Apistogramma electric blue (microgeophagus ramirezi electric blue) » home aquarium

Apistogramma electric blue neon
Apistogram electric blue, sorry =)… electric blue neon is an artificially bred breeding form Ramirezi's apistogram (Microgeophagus ramirezi). Therefore, the conditions for its maintenance are similar to the maintenance of ramirezok, and all apistograms in general.

The enthusiasm of breeders for apistograms was so great that today we have such variations as: albino form, gold, balloon, veil, neon, blue neon, electric blue and others. On the one hand, this is great, we see new forms of beautiful fish. On the other hand, all these selection exercises lead to a deterioration of the already fragile immunity of apistograms.

In fact, all aquarists who kept apistograms state that the fish do not live long, and under the slightest negative conditions they immediately begin to get sick, hunch over and go into the world of eternal bloodworms. This is due to the fact that Asian producers stuff the fish with hormones and then transport it to us in not the most appropriate conditions. As a result, a shipment of fish comes to us in Russia, as if from Auschwitz. Local wholesale companies treat and pump out the fish in every possible way. And then they sell it to the end consumer. Naturally, under such circumstances, apistograms, and even more so the electric blue selection, do not live long. They require attention and special care.

Apists video review

Taking into account the above, the main rule when containing any apistograms is ideally clean water without excessive concentrations of poisons NH 4, NO 2, NO 3 . Well-established filtration and aeration. Every conscientious aquarist should always have a set of drop tests on hand, at least for nitrate and phosphate. Fortunately, they have now become inexpensive, there are no problems with their assortment and acquisition. For example, we can with a clear conscience recommend you the cool UHE drop tests, , but they are sold only online. In stores in your city - offline, you can find inexpensive Vladox tests .

The temperature must be constant and stable. For these fish, the water temperature should be 27-28 degrees Celsius. It has been noted that in such warmer water, apistograms get sick less and live longer.

Other water parameters for the content of electric blue neon apistogram: pH : 6-8, kH below 7, dH up to 15°.

Electric blue apistogram compatibility : They are dwarf cichlids - micropredators, but still non-aggressive. Even small, peaceful fish are favorably treated. As neighbors we can recommend: swordtails, thornets, tetras, neons, zebrafish, all peaceful catfish, gouramis and laliuses, parrots, other non-aggressive cichlids - discus and angelfish.

Apistogramma electric blue neon

Apistogramma electric blue treat aquarium plants favorably - they do not pinch, dig or uproot them. This property allows them to be kept even in luxurious herbalists. A friendly neighborhood with any aquarium shrimp has been noted.

At the same time, do not forget that the Apistogramma Electric Blue is a cichlid. And like all cichlids, it is characterized by territorial, intraspecific aggression. See the article - compatibility of aquarium fish.

Apistogramma electric blue neon

Incompatible : With large and aggressive fish - cichlids and catfish, piranhas and other aggressors. Incompatible with the entire goldfish family.

How long do they live: Apistogramma is not a long-lived aquarium fish and can live about 4 years. You can find out how long other fish live in THIS ARTICLE!

The minimum volume of an aquarium for apistogramma electric blue: from 30 liters, in such an aquarium you can plant a couple + small catfish and medium-sized neighbors. Under good conditions and in large aquariums, they sometimes grow up to 6-7 cm. See how many fish you can keep in an X liter aquarium HERE .

Remember that all apistograms are sdychotics! They're dying like flies. And this is not just an empty conclusion. And the conclusions are based on general practice, including the practice of FanFishka . On our forum, the guys contained all sorts of rare, expensive and not very apist. So, sooner or later, they all either became bloated, or hunched over, or were covered in sores, packed their bags and went to Neptune - to the land of the eternal bloodworm.

Hence the conclusions, friends! Firstly, we do not recommend getting an Apistogram for green beginners. Train on guppies Secondly, if you are already seduced by the beauty of these fish, then you need to create ideal conditions for them. When making changes, we recommend adding a prophylactic dose of pharmaceutical iodinol , or better yet, Tetra Vital , which, in addition to iodine, contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements; it will definitely be useful not only for apistograms, but for the entire aquarium as a whole.

When changing water, it would be a good idea to use clean water supply and use drugs that block harmful substances. For example, Tetra AquaSafe - it blocks chlorine compounds, heavy metals + contains B vitamins, iodine and other aquarium goodies. That is, you can safely pour water into the aquarium with it, without fear of harming your beloved and gentle pets.

Care and maintenance

The aquarium for keeping the Blue Dempsey cichlid must be at least 150 liters per pair of individuals.
And when settling with other compatible species - even more. The ideal placement option would be a species aquarium, in which a male and a female will live. Soil is placed on the bottom of the aquarium; the best choice would be coarse sand with a layer of 5-6 cm. Cichlids love to dig in it, so pebbles with sharp edges are excluded. Natural stones and driftwood, stacked in such a way as to form a large number of shelters, are ideal as decorations. Don't forget to leave open areas for the fish to swim.

Unfortunately, living plants are not compatible with Blue Dempsey cichlises, because they are easily destroyed and dug up by them. Therefore, you can do without them; in extreme cases, hard-leaved species are used - Anubias, Echinodorus - planted in pots.

The aquarium for Blue Dempsey cichlases is usually decorated ascetically - with the help of stones and driftwood

Like any large fish, Blue Dempsey cichlises produce a significant amount of waste in the aquarium, so good filtration is the first thing that needs to be taken care of. It is best to use a high-performance external filter. It is also worth installing a quiet and powerful compressor that will provide oxygen to the fish and beneficial bacteria. Blue Dempsey is a heat-loving tropical fish and will feel comfortable at temperatures around 26°C, so a thermostat is equally important. The lighting should not be bright; fish love twilight.

A prerequisite for maintaining a comfortable environment in aquariums with Blue Dempsey cichlisoma is weekly water changes - up to 20% of the volume. To recreate the effect of “black” tropical water in an aquarium, use Tetra ToruMin conditioner with natural peat extract.


Keeping and caring for butterflies is easier than other cichlids. They do not require a very large aquarium and are less picky. Take care of quality equipment, good filtration and aeration, proper proximity and diet.

The recommended aquarium volume for a pair of cichlids is from 40 liters. An 80-liter aquarium is enough for a small flock.


Place sand or fine gravel at the bottom; apistogrammas sometimes dig it. Sharp and large stones can injure the fish.


Butterflies are demanding on water quality. Provide the fish with clean water; they do not tolerate cloudiness or sudden changes in parameters. In a 40–80 liter aquarium, change part of the water 1–2 times a week by 10–15%. In large tanks, change the fluid no more than once a week. Avoid strong water movement.

Optimal parameters.

rigidity5–12 dGH (soft water)
acidity6.5–7.5 ph
water temperature26–30 degrees


The Apistogramma fish is unpretentious to light. Choose bright overhead lighting that will be comfortable for fish and plants. Make sure that the lamp does not heat the water too much. The colors of the fish are better revealed in the light of the cold spectrum. You can add a special lamp that enhances the color. Avoid incandescent lamps, their spectral composition and heat output are not suitable for an aquarium with apistograms.


Create shaded areas with floating plants:

  1. Riccia floating;
  2. duckweed;
  3. salvinia;
  4. hydrocotyls.

An aquarium with apistogramma contains any plants. Give preference to green plants:

  1. hornwort;
  2. elodea;
  3. Vallisneria in the aquarium;
  4. ferns;
  5. limnophils.

Red-leaved species (Ludwigia, Cryptocoryne) are undesirable; butterfly fish look less impressive with them.

Habitat arrangement

Place the necessary equipment:

  1. external or internal filter;
  2. compressor;
  3. heater.

Place several flat dark rocks on the ground for spawning. To achieve a natural habitat feel, add alder cones, almond leaves and tree roots. Also suitable as decorations:

  1. grottoes;
  2. driftwood;
  3. pots.

Avoid metal elements that change the composition of the water.

Domestic representatives of this species

The aquarium butterfly fish is the smallest representative of this family. The average length is only 5-9 cm. The color is yellow with a brown tint, decorated with a scattering of bluish sparks, which is why it looks impressive in an aquarium. Since she prefers to swim in the upper layers of water, it will be difficult for her to get along with other household inhabitants who share her habits. And if the neighbor is smaller than the butterfly fish and fits into its mouth, then most likely it will be eaten. And, on the contrary, it is indifferent to fish that swim near the bottom or a little higher, and leads peaceful coexistence with them. She does not show aggression towards large, but not aggressive, inhabitants of the aquarium. The greatest danger for them are fish, which are not averse to feasting on the fins of their neighbors.

It is advisable to keep these fish in aquariums of 65 liters or higher, with a large surface of the water surface, at a temperature of 22-30C and with an acidity pH of 6.5-7.5, but the hardness should be at the level of 12°dH. It will be very good if there is an abundance of thickets in the aquarium where the fish live. This is so that the fish can hide in them. Since these fish feed at the surface of the water, they should be fed with live insects, grasshoppers, cockroaches, and flies. They do not disdain larvae and small fish. But be careful, they have no sense of proportion, and butterfly fish can easily overeat.

Puberty occurs at the age of 9-12 months. The spawning period is accompanied by mating games and lasts about 7 days. After the female lays eggs, they can be collected with a spoon and placed in an incubator for 2-3 days so that the rest of the embryos is not disturbed by other fish.


Neons received their unusual name for a special wide stripe on the body, which flashes brightly in reflected light, like a night neon advertisement on the street of a large city. For a long time, these brilliant beauties were supplied exclusively from nature and cost incredible amounts of money. But by a lucky chance, the secret of their reproduction was revealed, and now anyone can have a flock of neons in their aquarium, the most popular of which are blue, red and black.

Neons are peaceful fish that get along well with most popular aquarium species. Let's consider the basic rules for the compatibility of neons with other types of fish.

  • Neons are native to the tropical rivers of South America. The water in them has the characteristic color of strongly brewed tea due to the high content of humic substances - compounds formed as a result of the decomposition of organic residues. And there are plenty of them here, because the rivers flow under the canopy of the evergreen jungle and collect all the leaf litter from the trees. As organic matter decomposes, it not only colors the water, but also acidifies it. And numerous rains during the wet season also soften the water. It is for this reason that it is best to keep neons in aquariums with soft and slightly acidic water. And it is advisable to select companions for whom such conditions will be comfortable.
  • Neons are small fish. The length of adult specimens does not exceed 5 cm. Accordingly, adding much larger or aggressive fish to neons would be an extremely reckless decision. Ideal neighbors will be, first of all, proportionate species.
  • Be sure to keep neons in flocks of at least six individuals. When alone, fish feel uncomfortable, and their behavior can become completely inappropriate. On the one hand, neons become downtrodden, constantly hide, and do not take food. In this state, anyone, even the most peaceful neighbor, can offend them. But sometimes there is another option - neon turns into a real bully and indiscriminately attacks all the fish in the aquarium. If neons are kept in groups, then such phenomena are extremely rare, the degree of aggression drops, and life expectancy increases.
  • Do not add herbivorous fish to neons. The presence of live plants in an aquarium with neons is necessary. They help maintain environmental stability, absorb compounds dangerous to aquatic life, and provide natural shelters. Fish species that actively eat greens will in a short time leave only skeletons of plants, so keeping them together with neons is also not recommended.

Habitat in nature

The main distribution area is freshwater rivers and lakes of the western and central parts of the African continent. Due to their special hunting method, they inhabit swampy, mostly shallow water bodies overgrown with vegetation. They track prey, hiding in the shade of algae or leaves of aquatic plants, near the surface of the water.


This is the oldest species, which appeared more than a hundred million years ago. The process of evolution has not affected these amazing underwater inhabitants - they now look exactly the same as in ancient times.

They feed on small fish, insects and their larvae. They hunt mainly at night. To do this, the pantodon freezes on the surface of the water and waits for the victim to approach it. The special structure of her eyes allows her to monitor everything that happens above the surface of the water.

Sensitive neurons are located on the body that detect the smallest vibrations in water. As soon as the insect is nearby, it is pushed out of the water with its butterfly-like fins and leaps to attack the prey. The respiratory system allows these extraordinary creatures to receive oxygen not only while under water, but also from the air.

Moths also escape from larger aquatic inhabitants by jumping - they are able to fly over the surface of about three meters.

The temperature suitable for pantodon habitat is from 23 to 29-30 degrees.


Fish of the Nannakara Blue Neon breed are hardy and unpretentious creatures, distinguished by their peacefulness and high immunity to external factors. They can be found in the collections of both experienced and novice amateur aquarists. These fish perfectly get used to and adapt to various characteristics of the aquatic environment.

Nannakara loves space. The volume of the aquarium is determined by the number of neighbors and their species. A 70-liter container is enough to house a couple of fish. But if they live with “neighbors”, then the volume should be more than 150 liters. We recommend equipping the aquarium itself with a lid.

It is advisable to arrange a habitat for the nannakara using all kinds of decorative accessories. For blue neon, these can be clay elements or grottoes of various sizes, as well as flat stones, driftwood, made of bog oak or mopane.

When setting up, it is imperative to ensure sufficient filtration and aeration of the water column in the aquarium. Without these devices, proper care for your neon fish will not be provided. In order for all individuals to be healthy and active, they must be in clean water that is sufficiently saturated with oxygen, so do not forget to periodically clean the aquarium.

There are no special water parameters for nannakara - it adapts to the prevailing environmental conditions. But you should start from average values: it is better to choose hard water with an acidity level in the range of 6–8 pH. Its temperature is set to +22 – +28 °C.

Any soil for an aquarium is also suitable. We advise you to give preference to these varieties:

  • Coarse quartz river sand;
  • Coral chips with marble;
  • Dark gravel fraction 4 mm.

Nannakars do not touch plants, since they are not at all interested in excavating soil. Therefore, it is quite possible to add all kinds of living plants to the design of the aquarium at your discretion.

It is important to select a spacious area, free from decorative elements, where neon fish will swim to their heart’s content, as well as an area with densely placed underwater greenery - here they can hide if they feel danger or are simply afraid of something

Electric blue

For the comfort of the inhabitants of the aquarium, its lighting should remain diffused, not too intense and bright.

Feeding the fish

Nannakara aquarium fish eat live food well, but they will not refuse high-quality dry food designed for representatives of the cichlid family. Moreover, in practice the latter is used more often, since it is very convenient.

If the diet includes dry food, it must certainly contain spirulina with pieces of pre-scalded vegetables. You can feed them cucumber, cabbage leaf or zucchini. Artemia or bloodworms are suitable for live food.

Apistogramma butterfly

photo can be enlarged

Apistogramma butterfly is an aquarium fish of the cichlid family. Its habitat in nature is the Orinoco River basin (western part); fish are also acclimatized in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. This aquarium fish is one of the brightest and most elegant representatives of the dwarf American cichlid species. Most likely, this aquarium fish is very close to or coincides with the Ramiresi apistogram.

Its small size and peaceful behavior have made it widely popular among aquarists, both experienced and beginners. The size of the butterfly's apistogram reaches only 5-7 cm. The general background color of the body is yellow-brown with a reddish-orange tint in the front part. In males, the low tide, especially during the spawning period, becomes bright red. Greenish and blue sparkles are scattered in large quantities on the head, back of the body and fins. The female's abdomen is colored crimson. There is no notch on the tail; the anal fin has a rounded shape. The female's pelvic and dorsal fins are somewhat shorter than those of the males, as, in general, are the case with most representatives of this family. The first rays of the fin of a sexually mature male are elongated. You can see the appearance in more detail in the photo.

The Apistogramma butterfly is a fairly calm aquarium fish, it gets along well with other peaceful neighbors, and does not damage aquarium plants or dig up the soil. The fish are kept in a densely planted tropical aquarium, the volume of which is at least 20 liters for a pair of fish.

Water parameters for keeping: acidity pH 6.5-7.5, hardness dH not higher than 12°, temperature from 24 to 32°C. One of the features of keeping this type of cichlid is the need for elevated temperatures. Thanks to this feature, the apistogramma butterfly can coexist with heat-loving discus. Life expectancy at elevated temperatures is on average about two years, at moderate temperatures – 4 years. But in the latter case, the fish is exposed to disease.

Fish are sensitive to water quality. They feel most comfortable in running water, but if it is not possible to create a flow, it is necessary to change 30% of the water in the aquarium once a week or daily up to 10% of the water in the aquarium. The replacement water must be settled, since the fish are very sensitive to the chlorine content in the water. Aeration and filtration of water are required. During the spawning period, Ramiresi's peaceful apistogram becomes territorial. The fish is omnivorous, but when choosing dry food, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is carnivorous and therefore the food should be rich in proteins. Prone to overeating. When feeding, it is better to give preference to ice cream or live food.


Butterfly apistograms, as a rule, form stable pairs. Sexual maturity in fish occurs at the age of 4-6 months when they reach a length of approximately 3 cm. It is better to use a spawning aquarium with a volume of more than 15 liters as a place for spawning. The water temperature in it should be 1-3°C higher than in a general aquarium. Fresh soft water, added in small quantities over several days, acts as a spawning stimulator.

This apistogram spawns on open surfaces, the inner walls of flower pots or an aquarium. Sometimes inexperienced parents eat the eggs, and in a community aquarium they can be destroyed by neighbors. Productivity is 100-400 eggs. Both parents care for the offspring, but the male is dominant in this matter. After an incubation period of 2-4 days, the fry hatch. After this, the temperature in the aquarium is gradually reduced. In the first few days of life, the male transfers the offspring to holes in the ground that he dug in advance, and after 3-5 days they begin to swim on their own. At this time, the female is removed. Cyclops and Artemia nauplii and ciliates are used as starter food for juveniles.


In nature, this breed lives in South American rivers, in particular in the reservoirs of Colombia and Venezuela. Although some specimens were caught in Brazil and tributaries of the Amazon River.

The ramirezi apistogram primarily attracts the eye with its colorful appearance. The front part of the fish’s body is bright yellow, the back is bluish, reddish or faded yellow. There are black spots on the back and sides, and along almost the entire length of the body there are thick bright blue patches. The intense red eyes are crossed by a vertical black stripe that can extend from the forehead to the gills. The fins are red or black, some may also have blue spots. The only ones left without color are the pectorals. The long ray of the ventral fin is blue.

The color of females and males is slightly different. In adult males, the nose is painted bright red, while the abdomen of females is distinguished by a pink tint. In addition, there is a difference in the shape of the fins, which are much longer in males. Females are also smaller in size.

It is quite easy to distinguish a female from a male. Males have longer fins, a bright red nose, and a larger body.

The Apistogramma Ramirezi is a dwarf cichlid breed. The maximum length of adult males is 7 cm, and females - 5 cm. In good conditions, the life expectancy of the fish is 4 years.


The Nannakara cichlid is a full-fledged predator. The character of an individual varies. It is formed based on the prevailing conditions and characteristics of the habitat.

Due to the predatory nature of the dwarf cichlid, small animals cannot be added to it - such neighbors will simply be mistaken for food and eaten. These are the following types:

  • Shrimps.
  • Snails.
  • Guppy.
  • Veil fish.

Likewise, large fish cannot be placed with them, as they will oppress and offend the neon nannakara.

Compatibility issues with other fish occur during blue neon spawning. But usually such aggression is limited to the defense of the chosen territory, when individuals are simply pushed away from strangers. In this case, no death or serious injury occurs.

Nannakara gets along best with the following neighbors:

  • Barbs.
  • Pyrrhulines.
  • Danio.
  • Tetras.
  • Gourami.
  • Angelfish.
  • Mollies.
  • Pecilia.
  • Nannostomus.
  • Catfish.

For a friendly atmosphere in the aquarium and the comfort of all its inhabitants, it is worth taking care of sufficient space for each of them, having their own territory, distant from the rest.

Feeding and illness

Ramirezi eats almost everything. It is better not to give them large food, as this can be fatal.

Since the ramirezi is a carnivore, it will benefit from food that is rich in protein. It is recommended to feed the fish with live bloodworms, as well as frozen food. At the same time, it is better to give frozen food dry.

It is necessary to feed the fish 1-2 times a day. You should not feed them more than 2 times, as the fish may become obese or poisoned.

Butterflies are very unpretentious to keep, but if not cared for properly they can get sick. As already mentioned, you need to very carefully monitor the temperature of the water in the aquarium, as well as its composition. The most well-known disease in these fish is hexamitosis.

Symptoms of hexamitosis:

  1. Whitish excrement that looks like strings;
  2. Darkening of color;
  3. Loss of appetite;
  4. Abdominal bloating.

If similar symptoms are noticed in a fish, it should be placed in another aquarium. Hyperthermic treatment must be applied.


  1. Choose reliable aquarium heaters. A decrease in temperature to 20 degrees in the event of equipment shutdown will lead to the death of fish.
  2. In a medium-sized aquarium, maintain a group size of one male and three females.
  3. Give preference to an external filter, it filters water more powerfully and better.
  4. Live food can introduce parasites into the aquarium. Always process food before serving. Frozen foods are safer because freezing kills most unwanted organisms.
  5. When buying food for ramirezi, always look at the expiration date. Feed must be of high quality.
  6. Choose a solid dark background and soil for an aquarium with butterflies. Then nothing will distract you from watching interesting fish.

The fish had confusion not only in its names, but also in its genus. The species Apistogramma butterfly has been transferred by scientists from one genus to another several times. At first, the Ramirezi were classified as a genus of apistograms, which were later called microgeophagus, then pseudoapistogram and pseudogeophagus. Later, the Ramirezi again became microgeophagus.

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The fish feel good both in pairs and alone. To reproduce, you need to buy several individuals, because the dwarf cichlid prefers to choose its own partner. As a rule, for a good result, you need to put 9-11 individuals in the aquarium, over 6 months old (age can be determined by size, which reaches 3 cm during this period). For spawning to occur, the temperature rises to 29-30 degrees, and dH decreases to 4 and pH to 6.

The eggs are thrown onto comfortable flat surfaces without tilting (stones, wide sheets of vegetation). Before laying eggs, the fish prepare the surface by removing debris. At the moment of spawning, the male presses his abdomen against the female, simultaneously fertilizing the eggs. The whole process takes several hours. During this time, the female lays about 300-400 eggs.

After this, the couple is always near the future offspring. A few days later, larvae emerge from it, which the fish move to a shelter in the sand. For the next few days, the babies remain there under the care and protection of the male. It is better to remove the female from the spawning area.

After this time, the fry become more independent. They can swim and feed themselves. Now they need increased feeding with starter food - brine shrimp, ciliates, rotifers.

If the aquarist notices that the parents are eating eggs, it is urgent to transplant the future offspring into the aquarium, filling it with water from the main aquarium. You should also add aeration, disinfect the water with methylene blue (to a slightly blue tint), raise the temperature and do regular water changes. When the fry appear, it is necessary to feed them from the first day, and carefully remove leftover food and waste from them.



Apistogramma ramirezi has a colorful appearance that attracts the eye. However, this was not enough for breeders, and they developed many varieties, the most popular of which are:


It is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty, iridescent color and veil-shaped fins. Its body is yellow, orange, red and even olive in shades, with blue and light blue spots along its entire length. The fins have pink, red and purple tints and when the fish moves, they really resemble a veiled cape;


It differs from the usual apistogram in the shape of its body, which is more round and resembles a flat disk. There are Ramirezi and Electric Blue Ballon. Since the species was bred artificially, the fish reacts sharply to unsuitable conditions, so the balloon is more demanding to care for;

The content is similar to ordinary ramirezi. Unpretentious and peaceful, gets along with many types of fish. It is not picky in its diet, but from balanced feeding it quickly acquires a bright color;

Electric blue neon

It appeared in 2010 and literally conquered the whole world with its bright blue color, against which the red iris of the fish’s eyes and the yellow front part of the body stand out effectively. If the aquarium has clean water, optimal temperature, a lot of vegetation and a varied, nutritious diet, Electric Blue will feel comfortable. Of all the breeding species, ramirezi electric blue is distinguished by the strongest health;


It has a yellow-green body color with characteristic blue spots. The forehead and upper part of the fish’s head are bright orange, the fins are transparent, with a red edging and blue splashes. Very demanding in content.

All breeding species of Apistogramma, except electric blue, due to their origin, react sharply to changes in the environment. Therefore, they should be started by experienced aquarists who are able to maintain the necessary water parameters and provide proper care for the fish.

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The body is tall, egg-shaped, with a large head, flat sides, large eyes with black edging. A vertical, almost black stripe runs through the eye. An adult and maturing apistogramma altispinosa has narrow red stripes on the edges of its unpaired fins. The color of the body is soft yellow, with an almost black, brighter in juveniles, spot on the side, and a black upper part of each ray of the dorsal fin. Altispinosa males are more massive than females and have a dark spot with vertical gray stripes on the body, while in the female this is replaced by two dark spots. Males also have the brightest colors. The Bolivian Apistogramma (actually from Bolivia) is a little lighter, it is a calmer relative from the reservoirs of Brazil.

Content principles

As mentioned above, the butterfly, due to its calm nature, can be kept in community aquariums. When choosing an aquarium, you should remember that it is recommended to keep fish in a school of 6-12 individuals, so it is better to take an aquarium from 40 liters. Comfortable conditions for a fish like Butterfly are as follows:

water hardness up to 20o; pH=6.5-7.5; good filtration; slight current; temperature 23-26 oC; Regular water changes up to 30%.

When decorating an aquarium, it is worth considering that the Butterfly needs a lot of shelters: this requires dense plantings, various driftwood, stones, preferably flat, artificial caves and grottoes. To decorate the bottom, it is better to use fine-grained gravel of a dark color. Plants must be planted so that the bottom appears to be divided into conventional squares, separating one shelter from another. Altispinosas look most beautiful against a dark background with moderate lighting. The mass of driftwood and peat-containing components, like filling the filter, will increase the overall tone of the fish and add brightness and mobility to them.

See how the apistograms fight each other.

Optimal neighborhood

It is better to keep it in aquariums with not very active fish, because Apistogramma altispinosa will become shy and hide. But do not forget that this cichlid, although small in size, is still a predator, so the best option is neighbors of the same size. Juvenile altispinosas show little signs of aggression until they form a pair, defending their territory. Females practically do not interfere in fights, but intelligently hide in the thickets. However, all brawls occur without critical consequences.

Reproduction processes

The Bolivian butterfly matures by the age of one year

When breeding, you should take into account that if you select a pair yourself, it will often not produce offspring. A future young pair of butterflies is created spontaneously in a flock

It is preferable to select fish at the age of 1.5 years or even older for spawning, because younger individuals can eat all their eggs immediately after the breeding process. A strong and friendly pair of altispinosa will remain together, even if they are transferred to another aquarium.

A pair of spawners spawn on open ground or a large smooth stone, or on the bottom of a hole that the male digs. They spend a lot of time cleaning the chosen area. A female altispinosa can lay from one hundred to two hundred eggs. Spawning is stimulated by constant water changes and increasing the temperature to 26-28 oC. Subsequently, the female takes care of the eggs, and the male protects the adjacent territory from a potential aggressor. They only change when it's feeding time.

Watch Bolivian butterflies swim in an aquarium.

The eggs are incubated for about 3-7 days, which will immediately be transported by responsible parents to holes previously dug in the sand. Five days later the fry are already swimming. Due to overzealous parents, only a third of the offspring can be saved, so it is better to use artificial incubation.

Juvenile altispinosa must be fed with brine shrimp, ciliates and rotifers. At the age of 2 months, the fry can already be transferred to “adult” food, and at 3 months they can be introduced into a general aquarium. Males grow up to 9 cm, and females - 6 cm. Adult fish feed on any live food, such as detritus, seeds, insects, eggs, fry, or substitutes. It is necessary to feed two to three times a day in small portions. Life expectancy in an aquarium is up to four years, with a record of up to seven years.

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Breeding and sexual characteristics of Apistogram Widget

During spawning, especially males, acquire intense coloration. Males are larger than females. Apistogramma become sexually mature at 4-6 months, when they reach a length of about 3 cm.

Breeding and spawning is simple, in fact it is typical of the spawning of most cichlid fish. In fact, spawning occurs independently.

A big problem in breeding is the formation of a good pair of sires. Apistogramma Widget is characterized by laziness and disgust towards offspring; they either eat the eggs or leave them without care and attention. Caused by prolonged keeping of fish at home. Domesticated specimens are lazy and require a lot of puffing to get a caring pair of breeders. Everything else is easy.

Pairs are persistent and remain throughout reproductive age. For spawning, an aquarium of 15 liters or more is usually used, with coarse-grained sand, thickets of plants and an abundance of flat stone surfaces. The water in the spawning aquarium should be acidic pH below 7 and warmer by 1-2°C than in the general aquarium. The thickness of the water column is about 8-10 centimeters, because... Under natural conditions, apistogramma spawn in shallow water. It is necessary to ensure a weak flow of water.

The stimulus for spawning is the daily addition of fresh, soft water.

The female lays a clutch (50-400 eggs) either on a flat, open surface, or on the inner wall of a grotto, cave, etc. After which both parents, especially the male, begin to care for the offspring. The eggs are sorted out and the dead are destroyed. The masonry can be moved from place to place.

Apistogram Widget

The incubation period of eggs depends on the water temperature and can range from 45 to 80 hours. Well, then the larvae appear, which feed on their own due to the yolk sac for 5-7 days. In the first days the larvae are motionless, then the male begins to move them into the pits.

Next, the larvae turn into fry, which need to be fed with starter food: live dust, ground live and dry food. However, even the most favorable conditions do not guarantee the survival of juveniles.

All of the above is just the fruit of observing this type of aquarium fish and collecting various information from owners and breeders. We would like to share with visitors not only information, but also live emotions that allow us to understand the world of aquariums more fully and subtly. Register at https://fanfishka.ru/forum/, participate in discussions on the forum, create profile topics where you will talk about your pets in the first person and from the horse’s mouth, describe their habits, behavior and content, and share with us your successes and joys, share your experiences and learn from the experiences of others. We are interested in every bit of your experience, every second of your joy, every awareness of a mistake, which makes it possible for your comrades to avoid the same mistake. The more of us there are, the more pure and transparent drops of goodness there are in the life and everyday life of our seven billion society.

Reproduction and sexual characteristics of apistograms

The breeding period of apistograms is the only time when they are able to attack other inhabitants of the aquarium. Pisces are concerned about protecting their offspring and see an enemy for anyone who swims up to the eggs. Some apistograms are so suspicious that they carry caviar in their mouths. Valuable cargo is transferred only to the partner, for example, during meals.

Some apistograms bury their eggs in the ground. At the same time, it is not excluded that the offspring will be based in the mouth. If the parents suspect something is wrong, they suck in the eggs, spitting them back into the hole only in a calm environment.

In general, Pisces of the group are responsible and loving parents. Even the fry of Apistogramma are looked after for the first time. The elders hide them, like caviar, in their mouths. The second option is to cover it with fins, like wings.

Following the saying “every family has its black sheep,” among the apistograms there were those who lacked parental instincts. Ramirezi, for example, eat their offspring without blinking an eye. Electric blues are less bloodthirsty, but just as absent-minded and do not keep an eye on their offspring.

The Bolivian Apistogramma becomes a good parent only in adulthood. The fish begins to spawn at 12 months, but, as a rule, eats the first broods. Therefore, for breeding, aquarists select pairs that have seen species.

The Bolivian Apistogramma begins breeding later than other cichlid species. Most of them are ready to reproduce by 5 months. Females of some species change color during the period of gestation. Ramirezi, for example, turns yellow.

The photo shows Ramiresi's apistogram

Sexual characteristics of apistograms are classic for most fish. Males are larger, brighter, with pronounced fins. Size and “peacock color” help to show off in front of females, gaining their favor. In the cold, by the way, it is difficult to melt the hearts of apistograms. During the breeding season, fish of the family need to warm the water to at least 27 degrees.

How to determine gender

Butterfly cichlids have a clear gender division, which makes it easy to determine their sex. The males of these fish are larger than the females, they have bright scales and a pointed long fin. Females have a bright scarlet or orange abdomen.

The Ramizeri apistogram is perfect not only for professional aquarists, but also for beginners in this business. Her bright scales, ease of care, calm and modest character will not leave anyone indifferent. The main thing is to follow all the simple but necessary care requirements, and then the cichlid butterfly will decorate any aquarium with its healthy and attractive appearance.

A few secrets for caring for the apistogramma

As you know, the apistogram is simple in content, but certain rules must be followed:

  1. The aquarium should be spacious;
  2. It is better to make the soil sandy;
  3. Feed in small portions a couple of times a day;
  4. The aquarium does not need to be covered with a lid;
  5. Temperature, hardness and acidity of water must be stable;
  6. The aquarium must have shelters for the apistogramma;
  7. It is recommended to change the water in small quantities a couple of times a week.

If care is not carried out properly, the fish may get sick or become depressed. During stress, the fish begins to darken and its appetite disappears. If all the above rules are observed, the ramirezi fish will delight its owner for a long time.

People who decide to breed this beautiful fish note its unpretentiousness, friendliness, peacefulness and calm behavior. Ramirezi do not spoil the soil, plants, and do not harm their cohabitants in the aquarium. The advantages include relatively simple feeding. Also, many people really like the fact that the fish never jumps out of the aquarium and it can be kept open. Customer reviews can be found on the Internet.

Features of representatives of the species

Pantodons are predators that inhabit bodies of water with standing water or slow currents. Usually they are located near the water surface, practically do not move, waiting for “unwary” prey.

Freshwater butterflyfish are fossil species. Scientists hypothesize that they have existed for more than 100 million years and during this time have not undergone major changes. The individuals did not adapt to the changing environment and are still alive. They have certain features:

  • the body shape of the fish allows them to jump out of the water;
  • the organs of vision are designed in such a way that pantodons can see what is above the surface of the water;
  • The skin contains special receptors that sense the slightest vibrations in the water surface, which occur when an insect falls into a body of water.

Over millions of years of existence, these insect hunters have honed their skills, developing win-win tactics. Many aquarium collectors dream of having such an unusual pet, but keeping butterfly fish is recommended only for owners with experience, since these individuals can only live in certain conditions and require specific care.

Pantodons are suitable for a shaded, spacious rectangular tank filled with only 15-20 cm of water; they do not need vegetation. This will provide the fish with a large mirror-like surface; a lid is also necessary, since butterflies have excellent jumping ability.

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