Loach fish - characteristics, distribution, catching and breeding, what it eats and what it looks like in the photo + description of the beneficial properties of the fish
The loach fish is one of the largest representatives of the cyprinid order. It's not easy to agree with this
Catfish synodontis: keeping a mustachioed inhabitant in the aquarium
SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION: Kingdom: Animals; Phylum: Chordata; Class: Ray-finned fish; Order: Catfish; Family: Cirrus catfish;
Coconut substrate for snails
Coconut substrate for snails, shavings or soil?
Anyone who keeps snails should understand that the health of their pets depends on the conditions under which they are kept. So
Synodontis catfish, which swim belly up 80% of the time
Synodontis (Synodontis sp.) is a beautiful and large catfish from the Cirrus family. Now in this
Aquarium filters: WHY they are needed, HOW they work and WHY they cannot be turned off
It is not recommended to turn off the aquarium filter every night. The filter plays a key role in the health of your
Aquarium ludwigia: popular species, nuances of keeping the plant in an artificial reservoir
Ludwigia is a bright representative of ancient moisture-loving low-growing herbaceous plants growing in wetlands and
Red-tailed catfish description
Ancistrus super red or red ancistrus: contents, description, care, breeding
The red catfish Ancistrus is an ornamental aquarium fish that is distinguished by its beautiful appearance. Ancistrus vulgaris is characterized by
Melania snail in an aquarium: beneficial and harmful qualities, and much more
Snails Ease of keeping: Latin name: Melanoides Lifespan: 2 years Maximum size: 3.5 cm.
Domestic lizards - an exotic resident in the house, living conditions, advice on selection and care
When we talk about pets, we usually mean cats, dogs, and birds. But in
Aquarium fish
Aquarium fish Angelfish: how to care for and what to feed, how to distinguish a male from a female and how to reproduce
Aquarium angelfish fish from the Cichlid family are charming inhabitants of artificial reservoirs that are loved by aquarists
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