Rhodostomus - red tetra: maintenance, compatibility, breeding, photo

The article contains fascinating material about three-hybrid parrotfish - exotic and spectacular inhabitants of the aquarium. Beginners and experienced aquarists alike are captivated by bright and colorful funny fish. Asian breeders made peace-loving parrots popular for the sake of commerce by deforming their body and depriving the males of the ability to fertilize, but giving them an original appearance.

Full nameParrotfish. Parrot fish.
Kinds● Cone-headed; ● Cetoscar – 2; ● Chlororus – 18; ● Hipposcars – 2; ● Skarov – 52; ● Calotoms – 5; ● Cryptotomuses; ● Leptoscarov; ● Nikolsinov – 2; ● Sparisomas – 15 species.
ColorNatural colors are yellow and red. The other color is artificially created and gradually becomes pale.
Watert (temperature) 24–28 degrees; pH (balance of acid and alkali) from 6.5 to 7.5. kH (hardness level) from 5 to 7.
FeedIn nature, they feed on coral polyps, mollusks and bottom animals. Aquarium fish are fed dry and live food: bloodworms, tubifex, shrimp, frozen minced sea fish and always fresh herbs.
CompatibilitySuitable neighbors: barbs, catfish, ostronotus, black knives, aquarium arowanas, cichlids. You cannot add fish that are 5 cm or smaller in size.
Lifespan7-10 years

Red parrot

The homeland of this artificially bred breed of aquarium fish is Taiwan. It was there in 1964 that this species was obtained through double or triple crossing. Geneticists keep secret how this hybrid turned out.

The fish can only live in an aquarium, and not next to its predatory neighbors. Despite its rather large size, it is shy, loves to hide in grottoes, under pebbles, in any shelter. The red parrot is a long-liver.

Its lifespan is usually 7-10 years. It has a large (about 10-20 cm) rounded body, a small mouth and fins. These fish do not swim very well due to deformation of the spine and swim bladder. It is difficult to eat due to the small size and unusual shape of the mouth - a triangle.

The red parrot is ideal for beginners. She is unpretentious and any food will suit her. The only thing is that due to the shape of the mouth, artificial food is preferable, which makes the color of this red fish even brighter.

It is better to choose food with sinking rather than floating granules - it is more convenient for the red parrot to pick them up from the bottom of the aquarium.

The red parrot needs a spacious home (minimum 200 liters). It will take about a year for the fish to get used to its owners and stop disappearing into secluded places in the aquarium when someone enters the room.

Caves, grottoes, rocks, pots - something that will add picturesqueness to the aquarium and relieve the red parrot from illness and stress.

An external filter is required since the weekly water change is about 20%. The soil you need is not very coarse, water temperature - 25-27°C, acidity pH - 7, hardness - 2-25 dGH.

Find out about the temperature conditions in a fish aquarium.

The red parrot perceives small fish exclusively as food. He tries to stay away from representatives of his own species - cichlids. They coexist peacefully with Metinnis, Congo, Tetragonopterus, Sumatran and bream barbs.

Red parrots feel quite good in the vicinity of angelfish, Meek's cichlasoma, Nicaraguan cichlasoma, and bluish-spotted acara.

It is possible to distinguish a male from a female only during the spawning period. It’s worth noting right away that their eggs are incapacitated and fry do not hatch from them. The main supplier of these fish is Asia.

History of appearance

The exact date of hatching of neither goldfish nor red cap has been established. It is only known that their selection was carried out for a long time in China. The history of breeding aquarium fish dates back centuries and continues to this day.

The ancestor of the oranda is the silver carp. It is also known that its ancestor was the veiltail fish. And it was bred on the basis of the Riukin breed - this is a humpbacked goldfish bred in Japan.

When breeding oranda, selection was carried out according to several external characteristics:

  • shortened body;
  • growth on the head;
  • size and color.

For selection, fish with the largest growths on the head were selected. The larger the “cap”, the more valuable the fish. The cost of the red riding hood and other orandas also depends on the size of the pompom.

sword bearer

Swordtails are one of the most sought after aquarium fish. Their homeland is Central America. They feel great in wildlife - in rivers and lakes. This species was selectively bred in 1864.

Selected fish have a brighter color than those existing in nature. The name of these red fish comes from the long sword-like growth on the lower fin. The size of swordtails is 10-12 cm, with females larger than males. The most popular appearance of this fish is red with a black tail.

You can feed them with special fish food, but the plant component in it should be significant. After all, in nature they feed on algae, which contains a high percentage of fiber.

This is the main diet, and you can feed it with both frozen and live food.

Swordtails are very active. Therefore, an aquarium for them needs to be selected based on the fact that one fish needs 35 liters of water. The more spacious it is, the better its inhabitants will feel there.

Black-striped cichlid, macracantha, and rhodostomus are also considered very active fish.

You should not have 1 female and 1 male. The male will very quickly tire the female with his claims, so the formula “3 females + 1 male” will be ideal.

Important! Several males should not be housed in one

- they will endlessly find out who is in charge.
The most suitable temperature for keeping is 23-25°C, water hardness is average, pH 6.5-7. An internal filter and lid are desirable for an aquarium, since swordtails are excellent jumpers. Regular water changes are about 20%.

It is important for the swordtail to have plenty of plant thickets in its home. Males like to hide from enemies in algae, and females like to give birth to offspring there.

Swordtails get along well with guppies, mollies, angelfish, neons, and rainbows. Goldfish and the aquarium require a cooler environment, and the fish are calmer than choleric swordtails.

The “lady” of the sword is distinguished by the absence of a “sword”. This is the main sign of external differences between the sexes. The fry are born alive. The male fertilizes the eggs in the female's body. Gestation lasts about a month.

In order for the offspring to be born and not to be eaten by relatives, the pregnant female must be separated on time. The required time is determined by the significantly increased size of the female and the presence of a large dark spot near her anus.

Did you know? It happens that females fertilize themselves. The secret is that they can save the male's milk and use it when necessary.

The best food for fry is fiber flakes and spirulina. You can also feed them with crushed egg yolk and live food.

Tetra Amanda

In addition to its bright color, it can boast of its extremely small size. Tetra Amanda is one of the smallest fish in the aquarium hobby, its length does not exceed 2 cm. Like all tetras, these fish prefer to be in the company of their relatives, it is recommended to keep at least 6 fish. A flock of bright, red, attractive, although very small fish can decorate any aquarium. Since they are very small, an aquarium with a volume of 30*20*20 cm is sufficient even to keep a flock. A flock of red fish will look especially beautiful in an aquarium with dark water, slightly dimmed light and live green plants.

Cherry barb

The fish comes from Sri Lanka. It was identified as a species in 1929. At the end of the last century it was on the verge of extinction and was listed in the Red Book. The cherry barb is small in size - about 4-5 cm. They live for 4-6 years.

They prefer slow-flowing rivers or bodies of water with standing water. Body color is dark red. This fish got its name due to its amazing cherry color, which intensifies during spawning.

Males are more beautiful than females. And the inhabitants of natural reservoirs can also boast of a more colorful color than the inhabitants of aquariums. Along the body you can see dark spots that merge into a stripe. The body looks like a torpedo, the tail is forked at the end.

Barbs are peaceful, even timid red aquarium fish that live in schools. Unpretentious to living conditions. The main requirement is that the water be clean and the temperature constant. Barbs also love a variety of plants that provide shade and diffused light.

They love variety in food. You need to feed him a maximum of 3 times a day. Food can be live, frozen or artificial. Among the living they prefer bloodworms and tubifex.

For a flock of 10 barbs, the volume of the aquarium should be 50 liters. Filtering is required. Water temperature - 23-25°C, pH - 6-7.

Cherry barbs are very peaceful fish, so housing them with predator fish is contraindicated. The best neighbors for it are neons and erythroses.

Ternetia, brocade catfish, and astronotus also have a peaceful character.

The female cherry barb is more feminine and plump than the lean and slender male. This is the main distinguishing feature. Cherry barbs are very unimportant parents who tend to eat their own eggs.

For spawning it is necessary to create the following conditions:

  • feed males with live food;
  • increase the temperature in the aquarium to 26°C;
  • create a small current by filtration;
  • darken the ground;
  • make low lighting;
  • put a net on the bottom.

As soon as the female lays eggs, the “parents” are immediately placed in a common aquarium. And in a couple of days the eggs will hatch into fry. Their food is ciliates and microworms.

TOP 35 aquarium fish

Popularity includes the prevalence of the species, ease of care, maintenance, breeding, and accessibility. When choosing instances, the compatibility factor should be taken into account. The list below includes fish that are in demand.


The smallest of the aquarium catfish. Its inconspicuous appearance does not reduce the merits of this fish, since it is a cleaner that actively maintains the balance of the biological environment of the reservoir.

Stickers have an unusual mouth structure in the form of a suction cup. Thanks to it, they feed on the remains of algae and collect them from the walls. Unpretentious in care.

Temperature range +20…+28 °C, pH 6.0-7.3. Hiding in snags. Herbivores do not require additional food. Easy to breed. The downside is that they chase small fish and can harm scaleless ones. The 80 liter aquarium is designed for a couple of catfish. Beginners can safely get such pets.

Read more in the article about Ancistrus catfish.


Powerful oval body with a large head and large thick lips. The size of the fish in an aquarium is 20-25 cm, in nature they grow up to 35 cm. The color range is varied: from red to marble.

Astronotus are kept in pairs in a large aquarium. They are unpretentious in food, omnivorous, but prefer animal food (earthworms, shrimp, mussels, grasshoppers, small fish like guppies). It is added to the diet with high-quality dry food.

Choose a large aquarium (from 400 liters per couple). The bottom is lined with sand. If vegetation is added, then with hard leaves.

Temperature in the range of +22…+26 °C, pH 6.5-7.5. Once a week, change 20% of the water and clean the soil from food debris. The container is equipped with aeration and kept closed so that the fish do not jump out. They can get along with other species, but will require a larger tank. By nature they are predators and can attack; they choose large neighbors. Not suitable for beginner aquarists.


Small schooling fish up to 12 cm long with an elongated oblong body and variegated color. Several representatives are placed in a spacious aquarium at once. Capable of existing at temperatures of +20...+25 °C, pH 6.0-8.0.

Little algae is planted, only as a shelter. They love to swim and need space. The soil is filled with natural dark soil (pebbles, gravel). Once every two weeks, 1/5 of the water is renewed.

Additional aeration and filtration are carried out, and an artificial flow is created. The food is balanced and varied. Plant food makes up 30% (spinach, nettle, dandelion) of the total menu. Three times a month add ground boiled egg yolk. Alternate between dry, frozen and live diets. They are placed with active, assertive inhabitants. It is difficult to get along with sedentary species. Almost all types of barbs are suitable for beginner hobbyists.

Botia clown

The fish are medium-sized, 15-20 cm long, with vertical black and orange stripes throughout the body. The antennae located near the mouth are designed to search for food. They are populated in small groups, the aquarium is chosen with a volume of 350-400 liters.

Water temperature +24…+30 °C, pH 6.0-6.5. Soft sand is used as soil and decorated with driftwood and plants. They will serve as shelter.

They change some of the water once a week and clean out the trash every day. Omnivorous, they choose food by sinking or get food from the bottom. Single individuals show aggression. A difficult fish to keep, it requires the experience of an aquarist.

Botia modesta

Solid gray-blue fish with a red tail and fins. The size of an adult reaches 20-25 cm. They live in flocks. The aquarium is selected at the rate of 200 liters for 5 representatives.

The temperature is maintained at +23…+28 °C, pH 6.5-7.5. Water is enriched with oxygen through aeration. 1/3 of the total volume is changed weekly. Organic waste is cleaned daily. Decorate with rooting algae.

Eating like a clown. Calm and peaceful when in a pack. Not suitable for beginners in aquarium keeping.

Botia marble

A small silvery fish covered with black vertical stripes. Its body length is 6-7 cm. At the mouth there are antennae for searching for food. They are cowardly by nature.

The flock is placed in an aquarium with established parameters, temperature +24...+30 °C, pH 6.0-6.5. They love different hiding places. They lead an active lifestyle at night. The soil is soft. An external filter and aeration are installed in an artificial reservoir.

The water is changed once a week and cleaned daily of food debris and excrement. They feed from the bottom and are omnivorous. The fish are fed in the evening; they choose sinking food and prefer live food (bloodworms, tubifex).

Do not share with large, aggressive inhabitants. Due to the nature of its contents, it is not recommended for beginning aquarists.


One of the most popular types of aquarium fish, suitable even for beginners. They are small in size, do not require a large spacious container to live in, and will feel comfortable even in a three-liter jar.

Male guppies are brightly colored, with a veil-like tail. There are usually 3-4 females per male. The female specimen is slightly larger in size and has a dull color.

Life expectancy is two to four years. During this time, they manage to produce offspring up to 8 times, despite the fact that a mature female is capable of giving birth to up to 100 fry at a time. Unpretentious to living conditions and food. The temperature in the aquarium varies from +19 to +29 °C, but they prefer warm water +22...+25 °C, pH 7.0-8.5. Omnivores. Friendly. They are not added to large predators.

Read more in the article all about guppies.

Marbled gourami

Large, reaching 15 cm. Pearlescent color with small spots. They do not require special care. Can be kept by beginner aquarists. Capable of existing in small aquariums as long as size allows.

Adults require a large volume (at least 80 l). Water temperature +23…+26 °C, pH 6.1-6.8.

They are omnivores, but their diet must include live food. Capable of overeating if fed out of proportion. There are no difficulties in breeding. They populate in pairs, otherwise the males will fight among themselves. After spawning, the female is placed separately so that the male does not kill her while he guards the eggs. They are peaceful and rarely attack other inhabitants.


Schooling fish. It is recommended to move at least 6 units at once. They have a bright crimson or blue color. Small, the largest individuals reach 5 cm in size. Life expectancy is 3 years.

They like to swim in schools. Because of this feature, it is preferable to choose a flat, wide aquarium with sparse, low vegetation.

Another feature of the species is that zebrafish are big fans of jumping out of the water. Therefore, choose a high lid with an internal recess of 3-4 cm and keep it closed at all times.

They are unpretentious in care. Temperature conditions can vary in the range of +16…+28 °C, pH 6.0-8.0. Requires good lighting. Omnivorous. It is better to purchase food in the form of flakes so that individuals can eat from the surface of the water. Get along well with other species. Recommended for beginners for their first aquarium.


Variegated fish with an unusual disc-shaped body, grow from 15 to 25 cm in length. They are prone to stress and disease due to weak immunity. Choose long, tall aquariums from 250 liters. They are characterized by a high temperature of +28…+31 °C, pH 6.0-6.5.

Be sure to provide an external filter, and often carry out partial water changes. They siphon the soil daily. They feed on animal food, dry food, minced meat or fish.

Friendly. They are kept in flocks of 6 or more and cannot tolerate loneliness. Due to the peculiarities, it is difficult to find neighbors.

Not every experienced professional is capable of keeping such a fish; this is perhaps the most difficult species in the aquarium hobby.

gold fish

A bright underwater inhabitant, there are many varieties, but the most spectacular and easiest to care for is the natural one - the golden one. As the name suggests, the color is yellow-orange.

For comfortable keeping they require a wide aquarium of 40-80 liters per individual. Water is changed once a week in an amount of 10-15% of the total volume. A powerful filter is a must. The temperature may vary; long-bodied ones feel best at +17...+25 °C, short-bodied ones at +21...+29 °C, pH 6.9-7.2. The main rule is the absence of sudden changes.

They can live for a week feeding on algae. The food is pre-soaked, and the portion is carefully monitored so as not to add too much. The fish suffer from overeating. With good care and nutrition they can live up to 25 years. Undemanding, suitable for beginners in aquarium keeping.


Active inhabitants of the bottom are small in size (7 cm). They feed on the leftover food of other fish. Rarely require additional feeding. They live in flocks and like to hide in shelters.

Unpretentious to conditions. For 5-8 representatives, choose a 50 liter aquarium with a temperature of +20...+30 °C, pH 5.8-7.8. Suitable for breeding. Beginners can do them. Good-natured.

Redtail catfish

Large aquarium predator. It grows up to 130 cm. The body is dark gray, with a white stripe stretching the entire length from the mouth to the tail. The caudal fin and the top of the dorsal fin are bright scarlet.

The aquarium is spacious and wide. The catfish is located at the bottom. Sedentary. The soil chosen is soft (sand, flat stones) or not covered at all. The temperature is maintained at +20…+26 °C, pH 5.5-7.2. Unpretentious to living conditions.

The main thing is that all devices (filter, aeration, heater) are installed outside so that the occupant cannot tear them down or break them.

Produce a lot of waste. Prone to obesity. A young individual is fed daily; for an adult, the frequency is reduced, sometimes up to once a week. The diet is varied. It is not recommended to eat mammalian meat. Most often, other catfish or cichlids are chosen as neighbors. It can swallow small representatives, although it is peaceful. Due to its gigantic size, it is not recommended for beginners.


The Siamese algae eater has a silver color with a black horizontal stripe running across the entire length of the body, the size of which is up to 15 cm. They are kept in aquariums of 100 liters or more, creating natural conditions simulating rivers with strong currents.

They decorate with driftwood, stones, and plant seaweed with wide leaves. Temperature +23…+26 °C, pH 6.0-7.5. The aquarium must be covered with a lid because of the love of jumping. They are fed a varied diet with the obligatory content of vegetables (spinach, zucchini, cucumber), scalded with boiling water. Accommodating, but they are not added to veiled ones because of their predilection for their fins.

Not worth starting for beginners.


Small fish with an elongated body and compressed sides, large fins. Males of Lalius grow up to 7-8 cm, have a variegated color: the body is silver, covered with red and blue stripes, the abdomen is lilac. Females are more modestly colored. They reach 5-6 cm in length and are pale.

Maintenance is easy. They live near the surface of the water, but can swim in all layers. For one representative, a 10-liter aquarium with water at room temperature +23...+28 °C, pH 6.0-8.0 is enough.

Shy, love shelter. The vegetation is planted densely and floating species are added. They eat all food (live, frozen, dry). From time to time, breeders organize fasting days to avoid obesity. It is not recommended to feed bloodworms. They settle with friendly medium-sized individuals. Large predators can scare them. Suitable for beginners in aquarium keeping.


A motley blue fish with bright red stripes. The body is elongated, the fins are sharp. Males grow up to 10 cm, females are smaller - up to 8 cm.

An aquarium is purchased based on 20 liters of water per representative; for a couple, 40 liters or more are provided. They tolerate different temperatures from +16 to + 26 °C, pH 6.5-8.0.

The filter is installed so as not to create a strong current. The container must be covered with a lid; the fish may jump out. They prefer live and frozen food. Feeding is carried out 2 times a day in small portions. They are similar in character to cockerels; they can be placed with large, non-aggressive fish or kept separately. Suitable for beginners.

sword bearer

The diversity of representatives of this species is amazing. They have bright colors and small sizes. Females are large - 12 cm, males are slightly smaller. They are unpretentious when it comes to food; it is recommended to alternate between dry and live food.

Wide temperature range from +18 to +28 °C, ideally +23...+25 °C, pH 6.8-7.8.

It is not recommended to populate a large number of males; they are pugnacious and, if there are not enough females, they will fight. There are 2 females for every male.

Life expectancy is 5 years. The downside is that they prefer large, wide aquariums (at least 50 liters). They don’t add males to fish with veiled tails; they pluck out their tails. The main safety rule is to keep the lid closed. Swordtails are big fans of jumping. A favorite type for beginners.

Read more in the article about swordtails.

Black mollies

Selected species of mollies. It reaches 6-10 cm in length. From the name it is clear that it is black. Choose a medium aquarium so that the fish are not crowded. 60 l will do. The water can be added with salt, but only if there are no neighbors.

Temperature range +23…+28 °C, pH 7.0-8.0. The breeder chooses the design independently. They require a lot of light and greenery.

They are unpretentious in food. The diet must contain plant fiber, which can be obtained from plants and vegetables. They get along well with other types of fish, except aggressive predators. Easy to maintain for beginners.

Molliesia velifera

The largest species of mollies. Females grow up to 14 cm in length, males are slightly smaller - up to 12 cm. Dim silver color. The aquarium is kept in schools of 7-10 fish and does not break into pairs. Therefore, choose containers of 50 liters or more.

The temperature is maintained at +23…+28 °C, pH 7.0-8.5. It is preferable to use fine dark soil to highlight the beauty of the mollies. They are unpretentious in decor. It is enough to plant a couple of green bushes and install driftwood.

Feeding principles are similar to black mollies. Friendly fish. This type of underwater inhabitants is suitable for beginner aquarists.

We recommend reading the article about mollies.


Small fish with a slender body 4 cm long. With a multi-colored blue-red color. They live in packs. They are started in an established aquarium with a water temperature of +22…+26 °C, pH 6.8-7.0. For cleaning, install a filter and change 25% of the water weekly.

When designing, it is worth considering that they are shy and it is necessary to organize places for shelters. They eat all types of food, the main thing is to choose small food. They get along well with other representatives and can become lunch for predators.

Suitable for experienced aquarists only.


A representative of the species is a goldfish with an ovoid body, veil-shaped fins, and a tail. Dimensions vary from 7 to 18 cm. Color varies from black to golden, depending on the variety.

When choosing an aquarium, take into account that one individual has up to 50 liters of water. The temperature is set to +18…+23 °C, but does not drop below +16 °C, pH 6.0-8.0. To prevent the fish from getting hurt, the soil chosen is not sharp, and the plants are populated with smooth leaves. They establish cleaning and aeration.

They feed on a mixture of live and dry food. Friendly, with an easy-going character. Do not add them to fish that can bite their fins or tail (cockerels, mollies, swordtails, etc.). Undemanding in content.


A representative of the catfish family with the body of a shark, it grows up to 100 cm in length. The color is dark, predominantly gray with mother-of-pearl.

For such fish you need an appropriate aquarium. For a young representative, 300-400 liters is enough; as they grow, the volume is increased; large individuals are kept at 1200 liters.

Temperature +22…+26 °C, not sensitive to acidity and hardness. Change 1/3 of the water weekly. Mixed meals, small portions, 2-3 times a day. Young animals live in flocks; as they age, they prefer solitude. They are introduced to large fish that the catfish cannot swallow. This predator should only be handled by aquarium professionals.


Unusual, beautiful, fighting fish with multi-colored colors. Named for their mottled tail. It is not recommended to place two or more males in one container. The size of the male individual is 6-10 cm. Females are slightly smaller in size and lack beautiful fins.

There are no difficulties in care. They feel comfortable even in a not very large aquarium, the main thing is access to atmospheric air and a clean surface of the reservoir. Temperature range +24…+28 °C, pH 6.0-8.0. They do not tolerate sudden changes well.

They are omnivorous and prone to overeating. Jumpers. They live 3-4 years. Do not mix with veiled fish and fish that can tear off fins and tails. Easy to maintain in the absence of slow-moving species.

More interesting things about the cockerel.


Small pets with a body length of 3.5-5 cm. The palette of shades is varied. They are kept in 40-50 liter aquariums separately from other species. When living together, take larger containers.

Comfortable temperature +22…+25 °C, pH 7.0-8.3. Cleaning and aeration are installed as desired. The main thing is to update 20% of the water weekly.

Like most fish, they are omnivores and require plant fiber. The diet is varied. They get along well with other fish, but can serve as prey for predators.

They practically do not differ in care from swordtails and are suitable for beginners.

Also read the article about platies.


Brocade catfish is a long-lived aquarium catfish. Previously called Glyptopterychthus. Able to live 10-15 years. It grows up to 50 cm in length, with a distinctive feature of a 15 cm dorsal fin. The body is elongated, covered with bony plates, except for the abdomen. The color is dark, spotted.

Aquariums are chosen to be spacious, from 100 liters. Water temperature +24…+30 °C, pH 6.5-7.5. 25% of the total volume is renewed weekly. A diet where 80% is plant food, 20% is live food is ideal. It is better to take frozen animal food. Catfish pick up leftover food from the bottom.

It is not recommended to keep goldfish, the conditions of detention are different. They get along well with large fish, be it a predator or an omnivore. Not recommended for beginners.

Synodontis eupterus

A representative of the catfish, it is called veil-shaped, which it received for its fins. Body length 15-20 cm, color dim, spotted.

It is not fussy about maintenance, daily cleaning of the soil, weekly change of 10-15% of water. Choose a large aquarium, at least 200 liters. Water temperature +22…+27 °C, pH 5.6-7.5. Equipped with various shelters and plants with hard leaves. The soil is chosen to be sandy so that the catfish does not damage its antennae.

Any type of food will do. Peace-loving, but loves to bully. They live in flocks, where there is a hierarchy in size. Small fish may be chased or perceived as food.

It is recommended to keep it in an artificial reservoir without other inhabitants; in this case, care is easy even for beginners.

Synodontis petricola

The catfish's color is similar to that of a leopard. The small fish grows up to 10-15 cm in length. They are kept in schools of 5-6 pieces. Choose a medium-sized aquarium, at least 50 liters, darkened. There are no special features in care. The water temperature is maintained at +24…+26 °C, pH 7.5-8.5. Regularly change 20% of the water and install a cleaning filter.

They are fed dry or frozen food with the addition of plant foods. Peace-loving, it is recommended to add them to fish that are similar in size. A difficult fish for beginners.

Synodontis changeling

The fish are named for their love of swimming belly up. Individuals are large. The body is elongated, of unusual shape. They grow up to 20 cm. There are no scales. The fins are equipped with sharp spines. There are three pairs of whiskers on the head for searching for food and adapting to the environment. Nocturnal inhabitants of the aquarium.

The container for keeping is chosen large, from 80 liters per individual. Fill with a large number of shelters; during the daytime, catfish are passive and hide. The soil chosen is soft and not capable of harming pets. The temperature is set to +24…+28 °C, pH 5.0-7.5. They change part of the water weekly and siphon the bottom filler. The container is equipped with a powerful filter and aeration.

They give dry, frozen, and live food. Plant foods are used as additional nutrition. Accommodates any medium and large species. Small ones can be mistaken for food and swallowed. Not suitable for beginners.


It is worth purchasing several copies at once. When disembarking, they will split into pairs, and single ones will be removed. Initially, the offspring require round-the-clock monitoring and care. The grown fry will be looked after by their parents. It is recommended to breed in a large, deep aquarium (at least 100 liters) due to its unusual shape, high fins and tail.

They take root well at home. The only requirement is to maintain a temperature of +24...+28 °C without changes; at a lower temperature they may get sick, pH 6.0-7.5.

They suffer from overeating. The main type is flakes, additionally live or frozen food. They inhabit medium and large individuals. Suitable for beginners.

If you are interested in angelfish, read about it on our website.


The small fish grows up to 6 cm. The color is brown with white spots, the abdomen is white. They are populated in a group; a 100 liter aquarium is designed for 4 individuals. Temperature range +22…+27 °C, pH 6.5-7.5. Decorate with driftwood and vegetation. Omnivorous. Peace-loving, live in packs. Recommended for beginners.


In appearance they are similar to veil tails. The distinctive feature is the eyes. The body is round, grows 10-20 cm in length. The most common is a black telescope, but there are other colors. Over time, the color may change.

It produces a lot of waste, so a large aquarium of 100 liters is taken, then 50 liters are added for each individual. Equipped with a powerful filter for cleaning. Change 1/5 of the water volume weekly. The parameters are set: temperature +20…+23 °C, pH 6.0-8.0.

The best food option would be artificial granulated food with the addition of live or frozen food.

Telescopes are blind and slow, so they get along best with each other or with related species (for example, veiled ones). The maintenance is the same as that of goldfish, beginners can take care of them.


It has a tall, flat body, 5.5 cm long, dark in color with two vertical black stripes. A distinctive feature is the large fins: dorsal and anal, similar to a skirt.

The aquarium is selected to be spacious, from 60 liters per individual. The surface is planted with floating plants that darken the light. Be sure to cover the top with a lid. It’s easy to care for: equip it with a filter and change a quarter of the water to fresh water once a week. The temperature is maintained in the range of +22…+36 °C, pH 5.8-8.5.

When choosing food, take flakes as a basis and add live or frozen food. They can show aggression and are best kept in a pack. Do not add them to angelfish or cockerels. Suitable for beginners.

More information about ternation.


An adult catfish reaches a length of 13-15 cm. The body is elongated, pale brown in color with bright spots. As they grow older, the color darkens.

The conditions are undemanding. Choose a large aquarium, from 100 liters. Cockroaches are kept in flocks of 5-6 pieces. Indicators: temperature +24…+28 °C, pH 6.0-8.0. Weekly water changes and installation of a cleaning filter are required.

They eat dry food with the addition of live food. You can move in without restrictions. Easy to maintain, recommended for beginners.

Black pacu

A large fish with a body of 100 cm and a weight of 30 kg. Body color varies from gray to black, sometimes with spots. A young individual can easily be confused with a piranha. The only difficulty in maintaining it is in choosing an aquarium - they require a huge, spacious one. Water parameters can be any, not prone to disease, not picky. Equipped with a powerful filter for cleaning, the pack creates an abundance of waste. The decorations are not needed, they can be broken or destroyed. There is no point in planting algae; they are food.

Pisces are very timid by nature; sharp blows and sounds should be avoided. Unpretentious when it comes to food. Eats artificial and live food. Keep alone or with large fish. Not for home keeping, only large professional reservoirs.

Black-striped cichlasoma

Warm water is poured into the aquarium and decorated with driftwood and locks to create comfortable living conditions. Equipped with a powerful filter. Change once a week in an amount of 1/3 of the total volume. They feed on food, algae, and can eat neighbors. Particularly aggressive during spawning. Good parents, they take care of the eggs and fry themselves.

The maximum size is 10-17 cm, they live up to 10 years. It is easy to care for in a separate tank when kept in a pair without neighbors.


As one can judge from the name, this fish has a cocky and fighting character. And it’s true - if you put two cockerels in an aquarium, then instead of peace, beauty and contemplation, you can get fish fights without rules and a solid adrenaline rush.

These “fish-birds” come from Southeast Asia and belong to the labyrinthine species.

Labyrinths also include lalius, gourami, and macropods.

And Taiwanese breeders focused specifically on their fighting qualities and purposefully bred a breed even more aggressive than what exists in nature.

Their size is small - up to 10 cm. The male is larger and more brightly colored than the female. During the spawning period or before a fight, the males of this breed of red fish acquire an even more saturated color.

The lifespan of cockerels ranges from 3 to 5 years. The living space for one adult betta is about 3-5 liters of water. Based on this, you need to select an aquarium.

The water temperature can be 23-25 ​​degrees, or can drop to 18, hardness should be from 5 to 15, pH - 6-7. Filtration and aeration of water are not necessary.

They eat any type of food, but most of all they love live food - bloodworms, zooplankton, worms. They can coexist well with swordtails, minor, iris, brocade catfish, congo, etc. You should not tempt fate by housing a cockerel with neons, angelfish, lalius, barbs.

Surprisingly, male cockerels are exemplary parents. In order to start the spawning process, you need to raise the temperature in the aquarium by 1-2 degrees. The cockerels themselves build “nests” for future fry - they glue the exhaled air bubbles together with their own saliva.

As soon as the female has laid eggs, the “father” cockerel simply kicks her out of the nest and then continues to bear parental responsibilities alone. He catches the eggs (and then the hatched larvae) floating out of the nest with his mouth and returns them back. The whole process takes about a week.

How are males different from females?

Sexual differences in red caps are weakly expressed, so it is difficult to determine the sex of the fish. But there are, at least presumably, some signs that help establish gender, and you need to focus on them when selecting couples.

Gender differences:

  • females are slightly larger and more massive than males;
  • The body of males is more elongated;
  • Before spawning, males become brighter and have white speckles on their heads.

Red platies

This cute fish is a real American. It is found in natural conditions in Central and North America, in Mexico.

Belongs to viviparous carp-toothed animals. Its body length is 3-5 cm, with males lagging behind females by at least 1 cm.

The color is completely red. The fish are very mobile, so they need room to maneuver (minimum 50 liters). The ideal option is dense vegetation around the perimeter of the aquarium, with a place for free swimming in the middle.

A fish family of 10 individuals will live comfortably in such a “room”. The temperature should be between 23-25°C, the water is of medium hardness, you can add a pinch of salt. One third of the water needs to be replaced.

It is good to use bloodworms and daphnia as food. Dry food is also suitable. This American woman’s character is accommodating and accommodating.

Important! If fry appear in a community aquarium, the rest of the fish should have enough food so that the babies do not suffer.

The female carries the fry for about two months, and their number in large individuals reaches 70-80. But it is still better to transfer the female to a separate aquarium shortly before giving birth, and after the birth of the offspring, return her to the general one.

Platies become adults at 5 months. The most suitable food for fry is microworms, cyclops, and specialized dry food.


Outwardly not very attractive. The body is elongated, translucent silver in color with a greenish tint. The head is red. The caudal fin is colored with black and white stripes. The color saturation depends on external conditions. When stressed or conditions deteriorate, the head of Rhodostomus becomes pale red.

If conditions are right, the head is ruby ​​red. So color is an excellent indicator of the condition of the fish and the quality of its conditions, warning the aquarist about possible problems. Body length is about 5 centimeters.


Another schooling fish. This bright and lively Peruvian got its name due to the similarity of its color to a neon advertisement. Half of her body is blue with a silver tint, her tail is red. Neon is a tetra.

These fish live in schools; they feel most comfortable in a group of 6-7 individuals.

Schooling fish are also called mollies, thorns, and clown loaches.

Neons have a peaceful character and their beauty is captivating. They live 2-4 years. But there are some requirements for the conditions of detention. The water should be soft, slightly acidic, but clean and fresh, the soil should be dark.

Water changes should be 25% every week. For this purpose, external and internal filters are used. Temperature 23-26°C - these fish love warm water. A separate advantage will be the dense planting of aquarium vegetation, which neons adore.

The only thing neons don't like is change. If the aquarium has recently been “put into operation” and has not yet been established, they should not be stocked yet. Neons are omnivores, but food needs to be selected small, since their small mouth cannot cope with large ones. Their favorite food is bloodworms and tubifex.

If there is a variety of food and comfortable conditions in the aquarium, then the neon will delight with its liveliness and brightness of color. These peace-loving beauties themselves will not hurt anyone, but they can suffer from aggressive individuals. You should not house them with a swordmouth or a cockerel.

Females are slightly larger than males. But their reproduction can cause certain difficulties. Initially, neon did not want to reproduce in artificial conditions. It only worked on the third try.

Breeders in France and the USA failed. The experiment was successful only in Germany - there was soft water suitable for them.

Important! There should be no filters in the aquarium for fry - if a small neon gets there, it will cost him his life.

To reproduce, neons need a separate aquarium, temperature - 25-26°C, water hardness - 1-2 dGH, pH - 4.0-6.0, darkening, moss on the bottom (spawn will be deposited on it).

When the eggs are laid, the parents are removed, the aquarium is removed to a completely dark place, since the sun's rays have a detrimental effect on the eggs. In a week the fry will swim on their own.

Possible diseases and maintenance problems

Rhodostomuses, due to their calm, peaceful behavior, rarely cause trouble to their owners. But these fish are extremely shy and prone to stress. Changing the parameters of the aquatic environment, lighting, moving to another aquarium, inappropriate proximity - all this can cause a state of shock in which the fish lie to the bottom, lose their bright color, and refuse to eat. In some cases, this can even lead to their death.

Rhodostomuses require an attentive and delicate attitude towards themselves. When caring for these fish, the aquarist should not disturb them again. Even careless catching with a net for transplantation into another aquarium can cause Rhodostomus to panic and attempt to bury its head in the ground, which quite often leads to their death.

Rhodostomuses are fragile creatures, so aquarists can often encounter manifestations of a number of diseases in their pets:

  1. Fin rot - occurs against the background of improper maintenance conditions and pollution of the aquatic environment. Treatment involves cleaning the aquarium, soil, decorative elements, and completely replacing the water in the tank. After this, Streptocide is added to the artificial reservoir.
  2. Infections . The most common type of infectious disease among rhodostomuses is a fungus that affects not only the skin, but also the internal organs of the fish. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be treated, and in addition, it is too contagious and dangerous for other aquarium inhabitants. Therefore, at the first signs of diseased individuals, they should be removed from the artificial reservoir and destroyed to avoid further spread of the infection.

Health problems can be noticed by changes in the color and behavior of Rhodostomus, and the appearance on the body of previously absent spots that are atypical for representatives of the species. However, sometimes such signs may indicate a change in the parameters of the aquatic environment. Therefore, first of all, you should check the water levels in the tank and carry out cleaning measures. If these manipulations do not bring the desired result, then you need to seek help from a specialist and begin appropriate treatment.


“Sticking its mouth out of the water” is how the name of this fish is translated. She is originally from Southeast Asia. Belongs to the labyrinth group. Can exist in oxygen-poor water. The body is flattened laterally and elongated in length, which is 12-15 cm.

The female is distinguished from the male by its fins, which are more rounded and smaller in size. The pectoral fins look like threads and serve as organs of touch.

Gourami is very active and mobile, loves vegetation, prefers bright lighting. It is better to choose an aquarium volume of 60-70 liters. You can filter the water if you wish, but you must replace it by a third. And another must-have accessory is a lid for the aquarium, since gourami are excellent jumpers.

In peace and harmony, gourami share the water area with neons, angelfish, catfish, minors, and rasboras. Red parrots, all golden and viviparous fish are excluded from cohabitation.

Gourami love to eat good and varied food. Live foods are among the favorites. Cereals, cottage cheese, shredded cheese and meat - everything will do you good. In gouramis, males are larger in size than females.

There should be 3-4 females per male, otherwise the sexually active male simply drives one female.

Preparation for spawning includes moving out of the general aquarium, increased nutrition for the male and building a nest. Gourami eggs are covered with foam and float to the surface of the water, where they remain until the offspring appear.

The female’s function is considered completed at this point. Then the male takes care of the eggs and remains hungry all this time. At this time, it is very important to observe the temperature regime: if the thermometer readings drop below 24°C, the male immediately destroys the eggs.

The same thing can happen again at the fry stage - a hungry “father” can mistake his cubs for food. Therefore, it is important to resettle him in time. Food for the younger generation - daphnia, cyclops, ciliates.


Oranda red cap is unpretentious in its choice of food; it eats live, plant, dried and frozen food. But a significant part of the food should still consist of vegetation.

These aquarium fish have a high appetite. Develop a feeding plan in advance and stick to it daily. Feed fry and juveniles twice a day, reduce the diet of adults to 1 feeding per day.

If you do not adhere to the diet, then the fish will show a symptom of overeating - it begins to swim on its side. If you overeat, reduce the dose of food and arrange a fasting day.

Specialized industrial food for Goldfish also eats well.


Another betta fish. The aggressive and beautiful cichlid has African roots. In nature, it lives in rivers, preferring the middle and lower layers of water.

In nature, black piranha, arowana, Siamese algae eater, and aquarium catfish also live in rivers.

Its beautiful red body with light greenish patches reaches a length of 12-15 cm.

Hemichromis lives for about 3-5 years. You can’t put him in an aquarium with small, peaceful fish - he’ll simply eat them. If there are fish nearby that are equal in strength, hemichromis will not show its predatory nature in any way, except perhaps by guarding its eggs.

The diet of this exotic beauty includes fish fillets, shrimp, mussels, small live fish, tubifex, and bloodworms. Foods with spirulina are welcome.

Requirements for the aquarium: volume 200 liters, all kinds of grottoes, driftwood, shards, sandy bottom, absence of plants - if there are any, hemichromis simply destroys them. They like warm water - 25-28°C, soft - 12 dGH, pH - 6-7.

Other cichlids will be excellent neighbors for hemichromis - bees, acaras, etc. It is difficult to distinguish a female from a male - they are very similar, except that the female has a larger and more rounded abdomen. In love relationships, the aggressive nature of hemichromis manifests itself with all its might.

Did you know? Hemichromis take the choice of a mate for spawning very seriously, because they create a mate for life.

If the “bride” is not the right one, a temperamental hemichromis can leave her without fins, at best.

If the option suits the fish’s heart, then after laying the eggs, the “parents” take care of it together.

After three days the fry can already swim. Until then, the strict “father” does not allow anyone to even get close to them. Hemichromis fry, like adults, sometimes eat each other. And they are fed Artemia naupilii.

When the length of their bodies reaches 1 cm, the “parents” stop caring for the offspring and let them swim freely.


In nature, the red iris is found in Lake Sentani, located in New Guinea. It can mainly be found near the coast and in shallow waters where there are a large number of plants. At the bottom of such areas there are usually pebbles, sand and stones, as well as fallen leaves and tree branches.


This is a hardy, fast fish. It is distinguished by a round, round body and, of course, an incredible hat. Prefers to be the only one in the aquarium. Anna

Oranda is omnivorous and does not require special care. Therefore, a school of these unpretentious fish were the first to start living in my aquarium. I did not find any shortcomings in these fish. Sasssha88

Oranda fish are very beautiful and, with good care, have a long life. However, as an aquarist with many years of experience, I note that some types of orandas are difficult to obtain. It happens that orandas often get sick. But despite this, I have been working with orandas for a long time. It is the golden orandas that are my best choice. Igor Nikolaevich, Voronezh

For large aquariums

If you have a fairly spacious aquarium, you might consider stocking it with appropriate fish. After all, watching them is a pleasure. Graceful movements, streamlined shapes, individual characteristics and even character - all this is inherent in underwater inhabitants. It’s just that in large individuals all these charms can be seen more clearly.

Cichlid (red parrot) is one of the most popular representatives of the aquarium world. If you want to get hooked on this hobby forever, it's time to buy a couple of these fish. Large creatures are distinguished not only by their bright colors, but also by their endurance and pronounced intelligence. They recognize their owner and get used to taking food from their hands. You can even play with them.

Looking at photos of red aquarium fish with names, you will probably pay attention to cichlids. Red-orange, 20-24 cm long, they look especially good in pairs. Therefore, if the size of the aqua allows, be sure to take several. The lifespan of pets is more than 10 years, that is, they are loved for many years. For a rich color of the scales, the parrot needs to be given food with carotenoids and proteins.


Arowana is a very unusual fish. It has an elongated body, the length of which in an aquarium can reach 60-100 cm. Perhaps the arowana is the largest aquarium fish . Another feature is its very capacious and unusual mouth, which allows it to swallow even large prey.

Golden Arowana

The volume of an aquarium for an adult arowana should be almost 1000 liters. She floats near the surface, gracefully and sedately. As for the neighbors, these can only be large fish (small ones will definitely become prey for a predator).

Video – Arowana, aquarium fish

Most useful

Fish from the red family is not inferior in culinary and nutritional characteristics to animal meat, and is even better absorbed by the body. It contains many useful substances: phosphorus, zinc, potassium. The product improves endurance, fights arrhythmia, helps strengthen memory and concentration, and prevents rickets and diabetes.

Fish is good for:

  • Brain;
  • Tissue strengthening;
  • Elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Maintaining muscle tone;
  • Restoring damaged hair and nails.

It is impossible to say with certainty which red fish is the healthiest and tastiest of all. However, it is salmon that contains more omega-3 components than other types. These vitamins help with kidney disease, impaired coordination of movements, as well as high cholesterol levels in the blood. They have a calming, relaxing effect. In addition to all the advantages, there is also a great taste, so you can safely use it in your diet.


A very impressive fish that is not easy to find in pet stores. Two-color beauties captivate at first sight. And if a person already has an aquarium, most likely the owner will want to immediately take such a curiosity for himself. It's better to stop and try to find out more about your potential pet. A black aquarium fish with a red tail is extremely attractive, but if you already have underwater inhabitants at home, then you should refuse the purchase.

Labeo is a solitary fish. Experts in this field note that they have never encountered aquariums where two adults or even teenagers coexisted peacefully. Fry up to two centimeters in size are usually sold at the market. Less common are grown ones, 7-10 cm long. And it’s very rare to see adult fish. A consultant selling fry usually claims that they can be kept in a small aquarium, several at a time. What happens next? As they grow up, they will begin to fight to the death for territory. These charming red and black aquarium fish should live alone, in a container with a volume of at least 100 liters.

Labeo is a natural inhabitant of bottom layers, so it is extremely undesirable for catfish to live with them at the same depth. It is better to choose the inhabitants of the upper layers as neighbors, for example neons or barbs. Then they will practically not intersect. Representatives of the family prefer plant foods, but do not refuse food of animal origin.

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