Red-eared turtle eggs, how to determine pregnancy and what to do if the turtle laid an egg

Any living creatures, including turtles, have their own instincts. Among all the main instincts, the main one can be distinguished - this is the instinct of procreation. Regardless of where the turtle is in nature or in captivity, this instinct is equally effective. Turtles regularly lay eggs, including unfertilized ones. They are called "diet".

Red-eared turtle egg

The very first egg lay in the sand under a lamp. We even watered it. Towards the end of the period, they put this bowl of sand in a basin of water, but no one hatched.

Apparently it was all due to the fact that the whole family twisted it, turned it and looked at it from different sides, but as I later read: you can’t do that. Now there will be a second try.

In short, here's another 1. IS IT POSSIBLE TO BREED RED-EARED TURTLES AT HOME? This question is often asked by turtle owners. Females often lay eggs in captivity. Unfortunately, turtles are just like chickens. They also lay unfertilized (fat) eggs. And if your pet, living alone with you, laid eggs, then there is no point in incubating them. You will have nothing but disappointment. If you have several turtles, and you are sure that there are both males and females in the “herd”, and even more so, you noticed mating, then it makes sense to start incubating the laid eggs. Turtles mate all year round, but more often from February to May. Females lay eggs on the shore from April to September. Before digging a hole, the mother generously moistens the sand with liquid from the cloacal vesicles. Having pulled out a nest with a diameter of up to 25 cm with her hind legs, she lays from 5 to 22 eggs with a diameter of about 4 cm. Courtship of red-eared turtles looks very interesting. The male swims in front of his chosen one, tail first, tickling her cheeks with his long claws. To simulate a shore, a cuvette with sand is placed in a terrarium (or aquarium) above the water. So that turtles can get out onto the sandy “beach”, a “ladder” is attached to the side. In the simplest case, it can be a piece of plexiglass or other plastic with holes drilled in it so that an animal crawling out of the water can cling to the “ladder” with its claws. In the absence of a shore, a turtle can lay eggs directly into the water. In this case, they must be immediately removed from the water.

Article on the topic: How turtles are born: hatching from eggs of newborn red-eared turtles and land turtles in the wild and at home

2. HOW TO INCUBATE EGGS AND HOW IS A SIMPLE INCUBATOR SET UP? The clutch is transferred to the incubator as quickly as possible. To do this, carefully mark the top side of the eggs using a soft pencil or felt-tip pen. There is no point in being particularly artistic - in this case, the painting is not a work of art, but a way not to confuse the orientation of the eggs. You can just number them. After this, the eggs are transferred to the incubator. Incubator design: in the simplest case, you can use a small aquarium or use a polystyrene box (see Fig. 1). The incubator is equipped with a lid with ventilation holes. Ventilation is a must - stale air can lead to mold. But it is important not to overdry the eggs; to do this, place containers with periodically topped up water in the incubator. It is best to place the eggs in a layer of moist sphagnum moss, but do not bury them. Regardless of the design of the incubator, it must have a heater (at worst, an ordinary incandescent lamp) and a thermostat. The heater power can be in the range of 15 - 40 W. It depends on the temperature in the room where the incubator is installed and on its size. The incubation temperature is within 21 - 30 * C. The development time of the embryo depends on the temperature and lasts from five to two months.

3. HOW TO FIND OUT IF AN EMBRYO IS DEVELOPING? It is necessary to remember that, unlike bird eggs, reptile eggs cannot be turned over. You can find out whether there is an embryo in an egg using a simple ovoscope. True, it is better to check eggs that have been incubating for at least a month. A low-power electric light bulb, or even a flashlight, is placed in a box (cardboard will do) with opaque walls (see Fig. 2). The box is covered with an opaque hard lid with a cut hole. It should be slightly smaller than the egg. Carefully place an egg on the device (without turning it over!) and turn on the light bulb. An unfertilized egg will be more or less equally transparent, but one with a normally developing embryo will be darkened in the center. The longer the incubation period, the greater this darkening will be.

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4. WHAT TO FEED NEWBORN TURTLES? In captivity, newborn turtles are fed a variety of animal foods (daphnia, gammarus, bloodworms, koretra), and soft plant foods.


Getting red-eared turtles to breed in captivity is quite a difficult task. To achieve the desired result, you first need to take care of your pets’ diet. Reptile food should include vitamins and nutrients. Vitamin E is especially useful for males, as it has a positive effect on the reproductive function of animals. Calcium and phosphorus are useful for the normal course of pregnancy in females.

Before the intended mating, two turtles need to be placed in different aquariums. To create a suitable environment, it is recommended to change the water and heat it to 25 o C. It happens that during the mating process, the male does not allow the female to come to the surface for a long time. To prevent the reptile from suffocating, the water level in the aquarium should not exceed 10 centimeters. A container with sand must be placed inside the vessel, where the female will lay eggs.

Pregnancy in turtles and egg laying

After mating, it is better to separate the female from the male so that she does not become an object of aggression. During the mating season, males are aggressive, regardless of who is in front of the male - another competitor or a pregnant female. Just before the moment of laying eggs, the female begins to lead a restless lifestyle. During pregnancy, females spend more time on land, basking under a UV lamp. During this period, she is able to refuse food, but if the food interests her, especially with calcium supplements, the turtle will not refuse. She knows very well what food to eat during this period. Pregnancy can continue for 2 months, or even more, if she does not find a suitable place to lay eggs.

2 weeks before the end of this period, the female spends almost all the time on land, swarming around herself and snorting. This means that she is looking for a suitable place to lay eggs.

Related species

The leatherback turtle is the only member of the family. This reptile is closely related to other species of sea turtles, perfectly adapted to life in the water. Their forelimbs turned into paddle-like flippers, and their shell acquired a streamlined shape. Sea turtles do not retract their heads under their shells. The females of these reptiles lay huge numbers of eggs.

The Australian green turtle (Chelonia depressa) is found only off the coast of Australia. Reaches a length of 72 to 100 cm and weighs about 70 kg. Its smooth, very flat carapace is oval in shape and olive in color with a yellow-brown border along the edges. This carnivorous turtle is endangered.

Organization of the masonry site

Land turtles do not need to be given a place to lay eggs if there is at least some soil in the terrarium. The turtle will lay its eggs wherever it wants. An aquatic turtle will not lay eggs anywhere, and a place must be determined for it. To do this, take a container that is about twice the size of a turtle and fill it with soil. After this, it is installed on the shore. Many people recommend filling the container with sand or vermiculite, but this is not entirely practical. These materials can end up in water and are difficult to remove. Exoterra Jungle soil of an oblong shape is better suited for these purposes. The layer thickness is at least 2.5-5 cm, but more effectively from 10 to 30 cm. There should be a convenient approach to the laying site. The female, having made a hole in the ground, lays eggs there, having previously moistened this place with a special liquid.

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Different species of turtles lay their eggs in different ways. Mediterranean tortoises, for example, prefer gentle slopes with sandy soil. Red-footed turtles prefer to lay eggs in soils that are rich in organic matter and have a certain moisture content. They can lay them after sunset when it is not raining much outside.

The depth of the soil is also of great importance. If the turtle finds that there is not enough soil for it to lay eggs, it may refuse to do so until better times.

Useful components

Being a low-calorie product (no more than 155 kcal/100 g) with a high protein content, turtle eggs are an ideal nutritional ingredient. Dairy products also serve as an excellent source of proteins, but in addition to proteins, they also contain impressive portions of fat, which is practically absent in turtle eggs.

In addition, if 100 g of chicken or quail eggs contains protein within 12 g, then the turtle product contains more than 14 g. As for fats, reptile eggs contain only 7 g (per 100 g of product). And if we talk about proteins of animal origin, then egg whites, in particular from turtle products, can serve as a useful dietary source of these substances.

Another benefit of turtle eggs is that they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which effectively reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Omega substances are extremely useful for preventing atherosclerosis and heart disease. They are necessary for the functioning of brain cells. Turtle eggs are rich in eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, the first of which is completely absent in the chicken product, and the second is found only in so-called trace quantities. A lack of docosahexaenoic acid leads to impaired brain function, rapid cell aging, and poor vision. Eicosapentaenoic acid is important for reducing bad cholesterol, preventing thrombosis, heart attacks, strokes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

But why such a big difference? Turtles are hibernating animals and in order to survive hibernation, they need a large supply of nutrients. Their eggs contain more than 50 vitamins and minerals in proportions that are ideally balanced for humans. This product can serve as a source of vitamins A, , , , as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine.

Laying eggs

In conditions far from natural, turtles rarely reproduce. But sometimes this happens if the conditions are close to natural, and somewhere in the spring the female can lay eggs. She carries them for at least 3 months. The same amount of time is required when using an incubator. Under natural conditions, the process of laying eggs begins in the summer. Around this period, they must be fertilized by the male until the shell is formed. After the female buries the laid eggs in the ground, they are removed and placed in an incubator. Before the eggs are removed from the clutch, they are marked with a pencil (very carefully) to fix their correct position. In the same way, they must be placed in an incubator. It is advisable to make a note somewhere indicating the date the eggs were laid. If the eggs are fertilized, then after two months you can expect the appearance of small turtles.

If the eggs get into the water, they need to be pulled out in the next few hours, otherwise nothing will hatch from them. You can store turtle eggs for several days in a box with sawdust poured into the bottom or cotton wool placed at normal room temperature.

Sea turtles return to the places where they hatched to lay eggs. To do this, they swim hundreds, or even thousands of kilometers. They lay eggs on land, digging a hole in the ground with their hind paws. As soon as the eggs are laid, the turtle immediately covers them with soil, after which it compacts the clutch with blows of the plastron. The shape of the eggs can be different, from round to oval, and have different colors: from white to slightly yellowish. The eggs are covered with a hard shell. The eggs of sea turtles and some other species are hidden under a soft, leathery shell.

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Before going ashore, the turtle studies it for a long time, looking for danger. If she finds something suspicious, she will not go ashore, but will return to the sea. She will approach this shore the next day or two days later. Her instinct will constantly attract her to the same place.

A turtle can be alerted by any color except red. To study turtles, their behavior when laying eggs, as well as when small turtles are born, researchers use red flashlights.

If you need to move turtle eggs to another place, you need to put marks so that the eggs do not turn over. Why this is needed, no one still knows and many express their assumptions, such as that after birth, the turtles will not be able to get to the surface. Other sources claim that after turning the eggs, the embryo may burst.

Different types of turtles lay different numbers of eggs. It can range from a few to hundreds of pieces. If conditions allow, a turtle can lay several clutches during a season.


The most dangerous day is the first day of life for small turtles. Birds of prey, lizards and animals know when it is time for a new generation to emerge and lie in wait for it on the shore.

Only a few manage to escape; there are cases when the entire masonry died without ever reaching the water. If the baby leatherback turtle was able to get to the pond, it begins a measured life.

The main enemy of adult reptiles is humans. Pollution of water bodies, illegal catching of reptiles and the development of the tourism business have significantly affected the number of this species. The reptile often mistakes garbage and plastic for food, nutrition is disrupted and the individual dies.

Pregnancy and egg laying in red-eared turtles

The simultaneous keeping of different-sex individuals of red-eared turtles at home, provided that optimal conditions are created, can result in pregnancy and childbirth for the female individual.

A small decorative turtle gives birth to several eggs and this is where its care for the offspring stops. Reptile lovers create ideal conditions for animal mating, care for the expectant mother and her eggs, from which adorable tiny bright green babies subsequently emerge. To successfully obtain offspring, you need to know how long pregnancy lasts, how red-eared turtles give birth, and what to do if the reptile has laid eggs.

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Peculiarities of breeding of domestic turtles

To hatch small turtles, you will need to create the following conditions.

Warm. Turtles need to have free access to a warm environment. Heat is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system. The state of the immune system also depends on the presence of heat.

Diet. A turtle will only be healthy if it is fed well, based on a well-balanced diet high in calcium and phosphorus. If turtles are malnourished before laying fertilized eggs, the risk of late embryonic death increases during incubation.

Ultraviolet. The turtle requires natural sunlight or artificial lighting.

At what age can pregnancy begin?

In natural habitats, red-eared turtles reach sexual maturity at 6-8 years of age. At home, the process of puberty occurs faster, males become sexually mature at 3-4 years, and females at 5-6 years. The ideal age for breeding aquatic reptiles at home is 5 years; earlier attempts to produce offspring will be unsuccessful.

It is quite problematic to accurately determine the age of exotic animals, so for mating it is recommended to select individuals according to the length of their shell. Sexually mature males have a shell of at least 11 cm, females by this age already reach 15-17 cm. Before puberty, it is almost impossible to distinguish the sex of animals; all reptiles look like females.

Secondary sexual characteristics in red-eared turtles can be determined by comparing several individuals. Males are distinguished by a smaller elongated shell, an elongated tail and the presence of sharp long claws on the forelimbs. In addition, the characteristic gender of males is a triangular notch in the terminal part of the abdomen. Males during bathing sometimes release their penis, which looks like a rose flower. After determining age and gender, you can form heterosexual groups of females and males at a ratio of 2:1 and wait for mating games to begin.

Determination of gender

To ensure reptiles reproduce at home, it is necessary to find out which sex each turtle belongs to. Obviously, the offspring is the result of the mating of a male and a female.

This is interesting: A female reptile can lay eggs without the participation of a male, but storing them will not give any results, since fertilization in this case was not carried out.

Sexual dimorphism in red-eared turtles appears at one year of age. For comparison, it is recommended to take reptiles of the same age. The distinction between individuals is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • body size (females are larger);
  • claws on the front paws (in males they are longer);
  • tail (longer in males than in females);
  • the shape of the lower part of the shell (in females it is flat, in boys it is concave).


Unfortunately, there are no external signs of pregnancy in reptiles. A pregnant red-eared turtle looks exactly the same as all other turtles. Most often, pregnancy of freshwater turtles in the wild occurs in the spring and summer. At home, reptiles mate most often in the spring in April-May after a long winter hibernation. During this period, it is recommended to carefully monitor the aquatic turtles so as not to miss the courtship process.

Mating games of red-eared turtles are manifested by the active courtship of the male with the female he likes. The boy swims in front of the girl with his tail first and gently tickles the cheeks of the chosen one with the long claws of his front paws. On land, males can approach females and hit the female’s back with their shell. When several different-sex red-eared turtles are kept at the same time, males can start bloody battles for the right to court the female. In this case, it is recommended to leave a group of several girls and one boy.

Article on the topic: How turtles reproduce in nature and at home

Video: mating games

It is almost impossible to find out that a red-eared turtle is pregnant, but you can suspect a successful conception in a female if you can notice mating games and the process of copulation of reptiles. Mating of red-eared turtles occurs in water and lasts from 5 to 15 minutes; during sexual intercourse, the male tightly hugs the female from behind. Sperm can remain active in the female genital tract for up to 2 years. One sexual intercourse is enough for a female to lay eggs 4-5 times.

You can understand that a red-eared turtle is pregnant by the characteristic behavior of the expectant mother. When a reptile carries eggs in itself, it experiences a change in appetite: from its increase to a complete refusal of food closer to the date of birth. Immediately before laying eggs, the aquatic turtle becomes restless, begins to dig the soil, and circles on land in search of a good place for its nest.

The most accurate confirmation of a reptile’s pregnancy is an x-ray examination, with which you can reliably verify the presence of eggs in the female’s genitals.

The pregnancy of a red-eared slider lasts on average 60 days and ends with the laying of eggs. It is recommended that the expectant mother be separated from the male after mating in order to avoid harm to the health of the female and her future cubs. During pregnancy, turtles must be fed a variety of foods, the bulk of the diet should be animal feed rich in calcium.

Video: mating

Additional heating

In the wild, the red-eared turtle loves to bask in the sun. Instead, a simple incandescent lamp and an ultraviolet lamp should be hung above the “island”. The latter is needed to ensure the normal development and growth of the red-eared turtle, as well as to prevent various diseases. The ultraviolet lamp should be located 50 cm above the “island”. It should first be turned on for 5 minutes 1-2 times a week, gradually increasing the duration to 30 minutes and the frequency to every day. It is advisable to install a thermometer to control the air temperature (it should not be more than 30 degrees).

How red-eared turtles lay eggs

In their natural habitat, pregnant female red-eared turtles come onto land to lay their eggs in the warm sand. The turtle is looking for a suitable place for its nest; the reptile can begin digging sand several times and abandon the dug hole. The work of building a future home for eggs can last from a few minutes to three hours.

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It is recommended that pregnant red-eared turtles be provided with the same conditions as their wild relatives. To do this, on the shore of the aquarium you need to install any plastic container measuring 30*30 cm, covered with sand 10-15 cm in height. Red-eared turtle eggs laid directly in water have minimal chances of maintaining the viability of the embryos, therefore, if pregnancy is suspected, the turtles must be immediately prepared for laying.

Towards the end of pregnancy, the female intensively digs the sand offered to her. The female digs the nest with her hind legs, gradually moving in a circle to form an even, round entrance. To maintain ideal humidity, the female wets the sand with liquid from the cloacal tract as she builds the nest. After much effort, a deep hole is formed in the sand with a perfectly smooth entrance, expanding towards the bottom. Having finished building the nest, the female red-eared turtle lies on her abdomen and lowers her hind legs into the dug hole.

Laying lasts from 5 to 20 minutes, the red-eared turtle lays one egg at a time, after which there is a short break. After releasing each egg, the reptile lowers its hind legs into the nest and corrects the position of the eggs. At home, a female can lay an average of 10-15 eggs, although their number can vary from 6 to 22 pieces. The eggs of the red-eared turtle look like white round balls with a diameter of 3-4 cm. They have a very fragile leathery shell.

Having finished laying, the reptile carefully buries the hole with the eggs with its hind limbs, generously wetting it with urine. The animal circles over the nest for 20-30 minutes, sniffs it and compacts it with its abdomen. After laying eggs, the reptile safely forgets about its nest. After mating, a female can make 3-4 clutches, so you should not place her with a male until autumn. After laying eggs, it is advisable to feed the animal intensively for 2-3 weeks to restore female health.

Article on the topic: Reproduction of red-eared turtles: mating and breeding at home (video)

Video: laying eggs in sand


Adults are found mainly in the open ocean. These animals are tireless travelers. There are known cases of overcoming a huge distance of 20,000 km. from the USA to Indonesia. The leatherback turtle's tracked journey took 647 days, during which it fed primarily on jellyfish. During the day, the reptile preferred deep waters, and surface waters at night. This strategy allowed the turtle to constantly stay in the layer of water where most of the jellyfish are located, making daily migrations upward in the dark and descending during the day.

It is jellyfish that constitute the main diet of adult reptiles, although they can also prey on other soft-bodied animals - cephalopods and tunicates.

It's scary that trash thrown into the ocean can literally kill a leatherback turtle. She perceives a plastic bag floating in the water as a jellyfish. It is clear that eating garbage will not bring anything good to the animal. It is estimated that one in three turtles eat plastic. Given the limited population of animals, it is scary to imagine the amount of garbage in the world's oceans.

Like all sea turtles, the leatherback begins its life journey by crawling out of the sand of the beach where its mother laid her egg. These first minutes of life are the most dangerous. On the way to the water, young turtles are waited by birds, other reptiles, and some mammals. Those few who were able to get to the saving water have a better chance of survival than those who hesitated on the shore.

What to do if a red-eared turtle lays an egg

Male reptiles cannot bear or lay eggs, but a female red-eared slider can lay an egg without a male. This physiological feature is also inherent in some birds.

Unfertilized or fat eggs of red-eared turtles should not be placed in an incubator; they do not contain embryos of future turtles. If a recently acquired female lays eggs, they may be fertilized.

If a red-eared turtle has laid eggs, it is necessary to take a number of measures to safely obtain turtle offspring.

Buy or build an incubator

The incubation temperature for turtle eggs is 26-32C; below and above these limits the reptile embryos die. A homemade incubator can be built from a glass jar with sand, installing a heat source and a thermometer in it.

Carefully transfer the eggs to the incubator

If a turtle lays eggs in an aquarium, they must be removed from the water within an hour, otherwise the embryos will suffocate without access to air. Eggs must be removed from a nest built in the sand or from water without changing their original position. To do this, you can carefully mark the top side of the egg with a pencil. Turning the embryo over can cause its instant death.

Incubate the eggs

The maturation of the embryos lasts from 2 to 5 months. When incubated at 26-28C, males are formed in the eggs; at an average temperature of 30-32C, females hatch. Average temperature indicators do not have a fundamental impact on the formation of sex. Before laying eggs, it is advisable to examine them using an ovoscope to check for the presence of embryos. Fertilized eggs look lighter compared to fat eggs; when they are transilluminated, a dark spot of the embryo is revealed. If it was not possible to identify a turtle embryo on the first day, it is recommended to carefully conduct an examination after a week. Instead of an ovoscope, you can use a flashlight or a regular lamp. During the incubation of future turtles, it is necessary to maintain the temperature and humidity in the incubator. If the reptiles do not hatch within 2-3 months, the eggs must be enlightened again. The embryos could die due to disruption of maturation conditions.

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Watching the birth of baby turtles

Most often, the ripening period for eggs is 103 days; the reduction or extension of this period mainly depends on the incubation temperature. The turtles cut the shell from the inside and remain in the egg for 1-3 days. It is highly recommended not to remove them yourself. You can help make an incision for turtles that are unable to make an incision of the required size. Help is also needed for babies who form a crack in the shell from the side of the sand or the place of contact with another egg. After 5 days, young turtles can be taught to swim; after another 2-3 days, it is recommended to treat the animals with their first food.

At home, red-eared turtles very rarely become pregnant and lay eggs. But with successful selection of a pair, creation of optimal conditions of detention and proper incubation of eggs, reptile lovers, even in captivity, manage to get cute, nimble turtle offspring.

Sources: -krasnouhoj.html

Use as food

For culinary needs, only eggs of aquatic turtles (and only certain species) are used. This product can be recognized by its soft shell and perfect spherical shape.

As a rule, this delicacy is part of oriental cuisine, and also serves as a traditional product for residents of Malaysia, Cuba, Costa Rica, and many island residents. They consume the product raw or lightly cooked with the addition of soy sauce. The turtle delicacy tastes like chicken eggs, but leaves behind a musky aftertaste.

The threat of complete extinction of some species of turtles, especially sea turtles, has become the reason for the ban on the consumption and sale of eggs of “wild” reptiles. Instead, the local population and tourists are offered a product from turtle farms. Although poachers are always ready to offer visitors the “forbidden fruit.”


In adult individuals, the shell is dotted with many wrinkles. The average size of red-eared turtles depends on the species, some representatives reach a length of 28 cm. A specific feature of these reptiles is the presence of a small spot in the eye area.

Another property that owners of these pets pay attention to is their ability to change color. Although they cannot transform instantly like chameleons, turtles gradually adapt to their environment over the years. So, a young individual has a green color, but in old age it turns black. The ventral shell of turtles is bright yellow, with dark round spots.

Yellow-bellied reptiles grow unusually: in the first 18 months their size increases to 7.5 cm, then the growth rate slows down, and each year the turtle becomes larger by only 12.5 mm. As a result, the pet grows to 20 cm or more, so all the sellers’ assurances that the breed is dwarf turn out to be a deception.

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