Lomariopsis lineata maintenance in an aquarium, photo-video review
No special care is required to maintain Lomariopsis lineata, however, for plant cultivation there are the most
Symptoms of some aquarium fish diseases
Tetra Contralck for the treatment of skin diseases in fish
by fisher 12/05/2015 0 Comments Tetra fertilizers Healthy aquatic plants not only provide aesthetic
Angelfish Altum (Pterophyllum Altum): Maintenance and Care
author: fisher 10/26/2017 0 Comments Family: Cichlids American cichlids Altum (Pterophyllum altum) one of
Bucephalandra: plant maintenance in an aquarium, types
author: fisher 12/02/2018 0 Comments Bucephalandra aquarium plants Appearing in amateur aquariums only in
Aquarium fish Molliesia: maintenance, care and reproduction
Mollies (lat. Mollienesia) are the best choice for beginner aquarists. These fish have many advantages
fin rot
Guppy swims on the surface - should you worry?
Sometimes guppy lovers notice that their fish's behavior has changed and they are constantly swimming.
Green neon guppy: distinctive features and conditions for breeding fish
External characteristics The body of the fish is slightly elongated and flattened laterally, and the caudal fin is
Black Sea crabs, their characteristics, names and lifestyle
Wild animals >> Crustaceans The Kamchatka crab is also called the King crab due to its impressive size.
Herbivorous fish in a lake commercial fish farm
In pond warm-water fish farming, the lion's share falls on fish farms engaged in carp breeding. At the same
Imperial angel: description, reproduction, maintenance, feeding, photo, video
Imperial angel: description, reproduction, maintenance, feeding, photo, video The imperial angel under natural conditions lives in the tropical regions of the Pacific and
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