may not be at all afraid of a 15 cm catfish, with which it lived in the same aquarium for most of its life.

However, this does not mean that another tetra recently introduced into the same tank (even if it is the same species as the first tetra) will not also be afraid of this catfish. This also does not mean that the first tetra will not be afraid if another 15 cm catfish is introduced into the tank (even if it is the same species as the first catfish).

Gill flukes

Gill flukes are another unpleasant type of betta disease. Its occurrence is provoked by harmful fungi; sometimes gill flukes reach such a size that they can easily be seen hanging from the gills when the cockerel lies on the bottom.

External signs of the appearance of flukes:

  • the fish is covered in mucus;
  • the cockerel is swollen and has acquired a dull color;
  • the fish has lost its appetite;
  • The cockerel lies on the bottom and breathes heavily.

If you do not get rid of gill flukes in time, the cockerel will die from asphyxia. Drugs such as Azinox, Formamed, Tremazole will help cure an infected individual.

Bettas are often susceptible to diseases, so in order to prevent the death of the fish, you should pay attention to the signs and symptoms of diseases in a timely manner. It is important to remember that any illness can be prevented by providing the cockerels with care and proper living conditions.





Exophthalmia disease

Exophthalmia, or bulging eyes, is always accompanied by enlargement of the eyes and protrusion from the orbits. When infected with this disease, the fish exhibits typical external signs:

  • both eyes or one are bulging;
  • the eyeballs become cloudy or white.

Bulging eyes can be caused by bad water in a pond, as well as the presence of viruses, bacteria and fungal infections in it. Often exophthalmia goes away on its own, without the use of medications, but some measures must be taken:

  • completely replace the water;
  • Move infected fish to a separate tank and treat with Epsom salt.

If the disease does not subside, it is necessary to use special medications. Their choice depends on the level of disease and the affected part of the eye. When making a diagnosis and starting prevention, you should be careful.

What is the betta fish really afraid of?

Today we will talk about the most famous and striking representative of the labyrinth fish family - the betta fish or Siamese betta, which belongs to the genus Betta. This genus includes a large number of fish, but the cockerel is the most popular.

Habitat in nature

The wild betta (Betta splendens) is native to the fresh waters of Asia - central and western Thailand, Cambodia. Peninsulas of Malacca, Siam and islands of Indonesia. They inhabit bodies of water with slow-flowing or standing water. Habitat: ditches, bolts, and flooded rice fields.


The cockerel has a large number of bred breeding forms. A wide variety of colors are obtained that shimmer under the light of the lamps. Belonging to a particular breed depends on the shape and length of the fins. Wild forms cannot boast of such a variety of shapes and colors. They look much more modest, they have short fins (round dorsal and caudal fins) and less bright colors. Breeding forms are a source of pride for their breeder. The fins are long and of various shapes. They can be rounded, like those of their wild counterpart, or they can be pointed, torn, vying or stick out like needles. The body shape is oblong, the lower fin starts from the head and reaches the base of the tail, pointed pectoral fins.

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