Garra rufa fish: benefits and harms, research on medicinal properties

Garra rufa (lat. Garra rufa) is a fish from the carp family that lives in the rivers and hot springs of Turkey. Now I know these fish better from procedures in spa salons, where they are used for peeling (cleansing the skin) of patients suffering from a disease such as psoriasis.

For these properties they are even called doctor fish, however, they do not completely cure psoriasis, since at the moment this disease is incurable, however, they significantly alleviate the course of the disease

The use of fish for peeling and various cosmetic procedures no longer causes much controversy.

It has been proven that fish eat only the top dead layer of skin (epidermis), and do not touch the living elastic skin. Because it’s hard for them to latch onto her with their mouth.

Habitat in nature

Garra rufa live in rivers of the northern and central Middle East, mainly in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Oman. They tend to live in fast-flowing rivers and tributaries, but are also found in canals and artificial reservoirs.

They love places with clean water, in which a large amount of oxygen is dissolved, well illuminated by the sun.

It is in such places that a biofilm consisting of algae and bacteria is formed, which they feed on.

But in Turkey this fish is best known as one that lives in hot springs, where the water temperature can be above 37°C. People living near these springs have been using the fish's propensity for centuries.

The doctor fish eats the remains of human skin in the absence of other, more nutritious food, but this is not a piranha!

Garra rufa simply scrapes off dead or drying flakes of skin, usually from the legs, thereby opening up space for new, youthful skin.

Due to excessive exports, the import of fish is prohibited by law in Turkey, this is not a problem, since the fish are bred in captivity, and there are entire farms for breeding them.

Garra rufas do not have teeth, but instead use their lips to scrape away dead skin. They say it feels like a tingling sensation, but not pain. Those suffering from diseases such as psoriasis and eczema note that after such peeling their condition improves and remission occurs, sometimes lasting several months.

Recent studies have shown that fish saliva contains the enzyme diethanol, which promotes healing and regeneration of human skin.

Doctor fish can be kept in an aquarium, not as a medicinal fish, but simply as a pet, but this is definitely not a fish for beginners.

Garra rufa are not inclined to feed on the remains of dead skin, since this behavior is typical only in conditions where feeding is scarce and unpredictable.

Indications and contraindications

What problems can fish peeling help solve? It is indicated in the following cases:

  • acne, pimples, inflammation;
  • some skin diseases, for example, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, hyperkeratosis and some others;
  • sagging skin;
  • deterioration of skin color, age spots;
  • first signs of aging, fine wrinkles;
  • skin allergic manifestations;
  • fungal diseases;
  • calluses.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • skin damage (abrasions, scratches and open wounds);
  • burns;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • psoriatic erythroderma.

Keeping in an aquarium

These fish are not very common in the aquarium, apparently due to their specific temperature requirements and inconspicuous appearance.

This is a small fish, the average size of which is 6-8 cm, but can be larger, up to 12 cm. In nature, they live in thermal springs and rivers with warm water, about 30 C and an acidity of 7.3 pH.

However, the aquarium tolerates lower temperatures and other water parameters quite well.

Its lifespan is from 4 to 5 years.

It is better to recreate conditions that resemble a fast-flowing river. These are large, round stones, fine gravel between them, driftwood or branches and unpretentious aquarium plants.

Most importantly, the water should be very clean and contain a large amount of oxygen, and bright lighting will help algae and film to develop on stones and decor. By the way, the aquarium needs to be covered, as the fish literally crawl on the glass and can escape and die.

Apart from relatively high temperature and clean water, there are no special requirements for keeping garra rufa; however, the experience of non-commercial keeping in RuNet is described very poorly, and perhaps there are nuances.

In addition to relatively high temperature and clean water, there are quite a lot of maintenance requirements, because your clients are living people.

And on their hands or feet they can bring anything. Your main task is to ensure that the service is safe for fish and people, so that no one catches the fungus.

However, the experience of commercial content on the RuNet is described very poorly, and there are quite a lot of nuances, so we previously recommended contacting a specialized office.

Advantages and disadvantages

First, we list the advantages of the fish peeling procedure:

  • It is very nice! It's like a gentle massage with barely perceptible touches.
  • It's effective. Yes, the effect is noticeable after the first sessions, and after a course of procedures the results are consolidated and become even more obvious.
  • Many people are afraid of painful sensations, but they do not arise.
  • The procedure is relatively inexpensive.

Now the disadvantages:

  • Some cosmetologists believe that Garra Rufa is capable of transmitting infections. So, if first a person suffering from some disease underwent the procedure, and then the same fish massaged you, then there is a risk of infection. Although this problem can be partially solved by regular disinfection, it is not carried out by all beauty salons offering peeling services. And yet it is impossible to disinfect the fish themselves, and no one will inspect and examine clients in ordinary beauty salons. So pathogenic microorganisms can easily penetrate through microdamages in the skin.
  • Unscrupulous salon owners, instead of Garra Rufa without teeth, introduce cheaper and more accessible toothy fish into aquariums, which can injure the skin.
  • It is worth remembering that fish peeling has contraindications, so it is not suitable for everyone.


Although in nature they eat mainly algae, they are not herbivores. They eat frozen and live worms, tubifex, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and artificial food.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are also eaten with pleasure, for example, cucumber, zucchini, spinach.

But if you use fish for fish spa treatments, you need to feed them special food for garra rufa, containing the elements they need.

Isn't this dangerous?

Almost all beauty salons that provide fish peeling services guarantee complete safety. But in reality everything happens differently. It is extremely important to go to a trusted beauty salon, or better yet, to a cosmetology clinic.

Be sure to ask for certificates for fish and documents confirming that Garra Rufa are healthy. Also, ask if disinfection is carried out regularly. Normally, the water in the aquarium should be cleaned after each client, only in this case the likelihood of infection will be minimized.

As for skin damage, there will be no damage, provided that the peeling is carried out by real Garra Rufa fish.

Is it possible for children

Medicinal fish have little reaction to children's skin. The reason is that there are almost no keratinized areas on the child’s body. However, children may be recommended procedures for skin pathologies, for example, psoriasis. Ichthyotherapy is carried out for a child only if there are confirmed medical indications and there are no restrictions.

The procedure should be prescribed by a doctor after examination and necessary tests. To undergo treatment, you should contact specialized centers where sanitary and hygienic standards are observed and original Garra Rufa is used.


Below are reviews from women about spa peeling with live fish.

Veronica, 26 years old

I have rough skin on my feet. I used various products to soften it. Then I decided to try fish peeling. After 3 treatments, the skin on my legs became softer and more tender.

Inga, 36 years old

A friend recommended spa peeling with Garra Rufa fish. At first I was skeptical about this procedure, then I agreed. This is a fairly relaxing procedure that improves the condition of the skin. True, it is not cheap, so you have to look for its analogues.

Fish peeling is a modern cosmetic spa procedure that helps improve the condition of the dermis. But at the same time, it is dangerous, since Garra Rufa fish can spread infectious diseases - this is worth remembering before going for fish peeling.

What is so attractive about garra rufa?

The increased commercial interest in this fish is due to the fact that it is one of the few fish species that are able to feed on particles of dead skin epithelium, with existing pathology of bacterial or fungal origin, thereby providing a healing effect on the human skin.

For many decades, there has been debate about the usefulness of using these fish for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Thus, many authoritative experts claim that a gentle effect on the skin in the process of scraping off dead or damaged epithelium has a noticeable healing effect on the skin.

Patients suffering from skin diseases, particularly psoriasis and eczema, experience a long-term remission after undergoing a course of fish spa procedures.

This therapeutic effect is associated with the presence in the saliva of fish of a special enzyme called dithranol, which has antiseptic properties and accelerates the process of division of skin cells, causing their rapid regeneration.

The fish together cleanse the micropores of the hands, feet and the entire body as a whole, bringing the skin condition, without exaggeration, to ideal.

For more effective skin cleansing, a sufficient number of fish is required (the principle applies - the more, the better), of course within reasonable limits.

Thanks to its unique abilities, garra rufa received the common name doctor fish (doctor fish). There are still skeptics in the world who believe that fish do not have any healing effect, but only cleanse and massage the skin. Even if we assume that they are right, there is no harm from this procedure. Spa treatments using garra rufa do not pose any health hazard, they are completely harmless and can bring nothing but benefit. Having placed his legs or arms in a tank with fish, the patient feels only light, pleasant touches. The fish gently massage the skin, which gives additional firmness and elasticity to the tissues. This leads to refreshment and rejuvenation of the body. The result is noticeable after the first procedure!

This is how the fish spa procedure works

The first scientist to describe garra rufa was the famous Austrian biologist Johann Haeckel in 1843.

The habitat of the species is located on the territory of such states as Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq and some others, where garra rufa inhabits the river basins of the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions, in particular the Tigris and Euphrates. Due to the massive catching of Gara rufa and the resulting reduction in the natural population of the species, the export of fish beyond the borders of their natural habitat countries is prohibited. Therefore, the main suppliers of garra are fish farms in Southeast Asia, in particular Singapore.

Garra rufa , in its taxonomy, is closest to dace and epalceorhynchus. Painted in gray-black colors, the body of the garra rufa has an elongated shape, reminiscent of a torpedo, which, together with well-developed fins, makes it a good swimmer. She has a rather large head, with a large mouth and a small mustache above the upper lip, large round eyes with coal-black pupils.

Wild specimens of Garra rufa have a red caudal fin, while in fish obtained in captivity it has a slightly noticeable reddish tint.

Garra rufa

In nature, fish lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. Adults can reach 15 cm in length; in an aquarium, their size is much smaller and usually does not exceed 10 cm.

Preparation for the procedure

Before the procedure, you should adhere to some rules:

  • A few days before peeling, stop using body creams as this may make it difficult for the fish to function.
  • Visit the salon where you plan to have the procedure. The dermatologist will examine your skin for open wounds. If they are present on the body, then the cosmetic session should be postponed until the wounds have completely healed.
  • If desired, use a steaming bath before peeling to facilitate and speed up the removal of dead skin cells.
  • Wash your body using soap. If necessary, apply antiseptic to areas of skin that will be exposed to fish treatment.

For foot peeling you will need 300 fish, for manicure - 150-200 pieces.

What do doctors warn against?

Doctors agree that this is a very effective procedure that will help get rid of a serious problem that has been tormenting a person for a long time. Skin rejuvenation when performing such peeling is only an additional effect of the procedure.

However, this is an excellent reason to use this product for cosmetic purposes. Considering that this method works painlessly and is suitable even for the most sensitive skin type prone to dermatitis, it has some advantages over other types of deep peeling.

When choosing a clinic or salon where peeling will be carried out, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Choose clean rooms where aquariums are regularly cleaned and replaced with fresh water;
  2. Ensure that patients are provided with sterilants for body cleansing. At a minimum, every patient should shower before undergoing the procedure.
  3. You should refuse to perform the session in places where sanitary conditions are poor.

The likelihood of transmitting hepatitis, fungi or other infections through the procedure has not yet been established.

Many people wonder how safe this procedure is. There are two widely held opinions on this matter:

  1. Some believe that the likelihood of contracting hepatitis is reduced to zero, because transmission of the disease through household contact has not yet been confirmed. Moreover, the fish are cold-blooded and are not capable of transmitting infection.
  2. Others are afraid to carry out the procedure for this very reason, arguing that the lack of accurate data on the transmission of viruses sometimes leads to infection. There is also controversy regarding cold-bloodedness, since some viruses can survive in aggressive conditions for up to several hours or even days.

If a medical institution or clinic requires the provision of a certificate of health, then the procedure can be carried out in such conditions without fear.

Peeling prices (in Russian cities)

Let's take a closer look at which clinics perform the procedure and study the estimated prices for fish peeling in:

  1. Samara. The FISH-PILLING salon operates, located at Naberezhnaya/Pervomaisky Spusk, Pervomaiskaya Street. The cost of the procedure is about 300 rubles per half-hour session.
  2. Vologda. The session can be held in the Kedrovaya Bochka salon, located at Vologda, Blagoveshchenskaya, 31a. The cost of the procedure can be found by number; you must register in advance.
  3. Yekaterinburg. The Fresh Studio salon operates here, located at Ekaterinburg, Palmiro Tolyatti Street 11A. The estimated cost of the procedure for 15-20 minutes is 450 rubles.
  4. Moscow. There are a huge number of salons and clinics operating in the capital, so the choice should be made based on standard criteria - cleanliness and sterility. The ThaiRai salon received good reviews, where a procedure lasting 20 minutes can be completed for about 300-500 rubles.
  5. Nizhny Novgorod. It is possible to undergo therapy in the Exotic SPA salon, located at Nizhny Novgorod, St. Alekseevskaya, 8a/1, shopping center "Alekseevsky Passage" 3rd floor. The cost of a session is from 350 rubles for 20 minutes.

What results should I expect from peeling?

You won’t be able to notice any obvious changes after the first procedure. The patient will only experience pleasant sensations, but nothing more.

For a pronounced effect, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, which will include several visits lasting more than half an hour for each.

The processing session is carried out in two cases, and each is characterized by a certain result:

  1. As a peeling. After completing the session, the duration and frequency of which is determined by the attending physician, the patient will notice that his skin has become tender and soft. The fish will delicately remove the upper stratum corneum of the skin, and the enzymes contained in their saliva will contribute to the rapid formation of new dermis. In its action, peeling with Garra Rufa fish is similar to chemical peeling.
  2. As a remedy for skin diseases. This peeling is actively used to treat dermatitis and psoriasis. When the skin becomes covered with keratinized formations due to an illness, fish are used that heal the dermis for up to 6 months.

Is there a danger?

First of all, the danger may lie in unscrupulous entrepreneurs who perform Fish Pilling using not Garra Rufa, but other, dangerous species of fish. Most often, Chin-Chin fish are passed off as Garra Rufa, which are not as harmless as the first ones.

The main danger lies in the presence of teeth in Chin-Chin - they can damage the skin, cause wounds, and even cause infection.

Carefully examine the fish for the presence of teeth in their mouths and ask the salon for a certificate with state registration numbers.

You can also study the appearance of the fish online before visiting the salon to determine their differences at a quick glance.

Garra rufa - diet

It should be noted that particles of dead skin epithelium and algal fouling are clearly not enough for adequate nutrition of garra rufa . To keep your fish in good shape, they require regular live and frozen tropical aquarium fish foods. In addition, plant foods should be periodically included in their diet, such as finely chopped cucumbers, spinach and zucchini, previously scalded with boiling water.

Due to the popularity of garra rufa , many well-known fish food manufacturers began to produce special balanced food for them.

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