Is food served or how to organize proper feeding of guuppies
What do guppies eat in the wild? In warm freshwater or brackish waters of Guyana, Brazil, Venezuela,
Fish semolina
Ichthyophthiriasis or semolina in aquarium fish: symptoms, treatment in a community aquarium, medications
Semolina in fish or ichthyophthyriosis, which can be seen in the photo, is a contagious disease, when it appears
The genus Daphnia includes more than 100 known species of freshwater plankton
Daphnia is a fairly large genus of cladocerans, with more than 55 species in the fauna.
Blue dolphin - cichlid copying mammal
10/04/2019Pisces0 Blue Dolphin - Cyrtocara moorii or as it was before
The aquarium fish has a swollen belly: the reason and what to do?
Ascites (dropsy) is an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. This disease is always noticeable: the belly of the fish
two-stamen sandwich in the aquarium
Didiplis Diandra: one of the most convenient to grow red long-stemmed plants
Other names: Didiplis diandra, Peplis diandra (obsolete), Peplis (obsolete), Butterlak two-stamen, Didiplis Diandra. Origin:
Leaf fish: description, care and maintenance in the aquarium, photo, reproduction
author: fisher November 14, 2017 0 Comments Family: Polycentric other fish Leaf fish (Monocirrhus polyacanthus, Heckel, 1840)
How compatible are bettas with other aquarium fish?
Cockerel Cockerels are beautiful aquarium fish that have earned a bad reputation due to their character.
Corridoras Julie: photo, description, keeping in the aquarium
04/20/2019Pisces0 Corydoras Julie is an active and peaceful pet, interesting to watch and useful in
Contents of Aulonocara multicolor and compatibility with fish
Few aquarists know that Aulonocara multicolor, which belongs to the Cichlid family, is a fish that requires careful care.
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