Severum (false discus) - orange moon for relaxation
Severum cichlazoma is a colorful member of the cichlid family. Due to the similarity with another representative of this vast
Formosa fish: maintenance, feeding, photo, description, compatibility
Formosa is a small aquarium viviparous fish from the Poeciliaceae or Gambusiaceae family. This is a schooling fish
What aquarium fish live without oxygen and air?
Aeration systems occupy an important place among aquarium equipment. They provide oxygen to the water,
8 common types of aquarium fish platies
Those who decide to have an aquarium at home most often start with peaceful and small fish.
Blue dream (blue shrimp): keeping blue aquarium shrimp
Shrimp began to be kept as aquarium pets only recently, but funny crustaceans have already
breeding swordtails
Peculiarities of reproduction and childbirth of a pregnant female swordtail
Swordtails are considered one of the most unpretentious and popular fish among aquarists. Xiphophorus helleri belong
Guppy diseases: external signs and treatment, photos, descriptions, videos
Trichodinosis Infection with trichodinosis occurs through a parasite - the ciliate Trichodina modesta. Most often, parasites develop in
Photo structure of daphnia
Description of Daphnia: habitat, reproduction and lifestyle of the crustacean
Wild animals >> Crustaceans Daphnia is a small crayfish that lives mostly in freshwater
Broadleaf arrowhead
Aquarium plant Sagittaria: maintenance and care, types and reproduction
Sagittária, or otherwise arrow leaf, is a whole genus of plants from the family Chastukhova.
angelfish breeding aquarium
Step-by-step instructions for breeding angelfish in a community aquarium
Angelfish are popular and easily recognizable inhabitants of artificial reservoirs. Characteristic body shape, bright color
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