Aquariums 30 - 40 liters: fish, plants, equipment
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Koretra: habitats and characteristics of larvae, breeding, catching and storing fish food
Koretra is a nutritious live food for aquarium fish, which can be purchased at any
Tiger shark
The most expensive fish in the world according to top chefs
Fish, rich in minerals and polyunsaturated acids, is an important component of the human diet. Fish soup, steaks,
what to feed ancistrus fry
What to feed Ancistrus fry: choice of food, feeding rules, care, reproduction, rules and conditions for keeping fish at home
Ancistrus are ray-finned fish that are the most popular aquarium inhabitants. They are unpretentious and
aquarium fish
Zebra tilapia or Tilapia buttikoferi
Tilapia is a representative of African water bodies from the family Cichlidae and the order Perciformes, common in Mozambique.
difference between female and male angelfish
Marbled angelfish: maintenance and care, what to feed and how to distinguish a male from a female, what diseases there are
Angelfish are the most popular aquarium representatives of the cichlid family. They lack bright natural colors
Blue neon (nannakara electric, blue cichlid): maintenance, compatibility with other fish, reproduction (breeding)
A cute inhabitant of the warm waters of South Asia, the Lalius immediately attracted the attention of aquarists and quickly gained popularity.
Catfish are not scavengers. Remember this once and for all
Catfish is a fairly large fish with predatory habits. Lives in fresh waters of rivers and lakes.
10 questions about growing water lilies, or nymphs
Nympheas (water lilies, water lilies) are an unusual decoration for natural or artificial reservoirs, which acquires
Neon Diseases
Neon diseases: neon and false neon disease, fungal diseases and tumor
Neons are aquarium fish up to 4 cm long, with a shiny line running along their body.
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