Yellow egg capsule: varieties, planting, care and cultivation

Biological taxonomy of the main taxonomic ranks of the yellow water lily (Russian and Latin names):
Title (Regio)Eukaryota
Kingdom (Regnum)Plants (Plantae)
Genus (phylum) (division)Flowering plants (Angiospermae)
Class (Classius)Dicotyledons (Magnoliopsida)
Order (order)Lilies (Nymphaeales)
KindsNuphar lutea

Botanical description


The rhizome is horizontal, thick and long, creeping, covered with round, triangular scars from fallen leaves. The surface is dark gray, gray-cream or yellow at the turn. The roots are numerous, their system runs underwater in the mud.


Caddisfel yellow belongs to the group of hydadophyte plants. These plants are submerged, semi-submerged or fully submerged. The lower leaves are translucent and have fibrous edges underwater. The upper ones float above the water, long-tailed, leathery, oval or ovoid, deeply serrated, the edges are intact.


The flowers are large, solitary, ovoid. The sepals and petals are folded in the shape of a bell. The first ones are yellow on the outside and green on the inside. The petals are heart-shaped and about 30 percent smaller than the calyx. They are fragrant, extend 5-6 centimeters out of the water and have an alcoholic odor that attracts insects. The anthers are longitudinally linear, and the ovary is ovoid and cone-shaped. The plant begins to bloom in late spring and continues flowering until late summer, sometimes until early autumn.


The berries are green, juicy, 4-5 mm long. The fruits ripen on the surface of the water in late summer - early autumn. The seeds have an air sac around them, which gives them the ability to spread over long distances.


The yellow moth reproduces by seeds. Each yellow moth flower contains a so-called “honey cavity” that attracts pollinators. Seeds covered with mucus are carried over long distances by water. They are also dispersed by fish that eat them, or by birds, thanks to the sticky fruits that cling to their claws.

Water lily propagation

The seeds ripen from July to the end of September. The fruits have multi-star, multi-seeded capsules with an ovoid-oval shape. The smooth green fruits become slimy when ripe. The seeds are surrounded by an air sac, thanks to which they float on the water surface, spreading over vast distances.

Ripe seeds are covered with sticky mucus. They stick to the paws of birds, which, when flying, carry them far from the place of maturation. In addition to seeds, the yellow egg capsule reproduces by breaking off pieces of rhizomes.

Varieties of yellow egg pod

There are eight varieties of this plant, including three hybrid forms. However, scientists have not yet reached a consensus regarding species and subspecies. Some biologists argue that the five species of yellow buzzard should be considered separate species, while others say they are simply subspecies. The main ones are: Japanese lily, lesser white lily, calmiana, foreign lily, large-flowered lily, small lily.

White water lily

The white water lily Nymphaea alba - like the yellow one - is an aquatic perennial herbaceous plant. It has a large root and numerous branched rhizomes that float on the water. The leaves are large, round and heart-shaped. The flower is large with white petals. The peculiarity is that the petals are numerous, and the inner petals are much smaller than the outer ones. The green fruits of the plant are round in shape and ripen under water. White water lily is found in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

In medical and pharmaceutical practice, marigolds are valued for their content of alkaloids (nymphea), tannin and starch. Used for urinary tract diseases.

Small egg capsule

Photo of a noble mare's milk tube

Nuphar pumila is an aquatic perennial with thick rhizomes. It has large, heart-shaped, ovate leaves with veins. The flowers are solitary with yellow petals (4-6 per flower). Green fruits look like berries. Sofa grass is found in Europe, Russia, China and Japan.

Madder rhizomes, the main active ingredient of which is the alkaloid nufaropumylin, are used in medical and pharmaceutical practice.

Beautiful image of Lactobacillus minor

Preparations with this plant are used to lower blood pressure and have an antispasmodic effect.

Some species of lily of the valley are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the Red Books of countries around the world. These include:

  1. – Japanese lily (Russia)
  2. – white (Russia, Ukraine)
  3. – deciduous (Russia)
  4. – less white (Russia, Belarus).


Yellow egg capsule
The plant grows on lakes, ponds, and river banks. The yellow egg capsule grows in flowing waters; it prefers places where there is no current. The general area of ​​existence is Asia and Europe. The yellow egg capsule is listed in the Red Books of the countries of the world (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine). The plant is endangered, as the ecological situation is deteriorating, water bodies become polluted and tend to dry out.


Yellow mulberry is one of the most ancient flowers on our planet. This plant appeared on Earth about 30 million years ago. It retained a number of characters characteristic of the earliest angiospermic plants: variations in the number of stamens and pistils (in other families their number is usually given) and the absence of a clearly defined boundary between stamens and petals. Western fairy tales say that every lily has its own elf. This creature is born and dies along with the plant. An ancient Greek story says that a nymph died due to an unsuccessful romance with Hercules and turned into a beautiful flower. The first description of the plant was made by the English botanist D.E. Smith in the 19th century.

Where can I get a plant for starting cultivation?

Purchasing a bottle is not difficult; you can either buy it or find it yourself. You can buy a plant:

  1. In specialized stores. There you can not only purchase, but also consult on content issues. But it should be remembered that it is very rare to find this type of plant in stores.
  2. In the online store. In this place you can choose the type and quantity of plants you need at a price that suits you, and also order home delivery.
  3. For aquarists. Many aquarists also prefer to decorate the tank with a small egg pod. You can consult with them on various issues and ask for help in the reproduction process.

And in order not to waste money, you can independently get a plant from a river, lake or pond, but be careful, since together with the egg capsule there is a possibility of introducing an infection or other inhabitants into the aquarium, due to which not only the plants, but also the fish can die.

Use in medicine

Chemical composition

Yellow sand clam covered the lake

Bean mound alkaloids have a unique structure and contain, in addition to nitrogen, heteroatoms of sulfur and oxygen (furan ring). These alkaloids are known as nufaridines, thiobinufaridines. Previously they were classified as quinolizidine alkaloids, but biogenetically they are of isoprenoid origin.

The sum of alkaloids includes α- and β-nufaridines (0.4-0.5%), nuphalein, pseudothiobinufaridine, deoxynufaridine and the like. Lily of the valley rhizomes also contain tannins, sitosterol, stigmasterol, carotene, starch (20%).

Procurement of raw materials

Extracting milk thistle water from mare's milk

Yellow thistle rhizomes are used in medical and pharmaceutical practice. They are collected in the fall. The rhizomes are first cut with a knife and then pulled out of the water with a pitchfork, rake or hands. Separate leaves, roots and rotten parts. Then the rhizomes are washed, cut into pieces and laid out in a thin layer. In the next step, they are dried in the sun and then under a tent or in a dryer at a temperature of 60ºC. Yellow lily of the valley is a plant with infrequent distribution and a small resource of raw materials. Rhizomes are harvested under license. When regrowing, leave 15-20% of the plants untouched.

Secrets of success

Each type of egg pod requires special conditions. So, if the yellow egg capsule loves relatively cool water, about +20ºС, then the arrow-shaped egg capsule is more demanding. At temperatures below +24ºС it will most likely die.

A general condition for the successful development of a plant is bright natural top and side light. If necessary, artificial lighting should be provided, although under these conditions the plant will grow more slowly.

You should also take care of space. The egg capsule will feel great in a 60 liter aquarium. and more. Place the plant in the middle ground so that the underwater leaves will be clearly visible. When planting, it should be taken into account that the Capsule does not like a strong current of water.

Another indispensable condition is cleanliness. The egg capsule does not develop in contaminated water, so the aquarium water must be regularly replaced with fresh water in a volume of approximately 25–30%. The plant itself will also help keep the aquarium clean: the Capsule resists the development of blue-green algae and, accordingly, water blooms.

Biological action

The sofa grass turns yellow, tilting its flower

Alkaloids from the rhizomes of the plant exhibit antistocidal and antistatic effects. Lutenurine (an alkaloid hydrochloride mixture) acts as a contraceptive. These drugs belong to the category of chemical contraceptives and have spermicidal activity. The drug is available in the form of vaginal balls and is inserted into the vagina 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. The use of lutenurin is carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Preparations from the rhizome also treat trichomoniasis and genitourinary infections.

Preparations with this plant have antibacterial, antifungal and antibiotic-immunizing effects. They are also characterized by choleretic and diuretic, antispasmodic, analgesic effects. Preparations with the plant are taken for uterine bleeding as a reducing agent, for decreased male function, nocturnal sexual intercourse (accompanied by pain), peptic ulcers and gastritis.

A well-known drug from the buzzard is Lutenurin. It is available in the form of ointments, suppositories and foaming tablets. The drug is characterized by antimicrobial activity, a wide spectrum of action, inhibition of the growth of gram-positive microorganisms, fungi of the genus Candida, and spermicidal effect. Lutenurine is recommended for people with Trichomonas infections and Candida infections.

To treat infections caused by Trichomonas, it should be used internally and vaginally daily. In addition, suppositories are used. The drug is used in three courses, each of which lasts 10-20 days. Suppositories and foaming tablets are recommended as contraceptives. They are used according to instructions 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse.

During use of the drug, irritation and redness of the vagina may occur. If these symptoms occur, consult your doctor.

In homeopathy, fresh lilac rhizomes are used for sexual weakness, enterocolitis, itching and psoriasis.

Side effects

Important to know and remember! Marecchia yellowis is not a safe plant to use. He's poisonous! In itself, it is not recommended for medicinal use.

Madflint should be used as directed and under the supervision of a physician, in the recommended amounts and for the recommended duration. In case of poisoning, gastrointestinal disorders (indigestion, vomiting) occur.

Chemical composition

The medicinal properties and contraindications of yellow capsule are determined by its chemical composition. The green parts and roots of the plant contain:

  • resins and tannins;
  • starch;
  • tannins;
  • phenolcarboxylic and metarabic acids;
  • vitamins A and C;
  • essential oils and bitters;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • alkaloids nuflein, deoxynufaridine, thiobinufaridin;
  • Sahara;
  • sitosterol;
  • coumaric and ferulic acids.

Many components in the composition of the yellow capsule have pronounced toxic properties. For this reason, the plant is used for medicinal purposes very carefully and in small dosages.

Use in folk medicine

Grass on the sofa in close proximity to each other

Traditional medicine has long been familiar with bun grass due to its healing properties. Consider recipes and effects when using the plant.

  1. Yellow mare's milkweed leaves are used to treat headaches. It is believed that the effect of using the plant occurs after its leaves dry.
  2. Infusions and decoctions of mumps are used to reduce fever.
  3. An infusion of flowers is used as a tonic and sedative. To prepare, take boiling water and flowers in a ratio of 50: 1 (it is better to prepare 1 liter), leave for 60 minutes, filter. Take 15 ml (1 tablespoon) infusion two to three times a day.
  4. A decoction of rhizomes is used for urolithiasis. To prepare, take: boiling water and rhizomes in a ratio of 20:1 (it is better to prepare 100-200 ml), boil for 20 minutes, leave for 90-120 minutes, strain. The decoction is drunk 20-25 drops two to three times a day.
  5. Use a decoction of flowers for tonic baths and washes. To prepare, take: boiling water and rhizomes in a ratio of 25: 1 (it is better to boil 1 liter), boil for 10-15 minutes, leave for 30 minutes.
  6. For bruises, poultices are recommended. Method of preparation: Wrap 50 g of flowers in gauze and place in hot water for 5 minutes. Apply a compress to the injury site.

Plant diseases

Like other types of plants, the egg capsule can get sick. By its appearance you will not only determine its condition, but also the cause of the disease:

  • The leaves of the cuttings rot and fall off - improper planting of the plant;
  • leaves are yellow, limp - an error in care: temperature conditions or water requirements;
  • leaves in aphids and problems with bud opening - dry and hot climate.

For any of these diseases, it is necessary to transplant the plant into another tank and carefully pay attention to the maintenance requirements, and also add fertilizer to the tank.

The yellow egg capsule is an unusually beautiful plant that can be grown in your aquarium. It is precisely because of the high requirements for maintenance and care that it is not very popular among aquarists. But if you still decide to place the plant in an aquarium, with proper care it can please the eye for up to 2 years, and also serve as a feed for some types of fish.

It is very important to adhere to the algorithm for planting a yellow egg capsule in an aquarium after winter: if the plant has not fully adapted, it will die. And also carefully approach the process of propagation by cuttings, since the egg capsule is very difficult to tolerate.

Yellow egg capsule in other industries

Use on the farm

Important: Yellow filly rhizomes are poisonous and should not be consumed raw. Consume after cooking in salted water. Thus, the plant loses its dangerous properties for humans, and its bitter taste becomes acceptable for consumption.

The rhizomes of the plant are prepared in two ways, depending on your taste:


The mushroom rhizomes are cleaned, washed with cold water, and boiled in salted water for 40 minutes. Then fry in butter for 20 minutes and eat warm.


The root vegetables are peeled, washed with cold water, and boiled in salted water for 40 minutes. Eat warm or warm with butter.

Porridge from rhizomes

The rhizomes are cleaned, washed with cold water, passed through a meat grinder to grind, and filled with water for 5 hours. These operations are repeated three more times. Then the water is drained and boiled with spices and salt in water for an hour.

Crushed rhizomes are also added to rye flour and baked into flat cakes, bread, pies, and rolls. To prepare flour, dry the rhizomes, grind them into powder, add water in the amount of half a bucket of water per kilogram of flour and leave for two to three hours. Repeat this process two more times, then spread the flour into a thin layer and dry it.

Animals such as otter, beaver and nutria feed on the yellow filly, confirming its role in the animal kingdom.

A drink that tastes like coffee is prepared from roasted seeds of the yellow buzzard.

Application in cosmetology

  1. A decoction of rhizomes is recommended to strengthen hair. Use beer and rhizomes in a 25:1 ratio. The plant is added to beer and boiled for 10 minutes, filtered. Use 4-6 times a month. Treatment lasts for two months.
  2. A decoction of flowers is used to give hair strength and lightness. To do this, pour boiling water over the flowers in a ratio of 25: 1 (it is better to prepare 1 liter), boil for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Use the decoction as a rinse after washing your hair.
  3. For skin rashes, a decoction is used, which is added to the water while bathing. To prepare, pour 500 ml of boiling water into 2 tablespoons of Buzzard flowers, boil for 20 minutes. Leave in a dark place for 5 hours, strain. The decoction thus obtained is added to warm bath water.

How to plant a plant?

Grow a young plant without fish until it gets stronger, adhering to all the rules of care, and do not forget about fertilizers. Regardless of the type of reproduction, the egg capsule is placed on the bottom of the aquarium and carefully filled with water. Carefully monitor the condition of the plant. After it gets stronger, add fish.

Plants slow down their growth by mid-autumn and die in winter. But in order to preserve the plant in winter, it is necessary to move the egg capsule to another tank and store it in a dark place with a temperature of 8-12 degrees. Or keep the roots of the plant in damp sand, after removing the old ones. After winter, you can move the plant to the aquarium. But before this, it is important to allow the plant to undergo adaptation: gradually get used to the light and increase the water temperature, otherwise the plant will die from a sudden change in conditions.


The flowering of moonflower depends on the area. In the south it blooms in May, and in the north in June. The flower closes in the morning and plunges into water in the evening. When a strong wind blows or it rains, the flower also retracts.

For Slavic peoples, the yellow mulberry symbolized fidelity and separation. Legend has it that if a person goes to a lake, pond or river without an amulet and catches a yellow moth, he is doomed to death. This is explained by the fact that mermaids guard the water and will inevitably drag a person to the bottom. Even if you manage to escape from the mermaid's hands, your life is doomed to misfortune and suffering. It was also unacceptable to buy a flower, since it was believed that along with it the sadness and unhappiness of the seller of the plant was revealed.

For the peoples of Italy, this flower is a symbol of deception. It is connected with the story of an Italian girl named Melinda. One day a girl and her friends were walking along the shore of a swampy lake. During their walk, the Italian woman was fascinated by the yellow flowers that grew on the surface of the water. Without hesitation for a second, the girl decided to take one flower with her. Melinda came closer and stood on the first stump in the water to support herself. Immediately the stump sank along with the Italian. A swamp monster was hiding in the shape of a stump, which kidnapped the girl forever to its kingdom.


The yellow capsule contains a large number of alkaloids and glycosides. It is prohibited to use plant-based products:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for chronic hypotension;
  • for chronic severe heart diseases;
  • with renal and liver failure;
  • for individual allergies.

Preparations based on yellow capsule are not offered to children under 16 years of age. The products should not be used in conjunction with pharmaceutical medications without consulting a doctor.

Toxic substances in the roots and flowers of the yellow capsule can lead to serious poisoning. The following symptoms indicate an overdose:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the stomach and intestines.

If the listed signs appear while consuming decoctions and infusions of the egg capsule, you must drink a large amount of water, induce vomiting, and then immediately consult a doctor.

general information

Nuphar pulila (lat. Nuphar pulila) is a perennial freshwater plant. It belongs to the water lily family and represents a separate species. It lives both in rivers with small currents and in standing water. According to scientific research, this is one of the most ancient plants on the planet - its first representatives populated the waters 30 million years ago.

The small egg capsule begins to sprout from a rhizome attached to the bottom. A thin trunk stretches from it to the surface. Its length depends on the depth of the reservoir, in some cases it can reach 150-170 cm. The cuttings develop only in the warm period of the year, and with the arrival of the first frost only the rhizome remains alive.

It is noteworthy that the small egg capsule plant has both underwater and surface leaves. The first actively develop in the spring, at the moment of germination of the cuttings to the surface. They are the ones who carry out photosynthesis until the first shoots appear above the water.

From above, the plant is represented by large, heart-shaped leaves, which lie on the water surface in thin plates. Their length varies between 15-20 cm, and sometimes even more. On average, one small egg capsule produces about 10 stems to the surface, and some of them bloom with beautiful yellow petals by the beginning of summer.


The flowers of the small egg capsule do not exceed 3 cm in diameter. This is significantly smaller than that of the yellow egg capsule, a more common representative of this genus. The inner part of the sepals is yellow, like the small petals, and the outer part has a greenish tint. The core of each flower is formed by numerous stamens with large anthers and a massive pistil. It has the shape of a pot-bellied jug with a narrow neck, which, apparently, is the reason for the name of this genus of plants. The yellow petals of the egg pods have special indentations - honey pits. Nectar accumulates in them, which attracts insects that pollinate these aquatic plants. However, botanists also know cases of self-pollination of egg capsules. The plant begins to bloom in the first days of summer, and ends only in September.

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