Keeping and breeding live crayfish at home in an aquarium with fish

Such an unusual business as growing and breeding crayfish at home provides a stable income due to the demand for the product. Large fishing enterprises do not specialize in such a unique business, because the investment will not pay off in the near future. Selling large quantities is not easy, and the products are perishable. The delicacy product is in demand among a very limited circle of people.

For beginning entrepreneurs, it is recommended to buy the first batch of crayfish of a certain breed, the offspring of which will serve as a start for the business. Starting a crayfish farm does not require huge investments, but you need to be patient, because they take a very long time to grow.

Peculiarities of crayfish breeding require the presence of reservoirs or containers with water. It should be taken into account that invertebrates hibernate during cold periods and their growth slows down.

Aquarium content

A small aquarium is suitable for one crayfish. If you systematically change the water, then thirty to forty liters is enough. Cancers have one unpleasant way. They often try to hide their food, which can often be found in their hiding places. And if there are a lot of these residues, then an imbalance may occur in the aquarium; regular water changes and systematic cleaning can help. In this case, pay special attention to searching for these residues during cleaning using a siphon. Discover and explore all his shelters, grottoes, pots and other secluded places.

Great hideout

If you plan to keep several crayfish, then you will need a larger aquarium - from 80 liters. Such an aquarium will not only decorate your home, but can also be the start of a small crayfish breeding business. It is also worth knowing that crayfish have an unpleasant habit of eating their own kind, especially during the molting period. Therefore, the aquarium should not only be spacious, but it should also have various shelters in which the molting crayfish will hide.

An internal filter is more suitable for filtering water. Because the hoses that go to the outside can become an excellent path along which aquarium crayfish will get out of the aquarium. Someday when you come home from work, or wake up early in the morning, you will see him crawling on the floor. Don't forget, crayfish are very skilled escape artists!

How much can you earn from raising crayfish?

Everyone who has practiced crayfish business claims that it is quite a troublesome business, but profitable. In a pond with an area of ​​25 sq.m. you can grow 30 kg of crayfish. One kilogram costs about 500 rubles. Minus the costs of feeding and care, the net profit is 26 thousand rubles. The disadvantage of the business is its duration, but if the entrepreneur has the patience to wait 6-8 years for the results of his work, then further income will increase every year. Experts advise starting to grow crayfish in parallel with another main activity.


Many novice aquarists do not even know that aquarium crayfish molt and are generally not familiar with this phenomenon. Molting is the shedding of the old chitinous covering of crayfish (shell) so that it can grow. Typically, adult crayfish molt once a year (young ones more often) and after shedding the old one, a new one begins to grow. Therefore, crayfish in the aquarium must be constantly monitored. If you find that the cancer is starting to hide more often, then do not be alarmed; most likely, it has begun to molt. Or if you see that there is his shell in the aquarium, there is no need to remove it under any circumstances! Cancer will eat it, it has calcium which will help in rebuilding the new one. Typically, molting lasts several days, and eating chitinous cover speeds up this process.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a business

Breeding crayfish for the purpose of subsequent sale is characterized by certain advantages and disadvantages.


  • low competition in the business market segment;
  • the possibility of expanding the client base due to unoccupied areas of activity;
  • popularity of the product among the population;
  • relatively low labor costs;
  • high profitability of the business process.

Due to low competition and an unoccupied niche, there is a chance to quickly increase a regular customer base, which will generate significant income with optimal investments.


  • a large amount of initial costs to create an optimal living environment;
  • seasonality of the production process, since crayfish breed from May to October;
  • long payback period due to slower growth of fry in winter;
  • receipt of revenue only for the 2nd year of implementation of the business idea.

The main disadvantage is that at the initial stage serious costs are required, and their return and subsequent receipt of revenue will take at least a year. This disadvantage is offset by the fact that in the future material costs are reduced, and the rate of profit generation increases.

Important! Initial costs depend on the volume of production and the method of breeding crayfish.

What to feed crayfish

What kind of food should be given to crayfish so that they do not go in search of it on their own?

Good news for novice crayfish farmers. Your future charges are omnivorous, but in order for them to feel good, they need a variety of foods of plant and animal origin. It is advisable to alternate the food, for example, one day you give plant food, and the next meat food.

It is better to give food in the evening, because during the day the crayfish are in shelter and eat little.

In special stores you can easily buy food for crayfish. The most popular brands of feed are:

  • Dennerle;
  • Tetra;
  • Genchem;
  • Biomax.

It is worth noting that special food for crayfish not only provides them with all the required elements, but also helps during molting, improves the color of their shell and does not pollute the water. Experienced aquarists also purchase special foods to improve the immunity of young individuals, and some additives contained in them stimulate reproduction.

Biomax feed

Crayfish food comes in different types. These can be granules of different sizes, sticks, etc., it doesn’t really matter, aquarium crayfish eat all of them with great eagerness.

You also need to know that crayfish also eat regular dry food, which is usually fed to fish.

Concentrated food is good and it’s hard to argue with that, but crayfish still digest natural food better.

In the diet of cancer, food of plant origin should occupy at least 90 percent. The favorite crawfish dish is hornwort.

One of the varieties of hornwort

Crayfish also eagerly eat lettuce and Chinese cabbage, and even ordinary parsley. Giving carrots to crayfish is not only possible, but even necessary, since it contains keratin, which makes the color of red crayfish more saturated.

Nuances of technology

Crayfish farms are becoming increasingly popular among consumers. This is due to a fairly simple growing technology and high consumer demand. You can also organize all processes yourself.

To reduce the initial investment, beginners catch crayfish from rivers and place them in a special container. This way, of course, it is much cheaper, but you need to understand that the profitability will be lower due to less growth.

To breed crayfish, you need a pond (artificial or natural), a swimming pool, a large aquarium or other container. In private homes, a swimming pool is often dug for this purpose. To create comfortable conditions, you can build a shelter.

To breed you need to do the following:

  • heat the room;
  • prepare several separate containers;
  • purchase filters and circulation pumps;
  • prepare a balanced feed;
  • provide oxygen supply.

It is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature regime for full growth and reproduction. It should be remembered that even in ideal conditions only 25% of the fry survive.

Is it possible to breed in an aquarium?

Breeding crayfish in an aquarium is possible and many crayfish breeders have achieved remarkable results in this by trying to experiment and breed new breeds. During mating, which in females occurs after molting, they intensely release specific pheromones into the water, to which males are so partial, causing them to become excited. They begin to move more, in search of a female ready to breed, and having found her, they rhythmically touch each other with their antennae for several hours.

Female with caviar

Twenty days after mating, the female begins to lay eggs, which are attached to her legs using sticky threads. At this time, it is advisable to transplant it and keep it separately. The female with the eggs tries to take refuge in some shelter and, if necessary, guards her small home. The small crustaceans that are born hang on the female until she molts, but in the future, at first, stay close, and in case of danger they quickly return under her.

Types of crayfish for breeding

When choosing arthropods, the characteristics of the breed and capabilities should be taken into account. It is recommended to purchase only fertilized females. They are sold by live weight, sometimes by the piece. They purchase from cancer farms, individuals and industrial companies.

A formed and complete broodstock can be found from professionals, farmers who have been breeding crayfish for a long time. To obtain a ton of crayfish, you should purchase about 100 kg of fertilized females. You shouldn't expect profit earlier than in a year.

The best crayfish for breeding at home:

  • European broad-toed;
  • long-toed European;
  • Australian;
  • Cuban blue;
  • marble.

Australian red-claw crayfish
Breeding the Australian red-claw crayfish is considered to be the most cost-effective and promising today, because adult individuals have multiple advantages:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • fast growth rates;
  • heavy weight.

In their natural environment, they reach a weight of 2 kg in 3-4 years. The investment pays off within 2 years.

The Cuban blue crayfish is not bred for its outstanding size, but rather for its exotic color and rapid maturation. The arthropod grows in six months and is unpretentious in food.

Mexican dwarf crayfish are bred, rather, for aquarists. The miniature size of arthropods does not allow calculating the profitability of a business; their weight and size are too small.

Breeding marbled crayfish makes the task easier because they are unisexual. And fertilization does not require the presence of both a female and a male. In addition, individuals grow to quite decent sizes after a year.

Lake crayfish is considered the most profitable option for growing. Unpretentious arthropods grow to quite large sizes in a short time, so they are popular all over the world. Lake crayfish fry develop in females within 2 months.

Is it possible to keep crayfish with fish?

The coexistence of crayfish and fish is fraught with certain difficulties. Often crayfish and fish coexist safely in the same aquarium, but there are frequent cases when one of them is “at odds.” Crayfish often catch and eat very large and expensive fish at night. Or, if the fish is quite large, it can destroy the crayfish during molting.

To summarize, we can state that the coexistence of crayfish and fish will someday end in failure. Especially if you keep crayfish with slow-moving fish or those that live near the bottom. However, a crayfish can catch even a nimble goop and bite it in half with its claws; such cases are quite common.

White crustacean in the same aquarium with barbs

It is also impossible for crayfish to coexist with fish of the cichlid family, especially with large individuals. For example, some of these fish can tear apart even large crayfish, and when crayfish molt, other even small breeds pose a danger to them. To summarize, we can say that cancer and fish are a very problematic neighborhood.

Crayfish cannot be kept together with shrimp; they will simply eat them.

Some types of crayfish cause great harm by digging up and trampling plants. And in general, trying to plant plants in an aquarium with crayfish is a waste of time. Because they will simply eat them.

What documents are needed to open

The package of documents will directly depend on the chosen organizational and legal form. If volume production is being established, then it is better to register as a limited liability company. To do this, you will need to prepare: • The charter and a copy of the decision of the meeting of shareholders to create a legal entity in the form of a limited liability company; • provide information to both the company director and the chief accountant; • pay the state fee and obtain a legal address; • open a bank account and register with government agencies. For small production volumes, it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur. The list of documents here is somewhat smaller than for legal entities. You will need a photocopy of your passport and a receipt for payment of the state duty, a standard application form and a copy of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

Is it possible to keep crayfish in an aquarium?

Crayfish can be safely kept in an aquarium, but you just need to know that they usually do not live long and there should be no fish or plants in the aquarium. The common crayfish is quite large and agile; it catches and eats fish well. If plants are planted in the aquarium, then it will definitely fly through them. Crayfish do not live long in aquarium conditions because they are cold-water species. In our latitudes, warm water occurs only in the summer, and even then, at the bottom it is quite cool. The water in the aquarium is slightly warmer than it needs. In a word, our crayfish can be kept in an aquarium, but only separately from fish and without plants, and at the same time think about how to make sure that in the summer heat the water temperature does not rise too high.

Crayfish farm

You can create your own crayfish farm even on a small plot and at minimal cost. The main condition is compliance with care standards and recommendations. This type of business is not very popular in Russia, but is quite successful in other countries of the world. This is due to differences in consumer demands. A perishable product must be sold as quickly as possible.

Organizing a farm is possible in almost any conditions. The larger the volumes, the more profitable the production. The business idea is to make a profit with minimal costs. This is especially true for people living in rural areas near ponds or who have the opportunity to rent ponds.

Crayfish for sale are raised for at least 1-1.5 years. Sales timing and volumes depend on the breed and conditions. Having received your broodstock, you can already count on a return on your investment in almost a year.

Industrial breeding of crayfish will require considerable investment: you need equipment and premises where several pools or containers can be placed at once. Climate control and water supply system are also important.

Containers for breeding crayfish should be large, and the number of arthropods in them should also be controlled. If the crayfish are crowded, they will also begin to eat each other. This also applies to young animals, which are kept in separate tanks.

With the right choice of breed, the availability of equipment, balanced feed and a stable sales market, crayfish breeding can become a successful business.

How big can cancer grow?

The maximum size of adult crayfish depends largely on the species. For example, the huge crayfish of Tasmania often grow up to half a meter in length, and their weight can reach five kilograms. Other species are much smaller and usually grow to twelve to thirteen centimeters in length.

Giant from Tasmania

The growth of crayfish in an aquarium largely depends on many conditions, the main ones of which are the size of the aquarium itself and the number of individuals in it.

Follow these recommendations and your home will be decorated with a chic aquarium in which live crayfish will feel comfortable.

Creation of living conditions

Crayfish live in freshwater ponds, rivers and closed reservoirs. They prefer a dense clay bottom with a lot of stones. They use the latter to build their shelters. Arthropods are very sensitive to water purity and temperature changes. When the latter drops to 0°C, they hibernate, losing weight. A further decrease in temperature exposure can cause death. Activity time is night.

To create a suitable environment for crayfish, you can choose two methods - in artificial or natural open reservoirs, or in special containers indoors. The first strongly depend on weather factors, the second - on the size of the usable area and financial capabilities. But he considers it optimal to breed crayfish indoors.

To do this, you need to consider the following points:

  • Containers - made of glass or plastic. The use of metal ones is strictly prohibited. The depth is insignificant - up to 50 cm, it is important to provide a large area.
  • Adding soil and water plants. This is necessary for the normal growth of crayfish and the formation of a reliable layer of chitin.
  • Organization of flowing water movement. Arthropods are sensitive to the state of their environment. The water should be changed at least once a day.
  • Lighting. During the day, crayfish lead an inactive lifestyle - sunlight from small windows in the room will be enough for them. For the night, low-power lamps are installed - they activate behavior and have a positive effect on the amount of food absorbed.
  • Prepare separate tanks for young animals. Older individuals can eat it if the new population is not separated in time.

Additionally, you need to observe the temperature regime, optimally - +24°C. It should be taken into account that crayfish grow relatively slowly - they reach 9 cm after 1.5 years.

How to breed crayfish. Business Features

Before you start breeding crayfish, you should know a few important points:

Firstly: the biggest costs will be in the first stage. For equipment, preparation of the habitat of individuals, their purchase. In the future, modest investments in feed and equipment operating costs will be required.

Secondly: the first profit will be in about two years. When selling any living creature, it must first be raised, and in the case of crayfish, this is a long process.

Thirdly: this business is seasonal and does not bring profit throughout the year, but only from May to October, when crustaceans reproduce. In winter they sleep, and even if you create comfortable living conditions for them during this period, their growth will still slow down.

What difficulties await a businessman?

The most difficult process when breeding crayfish is monitoring the proper condition of the water. Many novice entrepreneurs partially neglect this important rule, which is why most of the individuals die. Firstly, it is necessary to monitor the state of oxygen in the water. As mentioned earlier, this can only be done with the help of special equipment. If you do not have the funds to buy compressors, then simply change the water in the pool 2-3 times a month. You can also take a water sample and take it to a laboratory for analysis. 1 liter of liquid should contain at least 5-6 milligrams of oxygen.

You can also purchase special indicators that show the level of silicon and calcium in water. If these substances are not enough, then the shell of the cancer will not harden properly, and the arthropod will sooner or later die from the cold. The main source of calcium is algae, which must be constantly added to the pond, since crayfish sometimes eat them.

Also, the breeder should not forget that if the pond is too dirty, he can lose absolutely all individuals, since dirty and warm water is an excellent breeding ground for various infectious diseases. The most terrible scourges for crayfish are rust disease and porcelain plague. Fortunately, they are quite easily diagnosed by the color of the crayfish's shell. However, it is still strongly recommended to invite a veterinarian to your home every few months so that he can assess the condition of the individuals. If you want to avoid infection of the entire brood, it is strongly recommended to place sick individuals in a separate container.

We hope you now understand how to grow crayfish at home. Like any other business, this enterprise requires a careful approach. If you constantly develop in this area, reading various literature about arthropod breeding, or at least watch videos from other breeders, then sooner or later you will gain a good amount of knowledge. which will help grow a good “harvest”. This type of business does not require large expenses, so almost anyone can start it without any problems.

RAS, swimming pool and garage

RAS is a closed water supply installation. Growing crayfish using such equipment is considered the most profitable. The main advantages are:

  • saving water and usable space;
  • independence from weather conditions;
  • easy cleaning of waste containers;
  • complete control over the life activity of crayfish.

RAS includes a complex of various equipment, which requires quite a large investment. In warm regions, the installation is used only for raising young animals. In the northern regions it should be used all year round.

The method of growing in a pool is distinguished by its practicality. Ready-made plastic containers are purchased or constructed from concrete. When building a swimming pool yourself, it is necessary to take into account the volume of the future structure, provide it with waterproofing and an aeration system. The depth should be about a meter.

To make the conditions comfortable, you need to lay out on the bottom:

  • broken dishes;
  • bricks;
  • pots, jugs and other small containers;
  • cuttings of plastic sewer pipes.

Crayfish like these makeshift holes. To maintain a stable temperature, a room is built above the pool. The hangar is built from wood or brick.

To produce offspring, there must be two females per male. After fertilization, the male is transplanted into another container. After the fry mature, they are removed for fattening.

If you plan to organize a cancer farm in the garage, you will have to make a basement. The walls must be disinfected. To save space, racks with shelves are installed on which aquariums are installed.

There must be at least two containers. One is needed for breeding adults, the second is for fattening young animals.

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