According to Feng Shui, an aquarium with fish is the best talisman of wealth

The aquarium itself is a wonderful addition to the home interior. It helps to create coziness, as well as bring a piece of wildlife into a person’s home. Various fish, shellfish, algae. Every minute the boiling life attracts a person and makes the one who watches it relax.

Many people pay special attention to creating an interior; everything should be in its place, arranged beautifully and conveniently. But lately, many have been fascinated by the idea of ​​Feng Shui. According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in an apartment can bring both wealth and poverty into the life of its owners, and all this will depend on the right location .

The name Feng Shui itself means “wind and water”. The aquarium consists almost entirely of water. Those. this element is capable of making significant adjustments to the life of household members. The main thing is to choose the right place for it in the house.

Shape and dimensions of the aquarium

Harmonious proportionality – these are the basic principles of choice. Otherwise, you can only harm yourself.


The main thing is to match the area of ​​the room . Do not overdo it with excess moisture so that it does not cover you with its wave. After all, according to Feng Shui, a large volume of water in a room can bring problems to you.


Luck is best attracted by containers in the shape of a circle or rectangle.

Avoid the square, which in Feng Shui symbolizes the earth.

Fish colors

If you are looking for luck and happiness in addition to wealth, then fish is for you. While some people continue to keep live fish in their office or home aquarium, you can also use pictures or photographs of them.

Pisces, black or red, also symbolizes wealth and success. Feng Shui practitioners often keep ponds in their yards.

One of the new fish symbols is the Horn fish with its various shades of pink, blue and black. Strangely similar to Chinese characters, the fish are very colorful.

They stand out among fish not only because of their bright colors, but they also have a characteristic hump on their heads. Hundreds of thousands of Asians are obsessed with the fish and are queuing to buy them, despite their eye-watering prices. It would seem that the lucky fish is all in their minds.

Where is the best place to place an aquarium with fish according to Feng Shui?

The best place is the room where the whole family gathers to admire the outlandish beauty . Optimally - on the left side of the front door . But it all depends on your goals.

Among the general recommendations:

  • By placing goldfish in the southeast part of the living room, you activate money energy . Be sure to install an aeration device in the container, since babbling water is directly related to the favorable “qi” energy.

  • An aquarium in the form of a flask filled with water, installed in the north of your apartment , activates career success; one condition is that there must be bubbling air in it.
  • A bowl on the northwest side will calm passions and boiling disputes , but the water in it must also be calm.
  • A symbol of the happy secret present in the home is an aquarium placed on the corner of the room.
  • The optimal place for a water talisman is the eastern part of the house, traditionally associated with healthy offspring , as well as success in business.

How to enhance water energy in your home

The water element is responsible for the material well-being and well-being of the family. Therefore, it is so important to enhance it with the correct organization of space and decorations.

  • decorate the wealth zone in the apartment in shades of blue. It should be bright and as spacious as possible,
  • keep the window glass clean, and also do not clutter the window and door openings: you do not need to place anything on the windowsill, for example,
  • decorate the wealth sector with objects symbolizing water: decorative fountains, paintings of seascapes, etc.
  • place fresh flowers there to enhance the flow of positive energy around the apartment,
  • place 2-3 Feng Shui money talismans in the prosperity zone: it could be a golden bowl, a ship, a toad with a coin in its teeth, or Chinese coins tied with a red thread,
  • don’t overdo it - there shouldn’t be too many oriental symbols in the house,
  • make sure that the interior design does not contain a contrast between two opposing elements: fire and water,
  • It is impossible for red and blue objects to stand next to each other,
  • Water talismans should also be kept away from the wooden elements. But they combine perfectly with the energy of Metal and Soil

To summarize: from the point of view of Feng Shui, an aquarium is not only an aesthetic decoration of the interior, but also a powerful tool for increasing the flow of monetary energy. This is a very lively talisman. But you need to carefully care for it; if you are not ready to do this, it is better to purchase decorative fountains.

Good care of fish and aquarium greatly influences Fortune's favor. A vessel with musty water and sick fish can negatively affect the material wealth of the family. If you do not know how to properly care for your pond or do not have the opportunity to do it regularly, then do not risk your luck and entrust this matter to professionals.

  • shell with a “pearl”,
  • chest with “gold”,
  • a fabulous underwater castle among coral reefs,
  • “gold coins” and “precious” stones scattered along its bottom.

A three-toed frog (toad) or a turtle can also enhance its effect on increasing your well-being. All these symbolic items and many other details for interior decor can be purchased from us at a time convenient for you.

Most suitable fish

There is no fundamental difference - any type of suitable color corresponds to good Feng Shui predictions.

Veiltail aquarium fish

Money goldfish according to feng shui

Reference! Kum yu from Chinese has a double translation, meaning fish and abundance . To attract money, individuals are carefully selected. Only healthy and active people are suitable.

Goldfish suitable for Feng Shui are a type of carp . But these large and voracious individuals can be replaced with small veiled tails.

Veiltails of different colors

Arowana fish according to feng shui

The second name, “dragon,” comes from the unusual appearance of these tropical freshwater creatures: a curving body and large scales in the tail framed by fins. Large in size, it does not tolerate crowding, and it is not cheap. This is the strongest amulet, possessing great power on a par with the three-legged toad . In this case, it’s definitely bigger/better. But she will only give the amount of money that will not cause harm to the person.

People have long believed that a silvery Arowana suddenly “blushed” - expect untold riches .

Arowana red

Advice! Place an aquarium with fish in the office “wealth zone” - good luck in doing business will come.

Koi carp

She is considered sacred. Tai is distinguished by courage, strength, and bravely goes against the grain . It attracts success in business, promotes the development of spirit, self-confidence, determination, the establishment of love relationships, well-being, and the appearance of children.

Chinese koi or carp

Such a talisman is rightfully considered a family talisman.

Feng Shui snake

According to Chinese Feng Shui practices, the snake has a directly feminine meaning. It is a beautiful symbol of wisdom and beauty, represented by one or two creatures.

Snake figurines can be encrusted with jewelry or perched on piles of coins.

A cobra figurine with an amber ball is also popular.

Where to put the talisman

The placement of the snake according to Feng Shui is closely related to the materials of the talismans.

  • In the east, figurines made of wood, jade, onyx and bamboo are required. They break routine, bring change in relationships, and help you acquire new skills.
  • The southeast is combined with stone snakes surrounded by fish, dragons, flowering plants and awards. This sign represents income and success.
  • In the northeast, sculptures made of stone or crystal are ideal. Such talismans are useful for doing business, organizing transactions or excellent study.
  • For the West, a figurine made of cedar, bronze, juniper and sandalwood is suitable. It represents health.
  • The northern sector is in harmony with metal snakes, next to which there are elements of water: aquariums, turtles, fish. Such a symbol adds confidence to the owner and stimulates career growth.
  • In the center of the house, i.e. in the family sector, crystal and glass figurines are needed. They bring unity, harmony, and a sense of mutual understanding to the apartment.

Number of fish

Important! The optimal solution is an “eight” of fish in golden tones (red, bright orange, red-silver) + one individual completely black , protecting money from unexpected waste.

According to Feng Shui, “nine” is a symbol of the unity of heavenly and earthly forces , bringing the happy joy of material prosperity. You can achieve absolute happiness by increasing the number of fish by a multiple of nine: eighteen, thirty-eight, etc.

In a small container there may be fewer of them: one, four, six.

A complete taboo when arranging aquariums

List of requirements to avoid harm:

  • You cannot place fish on the south side of your home..
  • The kitchen is not for an aquarium. According to Feng Shui, the fire of the family hearth lives here, which does not like water, especially if there is a pregnant woman in the family.

Important! Under no circumstances place the container next to a sleeping person. This is fraught with loss of health and finances.

  • In a nursery or classroom, it is better to put it in a secluded place so that children are not distracted. Otherwise, the kids will stop obeying, and their performance will drop sharply.
  • An unfavorable omen is when a person sits with his back turned to the water. The smile of fortune is guaranteed by the presence of an aquarium before your eyes.
  • Do not place a container of water in the direction of sharp corners of the room or interior space.

Dolphins according to Feng Shui

The figurine of these smart mammals is a guarantee of home safety and a prosperous life in it. Feng Shui dolphins change their meaning in accordance with the characteristics of the selected talisman:

  • The statue with two dolphins represents a happy family partnership. It should be placed in the bedroom and in the northeast if these loving animals are swimming on the crest of a wave.
  • If dolphins play with each other, they would be appropriate in a children's room. This talisman protects the health of babies when it is in a sunny place. You can also place the figurine in the common dining room for well-being. The figurine at the front door, in turn, helps protect yourself from bad guests.
  • Wooden talismans bring peace and tranquility to the apartment. Oak is used to represent a close-knit family, and dolphins from fruit trees add prosperity. Animals based on pine, fir or cypress improve well-being.
  • If a stone dolphin means stability and profitability, then an onyx one means the destruction of all negativity. Golden figurines symbolize joy.

Additional activation of a water feature

Feng Shui money amulets will help with this

  • a symbol of incoming wealth - a boat filled with treasure, or a chest filled with gold, placed at the bottom;

  • a frog at the edge of a container of water will attract money;
  • a good sign is the beauty of powerfully developing algae.

A natural design style is preferred. strange, ornate items . Then the magical pond and its inhabitants will bring success, prosperity and financial well-being into your life.

Feng Shui paintings with fish and figurines

A picturesque Chinese “guohua” written in ink solve pressing problems and

Chinese guohua painting

If you dream of having an heir and a prosperous life , hang a boy (child) Karako .

Karako's Child

A girl holding a “tai” fish will add wisdom, save her from troubles, and surround her with honor.

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