Iodotropheus: maintenance, care, breeding, compatibility, photo, description

general characteristics

Iodotropheus Sprenger has several other names: lavender mbuna, rusty fish. In Europe, aquarists became acquainted with an unusual representative of the cichlid family back in 1970. The fish also became widespread in Russia, and in 1977 it was brought to the USSR.

Natural habitat is the southern part of Lake Malawi. Iodotropheus Sprenger swims in shallow water near coastal rocky areas. Lavender Mbuna is a weakly territorial species; males show aggression only during spawning.

The rusty cichlid got its nickname for the interesting shade of its scales: the middle part of the body is blue with a purple sheen, and the edges of the fish are reddish-rusty, reminiscent of rust or iodine stains. Hence the second name - iodotropheus.

The coloring of males and females is slightly different. The head and back of males are yellow-orange, and the body is brownish-lilac. The male has several (2-4) egg spots on the anal fin, and the fin is elongated and pointed. The dorsal fin is also elongated and has sharp ends.

Females are usually smaller than their partners and are burgundy-brown in color. The fins of females are rounded, without sharp ends. There are also spots on the anal fin, but they are not as intensely colored as in males, and their number does not exceed 2.

The body length of fish of this species does not exceed 10 cm; in aquarium conditions, fish rarely grow more than 7.5 cm. They inhabit the middle and bottom layers of the aquarium, they like to hide in rocky scenery, rummage in the ground, roll stones and shells, and arrange the bottom at their own discretion .

Aquarists are very proud of their charges and consider them intellectual representatives of the underwater world. The fish recognize the owner, rejoice at his appearance, and fuss in anticipation of food.

Detailed description

The length of the hypancistrus fish inhabiting the aquarium ranges from 7-10 cm

The appearance attracts attention. Spotting can be different: spots, stripes, wavy stains. The color of spots and stripes also varies

The most common are representatives of the species that have black and white stripes (zebras). There are also more exotic shades, for example, cream (hypancistrus furunculus)

The color of the spots and stripes also varies. The most common are representatives of the species that have black and white stripes (zebras). There are also more exotic shades, for example, cream (hypancistrus furunculus).

On the body of the fish there are protective plates inherent in the entire family of chain-mailed catfish. The oral cavity has a special structure; inside the mouth there is a suction cup, which allows it to attach to underwater objects while swimming.

6 species of hypancistrus catfish are considered officially registered: zebra, inspector, contradens, furunculus, lunaorum, debilitera. The remaining catfish are assigned only serial numbers.

Hypancistrus zebra

Under natural conditions, this catfish is found in fast-flowing Brazilian rivers, as well as in the rivers of South America. The unusual coloring of the fish resembles the stripes of a zebra, hence the corresponding name.

The shape of the fish’s head is slightly elongated, the eyes are located at the top, between them there is a fairly wide strip of white shade, branching towards the mouth in four strokes. The jaws (upper and lower) are equipped with 8 teeth. The tail is V-shaped. The tail and other fins are painted to match the color of the body with black and white stripes.

Females can be distinguished from males by a number of characteristics:

  • females are characterized by a more rounded abdomen;
  • the size of the female is smaller than that of the male;
  • Males have spines around the mouth and on the ventral fins.

Content Rules

The fish is unpretentious, so even an amateur aquarist can handle it. Iodotropheus Sprenger is a hardy fish, like all cichlids, but it puts forward a number of requirements for the conditions in the aquarium:

  1. The minimum aquarium volume for a pair of cichlids is 80 liters . Usually, starting an aquarium does not end with two fish. Therefore, it is better to immediately consider purchasing a container with a larger volume.
  2. Fish need shelters . Therefore, clay or wooden decorations are installed at the bottom: pots, castles, grottoes, driftwood. This will allow you to divide the space, favorably emphasizing the interior of the aquarium.
  3. Fish like to pick at the soil, so the algae growing on the bottom may become spoiled . To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to choose plants with hard foliage. They are not planted in the ground, but in separate pots, covering the roots with sand or small stones.
  4. You should not buy a dozen fish at once . Overpopulation of an aquarium is not good for underwater inhabitants. The fish begin to show aggression, which can result in a fight and injury.

The beauty of the appearance of fish is directly related to nutrition and living conditions. Comfortable indicators of water are:

  • temperature not lower than +25ºC and not more than +29ºC;
  • fish do not like water with high acidity. The optimal pH is 7.5-8.8. As the numbers increase, the fish begin to get sick, their appearance changes and their mobility suffers;
  • The hardness indicator should be between 10-25°dGH.

In addition, you will need to purchase a filter unit, since filtration and aeration must be required. It is recommended to partially change the water every week. It is enough to replace 25% of the total water in the aquarium (read more about the correct replacement of water in the aquarium).

Rules for caring for Chinese chrysanthemum

Oaks are unpretentious flowers, the cultivation of which is considered not difficult. Regular, well-drained garden soil is optimal for growing. The plant cannot withstand stagnant moisture. In such places, the likelihood of winter freezing increases. If the site has clay soil, then before planting it must be diluted with peat, humus, and compost.

The best time to plant oak trees is spring. The distance between planting holes is about 40 cm. In addition to organic matter, a small amount of mineral fertilizer is added to their bottom. They are quite enough for two or three years of bush development. Plants grow quickly, turning from a small seedling into a spreading bush in one season. This requires careful attention to feeding chrysanthemums.

The distance between chrysanthemums is determined depending on the variety

The first fertilizing is recommended two weeks after planting. For this purpose, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used. During the budding period, it is recommended to apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. They are also used at the moment of mass flowering of bushes. The plant is watered with an organic solution throughout the growing season. In the fall, after pruning the bush, it is useful to add organic matter around each bush along with bone meal and superphosphate. Florists consider ready-made preparations Aquarin, Omu flower, Gumi-Omi to be the best fertilizers for oak trees.

Watering matters for the quantity and preservation of flowers. With a lack of moisture, the stems of oak trees become lignified, and the beauty of flower stalks decreases. Water carefully, trying not to get water on the leaves. In the fall, after pruning the bush, you need to make sure that there is no stagnation of water in the place where the flowers grow. The last step in caring for the plant is pruning, preserving the stumps, about 15 cm high, and covering them for the winter. To do this, it is recommended to use sawdust, peat, spruce branches, dry leaves, and stems of annual flowers. Winter shelter should not be dense.

Nutrition issues

Iodotropheus Sprenger is an omnivorous fish, but under natural conditions most of the diet consists of plant foods. Individuals living in an aquarium can eat dry, frozen and live food. You can purchase bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp, coretra, tubifex, dry mixtures with spirulina and other herbal supplements.

Sometimes you can throw fresh cucumbers, zucchini, lettuce, and cabbage into the aquarium.

Such vitamin supplements keep the fish healthy, and it pleases the eye with its variegated colors. It is necessary to take into account that all cichlids are gluttons, therefore they are prone to overeating. In order not to harm the health of the fish, food should be given in doses, and fasting days should be carried out once a week.

Rasbora espei (Trigonostigma espei)

It differs from the previous species in its smaller size (length up to 4 cm), graceful build, copper-red overall color tone, thinner and elongated wedge of the spot with a concave lower edge, reminiscent of a blade.

Hengeli's Rasbora (Trigonostigma hengeli)

Rasbora Hengel

Rasbora Hengel is very similar to the previous species, they are often confused. Although, if you look closely, these fish are very easy to distinguish. The general color tone of this rasbora is more faded, yellowish gray, against which the burning orange spots located in front and above the dark triangle clearly stand out. In general, it is somewhat smaller than Rasbora Espe, the length of adults does not exceed 3.5 cm.

Rasbora somphongsi

Possibility of breeding in an aquarium

Sexual maturity of fish occurs after the individual grows up to 4 cm in length. Iodotropheus Sprenger fish are polygamous, that is, one male can have several females.

When purchasing fish of this species for an aquarium, it is enough to purchase one male and 3-4 females.

To produce offspring, individuals of different sexes are needed. You should be very careful in the pet store. When choosing individuals, pay attention not only to the size of the fish, but also to the structure of the fins. Pointed dorsal and anal fins are characteristic of males. Males are larger than females, and are also distinguished by brighter egg spots on the anal fin.

For spawning, you need to prepare an aquarium. Its bottom is covered with flat stones and sand. Control water parameters:

  • the temperature should not fall below +25°C, but it is better to bring it to +27°C;
  • acidity is maintained within 8-8.5 units.

They change the principle of feeding. Fish need high-protein food before spawning. You can feed individuals with live or frozen food. Such nutrition contributes to the birth of viable offspring.

The spawning process includes several stages:

  1. The male takes a liking to a flat bottom stone and, trembling, attracts the attention of passing females.
  2. The fish, ready for the process, shows interest and swims up to the male.
  3. The pair goes to the spawning ground.
  4. The female lays eggs and immediately places them in her mouth.
  5. Noticing spots resembling eggs on the male’s fin, the fish begins to twitch it. The male releases milk, it enters the female’s oral cavity, where the eggs are located, and the process of fertilization occurs there.
  6. The female spawns several times. In total, from 10 to 60 eggs are born, which the fish places in its mouth.

The female swims with eggs in her mouth for 2-3 weeks. All this time she does not eat anything. Any stress negatively affects the health of the mother fish. For example, fighting over territory or chasing each other around an aquarium can end in disaster. A fish may accidentally spit out or swallow its offspring. If fights are periodically observed in the aquarium or aggressive behavior of neighboring individuals is noticed, it is advisable to place the female in a separate container, where nothing will threaten her calmness.

Some females get so used to swimming with their jaws clenched that after the incubation period they are in no hurry to release the fry outside. This is very dangerous for babies, because they need nutrition. The fish will need help. It is placed in a basin of water, held firmly with one hand, and the jaw is opened with the other using a toothpick. The fry are happy to leave their mother's den; they are already fully formed and ready to feed on their own.

Sometimes, in order to prevent the female from swallowing her own offspring, aquarists remove the larvae from the female’s mouth ahead of schedule. A tube is placed in the oral cavity of the “mother in labor” and the offspring are washed out with the help of water. At first, the fry feed on Artemia nauplii and small flakes of food containing spirulina. The fry grow up quickly. After just a few months, the juveniles become sexually mature and ready to spawn.

To prevent neighboring fish from feasting on the fry, it is recommended to place them in a separate aquarium.

Rasbora somphongsi (Trigonostigma somphongsi)

The smallest representative of the genus, up to 3 cm, and at the same time characterized by the least tall, slender body. The spot only slightly widens in the front part and is rather a longitudinal stripe stretching from the base of the tail to the middle part of the body. Its front part is surrounded by a bright yellow edging, while the overall color tone is golden.

The genus unites very small fish, no more than 2.5-3 cm long, with a short body, a long and narrow caudal peduncle and a characteristic pattern of black spots and longitudinal stripes. Species from the islands of the Malay Archipelago differ from the mainland ones in their more elegant, thin profile. The coloration is dominated by various shades of red and in suitable conditions of a moderately shaded, planted aquarium, a school of these fish literally sparkles with rich colors. Due to their small size and eye-catching colors, they are often called hummingbirds. It is not surprising that these little ones have become increasingly popular in recent years, despite the fact that keeping them, as a rule, requires a separate aquarium without larger, annoying neighbors. The Latin name of the genus is an anogram, obtained by rearranging the letters in the word Rasbora.

Brigid's Rasbora

Rules for choosing neighbors

Cichlids of this species are not aggressive, so they can suffer from more formidable neighbors. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the same calm fish that are not prone to attack. Intraspecific aggression can be observed in Sprenger's iodotropheus fish. It is dangerous to place several males in a small aquarium.

If the volume of the aquarium does not exceed 150 liters, purchase one male and several females.

For several males to live together, you need to purchase a large aquarium.

The most friendly neighbors are considered to be cichlids from the mbuna group of the same name: Lombardo, hummingbird (yellow), auratus, pseudotropheus demasoni, labeotropheus, geniochromis, etc. In the vicinity of Iodotropheus Sprenger you can settle:

  • barbs;
  • polypterus;
  • bots;
  • chain catfish;
  • cichlaz.

There are fish that cannot make friends with representatives of Iodotropheus Sprenger:

  • neon fish;
  • goldfish;
  • angelfish;
  • apistograms.

It is not recommended to place snails and shrimp in the aquarium of Mbuna cichlids.

Detailed description

The length of the hypancistrus fish inhabiting the aquarium ranges from 7-10 cm

The appearance attracts attention. Spotting can be different: spots, stripes, wavy stains

The color of the spots and stripes also varies. The most common are representatives of the species that have black and white stripes (zebras). There are also more exotic shades, for example, cream (hypancistrus furunculus).

On the body of the fish there are protective plates inherent in the entire family of chain-mailed catfish. The oral cavity has a special structure; inside the mouth there is a suction cup, which allows it to attach to underwater objects while swimming.

6 species of hypancistrus catfish are considered officially registered: zebra, inspector, contradens, furunculus, lunaorum, debilitera. The remaining catfish are assigned only serial numbers.

Hypancistrus zebra

Under natural conditions, this catfish is found in fast-flowing Brazilian rivers, as well as in the rivers of South America. The unusual coloring of the fish resembles the stripes of a zebra, hence the corresponding name.

The shape of the fish’s head is slightly elongated, the eyes are located at the top, between them there is a fairly wide strip of white shade, branching towards the mouth in four strokes. The jaws (upper and lower) are equipped with 8 teeth. The tail is V-shaped. The tail and other fins are painted to match the color of the body with black and white stripes.

Females can be distinguished from males by a number of characteristics:

  • females are characterized by a more rounded abdomen;
  • the size of the female is smaller than that of the male;
  • Males have spines around the mouth and on the ventral fins.

Diseases and injuries

Iodotropheus Sprenger, like all fish, can get sick. Therefore, it will be useful for a novice aquarist to become familiar with possible diseases of his fish and methods of treating them.

Swim Bladder Disorder

If the fish swims unnaturally: on its side, upside down, its swim bladder may be injured. There are several reasons for the occurrence of the pathology: careless fishing from the aquarium, injuries that occurred during transportation of the fish, a fight with neighbors in the aquarium.

Rarer causes include congenital defects or bacterial infection. You can only help the fish if there is a bacterial infection in the aquarium. Antibiotics are used for treatment.


Malawi disease, which affects Malawian cichlids, progresses slowly. This is a chronic pathology that causes dropsy of fish. The disease is caused by poor quality water in the aquarium. Excess nitrates and sodium chloride lead to pathology.

There is no special treatment; it is necessary to control the quality of water in the aquarium. It is recommended to review the diet of the wards. Dropsy can be caused by poor diet and lack of nutrition.


The disease develops after fights in the aquarium, but can be a consequence of tuberculosis and the introduction of parasitic microorganisms. Exophthalmos caused by tuberculosis is practically untreatable.


Intestinal parasites cause fish to become exhausted. In sick individuals, the anus becomes inflamed, and the fish lose weight. Anthelmintics are used for treatment. With hexamitosis, fish require two weeks of treatment in an isolated aquarium with Erythrocycline.

Signs of the disease: darkening of color, the appearance of pores filled with pus on the head, inflammation of the anus and unnaturally pale feces. Microorganisms can parasitize the body of a fish, in this case we are talking about the following diseases:

  • ichthyophthyriosis;
  • argulosis;
  • lerneosis;
  • oodiniosis.

Malachite green is used for treatment. In case of argulosis and lerneosis, the parasites are first removed with tweezers. For oodynia, treatment is carried out in the dark. Bicillin, copper sulfate and malachite greens are used. The main signs of the disease are a golden coating on the body and fins, excessive breathing and rapid twitching of the gills.

To ensure that the fish do not get sick and are pleasing to the eye for a long time, you should create the most comfortable conditions for their living and provide a balanced diet.

Description of the plant

This species is often classified by breeders as a groundcover. But it is not so. The plant covers the soil in a rather specific way and does not spread along the bottom. A more correct formulation would be “floating in the surface of the water.”

Hydrocotyla Tripartita has an expressive green color and forms emerald hemispheres up to 10 cm high.

Plant morphology:

  1. Genus - Shieldworts, Order - Umbelliferae.
  2. The leaves are dissected, horizontal, up to 3 cm long. One whorl contains 2 or 3 leaf blades.
  3. The stem is a shoot that quickly spreads throughout the herbal plant.

Photo of iodotropheus Sprenger

Features of cultivation

If the nomafile is provided with good and favorable conditions, it begins to grow at such a speed that in a short time it can fill almost the entire aquarium. To prevent the “invasion of green mass”, it is better to plant the crop in pots. Small clay containers will prevent the root system of the crop from actively developing and slow down the growth rate.

When choosing a suitable clay pot for lemongrass, do not choose containers that are too large.

In massive pots, lemongrass inhibits the growth of leaf mass - it devotes all its strength to the formation of roots. Nomafile requires regular pruning as it grows. A neat haircut helps to build up lateral shoots, which gives the bush fullness.

Schisandra, with its thick foliage, requires a large aquarium - with a volume of 140-150 liters. If the dimensions of the jar are smaller, then you can plant only one plant (usually nomaphyla is planted in a group).

The ideal place for it is the background of the container. Then the plant will provide a beautiful green background and will not “take away” the free space, providing the fish with access for free swimming.

Required water parameters

Schisandra is a plant that came to us from the tropics. Therefore, the culture requires increased water temperature. This rule should not be neglected, because a decrease in temperature even by 2-3⁰С from the permitted level greatly inhibits the growth and development of nomaphila.

When the temperature of the aquatic environment drops to +20⁰С, lemongrass dies.

The requirements for water parameters are no less stringent. The plant will grow well in an aquatic environment that differs:

hardness (from 8⁰);

acidity (from 7 pH);

the presence of nitrates (from 10 mg/1 l of water).

It is necessary to adjust water parameters carefully - this aquatic culture is sensitive. And under inappropriate conditions, nomaphila leaves will quickly fall off, and instead of a plant rich in foliage, you will get a long bare stem

Lighting conditions

Schisandra needs bright light in large quantities. After all, in nature the plant grows under constant hot tropical sun. Therefore, the aquarium must be equipped with auxiliary lighting sources.

The backlight power is calculated from the volume of the container. For every 1-1.5 liters, half a watt of power is needed.

You can use any lamps: fluorescent, incandescent or LED spotlights. Try to ensure that the water area is fully illuminated, in every corner.

Be sure to also provide side lighting - it will help protect the lower leaves of the lemongrass. Daylight hours for nomafil are set at 12-13 hours. If there is enough light, the crop will react to this with a dark brown color of the stem.

Optional equipment

Since we are equipping a tropical aquarium for Schisandra, a good filtration system becomes necessary. But powerful aeration is not required in the aquarium where Nomafila grows. This culture is capable of independently solving the problem of purification.

To prevent the water stream from interfering with the plant and harming it, use special devices for dispersing the stream - a “flute” or a “waterfall”.

What kind of soil is needed?

When planting lemongrass, it is advisable to place a layer of clay under its root system. The clay layer will allow the roots to take root well and quickly take root in the crop. In this case, additional feeding is not needed. If there is no clay substrate, you need to add tablets for feeding aquatic crops - for example, Tetra-Crypto - under the roots of lemongrass. The total thickness of the soil should be between 6-7 cm.

Necessary fertilizers

Nomafila needs regular feeding. Without an additive containing magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, the crop will lose its rich appearance, and its leaves will begin to curl, wither, turn yellow and become covered with brownish spots. Therefore, as soon as such signs are noticed, complex fertilizer is added to the aquatic environment.

It is necessary to constantly feed Schisandra in small quantities so that the plant gets used to the food. A sudden and sharp increase in microelements in water can negatively affect the condition of the crop.


Ludwigia repens is found naturally in Central and North America, growing along the edges of freshwater bodies of water: rivers, ditches, lakes and ponds. In nature, it easily crosses with other plants.

Ludwigia red or Ludwigia repens is a very common long-stemmed aquarium plant with a creeping stem that is used to add some red color to an aquarium aquascape. This is especially true for a “low-tech” aquarium (without adding CO2). The fact is that there are very few long-stemmed red aquarium plants that will grow without CO2 supply and regular fertilization, and Ludwigia red is also quite beautiful. The intensity of the leaves turning red depends on the light and the amount of nutrients, but even in low light, Ludwigia red creates a contrast with other plants. As a rule, the upper part of the plant is most intensely colored red, while the lower part may be dark green. This plant has a long stem with leaves growing on it, the length of the stem can reach 50 cm, and the growing stem can grow above water, especially in small aquariums. Ludwigia repens is a very versatile stem plant that is perfect for most aquariums.

Types of ludwigia repens

There are several varieties of Ludwigia repens. In addition to Ludwigia red, a relatively new species, also native to North America, is becoming increasingly popular - Ludwigia ruby. It is distinguished by narrower leaves and a bright blood-red color of the leaves. Perhaps it is not a separate species, but a hybrid. In general, the maintenance requirements are the same, but to maintain the bright red color, strong lighting and additional addition of iron to the aquarium are required.

Ludwigia Super Red is a relatively small plant with intense red leaves even in medium light levels. The leaves are smaller than those of Ludwigia Rubin.

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