Hexamitosis treatment in a community aquarium - description, photo

Quickly navigate to the article

  • 1 What diseases will it help with?
  • 2 Rules for treatment with metronidazole
  • 3 Hyperthermic treatment
  • 4 Baths with trichopolum in a common container
  • 5 Baths in a separate sedimentation tank
  • 6 What drugs can metronidazole be combined with 6.1 Other interesting articles

Metronidazole is the active ingredient contained in the drug Trichopolum. An antimicrobial agent can be found in pharmacies. Tablets are widely used for the treatment of aquarium fish. They will help against various diseases. It is necessary to properly treat fish in the aquarium with metronidazole so as not to encounter problems later. It is recommended to follow the rules of therapy to achieve positive results.

Zelenka and Trichopolum

You can significantly improve the result if you add an additional ingredient to the composition.
The combination of brilliant green and metronidazole gives excellent results. An antifungal drug can remove all pathogens of the disease, and brilliant green will cure tomatoes from infection. By mixing these medicines, you get an environmentally friendly and effective remedy. An alternative option is iodine. To prepare the solution you need to mix 15 tablets with a bottle of iodine or brilliant green and mix with a bucket of water. Let us remind you once again that disinfection must be carried out before signs of the disease become obvious. For ease of spraying, a spray bottle is used. You can spray the plant with a small broom, which is not very convenient or economical.

Second treatment

Inspect your plantings regularly. If you see traces of rot, then you need to spray without delay. Now the treatment should be repeated regularly, every day, until the symptoms of the disease disappear. Additionally, you will need to carry out root watering with a solution of Trichopolum. If the planting condition is normal, then the second treatment is carried out before the start of harvesting. It is best to do it two weeks before mass fruit harvesting. But cucumbers and tomatoes collected even immediately after processing are not hazardous to health.

Some gardeners recommend a different treatment regimen, that is, once every ten days, throughout the season. But in this case, the fungus may adapt to the drug, so you will have to change the recipe regularly.

Treatment of fish in a community aquarium

In order for treatment to be successful, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the disease and choose the most appropriate method.

First of all, sick individuals should be placed in a separate aquarium, where they will remain for the entire period of treatment.

Next, it is necessary to carry out therapeutic measures:

  1. Gradually increase the water temperature in the aquarium to 35 degrees. Most intestinal parasites cannot withstand high temperatures and die. The temperature must be raised no more than 4 degrees per day. In this case, you need to monitor whether the fish is suffocating. However, this treatment method is not suitable for everyone. When treating African and American cichlids, the desired result was not obtained.
  2. To combat intestinal parasites, it is recommended to use a solution of metronidazole - 250 mg of the drug is added to 25 liters of water. The solution is added to water at the same time. The first three days, a quarter of the water is replaced. In subsequent days, add the same solution, but replace 15% of the water volume. The first results can be seen within a week. It is not recommended to stop treatment, as the disease may recur. The full course of treatment is 15 days. 7 days after the end of treatment, it is recommended to repeat the course for prevention.
  3. In specialized stores you can purchase ready-made medications for treating aquarium fish from intestinal parasites. The same drugs can be used to prevent these diseases. Such means include:
  • "SERA baktopur direct";
  • "JBL Spirohexo"l;
  • "ZMF HEXA-ex";
  • "Ichthyovit Antibak";
  • "Ichthyovit Kormakti" c.
  • Complex therapy is the most common method of treatment, when hyperthermic treatment is used in conjunction with medications.

Treatment of hexamitosis in particularly advanced cases should be carried out in combination

Metronidazole for the treatment of aquarium fish

Metronidazole (Trichopol) for the treatment of aquarium fish

Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal* and antimicrobial drug. Metronidazole is included in the list of vital and essential drugs for humans.

Metronidazole (Trichopol) - sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets that are poorly soluble in water. Therefore, for use in an aquarium, it is more logical to use the liquid form of this drug Metrogyl for intravenous injection .

Metrogyl for the treatment of aquarium fish

The drug was synthesized in France and was produced there for a long time under the name Flagil, from the name of the intestinal flagellate Diplomonad flagellates. In fact, Metronidazole and Metrogyl are generics of the drug Flagil. Based on this drug, JBL Spirohexol Plus 250, as well as Sera med Professional FLAGELLOL, adapted specifically for fish, were created. Of course, we recommend using them to treat your fish.

However, understanding that a significant part of aquarists live in places where “it’s difficult even to fly by plane,” at the end of the article we will definitely give you several recipes for treating your fish with drugs from an ordinary human pharmacy.

The action of metronidazole is directed against anaerobic microorganisms, i.e. those that do not require oxygen.

Since the medicine acts only on anaerobic microorganisms, it is harmless for aquarium biofiltration. Metronidazole can be safely added to an existing aquarium. The biobalance will not be disturbed.

An additional “bonus” of the drug is its active antibacterial component.

So, aquarists all over the planet have been using Metronidazole to treat fish for quite a long time. Mainly from the so-called “hole disease” - hexamitosis.**

Most often, hexamitosis (in aquarist slang “hex”) occurs in cichlids, labyrinth fish and goldfish. Read about hexamitosis and its manifestations here .

Metronidazole can, and in some cases should, be used together with antibiotics.

How to treat fish with metronidazole

Basic dosages:

For therapy, metronidazole is used at a dose of 10 mg/l in water. Duration of treatment is at least a week!

Or with food at a dose of 50 mg/kg/day of fish live weight, for at least 3 days in a row, once a day.

Naturally, metronidazole can be used with food only if a sick fish takes it.

How to prepare medicated food with metronidazole.

Take a tablet and break it into quarters. Pound approximately the required dose (1-2 quarters), then add a little water (1 ml), get a suspension in this suspension, roll in fish food (preferably granules that do not lose their shape). It is important that the food is saturated with the meter, but not soggy (you can add more water for better adhesion, but feed the food right away). Also keep in mind that fish are not elephants, be extremely careful with dosages, it’s better to under.. than over..

Long baths with metronidazole.

If the fish does not take food and does not look well (for example, holes, ulcers, purulent bumps have already appeared), then it will have to be treated in a quarantine aquarium. A filter and heater are a must. Crush one tablet of metronidazole 250 mg, dissolve in warm water, pour into a volume of 20-25 liters. Raise the temperature to 30-32. Raise gradually by 3 degrees per day - no more. Daily replacement is about 15-20% and again we apply the full dose. We treat for 4-5 days. And then we add another 10 days every other day.

As we have already indicated above, metronidazole tablets can (and even preferably) be replaced with its liquid form - Metrogyl for intravenous infusion. In this case, 20 liters. aquarium, it will be enough to pour half a 100 ml bottle.

Rehabilitation therapy after treatment with metronidazole.

Buy oak bark at the pharmacy. 5 level tablespoons per 0.5 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, restore volume to original. Strain. Pour 5 ml into the aquarium. Then after the change, 2-2.5 ml.

Food is only bloodworms. We try to offer daily. If you haven’t eaten it, remove it after 5 minutes so as not to spoil the water.


* Protozoal infections , or protozooses (lat. protosooses) - infections caused by parasitic protozoa. Protozoa cause serious illnesses in humans, domestic and commercial animals. About 50 species of protozoa are known to cause disease in humans. The prevalence of protozoal infections in the population is very high. Protozoa parasitize in various organs and tissues: blood, intestines, central nervous system, liver, lungs, etc.

** Hexamitosis (spironucleosis, octomitosis) is a fish disease caused by flagellates - intestinal parasites Spironucleus (formerly Hexamita), Octomitus truttae. There are several types of this parasite, however, they all have one distinctive feature: four pairs of flagella. Due to the presence of these flagella, the parasites received the name flagellates or flagellates. Localization - intestines. In severe cases, they are found in parenchymal organs. Both freshwater and marine fish are susceptible to the disease.

Author Dr.Soroka,

in the world Olga Tsivileva

Highly recommended viewing

See also: Medicines Tetra Leaves of oak, almond, alder cones in an aquarium Pound of salt in an aquarium Biomycin treatment for fish in an aquarium Bicillin for fish and aquarium Gentian violet Griseofulvin Dimetronidazole Kanamycin Collargol Competitor Malachite green Potassium permanganate Masoten Mebendazole Methylene blue Metronidazole Neomycin Niclosamide Nitrofuran Ox itetracycline Oxolinic acid Basic violet K Parachlorphenoxytol Piperazine Hydrogen peroxide Rivanol Streptocide Sulfadimethoxine Sulfonamides COPPER SULPHATE Sodium Peat in the aquarium Trimethoprim Tripaflavin Trichlorfon Fenbendazole Phenoxyethanol Formalin Quinine Ciprofloxacin , Cifran, Tsiprinol, Cyphlozin

Category: InfoCenter / Pharmacy products | 848 | Date: 15-04-2020, 19:45 | Comments (2)

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Characteristics of hexamitosis and fish species susceptible to it

Hexamitosis is a disease caused by the intestinal parasite flagellate, which has entered the intestines of fish. This disease affects the digestive system and gallbladder. It leaves the body of infected fish with processed food, thereby infecting healthy inhabitants of the aquarium.

This disease manifests itself in the form of furrows and ulcers on the body of the fish. Because of this, the disease is called “hole”.

The following fish species are most often affected by this disease:

  • lapis;
  • cichlids;
  • labyrinthine;
  • gourami.

Some fish may be carriers of the parasite until a favorable environment for it is created in the general aquarium. The carriers of this parasite include the following species:

The beginning of the development of hexamitosis - the appearance of small ulcers on the face

  • carp family;
  • guppy;
  • battles.

Less susceptible to the disease are:

  • acne;
  • catfish;
  • pimelodus;
  • Macronagnathus;
  • neons;
  • angelfish
  • discus.

Tolerability of the drug by fish

Fish from the family easily tolerate the effects of the drug:

Cyprinidae (barbs, goldens, brachydanios, zebrafish);

Labyrinthids (cockerels, perches, gourami, labiosa, macropods, lalius);

Poeciliids (guppies, mollies, swordtails, girardinus);

Cichlids (angelfish, discus, astronotus).

Some species of viviparous fish can withstand a concentration of 1.5 ml per 100 liters of water.

Fish with bare skin do not tolerate exposure to FMCs well:


All types of loaches;




As well as representatives of the characin family (tetras, minors, neons).

For this group, the dosage of the drug is reduced to 0.6-0.8 ml per 100 liters of water and the condition of the fish is constantly monitored. If they breathe heavily, scratch themselves against the walls of the aquarium, decorations, or turn on their side, then it is necessary to take emergency measures to replace the water. Add medications to help restore mucous membranes.

The use of the drug is contraindicated in the presence of shrimp in aquariums. For them this remedy is destructive. If it is necessary to treat the inhabitants of the aquarium, the shrimp are placed in a separate container. Returned back after complete neutralization of the drug.

What drugs can metronidazole be combined with?

Metronidazole (Trichopol) is a medicinal drug intended for the treatment of diseases in humans, but recently it has been widely used in therapeutic and prophylactic methods of treating aquarium inhabitants for all sorts of ailments associated with the appearance of intestinal parasitic worms.

This drug can be purchased in pharmacies without a special prescription from a veterinarian. The tablets do not dissolve well in water. Therefore, for therapeutic and preventive measures, it is better to give preference to the liquid form of the drug, which is called “Metrogyl”.

Now let's talk about the dosage of metronidazole. For large and adult discus that are not emaciated, one tablet (0.25 grams) per 15 liters of water will be enough, while for younger, smaller individuals the concentration should be reduced to one tablet per 30 liters.

The drug should be added for medicinal purposes only after a water change (no more than 50% of the total volume).

Combination of metronidazole with other medications

Veterinarians often advise combining Trichopolum with other drugs, which can enhance the effect of each of them.

Trichopolum is good to combine with ciprofloxacin in a proportion of 0.5 grams per 50 liters of water after a 50% change of the entire volume. An antibiotic such as rifampicin also performs well. It needs to be diluted in a proportion of 0.15 grams per 50 liters, again, after replacing half the volume of liquid in the entire aquarium.

The antibacterial drug Baktopur Direct perfectly complements the action of metronidazole, “cleansing” aquarium inhabitants of parasitic creatures. Baktopur Direct itself is not effective against flagellates, however it is very effective against secondary bacterial infections. And this is far from the only drug that has an antibacterial effect. There are a lot of other products that contain nifurpirinol, the main substance of antiseptics.

From the editor: Scarlet barb

The three above drugs should be introduced into the aquarium along with trichopolum in full dose. After three days of treatment, the dosage should be reduced exactly in half.

Baths with trichopolum in a common container

Trichopolum cannot worsen bio-filtration processes in the aquarium. For this reason, you can add the product to the container itself. There is no need to move individuals to another container to carry out treatment.

You will need to use 0.25 grams of the drug per 35 liters of water. During the first 3 days, the medication is used once after a partial change of liquid in the container. Then the drug is used once every two days. The course lasts up to 2 weeks. If the condition of the fish gets worse, then you will have to abandon the drug.

Symptoms of hexamitosis

The presence of this disease in a discus can be detected by carefully monitoring both its behavior and its state of health:

  1. Hexamitosis in fish is often accompanied by transparent whitish and thread-like, and sometimes stringy, feces. This happens for the simple reason that the cells of the intestine or gallbladder begin to be rejected en masse, “coming out” along with a large amount of viscous mucus. You may also encounter another variant of disruption of the digestive tract in discus fish: almost all the food is released in an indigestible form along with excrement.
  2. Reduced need for food. And in severe cases, discus fish completely refuse it. In a milder stage of hexamitosis, the pet “spits” food, that is, it repeatedly takes a piece of food into its mouth and then spits it out. It is for this reason that most aquarists consider discus to be a very selective fish species, they say that they try food and if they don’t like it, they spit it out. It has been clinically proven that the imaginary gastronomic “selectivity” disappears, as soon as proper treatment with metronidazole is carried out.
  3. Sometimes intestinal bloating is observed, to a greater extent this applies to fish of the cichlid and apistogramma genus. However, the phase of abdominal enlargement is not always present in the development of this disease. Most often, discus fish begin to lose weight, after which their belly takes on a peculiar keeled or concave shape, and the back dries out.
  4. Hexamitosis can be characterized by darkening of the color of an individual, as well as its separation from its “cohabitants”.
  5. Violation of the integrity of the skin. In most cases of this disease, erosions and ulcerations of the integument of the head part, as well as changes in the appearance of the lateral line, were noted. In healthy fish this line is almost invisible, while in infected fish it takes on a clearer outline, turns white and becomes a little wider. Quite often, rather deep holes appear on the skin of a sick individual, mainly on the head and at the beginning of the lateral line, accompanied by the release of a white mass. Depending on the size of the fish, the size of these holes can vary from 1 mm to 1 cm in circumference.

A few nuances

I would like to note that the above symptoms of hexamitosis do not always appear in the specified order and in full. As a rule, most of the literary publications that cover this topic put the symptom, which, most often, is the initial one, on a kind of “pedestal”. In general, the above symptoms correspond to reality, although sometimes the disease may appear not from the first symptom on our list, but immediately from the fifth.

I would also like to note the fact that transparent white and thread-like feces are not always a 100% guarantee that your pet is sick with hexamitosis and other diseases that are associated with intestinal parasitic creatures. There are many other ailments that have similar symptoms.

For example, intestinal inflammation can be characterized by intoxication of the body or a banal overeating of fatty foods. With helminthiasis, coccidiosis enteritis and other diseases of this kind, fish increments have a thread-like shape.

But be that as it may, a violation of the discus’ “stool” indicates that his health is not all right, so it is still better not to postpone quarantine and other treatment and preventive measures until the true cause of the pet’s illness is clarified.

Remember to monitor your waterfowl's behavior at least once a day. It’s not difficult to stop at the aquarium for a few minutes and observe the behavior of the fish. And besides, such an activity will not only help to avoid infection of all individuals in the “water house”, but will also have a positive effect on your nervous system, calming it.

Generally speaking…

Without forgetting about systematic changes of water and a variety of food, you will most likely never encounter discus disease.

However, it is not always possible to avoid this fate, and if your pets get sick, you must contact a qualified specialist who can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe competent treatment.

The main thing is to react in time and not delay a visit to the veterinarian, thanks to which you can increase the chances of recovery for your pets.

However, the presence of at least one darkened fish in the aquarium, which refuses to eat and regularly tucks its fins, should alert the owner of the “aquatic house”. Such changes in the behavior of discus fish only indicate that the individual is sick and needs treatment.

This does not mean that only one fish needs to be treated, all individuals in the aquarium are sick, but only this one turned out to be a little weaker than the others and signs of the disease appeared a little earlier. The most common disease in discus fish is hexamitosis. And so that you don’t panic and pour all the medicines you come across into the water, we suggest you get acquainted with the basic therapeutic techniques for treating this disease.

What does treatment for discus fish with metronidazole look like in a common “water house”? This is exactly what we will talk about today. But first things first. Let's first figure out what hexamitosis is.

Editorial: Polypterus

The use of metronidazole for seedlings

Metronidazole is effective in controlling blackleg in seedlings. Gardeners often encounter this problem when growing seedlings of garden crops at home.

I use a separate recipe for processing seedlings. I take 1 tablet of the drug, dilute it with a small amount of warm boiled water to make a paste. Then I put it in a container and dilute it with a liter of water. I shake it well so that sediment does not settle at the bottom.

The prepared solution can be used daily for watering seedlings. To increase efficiency, I use spraying once a week instead of watering.

Modern gardeners are constantly looking for a replacement for chemicals to protect and stimulate plants. Metronidazole is an effective remedy for protecting against bacterial diseases, the main thing is to follow the norm and not mix it with other antibacterial drugs.

The use of "Trichopol" for plants in case of illness

Relatively recently, they began to use metronidazole in the garden and country house. But the results convinced everyone that this is a reliable and budget-friendly remedy. Thanks to the advantages that this drug has, plant treatment becomes more effective. Just three or four treatments per season are enough to prevent late blight from causing much harm to plants. Gardeners report several major benefits. This is safety for humans. The fruits can be safely eaten only after rinsing them with water. The second positive point was also identified experimentally. It has an effective effect not only on fungi and pathogenic bacteria, but also on pests. They avoid plants treated with metronidazole.

How to cure hexamitosis in a community aquarium?

Symptoms of the disease

At the initial stage, hexamitosis, or hole disease, is very difficult to determine, which makes it impossible to begin timely treatment. If the fish began to stay away from the school, the body color darkened, and it began to lose weight, despite regular feeding, then this is a sign of illness. At this point, you should carefully examine your pet. Typical symptoms of hexamitosis disease in fish in a community aquarium:

  1. Loss of appetite, refusal to eat (in the acute stage of the disease - complete refusal of food).
  2. Selectivity in food - the fish grabs it and then spits it out.
  3. Appearance changes:
  • Darkening of the lateral line of the body, the appearance of holes and ulcers on the scales and skin, from which white, thread-like processes may be visible. The cartilage tissue of the fish is gradually destroyed.
  • If the fish has undergone successful treatment and recovered, after the disease there will still be dents and erosions, indicating “hole disease”. They will be visible throughout your life.
  • The anus of a sick pet swells, excrement becomes mucous, stringy, thread-like, and may turn white.
  • Such thread-like processes sometimes do not separate from the anus for a long time. Sometimes a sick fish can release fragments of undigested food from its anus. This occurs due to the decomposition of the internal tissues of the intestines and disruption of its functioning.
  • The fish's fins are destroyed and fall off. The tips of the fins look like a burnt line and become uneven. This sign is clearly visible in sick angelfish. At this stage of the disease, the main mistake is treating only the damaged fin, and not getting rid of single-celled parasites.
  • Tubercles, fistulas and holes appear on the body of aquarium fish: on the head, in the side of the body, on the back. This feature is clearly visible in representatives of the Cichlid family, since their bright body color and large size are distorted by furrows, which is visually noticeable.
  • Abscesses form on the frontal part of the head, from which white mucus is released.

The listed symptoms of hexamitosis disease can appear in different sequences, and some of them can be almost invisible. Timely diagnosis and treatment will ensure that your pet gets better, and the sooner the examination is carried out, the better.

See how to treat hexamitosis.

Hexamitosis treatment in a community aquarium - description, photo

Hexamitosis is a parasitic disease of aquarium fish that affects their intestines and gall bladder, which affects their appearance. Ulcers, furrows and holes appear on the body of the fish, which is why the disease is also called “hole disease”. Other names for the disease are octomitosis, hexa, spironucleosis. Scientific name: Hexamita (Octomitus) truttae.

Methods for determining Hexamitosis

  • The first symptom of this disease is loss of appetite in aquarium fish. In addition, fish often spit out food without swallowing it. This indicates the initial stage of the disease. If this problem is not taken into account and solved, the fish will completely lose their appetite and stop eating food. Many aquarists mistake this behavior of fish for excessive selectivity in nutrition, however, this is not the case.
  • The next sign that the inhabitants are affected by the disease is the appearance of white transparent discharge, as well as the presence of thread-like discharge. This is due to the fact that the epithelium, due to damage to the body, is released and leaves the fish’s body in fairly significant quantities. Often, the release of undigested food also indicates a disease, since the fish’s intestines are affected.
  • Sick aquarium fish prefer to stay alone and you may notice a change in the color of the fish to a darker color.
  • The main symptoms of this disease are loss of body weight, a change in the shape of the fish’s abdomen, which becomes concave or keeled, and the back dries out. In cichlids and apistograms you can see a bloated abdomen.
  • Quite rarely, the skin of the fish is affected, deep holes appear from which liquid is released. The lateral line, barely noticeable in normal cases, turns out to be pronounced, acquires a white tint, and deep ulcers appear, spreading all the way to the fish’s head.

Necessary measures when hexamitosis is detected

If you suspect that your fish may have hexamitosis, you must urgently quarantine them and take preventive measures in a common aquarium so that other aquarium fish do not get sick. The most vulnerable candidates for contracting the disease if it appears in an aquarium are American and African cichlids. But this does not mean that other fish cannot pick up flagellates; they are often in an inactive state.

In addition, there is a high risk of hexamitosis affecting lalius, kissing and other types of gourami, as well as other labyrinths. However, as observations have shown, not all types of fish are susceptible to the disease; they are common carriers of the infection. The main reason is that there may not be suitable conditions for the flagellate to reproduce. Goldfish, koi carp and clown loach are very often affected by hexamitosis. The unlucky ones also include macrognathus, catfish, eels, mastacebelus, pimelodus and blue neons.

If there are inactive disease pathogens in your aquarium, and you have not provided the fish with the correct diet, this can cause the development of vitamin deficiency in the fish. In addition, excessive feeding of fish with meat and a high concentration of nitrites can also provoke the development of hexamitosis. The disease causes the greatest damage to the digestive system of fish; to be more precise, it completely destroys it, which subsequently leads to metabolic disorders. In later stages of the disease, the body of the infected fish is no longer able to absorb vitamins, microelements, fats and proteins. If the parasite enters the abdominal cavity and blood, then death for the sick fish is only a matter of time.

Treatment regimens for hexamitosis: medications and dosages

Several treatment methods are used. Their choice is determined by specific circumstances, and their effectiveness depends on the causes of the disease. “Hexamitosis”, and hole disease as a particular manifestation of it, is essentially a disease of mixed nature and is caused not only by excessive proliferation of intestinal flagellates, but also by a bacterial infection. In addition, in the treatment of “hexamitosis”, simple luck will not be amiss. The fact is that we do not have data on the selective resistance to certain drugs, as well as to high temperature, of intestinal flagellates of various species. And this selectivity in all likelihood exists

An aquarist is usually unable to distinguish flagellates by genera, even if he is the proud owner of a microscope. Therefore, if one of the methods does not work, there is no need to despair, but you need to try others, or combine them. However, one rule must always be followed: during treatment, the fish should be in the best possible quality of water.

. This is not only excellent aeration and mechanical filtration, but also the absence of excess organic matter in the water, the absence of ammonia and nitrites. Ammonia in the treatment of large fish in hatcheries can be a serious problem, but this can be easily solved by using ammonia or anti-ammonia.

It should also be specially noted that the fight against hexamitosis is useless against the background of high nitrates, the effect of which on fish is especially unfavorable when combined with phosphate pollution of the aquarium.
1. Hyperthermic treatment. This is an increase in the water temperature in the aquarium to 33-35 oC. Many species of intestinal flagellates do not tolerate high temperatures. And this treatment often works. The method is good in cases where the fish does not eat or eats very poorly, when simply adding metronidazole to the aquarium (see point 2) does not produce results, when it is not a pity to risk the plants (they will not like this temperature). It is important to check whether the fish are suffocating, and not to raise the temperature faster than 3-4 °C in one day. If you need to raise the temperature by more than 8-10 °C, then this must be done even more smoothly. This method is not suitable for African Great Lakes cichlids.

2. Long-term bath with metronidazole directly in the aquarium. Metronidazole (Trichopol, Clont, - a regular pharmacy) does not disrupt the biofiltration processes in the aquarium. Therefore, metronidazole can be used to treat fish directly in the aquarium, without placing them in a separate container. Typically, concentrations of 250 mg per 15 - 20 liters are used. For experienced aquarists, I recommend using even higher dosages of metronidazole - 250 mg per 10 liters. For the first three to four days, the medicine is applied every day after a partial water change (about 20% of the aquarium volume). Then every other day, replacing about 10-15%. Treatment should be stopped if the fish's appetite suddenly worsens. Although noticeable improvements may occur within 5-7 days after starting treatment, IT SHOULD BE CONTINUED FOR AT LEAST 12-15 DAYS! Hexamitosis will return if treatment is stopped too early. With powerful biofiltration using external filters, metronidazole must be applied in full dose every day throughout the entire course of treatment. Methods 1 and 2 can be combined, especially when treating South American cichlids and labyrinth fish.

3. Long-term bath with JBL Spirohexol Plus 250 or JBL Spirohexol, as well as Sera med Professional FLAGELLOL directly in the aquarium. These drugs, as a rule, do not disturb the biological balance in the aquarium; they are more convenient to use than metronidazole, since only two applications are enough. Repeated treatment (if the fish tolerated the used medicine well) is carried out 4-5 days after the end of the first. It is also possible that these medications kill flagellate cysts, thereby preventing re-infection.

4. Long-term baths in a quarantine aquarium (aquarium). If hexamitosis progresses rapidly and poses a serious threat to the life of the fish, then treatment must be carried out in a separate vessel, combining drugs that specifically act against flagellates and agents against bacteria (antibiotics and nitrofurans). Below are the DRUG COMBINATIONS:

  • Metronidazole with ciprofloxacin . For large adult (not emaciated!) cichlids, the application rate of metronidazole is 1 table. (250 mg) per 10 liters of water, for small species and young cichlids, labyrinths and others - 1 table. by 15–20 liters when applying the full dose daily after changing at least 50% of the water volume. Metronidazole is well combined with ciprofloxacin 500 mg per 50 l and/or with rifampicin 150 mg per 30 l (regular pharmacy), or with kanamycin - 1 g per 35 l. These antibiotics are given at the same time as metronidazole. The course of treatment is 10 days or more. Baktopur direct gives good results in the fight against hexamitosis . Baktopur Direct acts here only as an antibacterial agent. This drug itself does not kill flagellate, but is very effective against secondary bacterial infections. In addition to Baktopur direct, products from other manufacturers, similar in their effect, can be used, for example, JBL Furanol 2.
  • Furazolidone 50 mg per 15 l + kanamycin 1 g per 35 l (regular pharmacy). Apply these medications every day or every other day after a partial water change.
  • ZMF HEXA-EX (TETRA) + ciprofloxacin 500 mg per 50 l (regular pharmacy). Taken separately, ZMF HEXA-EX is suitable for treating fish in a community aquarium. But it does not suppress the bacterial component of the disease. Ciprofloxacin is added simultaneously with ZMF HEXA-EX, when adding which you must follow the TETRA instructions.
  • FURAN-2 (Aquarium pharmaceuticals) + kanamycin 1 g per 35 l (regular pharmacy). Apply FURAN-2 according to the manufacturer's instructions, and simultaneously add kanamycin.
  • General Cure + EM tablets (Aquarium pharmaceuticals). Perhaps this combination is applicable against hexamitosis in a general aquarium. It makes sense to use General Cure only if you cannot get metronidazole, which is part of this drug.


. Perhaps the combination of Baktopur direct + ZMF HEXA-EX will be quite safe for fish and effective, but it requires testing. The same can be said about the combinations of ZMF HEXA-EX with TS capsules, EM tablets and FURAN-2. Branded products are applied according to the instructions on the packaging. If the duration of the recommended course is short, a positive effect is achieved, but the fish remains untreated, then after a short pause (two days) you can repeat the course, then another.

If during treatment the fish develop toxicosis from an excess of drugs (in fact, the dosage greatly depends on the composition of the water, the functional state, and the individual sensitivity of the fish), which is expressed in loss of appetite, increased mucus secretion, convulsive movements, rapid or difficult breathing, then it is necessary to immediately If these symptoms are detected, carry out a partial water change and subsequently use half the dosage of medications. This remark fully applies to both branded and pharmacy drugs.

In case of hexamitosis, the course of treatment in the tank should be carried out for at least 10 days. At the same time, it makes sense to prophylactically treat the entire population of the main aquarium with metronidazole, even if all the fish look absolutely healthy. When the treated fish is returned from the aquarium to the aquarium, the course of prophylaxis is continued there for another 4 - 5 days.

If the fish continues to take food, it makes sense to soak it in the same medicines for 5 - 30 minutes (depending on the type of food) and then feed it. There is special material on how to turn bloodworms into medicinal food.

If the fish has “holes,” adding Melafix or Pimafix to the fish tank water has a good effect on their healing, but it is better to use dosages of these drugs reduced by one third, since there are already a lot of drugs in the fish tank water.

For angelfish, discus, and other heat-loving species, it is advisable to increase the water temperature to 33–35 °C during treatment. This helps get rid of hexamite, since the parasite cannot tolerate temperatures above 35 °C. When hyperthermic treatment of fish for hesamitosis, it is necessary to ensure strong aeration of the water and use reduced (approximately half) dosages of pharmaceutical drugs.

Important points

If various symptoms appear, you should be prudent and isolate individuals until a diagnosis is made and the causes of the disease are clarified. Not all symptoms are always pronounced at the same time. Thus, discharge may appear due to poisoning, intestinal inflammation, overeating, coccidiosis enteritis or helminthiasis.

To detect the disease in a timely manner, it is necessary to carefully monitor the fish on a regular basis, so if you find a long white trail that does not separate from the body of the fish and accompanies it for several hours, you can understand that this is the cause of the flagellate disease.

Ways to prevent hexamitosis

To prevent the occurrence of Hexamitosis, it is necessary to use special feeds for treatment that contain spirulina, kanamycin and furazolidone. It is important to provide your fish with a balanced and high-quality diet. Next, it is necessary to ensure the highest quality water in the aquarium. Drugs such as Fishtamin or Activant are used to add to water.





Seven troubles - one answer

You can purchase the drug at a pharmacy, where it is sold without a doctor's prescription. The use of Trichopolum for spraying plants gives a positive result on cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as on any garden crops. There are a number of diseases for which this simple drug is a salvation:

  • The first and main thing is late blight. The widespread scourge is destructive for all types of crops. Every summer resident knows how it manifests itself. Brown spots appear on the surface of the leaves. The cause is a fungus that spreads through spores. It is enough for it to appear in your neighbors’ garden, and under favorable weather conditions, your garden will also be under threat.
  • The use of Trichopolum for plants in the country is also justified for the treatment of powdery mildew. Most often it affects cucumbers. The disease spreads very quickly, almost instantly. The leaf begins to turn yellow and fade, and a white coating appears on it. As a result, even if the plant does not die, the yield will deteriorate sharply.
  • Another disease that this drug can help with is fusarium. The disease contributes to the formation of rot on plants and yellowing of leaves.
  • Corner spot is another dangerous fungal disease. Most often it affects cucumbers. All leaves begin to dry out and die. Fruiting is reduced to a minimum.

The principle of step-by-step treatment of discus fish with metronidazole

We invite you to get acquainted with a detailed scheme of treatment and preventive measures based on Trichopolum.

There is no need to change the water first.

Second day

In the morning, it is necessary to replace ¼ of the total volume of liquid in the aquarium. You need to take settled liquid as fresh water. We introduce trichopolum in the same amount as on the first day.

Towards evening, we re-administer the drug in the same dosage.

Day three

In the morning, we repeat the procedure of replacing 25% of the aqueous medium with settled water. We introduce rifampicin into the home water area in a ratio of 0.15 grams per 50 liters of water.

Editorial: Corydoras nanus

In the evening, it is necessary to combine Trichopolum and rifampicin in full doses.

Day four

In the morning, we replace ¼ of the water area with clean, settled water. Add a solution of rifampicin to the aquarium in a ratio of 0.1 grams per 50 liters.

In the evening, we administer metronidazole at a dose equal to half the usual dose.

Day five

We consolidate the result by carrying out similar procedures of the previous day.

As a result, over five days we need to administer six doses of Trichopolum.

Hole disease, causes and help


The general rule, no matter what treatment method you choose, is that a sick fish should be kept only in high-quality water, whether in the main tank or in a treatment aquarium. Any negative factor in the composition of its environment can seriously interfere with the procedures.

It is better to transplant sick fish into a separate aquarium - procedures in the main tank may be less effective. However, in the case of, for example, cichlids originating from Africa and America, and all species of cichlids in general, treatment is best carried out in the main, community aquarium, since this family is very prone to disease. The infection spreads extremely quickly among them, and it is likely that you will not notice all the sick people. In the early stages, hexamitosis is much easier to treat, so when cichlids become ill, it is better to play it safe and treat everyone.

How to treat ichthyophthyriosis

It is important to treat not only the aquarium fish themselves, but also to take appropriate measures to disinfect the aquarium. Previously, semolina in aquarium fish was considered easily curable, but nowadays it is becoming increasingly difficult to treat, as parasites adapt to methods of fighting bacteria. With the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, the fish in the aquarium may die after a week, so semolina should be treated immediately.

It is possible to cure fish either by moving them to another container or by leaving them in the aquarium.

Treatment methods for whiteheads:

  1. Treatment of ichthyophthyridiosis with salt
  2. "Malachite green"
  3. Hydrogen peroxide
  4. A mixture of the medicine “malachite green” with other

Treatment of ichthyophthyridiosis with salt

This method is suitable for treating ciliates brought from local waters, since tropical bacteria tolerate salt water well. Salt should be taken at the rate of one tablespoon per 10 liters of water, while gradually raising the temperature to 32 degrees. The duration of treatment is 14 days. After therapy for 30 days, it is necessary to change the water by 30% every week. Efficiency is achieved by reducing the amount of oxygen for the life of ciliates, and the increased water temperature prevents their reproduction.

"Malachite green"

The effectiveness of the drug is reduced by the fact that a concentration of 0.09 mg/l is unfavorably tolerated by fish and plants, and a decrease in concentration leads to a decrease in effectiveness. And also an indicator of no more than 0.06 mg/l is recommended if the aquarium contains young fish and representatives without scales. It is administered gradually until the rash disappears, and for several days after visible signs disappear. With each new addition of medicine, it is necessary to change the water.

Hydrogen peroxide

It is recommended to add 3% peroxide solution to 1 ml per 10 liters of water. It will saturate the water with oxygen, and the inhabitants will breathe easier. It is recommended to carefully observe the dosage; excessive concentrations of hydrogen peroxide can harm the fish or burn their fins.

A mixture of the medicine “malachite green” with other

The combination is designed to effectively combat infestation; it is important to carry out such treatment only in seed tanks, since the use of these agents disrupts biological filtration.

The following drugs are used to treat semolina in fish:

  • anti-steam;
  • nitrofurans;
  • Furacilin.

The combination of malachite green, methylene blue and formaldehyde effectively helps fight ichthyophthyriasis. The mixture of these drugs is called anti-steam treatment.

Treatment of ichthyophthyriosis with furatsilin is also a good antimicrobial agent. Furacilin is sold in pharmacies. You need a medicine produced in the form of tablets in a dosage of 0.02 g. To carry out therapy, you need to put 1.5 tablets in warm water for complete dissolution. Add the previously described solution of malachite green to the liquid. This composition is enough for an aquarium with a volume of 20 liters.

If furatsilin is used without combination with other drugs, then 6-8 tablets per 100 liters of water are calculated. Every day for 4–6 days, the water must be changed by 20% and half of the dissolved tablet added.

Branded drugs for ichthyophthyriosis in aquarium fish:

  • Manufacturer Sera;
  • manufacturer Tetra;
  • Aquarium Pharmaceuticals (API);
  • JBL Punktol ULTRA (for acute stages of the disease).

Aquarium Pharmaceuticals is available in capsule and liquid form. Liquid medicine has a different composition from capsules and is used after capsule therapy or replaces them in acute forms of the disease.

Fish semolina responds well to treatment with specialized pharmaceutical preparations. Tablets are produced by different manufacturers, and the list of medications for fish from semolina is periodically updated. This is due to the fact that the drugs that were previously treated lose their effectiveness, the bacteria acquire immunity, so the means for treating fish are constantly being improved.

Before using a medicine for ichthyophthyriasis, it is important to carefully read the instructions; each drug has its own composition and medicinal properties that have different effects on the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Along with carrying out therapy for the inhabitants of the reservoir, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips for the treatment of ichthyophthyridiasis:

  • additional increase in aeration;
  • maintain the required water temperature.

After treatment, the aquarium should be emptied of fish and left for several days. The water temperature should be within 32 degrees. For filtration, use carbon to remove drugs from the reservoir. There is no need to remove snails and plants from the aquarium.

Beneficial properties of metronidazole for plants

The benefit of metronidazole for plants lies in the high content of the active substance - trichopolum. You can buy it in its pure form, but I couldn’t find it.

This component has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. With its help you can protect many garden crops from diseases. The use of metronidazole is recommended to exclude:

  • vascular bacteriosis of cabbage;
  • bacterial spot of beans;
  • bacteriosis of cucumbers;
  • bacterial canker and black spot of tomatoes;
  • root cancer of fruit trees;
  • bacterial cancer of grape bushes.

In addition to its protective properties, this drug is good at repelling insects, such as onion flies. I use the drug as an effective remedy in the fight against late blight and cladosporiosis (leaf mold).

Metronidazole is able to penetrate anaerobic and protozoan organisms, introducing a nitro group into their respiratory chain, resulting in a disruption in the respiration of microorganisms, and subsequently to their death. DNA production is also inhibited, which leads to the degeneration of bacteria.

General information about Doctor Fish FMC

The drug FMC was developed in 1979 by Gerald Bussleyer (world-renowned ichthyopathologist, president of Ornamental Fish International). Designed to combat pathogens of aquarium and pond fish.

Effective against parasites: gill worms, protozoan flagellated microorganisms, Trichodin ciliates, Chilodonella, Ichthyophthirius.

The name of the drug is an abbreviation of the first letters of the components that make up it. FMC - formalin, malachit green, cotton blue.


The composition of the combined product includes: formaldehyde, methylene blue, malachite green.

Formalin is an aqueous solution of formaldehyde stabilized with methanol. Methylene blue is a dark green crystal with a bronze luster. Used as a dye and antiseptic.

Malachite green is a synthetic dye consisting of green and yellow crystals with a metallic luster. Used to combat pathogenic organisms and water disinfection.

Indications for use

FMS is used to destroy parasites on the body and gills of fish, and also as a means of prevention. The following diseases are treated with its help:

Saprolegniosis (Fin rot);

Ichthyobodosis (damage to the skin in the form of gray-blue spots caused by protozoan flagellated microorganisms);

Tetrahymenosis (loss and ruffling of scales due to the development of ciliates of the genus Tetrahymena);

Trichodinosis (skin damage by round-ciliated ciliates of the Urceolariidae family);

Ichthyophthyriosis (the appearance of white grains on the scales, caused by ciliates of the genus Ichthyophthirius).

The drug can suppress the development of certain bacterial and fungal diseases.

Doesn't help against:

  • oodiniosis (velvet disease);

  • monogenea (fluke worms).

Duration of treatment and preventive measures, which include metronidazole

At the same time, preventive treatment of the waterfowl population remaining in the aquarium should be carried out. To do this, we simply reduce the concentration of trichopolum to 0.25 grams per 35 liters.

Moreover, the drug must be administered every day after changing from ¼ to ½ the volume of all water. And even if your pets look healthy and eat normally, you should not neglect preventive measures. Firstly, trichopolum in such quantities will not be able to harm discus fish, and secondly, as they say, “forewarned is forearmed.”

Having returned the previously infected discus to its usual water area, do not interrupt therapy for at least another 7 days.

Most of the literature suggests that the duration of treatment should be as few days as possible.

Believing that the drug has a detrimental effect on the health of fish, many aquarists stop treating their pets as soon as they show signs of good appetite and mood.

In reality, the harm from medications and from intestinal parasitic creatures is simply incomparable. If discus fish refuse longer courses of treatment, they usually die soon.

In order to protect treated fish from recurrent disease, the following measures are necessary:

  • maintaining the aquarium’s ecological system within acceptable standards;
  • from time to time, a drug containing “furazolidone” or “spirulin” must be added to fish food;
  • use a variety of foods for feeding;
  • avoid overfeeding fish;
  • check the level of nitrates in the aquarium;
  • add the drug “Activant” to the water.

Hexamitosis causes enormous damage to the intestines of fish, which can lead to their death.

It is important to maintain the aquarium properly and use fresh food. This will keep your pets healthy and beautiful

An excellent remedy for the prevention of Hexamitosis are special medicinal feeds containing furazolidone, kanamycin and spirulina. It is also necessary to take care of a varied, balanced diet.

In addition, it is important to ensure that the water quality in the fish tank is always adequate. It is highly advisable to use Activant or Fishtamin (SERA) to add to water

Rules for treatment with metronidazole

Experienced aquarists recommend keeping fish in the highest quality water possible during treatment. Excellent aeration and filtration will be required. It is important to ensure that the water does not contain excess organic substances, ammonia, or nitrites. It is also worth noting that ammonia can become a significant problem when treating large fish. It can be solved by using ammolok or anti-ammonia.

During drug therapy, you should ensure that there are no high nitrates. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve positive results. If there is phosphate contamination in the tank, then the fish will be negatively affected.

Diseases of aquarium fish angelfish: hexamitosis in angelfish

Hexamitosis in angelfish: treatment

In fact, curing hexamitosis is not such a problem. There are excellent medicines against the causative agent of the disease Spironucleus vortens - both potent and more delicate.

What should you do first? Place the fish in a separate aquarium, and start preventive maintenance in the general aquarium: change the water, remove any leftover food. In the future, you should pay more attention to the purity of kvass and buy proven and fresh feed.

A sick fish can be treated with Trichopolum - this is one of the mildest remedies, but at the same time one of the most effective. For treatment, it is better to take a Polish drug: although it is expensive, it acts very quickly and without side effects.

Is the angelfish sick? To treat it, there is another technique that helps get rid of intestinal invasion. When the water temperature is 27-30 °C, metronidazole should be given. On the first day - 250 mg per 30 liters of water. On the second day - the same dosage again, but replacing 30% of the settled water in the aquarium. Course - 7 days.

The angelfish food should be replaced with something else. You can give artemisia - this is a small red crustacean sold frozen. It is better to buy it in a blister rather than in a bag.

After such treatment, the fish will no longer refuse to eat and will soon become completely healthy and still cheerful.

Instructions and treatment regimens

On the day of treatment, the fish are not given food. Before adding the medicine, turn off the filters and UV lamps.

The drug FMC is poisonous, so you should strictly follow the recommended dosage and work with it wearing rubber gloves.

In a common aquarium

If fish living in an aquarium become ill, 2 treatment regimens can be used.

The aquarium product is used according to the scheme.

  1. The first option involves adding 1 ml of the drug per 100 liters of water on 1 day. On the 3rd day, change the aquarium water by 30-40% and add 1 ml of FMC again. Over the next 5 days, the fish are treated. Then gradually change the water. If the disease develops insignificantly, it is enough to perform the procedure once. In severe cases, treatment is required 2-3 times.
  2. The second option involves adding 1 ml of the drug to 100 liters of water on day 1, 0.5 ml on the second, and 0.25 ml on the third. The water is replaced after 5 days.

In case of an overdose, a chemical burn of the skin is possible, the gills, which the fish cannot easily tolerate, can die.

In the baths

When using therapeutic baths, 2 ml of FMC is dissolved in 10 liters of water. The fish are immersed in water for 25-30 minutes once a day. It is possible to carry out from 1 to 5 therapy sessions.

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