People who are far from aquarium hobby may think that fish are strikingly different from other pets.
Home › Aquarium fish › (3 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5) Small aquarium fish
The giant Achatina Fulica is the largest species of terrestrial mollusk of the Achatinidae family, widely known
If you have watched the popular cartoon "Finding Nemo", you may have already thought about it.
One of the most common questions that aquarium fish lovers have is: “Do fish sleep?”
Agile lizards in the natural environment As already noted, these lizards are characterized by a fairly large range
The Central Asian tortoise (Latin: Testudo horsfieldii) or steppe tortoise is a small and popular domestic land tortoise.
Wild animals >> Fish Anglerfish is an unusual deep-sea creature, reminiscent of monsters from a fairy tale. Amazing
Review author: “ZooVita” Turtles are interesting animals. They are already very popular in Europe
Wildlife >> Fish The Sumatran barb is a freshwater fish that occupies the middle part of the aquarium. He