daphnia in the aquarium
Daphnia in the aquarium: description, maintenance and reproduction
Daphnia is a species of crustacean in the Daphnidae family. This genus of small crustaceans is widespread in Europe,
African clariid catfish: characteristics, maintenance and breeding rules
The idea of ​​starting a business in breeding African catfish is economically attractive. In Russia, many investors have successfully
Aquarium for Cockerel. Starting and maintaining an aquarium with a Cockerel.
Profile containers for cockerels Cockerels are distributed all over the world and are one of the most
Aulonocara description
Aulonocara and its species, photo, description, keeping in the aquarium
Features of appearance Appearance of aulonocara: Size. These are quite large fish, the size of an adult
Reproduction of mollies: how to give birth and what to feed the fry
Mollies are a popular aquarium fish, distinguished by their richly colored scales and easy-going nature. Phenotype contain
Discus diseases and their treatment Discus diseases and their treatment
Discus fish are beautiful, brightly colored fish that require special conditions. Owners know that the water is for them
How to feed a betta fish: how many times a day, food (dry, live), how to do it correctly and often, fry, how long can they live without food
How long can a betta go without food? — Mafia Betta Splendens Fish Cockerel
How long does a betta fish live? The cockerel is the most beautiful of all aquarium fish. It is the character
What to feed red-eared turtles at home - tips and tricks.
What to feed your red-eared slider Before purchasing a new exotic pet, you need to learn more about it.
Cichlids: how to keep and what to feed, reproduction and how to distinguish a male from a female
Cichlids are loved by home aquarium owners for their diversity of species, bright colors and unusual habits. This
Grumpy gourami: maintenance, compatibility, breeding, description, feeding, photo
Grunting gourami (Trichopsis vittata) Cuvier, 1831. Labyrinthine fish, named for its ability to make grunting sounds.
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