How to keep and feed the Coil snail, its types and with whom it is compatible in the aquarium

Aquarium Snail Reel

This type of snail is sometimes used as food for other inhabitants. Coils are freshwater mollusks and are relatively common in nature. They have a rather primitive organism. 90% of their total body weight is made up of the shell, which most often has colors: brown, pink, red and some other shades. The shape resembles a flattened spiral with 4-8 curls, hence the name “Coil”. The coils of the spiral, approximately 3 mm thick, twist one above the other. The turns can be from four to eight, depending on the size. In fact, the shell is a skeleton, or a house for the snail, where it can hide in case of danger. The shell is almost transparent, through it you can see all the internal organs with the naked eye.

Coils breathe with lungs, they need air, so periodically they need to surface and replenish their reserves. Inside the cochlea there is also a tiny heart that circulates blood throughout the body. Like fish, snails have a small air bubble that allows them to sink to the bottom or float to the surface.

Under the shell there are muscles and the so-called “mantle” - a small fold of skin that connects the body with the shell - the shell. On the head, like most snails, there are horns - long, thin tentacles.

Movement is carried out using one “leg”, and mucus is used for better gliding. You should handle these creatures carefully, as their thin shell can easily be damaged.

About appearance and more...

Since childhood, everyone has known riddles about creatures that carry their home and hide in it at the slightest danger. These are snails. Slow-moving creatures that do no harm to anyone and have a good ability to adapt to external conditions. These characteristics also apply to the aquatic resident of the aquarium – the spool snail.

What does a snail coil look like?

It looks like a small wrapped shell, the color of which can change several times over its short, two-year life (from dark brown to bright red).

The snail itself has almost the same color and comes out of its hiding place when it is confident in its safety. On her head is a pair of delicate horns that serve as a tactile organ. At the base of the horns there are tiny beady eyes. The name of the class “gastropods” itself explains their appearance. The body has one leg, the size of which is almost equal to the body. With the help of this leg, the snail moves along the bottom.

However, there is another, very interesting way of moving it. It is due to the possibility of placing an air bubble in the shell, in addition to the snail’s body. With its help, the snail floats to the surface of the aquarium and can easily move along a horizontal plane inside it. At any moment, when the reel senses danger, it releases this air bubble outward and quickly sinks to the bottom under its own weight. At the same time, she almost completely hides in the house and becomes invisible to others.

Maintenance and care

Does not require special care, quite unpretentious. But for comfort and reproduction, it is necessary to create conditions reminiscent of their habitat in nature. The water temperature does not play a big role, it is only necessary that it exceeds zero degrees. For their ideal life, the temperature should be between +22-28° C.

Since snails die quite often, the aquarium must be cleaned regularly to maintain cleanliness. The aquarium must be covered with something transparent with small holes made, since the snails need air. By following all these tips, you will ensure a long life and favorable conditions for your Coil snails.

Life expectancy 2 years. In nature, they live in bodies of fresh water and weak currents, such as lakes, canals, ponds, etc. They usually settle on old, already rotting vegetation. They feed on the same plants.


  • create closeness to the natural environment. With controlled reproduction, they look aesthetically pleasing and fit harmoniously into the overall background;
  • They eat leftover food and rotting algae. If there is a sufficient amount of nutrients, healthy plants are not touched;
  • improve the surface of the water, removing the resulting film, removing plaque ;
  • indicate the state of the ecological system. If they float, it’s time to change the water and do the cleaning;
  • bred to feed tetradons, bots, and macropods.
  • excrement released by overstocking pollutes the water ;
  • with excessive numbers and lack of food, they devour healthy leaves and stems , creating the impression of sloppiness and neglect in the aquarium;
  • caught from lakes and rivers cause fish disease .

If there is a lack of food, the coil can eat leaves and plants

What to feed

They feed on non-living plants and leftover food, thereby helping to clean the aquarium. Or they themselves can become food for other inhabitants of the aquarium.

Most of all I like to “devour” small algae. The process of their feeding, the way they scrape off and eat the plant with their microscopic teeth, can be observed for a long time and with great interest. You can feed them with meat, various vegetables: cucumber, herbs, lettuce, but this is not necessary, since by eating algae they already receive everything they need for their existence. All raw food must be poured with boiling water for 5-10 minutes before being thrown into the container (this is done to kill unwanted microorganisms).


Chemicals are considered the most effective and fastest way to get rid of parasites in an aquarium. The products contain copper, which is harmful to gastropods. According to the instructions, copper is not dangerous for fish, but it is better to transfer the pets to a separate container during stripping.

A means for destroying parasites can be purchased at the store, or you can build it yourself. To do this you will need copper sulfate and the following steps:

  • The necessary pets and living vegetation are moved to a separate tank.
  • Vitriol in an amount of 0.4 g is diluted in 10 liters of liquid, and the aerator is turned on.
  • After 2-3 hours, the dead mollusks are removed from the tank, cleaned and water is changed. The fight against snails is over.

Compatibility in the aquarium with its other inhabitants

For fish such as Clown Botia, Tetraodon or Helena Snail, Coils are an excellent food.

It gets along quite well with other inhabitants of the aquarium: other types of snails, shrimps. Such as: Danio, Guppy, Norman's Blue-Eyes, Neon.

Achatina snail: description

The Achatina snail is considered the largest mollusk of its class. It is not difficult to distinguish this gastropod from other representatives of this species. Only this mollusk has the most beautiful and massive shell, which consists of several curls. In some individuals, the shell size reaches 20 cm, or even more, while the body length can be as much as 30 cm, with a weight of about half a kilogram. The body width of these snails is about 4 centimeters. The breathing process is carried out through the skin, so if you look closely, the skin is not smooth, but wrinkled with many irregularities. Small horns located on the head serve as organs of touch, and there are tiny eyes at their tips. The body is yellow-brown in color, and their lips are red.

In comfortable conditions, these “monsters” can live for at least 10 years, while the snails grow throughout their lives.

These mollusks are native to Africa, but they are eaten not only on this continent. And yet their meat does not have a high taste, so restaurants practically do not buy them.

Interesting Facts! One African snail weighed almost 600 grams, so it was included in the Guinness Book of Records. In our area, these snails gain weight a little more than 100 grams.

These mollusks are of interest exclusively to busy people, since they do not have enough time to maintain and care for pets such as cats, dogs, hamsters, etc. The Achatina snail does not require special attention and does not make sounds, so a tired person can always rest without any problems at any time. In addition, the snail does not damage household items and furniture, unlike cats and dogs. Therefore, there are many advantages to having such an annoying pet at home as the Achatina snail. Despite its purely static behavior, a snail can easily relieve stress, and there is nothing surprising here.

Historical data

East Africa is considered the birthplace of this giant snail, although after some time it appeared in the Seychelles Islands, and then gradually spread to the entire territory of Madagascar. At the beginning of the 20th century, she was already settling in India and Sri Lanka. In just 10 years, she successfully moved to Malaysia and Indochina.

After appearing on the island of Taiwan, this snail began to reproduce at a tremendous rate, and local residents simply did not know how to stop this process. At the same time, local residents happily ate the meat of these mollusks. After the Japanese appeared in the south, they also began preparing various dishes from these pests.

Japanese farmers began to artificially breed Achatina in order to sell their meat, which in Japan cost a lot of money. Unfortunately, these mollusks did not take root in the northern provinces of Japan. Due to the fact that the conditions here for the life of these pests turned out to be unsuitable, Japan managed to avoid the widespread settlement of these huge snails. For example, India suffers quite a lot from these pests, as they quickly eat up the crops of local residents.

The Indian Ministry of Agriculture declared a "red control" against this species of snail, which appeared in the early 20th century. Despite the fact that their homeland is Africa, here they have a natural enemy, gonapsis, thanks to which control over the reproduction of snails is carried out at a natural level.

Despite the high invasiveness of this species, in India it is still believed that if you make soup from these snails, it can even cope with the last stage of tuberculosis. It is for this reason that the mollusk appeared in India, as well as in a number of other countries.

Interesting information! Chileans have come up with the most effective cream for facial rejuvenation based on this mollusk. A country like France has been producing anti-aging cosmetics using giant snails for a long time. The Brazilians generally went further than others in this matter, creating special products from the mucus of these mollusks that help in the treatment of lacerations, deep cracks and ulcers.


The Achatina snail has become widespread in a number of tropical countries. Populations are considered especially large in those regions where sugar cane is grown, since it is a favorite delicacy of these pests. The United States has banned the import of Achatina into its territory, although some experts wanted to do so. That is why US laws prohibit keeping them in the house as pets. In case of violation of the law, a person can be put on trial, as a result of which he faces up to 5 years in prison or a fine of 5 thousand dollars. The reason for the appearance of such a law was the fact that one boy living in Hawaii decided to come to visit his grandmother, who lived in Miami. At the same time, he took several snails with him and released them in his grandmother’s garden. The snails began to multiply at such a rate that they soon began to destroy crops in Miami. The authorities of the state of Florida spent a lot of money and several years to ensure that not a single Achatina snail remained in the state.

It is important to know! In our territories, which have a harsher climate, Achatina snails will not survive. Therefore, many keep them in artificial conditions, creating coziness and comfort for them, especially since these pets do not require a lot of time and money.

Since Achatina are heat-loving creatures, they must be kept in warm aquariums. To keep one snail you need to have a container with a capacity of up to 10 liters. For such purposes, terrariums with lids are more suitable, since the mollusk can easily “escape”. In this case, the lid must have holes for ventilation or make sure that the lid does not fit tightly to the base. As a last resort, you can simply move it to the side, leaving a small gap. The bottom of the terrarium should be covered with a special substrate. Clams love water, so a saucer of water must be present. It is also important not to forget that snails simply love water treatments, so it is advisable to have something like a small bath. Its design should be such that water does not spill out of it, creating dirt around it.

Many people believe that normal room temperature is suitable for snails, although the conditions in a person’s home are not always suitable for snails to live. For this purpose, it is necessary to think about how to heat the terrarium. Maintaining optimal temperature is the key to the health of pets. It is also necessary to monitor the humidity of their home. With normal humidity, the snail crawls around the terrarium during the daytime, and when darkness falls, it buries itself in the ground and hides in its shell. If the humidity is too high, then the snail is closer to the lid of the terrarium, and if it is too low, then it constantly buries itself in the ground.

Once a week it is necessary to completely wash the entire snail's home. In this case, you need to take care of the humidity by sprinkling the soil with water. If a snail has laid eggs and they are needed to produce offspring, you should not wash the terrarium, since they require temperature and humidity conditions to be at the same level.

Proper nutrition

Feeding the Achatina snail is not anything special, since its diet consists of various greens, fruits and vegetables. Interestingly, in their homeland, their diet also included meat. It is very important that the food be varied in nature, which will teach your pet to eat everything that is given to it. If they are constantly offered their favorite food, which is a green salad and fresh cucumbers, then over time they will simply begin to refuse other foods.

Small snails need to be given food in crushed form, while adult snails can easily cope with large pieces of food. Small snails should not be given ripe bananas, apricots and peaches, as they will bite into them almost completely and may suffocate. It is better to give the little ones grated carrots or apples. After some time, you can start feeding fresh herbs and salad.

In general, the following are suitable food options for snails:

  • Watermelons, bananas, figs, grapes, strawberries, cherries, plums, apples of various varieties, kiwi and avocado.
  • Cucumbers, sweet (but not hot) peppers, spinach, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin.
  • Lentils, peas, beans.
  • All kinds of cereals, white bread soaked in water, rye bread.
  • Baby food.
  • Various herbs and plants (elderberry and chamomile inflorescences).
  • Spring color of fruit trees.
  • Minced meat, boiled chicken.
  • Special feed.
  • Fermented milk, unsweetened products.

It is important to know! You cannot give inflorescences and plants that grow near highways, near garbage dumps, near factories and other places that are not environmentally friendly. Before giving them such raw materials, it is better to wash it under the tap.

Despite the fact that sugar cane is the favorite food of these snails, they should absolutely not be given sweets, much less salty, spicy and smoked foods. It is very important that your diet consists of foods rich in calcium.

The effect of calcium on snail development

Since the snail has a shell, it is necessary that the food contains enough calcium, which is necessary for the strengthening and development of the shell. If there is not enough calcium, the shell will become softer day by day, and it will no longer perform protective functions. In addition, it can become deformed, acquiring irregular shapes. All internal organs of the mollusk are closely connected to the shell, so any damage to it leads to negative consequences and sometimes to the death of the animal.

Therefore, it is very important that the snail consumes as many calcium-containing foods as possible. Egg shells are suitable as such products, in combination with various cereals. In essence, this is the same compound feed, but only for feeding snails kept at home. The feed includes a mixture of porridges with wheat bran, gammarus, eggshells, biovetan, as well as food for aquarium fish. If you feed snails with a similar composition daily, they will grow and develop properly. Such feed will not interfere with the mollusks’ ability to regain strength after laying eggs.

Reproduction of Achatina snails

Achatina snails are hermaphrodite individuals, so each individual has both female and male genital organs. In order for offspring to appear, it is enough to take two snails ready for fertilization. They undergo internal fertilization, with both snails taking part in laying eggs.

The mating process can be called unique. When two adult individuals press their soles against each other, an amazing process of energy exchange of needles begins, which are located in a special bag. In order for the needle to come out of the genital organ, the snail needs to strongly tense its muscles. Such needles on snails can have a certain size each time.

Mollusks are distinguished by the fact that they have a rather complex reproductive system. Sperm flow from one individual to another too slowly, so the fertilization process is quite long. They can carry fertilized eggs inside them for just as long until they develop properly. Only after this does she release small snails into the ground.

In order for Achatina snails to reproduce regularly, it is necessary to create special conditions for them. If the terrarium is unsanitary, then they are unlikely to do this. Therefore, their home should be kept clean at all times, including the soil. There are cases when adult mollusks separated from other mollusks immediately began to reproduce. At the same time, for a long time, being in the company of other individuals, they carried fertilized eggs within themselves.

Adults can lay up to 3 hundred eggs at a time, and they generally lay about 150 eggs. There are cases when snails made several clutches in different places of the terrarium, although such phenomena are rare. As a rule, a snail lays all its eggs in the same comfortable place.

After some time, a maximum of 1 month, very small, weak creatures emerge from the eggs. The first time they are in the ground, they eat their eggshells, receiving the first portion of calcium. After about 2 days they begin to appear on the surface of the soil. After this, it is better to place them in a separate container or return their parent to its original place.

Giant snails, due to their slowness and unique appearance, exude nobility. At the same time, they somewhat resemble unearthly creatures. Thanks to these characteristics, many people increasingly want to have this exotic creature at home. The main thing is that this mollusk does not require excessive care and attention.

The difference between a female and a male and their reproduction

There are several ways to find out gender:

  • when a mollusk opens the lid of the shell, you need to look at the right at the top of the mantle in males there is a genital organ, which females do not have. To be more confident, consider several pairs to better see their differences;
  • Taking a closer look at the shell, you can see that the curls are directed clockwise - there is a female in front of you, and if it is opposite, then there is a male.

For reproduction, it is worth taking several females and several males. The female lays eggs on the surface of algae and leaves.

Description and features

Coil snails are creatures that are very common in nature and belong to a type of freshwater mollusk. Their bodies are simple. Their most noticeable and massive part, accounting for 90% of their body weight, is the translucent shell. In color it can be brown, red, pink or other similar shades.

But the shape is necessarily spiral, as if flattened on the sides. Its growing coils, about 3 mm thick, are twisted one above the other. The number of curls varies, starting from four, but, as a rule, their number does not exceed eight. This structure resembles a coil, which became the reason for the name of all representatives of the coil family.

The shell can be considered an external skeleton, shell, or even a house, because this solid part of the body, which has a multi-layered structure, is intended for snails to hide there for the owners from the dangers and inconveniences of the outside world.

Important internal organs for life are also hidden there, which, if desired, can be viewed through the translucent walls of the shell. Among them are large lungs, which allow these snails, which belong to the order of pulmonary creatures, to breathe ordinary air while being out of water for some time, which is still their main habitat.

The same function, but to a lesser extent, is performed by the skin of these organisms. In water, breathing is carried out through peculiar gills, which are just folds of skin penetrated by blood vessels.

The coils have a small heart that distributes blood throughout the body, which, by the way, due to the structural features of snails, is not red at all. There is also an air bubble inside the shell, which allows these mostly aquatic creatures, by changing its volume, to descend to the bottom at will, reducing the buoyancy force, or rush higher to the surface of the reservoir due to a general decrease in density.

Muscles are attached to the shell, as well as a fold of skin - the mantle, which connects the shell with the rest of the snail's body, which usually has approximately the same color shade as the shell. The body itself has an elongated shape, narrowing towards the front.

The head of such creatures is equipped with paired thin and long tentacles that look like horns. At their ends there are poorly developed eyes, only capable of separating light from darkness.

Like all snails, these creatures move smoothly and slowly on a single wide leg with the help of wave-like contractions of the muscles of the flat sole, and the mucus secreted in abundance facilitates successful gliding. The appearance of these creatures is clearly visible in the photo of the coil snail .

Types of coil snails

Since Coils are widely distributed throughout the world, there are a huge number of their species; there are different individuals with a shell diameter from 7 mm to 4 cm.

It is worth noting that each species has: the internal structure is the same as that of all representatives of the “Pulmonary”. When moving, it secretes a small amount of mucus and cannot crawl on the surface of the water.

The fold of skin plays the role of gills. Breathes through the skin - cutaneous breathing. Let's look at the most common types:

Wrapped or twisted

In the wrapped Coil, the shells do not have a lid and are wrapped in a disc-shaped spiral. The tentacles or antennae resemble threads. The shell usually has 4-8 turns, has a flat shape, thickness from 1 to 1.5 mm, width from 6 to 10 mm, almost transparent, has a light yellow tint. The shell is so transparent that you can easily see all the processes occurring in the mollusk’s body; the surface is very thin and shiny.

The wrapped body is black or dark brown, the mantle, like the shell, is transparent, and the leg is light in color. Large individuals can lay from 40 to 70 eggs, and smaller ones from 5 to 10. They live in freshwater bodies.


In nature, it is found much more often than representatives of other types of Coils. They enter the aquarium along with various plants, algae, etc.

The shell is brown. Diameter up to 2 cm, width up to 0.5 cm. On the outside of the shell you can notice a certain “seam”; it may seem that it is divided into two equal halves.

Methods of nutrition, breathing, internal processes, reproduction are no different from others.

Far Eastern

It grows up to 1 cm. It also differs in that along the entire shell there are lines in a wave-like shape. One of the most unpretentious. In wildlife they live in swamps.

Horny and red Horny

One of the largest among all Coils found in aquariums. They most often live at the bottom of the container, rising only to replenish air supplies.

The main source of nutrition is fish food, or rather its remains, since their jaw is not developed for consuming anything else.

The size of an adult red horned specimen is 2 cm.

The common Horny one grows up to 4 cm and is better at cleaning the aquarium than others.

Are there living conditions requirements?

Coils are not particularly demanding of the environment. Despite the fact that in nature they live happily in polluted reservoirs with stagnant water of various temperatures, having adapted to indoor aquariums, the optimal water temperature for them has become within 22-28 ° C, without additional aeration and filtration.

The lack of requirements for saturating water with oxygen is also explained by the fact that the coils can breathe oxygen from the air. Periodically, they float to the surface and swallow it from above the aquarium space.

Snails love calm, non-moving water. They crawl freely along the bottom or walls of the aquarium, picking up leftover food and fallen rotten leaves.

They do not dig up the soil; they show indifference to the roots of plants. They live in the bottom space, if you exclude floating to the top. Omnivorous and harmless. Not hunters, not capable of aggression, they easily get along with small, peace-loving fish.

A calm character is evident from the moment it enters the aquarium. Sometimes it is invisible. The aquarist himself sometimes wonders how his aquarium was filled with such numerous small guests? And they can arrive in the form of small newborn snails stuck in the roots of transplanted plants or together with the replaced soil.

They reproduce quickly and easily, especially if there is a lot of food. It is not necessary to carefully care for them. Their brightly colored or spotted house against the background of green algae looks beautiful and a little mysterious.

The benefits and harms of coils in an aquarium

This type of mollusk has both benefits and harm.


  • clean the container in which they live. Their food consists of half-rotting parts of plants and the remains of food from other inhabitants;
  • you can determine whether it’s time to start cleaning the aquarium; if the number of shellfish has increased sharply, then it’s time to change the water;
  • can be used as food - real live food for fish and other aquarium inhabitants;
  • Of course, Coils will become the decoration of the aquarium, their shell often has a variety of colors and patterns, different from other mollusks, they are all different.


  • if a huge number have developed, then they can simply eat everything in their path: food intended for other inhabitants, living and non-living plants;
  • can cause diseases, as a result of which a large number of fish and other inhabitants of the aquarium can die;
  • stopping the process of their reproduction will be quite problematic;
  • The more snails there are, the more often you will have to clean the aquarium.


Peaceful snails, compatible with most aquarium fish species. They are found in most aquariums, except those where fish that eat snails live.

Such fish include various types of tetraodons, bots (for example, clown bots), and macropods.

For some fish, for example, tetradons, this is their favorite food. The fact is that their shell is not very hard and is quite easy to bite through. Coils are even specially raised to feed fish, or, on the contrary, snail exterminators are bred to destroy them in a common aquarium.

Another way to get rid of snails in an aquarium is to introduce other snails that eat their relatives (helena).

How to get rid

The following can help get rid of Coils:

  • dwarf Tetradon - a type of fish that uses Coils as food;
  • Ancistrus catfish, which “sucks” and clears the surface of the aquarium, thereby removing snail eggs and preventing their further reproduction;
  • Helena the predatory snail;
  • self-cleaning. Place “bait” on the bottom, wait until it sticks and remove from the container;
  • use of various chemicals;
  • remove from the container everyone and everything that you do not want to kill. Then pour boiling water over everything - the walls of the aquarium, the bottom, the soil and other elements.


Coil snails, of course, are quite unpretentious and do not require any “troubles” with care and feeding, but you should understand that they can cause some harm to the aquarium and its inhabitants. It is necessary to constantly monitor their quantity, since the reproduction process occurs very, very quickly, their excess will not lead to the best consequences.

But in addition to the minuses, there are a huge number of pluses. If you apply a little “responsibility” they will bring great benefits.


they do not need an individual of the other sex to produce offspring .

Some varieties are capable of producing offspring alone, while others need a partner to exchange genetic material.

But they reproduce only when they reach maturity (one year of age).

Coils lay eggs regardless of the time of year, temperature conditions and light levels.

In this case, the eggs of the coil snail can be found on the leaves of plants, on decorative elements, and on the walls of the aquarium .

The clutch looks like a transparent film with black dots; its maturation period is about 30 days, after which small mollusks are born.

Hatched coils are completely viable and independent; they eat the same things as adult individuals, only they are smaller in size and have almost transparent shells.

Interesting! In an aquarium, snails live for about 3 years, but in natural conditions this period is noticeably reduced.


The smallest representatives of aquarium snails are acroluxes. These babies prefer to lead a hidden lifestyle, so they are active in twilight or darkness. If you turn on the light at night, you can see many hundreds of these small snails sitting on the glass of the aquarium and the leaves of plants. Don't be scared, these snails are harmless.

But the high number of acroluxes indicates that the aquarium contains a large amount of organic substances. After all, they feed on organic matter. Perhaps this situation is associated with overfeeding the fish. If you reduce the amount of food, then the number of shellfish will decrease.

Acrolux in an aquarium.

In spawning grounds where eggs develop, there should be no acroluxes, since they damage the eggs. These snails are beneficial because they are an indicator of water pollution.

General information

Coils (Planorbidae) are a family of freshwater gastropods, widespread on almost all continents. Some species are frequent inhabitants of home aquariums, getting here mainly by chance (spawn or young snails are usually carried on plants). Although some aquarists keep them purposefully for the sake of variety or as food for certain types of fish.

Coils are unusually hardy mollusks, can exist in various water conditions, and reproduce easily and quickly. These invertebrates can breathe in two ways - using oxygen dissolved in water and atmospheric air.

The coils can breathe both oxygen dissolved in water and atmospheric

An interesting feature of the reels is the ability to move along the surface of the water with the shell down. The snails are helped to maintain balance by the air they draw into their shells when breathing. The support is the surface tension of water or a bacterial film. True, if you even slightly touch the snail at this time, it will immediately begin to sink. This allows them to escape from predators.

Coils are capable of multiplying very quickly, but this happens mainly in conditions of excess food, when the aquarist regularly overfeeds the fish.

The positive aspect of keeping coils is that these mollusks do not spoil plants, but they process dead leaves with a bang, being typical detritivores.

It is not recommended to bring coils from natural bodies of water into the aquarium. Gastropods are intermediate hosts of many types of parasites that are dangerous to fish.

Myths about Reels

These snails are popular pets among aquarists. In this regard, many myths were born, such as:

  • Coils damage healthy parts of plants. This is not true - they have weak jaws and are unable to chew through algae.
  • Shellfish are carriers of diseases. There is some truth in this, but this mainly applies to wild individuals or those that got into the aquarium by accident. Therefore, you need to purchase proven snails from a specialized pet store.
  • Rapid and uncontrolled reproduction. This is possible if there are no fish in the aquarium that eat shellfish, and are also very overfed. This process must be monitored.

In conclusion, we can say that in breeding aquarium snails, Katushek will bring more benefit than harm, and it can be minimized with proper care.


The smallest representatives of aquarium snails are acroluxes. These babies prefer to lead a hidden lifestyle, so they are active in twilight or darkness. If you turn on the light at night, you can see many hundreds of these small snails sitting on the glass of the aquarium and the leaves of plants. Don't be scared, these snails are harmless.

But the high number of acroluxes indicates that the aquarium contains a large amount of organic substances. After all, they feed on organic matter. Perhaps this situation is associated with overfeeding the fish. If you reduce the amount of food, then the number of shellfish will decrease.

Acrolux in an aquarium.

In spawning grounds where eggs develop, there should be no acroluxes, since they damage the eggs. These snails are beneficial because they are an indicator of water pollution.


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