How to identify the disease in swordtails and choose a treatment method
Diseases of Swordtail fish The ability to identify a disease by external signs is very important for every aquarist.
Water is no less important for fish than air is for humans.
How to determine ammonia in an aquarium and how to deal with it?
Very often we cannot identify hazardous substances contained in the air, either by
Cockerel fish
Spawning of cockerels: maintenance, care, feeding and reproduction of fish
The aquarium fish betta is known and popular among aquarists. This species is called betta splendes
Alternanthera - conditions of cultivation and care in open and closed ground
This indoor plant grows well in its homeland in tropical and subtropical areas.
Breeding brine shrimp at home: what to feed and how to grow crustaceans from store-bought eggs
The genus Daphnia includes more than 100 known species of freshwater plankton
Artemia are branchial crustaceans that are used as food for medium-sized aquarium fish.
snail burrows into the ground
Why do snails burrow into the ground in a terrarium or aquarium?
Many lovers of domestic mollusks are interested in the question of why the Achatina snail burrows into the ground. But this
Compatibility of cocky cichlids with other aquarium inhabitants
Cichlids Easy to keep: The unusual color and variety of shapes and sizes of fish from the cichlid family attracts
Barbs and their compatibility with swordtails, cyclids, guppies
Barbs are aquarium fish that naturally live in Africa, China and South Asia.
Rainbowfish or rainbow fish: popular species, content, compatibility
Red glossolepis (Glossolepis incisus) Weber, 1908. Species of rainbow fish, discovered in 1907/8, near
What do the Shterba corridors need for a comfortable stay?
Corydoras Sterba (lat. Corydoras sterbai) is one of many catfish in the Corydoras genus, but
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