Aquarium equipment
Keeping aquarium fish at home: TOP 10 most interesting and unpretentious fish species for beginners
Keeping aquarium fish at home The word aquarium refers to any closed body of water,
How long can you not feed aquarium fish, how long can fish live without food?
It's finally summer! The sun is warming brighter and more cheerfully every day, the working mood even disappears
Spixie snail: contents, description, reproduction, photo.
Spixie elf snail photo Friends, many of you know about Helena - predatory aquarium
The main diet of leopard geckos in nature is insects.
What do leopard geckos eat at home: feeding and what to do if they don’t eat
We decided to devote this article to a comparison of food items for leopard geckos, since many leopard geckos
snail cone
Snail - main types, description, structure, interesting facts + photos
In total, there are about 110 thousand species of snails in the world, of which about 2000 are
aquarium with female corals
Brief instructions for the care and maintenance of aquarium fish
Determine the correct volume Select the feed Maintain temperature conditions Change the water correctly Install a filtration system
African rocktooth, or Tetradon fahaka Tetradon lineatus (fahaka)
Nile tetraodon or Fahak (Tetraodon fahaka) is found naturally in the waters of Africa. The fish belongs
aquarium 40 liters
40 liter aquarium: necessary equipment, design, fish and plants
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Physa snail: maintenance and feeding, benefits and harm
Watching life in the underwater world is a pleasant experience. For some lovers it is enough to contemplate
snail filler
Main types and features of soils for Achatina snails
Every pet, especially exotic pets, needs to be provided with conditions that are as close to natural as possible. And snails
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