What do shrimp eat: 4 types of food for shrimp in an aquarium and DIY preparation

Shrimp are the oldest inhabitants of our planet. Currently, these decapod crustacean creatures are classified into more than 250 genera, uniting more than 2 thousand species.

Saltwater shrimp live in warm and cold waters of almost the entire oceans of the Earth, and freshwater shrimp inhabit mainly inland lakes and rivers of most warm countries on our planet.

What do shrimp eat?

By nature, these crustaceans are scavengers. Feeding on organic remains, they perform a sanitary function for ponds and aquariums. These crustaceans also eat plankton, algae and even young small fish.

Shrimp are peaceful representatives of the underwater world. They do not attack their fellow creatures, but they themselves often become victims of predators. Therefore, when introducing them into an aquarium, it is necessary to assess the danger of the neighborhood in advance.

The senses of smell and touch are used to search for food. The eyes have another function in producing hormones necessary to maintain a healthy body.

Everything that freshwater shrimp eat is organic in nature. The food becomes silt, algae, fallen tree leaves and other vegetation.

Crustaceans living in the sea feed on plankton and small crustaceans. Often the sea shrimp settles in coral reefs next to poisonous sea anemones and anemones, eating the remains of their victims. It also feeds on sea plants and their dead parts.

In nature, shrimp eat small invertebrates (worms and insect larvae). She often becomes a cleaner, eating dead fish scales and parasites.

In nature, shrimp eat small invertebrates

Aquarium shrimp: care, reproduction, compatibility, photos, types, description

The world of crustaceans is large. There are many aquarium inhabitants of this direction. Keeping aquarium shrimp is becoming increasingly popular. Individual shapes and sizes, a bright palette of colors, and graceful movements can captivate for a long time. Watching these babies is a pleasure, and caring for them does not bring any particular difficulties, since they are completely unpretentious.


  • cherry Body color: red, females are more inconspicuous. Dimensions 2.5-3 cm. female, 2 cm. male. An unpretentious type of shrimp. Ideal option for beginners. It reproduces quickly and can live in small aquariums.
  • blue or bee shrimp. Shrimp with a bluish color. Relatively new species. The sizes of the individuals are 2 cm, male, 2.5 cm, female. Not aggressive and unpretentious in maintenance. The reproduction rate is high.
  • yellow. As the name suggests, the color of this type of shrimp is yellow. Males reach a size of 2.5 cm, females - 3 cm. Not aggressive, unpretentious species. Like previous species, yellow shrimp reproduce quickly. An excellent option for beginners.
  • green. Shrimp with a greenish color. Dimensions: 3 cm males, 3.5 cm females. Easy to maintain, non-aggressive. Playback speed is average.
  • rednose shrimp. It has a reddish-transparent color, with a pronounced red nose. Can be used to control unwanted algae. Body size reaches: females 4 cm, males 3 cm. For breeding, the larvae require salt water. Not aggressive, medium difficulty.
  • Amano shrimp. Light green, transparent color with a light stripe on the back that stretches from the head to the tail. Adult size: 4 cm male, 5 cm female. A peaceful type of shrimp, easy to keep. Larvae need salt water.
  • harlequin shrimp. Has a bright contrasting color. Black, red and white colors are combined. This is a small species of shrimp, males - 0.6 cm, females - 1.2 cm. Low reproduction speed. For beginners, maintaining this species will be more difficult.
  • cardinal. Bright looking shrimp. The color varies from dark red-pink to light red with white dots along the body. Dimensions: male 2 cm, female 2.5 cm. Reproduction rate is low. Requires experience in content (not for beginners).
  • red crystal. Also called the red bee. A popular species in the aquarium hobby. Has a bright red color. Dimensions of an adult: male 2.5 cm, female 3 cm. High reproduction rate. Beginners may have difficulty with the content.


The classification of shrimp opens with the Amano species, one of the most popular among aquarists.
Species identification: neocaridine. The name Amano is given in honor of aquarist Takashi Amano. He was the first to use these aquarium inhabitants to eat algae, and therefore to naturally clean the tank. The shrimp has rather primitive external characteristics. Characteristics of the type:

  • natural habitat - Taiwan, Korea, Japanese Yamato River;
  • body length in females is up to 4 cm, in males up to 6 cm;
  • life cycle – 2 – 3 years;
  • color: transparent, with an admixture of gray and blue shades, which in the form of spots have a chaotic location on the sides in males; in females they look like streaks.

Required water parameters:

  • temperature – from 23°C to 27°C;
  • pH level – from 7.2 to 7.5;
  • hardness from 2° to 20°.

Its role in the aquarium is to combat algae; it is especially effective against threadbare and blackbeard. The character is peaceful.


A shrimp with a miniature size, which is why it has a rather timid character.
Mainly nocturnal. When the aquarium is illuminated, it prefers to hide in the depths. Characteristics:

  • Habitat: Sulawesi Island in Indonesia;
  • color - alternating white and red stripes, with a black outline along the body;
  • sizes of both sexes – from 0.6 to 1.3 cm;
  • life expectancy – 1 – 1.5 years.

Necessary parameters in the aquarium:

  • temperature from 26° to 29°C;
  • acidity level – from 7.2 to 8.4 pH;
  • degree of hardness – from 15° to 25°.

The shrimp leads a solitary life and has a complex, unsociable character.

White Pearl

Snowflake or white pearl is an artificially bred species of aquarium shrimp.
The “father” of the species is breeder Ulf Gottschalk. They are unpretentious in care, so both an informed amateur and a novice aquarist can keep snow beauties. The character is calm and meek.

The color is a combination of white and gray tones. The snowflake shrimp got its name due to the absolute transparency of its body. In females, white dots of the ovaries and caviar, white as snow, are visible inside. These are small aquarium inhabitants ranging in size from 2 to 2.5 cm.

Water parameters:

  • temperature – from 20°C to 28°C;
  • hardness level – from 6 to 20;
  • acidity - no more than 7.5.

It is recommended to keep it in a flock of 10-20 individuals.

Blue Pearl

The Blue Pearl is a beautiful shrimp whose unusual color was obtained by crossing white shrimp with blue neocardines.

  • region of residence in nature - China;
  • body size is standard for all representatives of the species - 2.5 cm;
  • life expectancy – 2 years;
  • color – transparent, soft blue.

The peculiarity of the blue pearl is that it can change its color from soft blue to very pale, depending on its general condition and mood. The paler the shrimp, the more uncomfortable it is. The cause may be stress, an attack from neighbors, or inappropriate water conditions.

Blue aura

One of the most beautiful representatives of aquarium shrimp, with the most impressive blue color.
The species was recently bred, which explains its low prevalence among aquarists. Characteristic:

  • country of origin – Thailand;
  • body length from 2 to 3 cm;
  • life cycle no more than 2 years;
  • color – soft azure, transparent.

Blue aura reproduces easily in an aquarium. The female shrimp carries eggs under her tail. About 30 eggs come out at a time. Representatives of the species are unpretentious in care and maintenance. For a flock of 10 individuals, a tank of up to 20 liters and clean water with certain parameters are sufficient:

  • temperature from 23°C to 25°C;
  • pH level – from 7 to 7.5;
  • Water hardness is average.

After molting, the shrimp loses its color, becoming transparent. After some time, its color will return again and will delight the aquarist with its beauty.

Green shrimp

The ancestor was discovered in India in 1918.
The species was developed through careful and lengthy selection. Those green shrimp that are used by aquarists were mostly imported from India. And only a small fraction of them were born in captivity. Characteristic:

  • Habitat: India;
  • body length – up to 3.5 cm;
  • color – grass green.

Water parameters:

  • temperature – 20°C – 28°C;
  • degree of acidity – from 6.5 to 8;
  • hardness level – from 5 to 20.

The aquarium must have an aeration system. Water changes are carried out every week in a volume of at least 20%.


Cardinal - this type of shrimp is known to every aquarist due to its memorable appearance.
The color of individuals can vary from red to cherry shades. A distinctive feature is white spots on the sides of the carcass. Description:

  • natural habitat - the rocky shore of Lake Matano, the Indonesian island of Sulawesi;
  • length from 1 to 2 cm;
  • distinctive features: pointed nose, long legs, which give the appearance an aristocracy.

Water in the tank:

  • temperature from 26°C to 29°C;
  • pH level – from 7 to 9;
  • hardness parameter - from 9 to 15.

This variety of aquarium shrimp is difficult to keep and is therefore not suitable for amateurs and novice aquarists. A subspecies of the cardinal is the blood shrimp, which has a bright, rich red color.

Orange and yellow fire

Orange fire - the shrimp lives up to its name with its appearance - it is orange from head to toe.
The fry of the species are born light-colored. This feature helps them protect themselves from enemies. As it gets older, its color becomes brighter. Red fire is similar in appearance to yellow fire. This is one of the most popular types of aquarium shrimp. They differ only in their color. The characteristics and conditions of detention for orange, yellow and red shrimp are the same:

  • homeland - Taiwan;
  • body length – 4 cm;
  • life expectancy – 3 years.

Water parameters:

  • temperature – from 20°C to 29°C;
  • pH level – from 6 to 8;
  • hardness – no more than 15°.

The water tank must be equipped with various plants and mosses. Neon yellow shrimp hide in them from enemies.

Ring shrimp

This is one of the largest representatives of aquarium shrimp. Another name for the species is Macrobrahnum. The character is aggressive towards aquarium neighbors and towards representatives of its own species. They are nocturnal, but if they see suitable prey, they can come out of hiding during the day.

Due to the aggressive behavior of ringed shrimp, they should not be kept together with small fish.

Description of the species:

  • natural habitat - the Himalayas, mountain rivers and lakes;
  • body length – 7 cm;
  • life expectancy is from 1.5 to 3 years.

The appearance of the shrimp is unusual and striking. Color – marble. Its saturation depends on the soil and diet. One of the claws is always larger. In females this feature is visually almost invisible, while in males it is clearly expressed.

Conditions for aquarium keeping:

  • temperature – from 21°C to 25°C;
  • degree of hardness – from 10 to 20;
  • pH level – from 7 to 7.5.

The aquarium requires the installation of a powerful filter and strong aeration. The water is changed every week. Cold water has a positive effect on the health of shrimp, helping to prolong their life. It is necessary to select the volume of the tank based on calculations - for 1 individual at least 10 liters of water. Ring shrimp are kept only in schools. The optimal option is 1 female and 3 – 4 males.

Red Hawaiian shrimp

The Hawaiian red shrimp is an unusual species with a non-trivial appearance and an atypical reaction to stress. Initially having a juicy red carcass color, the shrimp begins to turn pale in moments of danger or fright. This is how she blends in with her environment.

The character is peaceful, the shrimp easily gets along with other aquarium neighbors. But many large fish consider it itself as an object of hunting. This is a very hardy species of shrimp that can live for several years without food, feeding only on its shell. The lifespan of the Hawaiian red shrimp is amazing - up to 20 years when the proper conditions are created.

Characteristics of the type:

  • homeland - Hawaii;
  • size – no more than 1.2 cm;
  • the average life cycle lasts from 8 to 10 years.

The shrimp feels comfortable in both fresh and salt water. Temperature – from 20°C to 23°C. Representatives of the species can also be found in water temperatures ranging from 15°C to 30°C. pH value – from 8.2 to 8.4.

Rhinoceros or rednose shrimp

Red Nose Shrimp or Rhinoceros, also known as Pinocchio. Externally, the individual resembles a string – thin, sonorous and graceful. This beauty with 10 legs leaves no one indifferent. The carcass is transparent, but depending on the mood of the shrimp, different shades may appear in its color.

If the rednose shrimp turns milky in color, it means it is sick. In nature, the individual is a vegetarian, therefore in the aquarium it is like a cleaner - it eats algae, regulating their numbers.


  • Homeland - Southeast Asia, shrimp prefers rivers and lakes with stagnant water or with minimal current.
  • The length of the body in females is up to 4 cm, in males up to 2.5 cm.
  • Color – transparent. A red stripe runs from the tip of the nose to the tail.

The species is kept in salted water. Acidity – from 6.4 to 7.5, hardness – from 8 to 15. Degree of salinity – from 8 to 10 g of table salt per 1 liter of water.

King Kong or bumblebee

Bumblebee - this species is known by other names - bee, black diamond, King Kong.
The species justifies its name by its color - alternating white and black stripes. Characteristic:

  • habitat – species artificially bred on the island of Taiwan;
  • body length in all individuals is no more than 3.5 cm;
  • life expectancy – 1.5 years.
  • water temperature – from 20°C to 26°C,
  • degree of hardness – from 2 to 5,
  • acidity – from 6 to 6.8.

The bumblebee is a difficult shrimp to care for; only experienced aquarists can keep it. Reproduction in a home aquarium is almost impossible.

Glass shrimp

Also known as herbal or ghost. The name of the species is due to the fact that the body of the individuals is completely transparent. The species is divided into 2 subspecies - Asian (herbal) and North American (ghost).

Herbal glass shrimp.

North American ghost.

Glass shrimp have a fairly calm character, but during the breeding season they can show aggression towards small individuals. In order not to witness bloody battles, the aquarium must be of the required volume - at least 4 liters of water per individual. Body sizes in males are up to 4 cm, in females up to 5 cm. Life expectancy is from 1 to 2 years.

The content depends on the subspecies:

  1. Asian: temperature range from 20°C to 28°C, acidity level – from 6.5 to 7.5, hardness parameter can be any.
  2. North American: temperature from 18°C ​​to 29°C, acidity index – from 6.5. up to 7.5, water hardness – from 5 to 8.

The tank must have an aeration and filtration system. Water changes are carried out every week in the amount of 20% of the total volume.

Far Eastern shrimp

A Far Eastern species of freshwater shrimp is an aquarium orderly. Individuals actively use filament. The body is transparent. Dark transverse stripes run along the body. Color may vary depending on the soil and nutrition. Length – 5 cm. Homeland – Lake Khanka, tributaries of the Amur River.

Water parameters:

  • temperature – 18°C ​​– 30°C;
  • acidity – from 5.5 to 7.5;
  • hardness – 10.

Aeration and filtration are required. Reproduction in fresh water is active, but out of 100 eggs, no more than 5 babies survive.


Palmata shrimp is native to China. This species is unusual in that its representatives do not have a permanent color. The tones change depending on the food, soil, and the biochemical composition of the water. The presence of many small dots throughout the body remains unchanged in color.
Body length in males is up to 2.5 cm, in females up to 3 cm. Life cycle is up to 2 years. Conditions for keeping palmate in an aquarium:

  • temperature – from 15°C to 28°C;
  • acidity – from 6.3 to 8.4;
  • hardness – from 2 to 20.

The shrimp is omnivorous. The species is particularly fertile, so breeding them in captivity is not difficult.


When purchasing aquarium shrimp, you need to take into account some features. These are quite delicate creatures and when transporting it is better to try to avoid sudden movements; it is worth putting some kind of plant in a container with them so that the animals can grab onto it. The vessel should not have sharp edges or corners so that aquatic organisms cannot be injured. Plastic bags may work just fine.

Since these aquarium inhabitants require a high oxygen content in the water, the top of the transport vessel should be one third or half filled with air or oxygen, which is even better. It is recommended to buy young specimens, as they adapt better to new conditions. It should be borne in mind that a significant part of the shrimp comes from the wild, and not from fish farms, and this means that infection or parasites can be introduced into the aquarium. Therefore, when buying new shrimp, it is better to first keep them in a separate pond and watch them.

Care and maintenance

For shrimp, it is very important to have a proper aquarium with enough space for each individual. The aquarium must be selected with a liter of water per shrimp. However, with a maximum body size of 2 centimeters, two individuals can coexist in one liter.

They can be added to fish or you can prepare a separate aquarium - a shrimp tank. When keeping them in a common aquarium, the correct proximity plays an important role. The fact is that fish and shrimp are antagonists by nature. This is not about simple competition. Fish often hunt them, mistaking them for food.

A large number of shelters can provide safety for them. Shrimp can hide both in decorative elements and among plants.

When choosing plants for an aquarium, you can pay attention to Java moss. Adults can hide in it and larvae can grow. In a general aquarium there should be more such moss, then not a single fish will be able to get the shrimp from its shelter.

Shrimp, like fish, are cold-blooded animals, so whether they are active or not depends on the temperature that was created in the aquarium. It should be 20-28 degrees. But even a drop to 15 degrees will not be fatal for them. They will become less active and stop reproducing.

If the water is heated to 32 degrees, protein coagulation will occur in the body, which means probable death for all individuals. Crustaceans have increased sensitivity to sudden changes in temperature. For example, a jump of 7 degrees threatens fish with disease and shrimp with death. Therefore, if a change is planned, it must be done gradually.

The amount of water that is replaced in the aquarium should not exceed 1/5 of its volume. This procedure can be repeated no more than once a week. Shrimp can live in tap water, but it should be replaced only when the temperature warms up to room temperature.

aquarium shrimp

The chemical composition of the water is not very important. The main thing is that there is no copper in it, otherwise both adults and larvae will die. In addition, the water hardness must be high, otherwise during molting they will have nowhere to get the necessary substances to build a shell.

It is important to siphon the soil frequently as shrimp leave a lot of waste. If ammonia levels rise sharply, they will get sick.

Lack of oxygen also has a detrimental effect on these crustaceans. To enrich water with oxygen, it is necessary to install a special compressor.

If a filter is used, it must be covered with a sponge, otherwise small individuals will get inside. In shrimp tanks, a filter is not necessary, but in a general aquarium you will have to install one.

The aquarium must be equipped with a special lid, since many species can crawl outside of it. Shrimp can only survive in air for a few minutes.

Aquarium shrimp: reproduction and offspring

Aquarium shrimp reproduce frequently and actively.
In this regard, they are unpretentious and not capricious. Especially if they create all the conditions for this in the form of a cozy corner with Java moss and a couple of branchy small-leaved plants. After puberty, the female aquarium shrimp begins her mating games. One day the owner of the aquarium will notice how his pets become more active, how they rush after each other. Such “catch-up” is the prelude. Watch a video on the Internet of aquarium shrimp during mating games - a fascinating sight! It happens that one female goes to several males at once, then she bears “complex” offspring from several individuals. In small shrimp, which are translucent, you can see the process of egg maturation. The most amazing thing is to see how the visual apparatus is formed inside the egg - small black eyes appear.

Reproduction of aquarium shrimp is an interesting process that will appeal to the observant aquarist. The larva hatches from the egg after four to six weeks. Different types of shrimp do not interbreed. For example, the Amano species is not at all interested in Cherry Shrimp.

aquarium shrimp

Aquarium shrimp - compatibility with fish

Remember that shrimp can grow and reproduce well only if their neighbors in the aquarium are fish that will not encroach on their lives. The existence of the babies will be threatened by all neighbors who are larger than them in size and whose oral cavity will be able to capture the shrimp.

In the wild, these cute creatures are common food for various fish. Therefore, sensing danger, they got used to hiding with the help of plants, stones, and soil. It is worth taking note of this fact for owners who are planning to make friends between shrimp and fish. Bettas, goldfish, cichlids, melanotenias, swordtails, platies and many other cute creatures can eat or torture your little ones. Boraras brigittae will be excellent neighbors for tiny pets.

To best set up your aquarium, you should match the shrimp to the fish, and not vice versa. Filter-feeding shrimp, Mucrobrachium rosenberghi, as well as the Palameon species will not be vulnerable targets for their neighbors, and may even become dangerous cohabitants for them.

aquarium shrimp

If you want to create an aquarium in which aquarium shrimp would live together with fish, you should not select neighbors at random, then keeping your pets safe will be at risk. And this can really bother you. It's best to think carefully about your choice.

What do aquarium shrimp eat?

These pets are omnivores, so you don't have to worry too much about their diet. If shrimp live with fish, then they can easily pick up food that their neighbors haven’t eaten.

Kids also love to feast on algae growths that have formed on rocks, soil, and various plants. If your pets live alone in their glass house, then you can please them with special food. They also love to eat pieces of zucchini, peppers and lettuce. Remember that these wonderful creatures should not be overfed. Since shrimp love to eat algae and fouling, some owners give them food 1-2 times a week.

The structure of aquarium shrimp

Aquarium shrimp, unlike the same crayfish, do not have clearly defined claws; instead, they have jaws, which, in addition to motor functions, are also designed to capture, hold and deliver food to the mouth.

Aquarium shrimp have five pairs of hind legs, and a tail, which, like that of crayfish, helps the shrimp in case of danger, make sharp, jumping movements back, thus escaping from enemies in nature, and in the aquarium from aggressive fish. Also, aquarium shrimp have a good sense of smell and touch, thanks to their long antennae, and the shrimp’s eyes are even capable of rotating in different directions, which contributes to a wide view.

What plants should be planted in an aquarium with shrimp?

Here we need to acquire unpretentious, small-leaved aquarium plants. FIRSTaqua.ru wrote to you about many of them in previous articles. It is in the thickets of small-leaved plants that aquarium shrimp love to swarm. Especially if they live next to fish in an aquarium, they need to have their own secret corner where no one will disturb them. The ideal plant in this case is Java moss.

aquarium shrimp

In the thickets of this moss, more than one fish will not get shrimp, so if you decide to put shrimp in a common aquarium with fish, be sure to plant more Java moss. By the way, aquarium shrimp also reproduce very well in it; the moss serves as an excellent refuge for shrimp larvae.

Aquarium shrimp will also like Hornwort - a floating, small-leaved, unpretentious plant; this also includes Cottonwort, Cabomba and Guadalupe Naiad. The latter also creates vast dense thickets that serve as a home for aquarium shrimp.

Cladafora looks very beautiful in the aquarium. Aquarium shrimp simply adore it. It is a green ball of algae. Shrimp constantly crawl along it and collect stuck particles of food and various fouling from its fibers. This looks very funny!

Of course, we have not listed all plants suitable for aquarium shrimp. There are still a lot of them, and these are just the most common and unpretentious ones. These are the plants that novice aquarists plant.

Advantages and disadvantages

Every aquarist dreams of seeing colorful aquarium inhabitants in crystal clear water. Some create special lighting to highlight the beauty and brightness of the shrimp. This is a big plus of these crustaceans. Their choice is so wide that you can choose small shrimp to match the small beautiful fish or large, “meaningful” individuals so that they do not get lost among the beautiful fish. Moreover, their prices are rarely high (beautiful, bright crustaceans can be bought even for 50–100 rubles).

Another plus is ease of maintenance. Some types of shrimp (for example, red cherry) seem to require no care at all; they can adapt to any conditions. In addition, you don’t have to worry about the size of the tabletop reservoir. Shrimp can be stocked either in a nano aquarium (up to 1 liter) or in a very large container (up to 400–500 liters). True, the size of the individuals and the population size will depend on the size of the container. But such small creatures will help the owner keep the aquarium clean. Shrimp love to swarm at the bottom, among the leaves of plants and the surfaces of stones, so the water will not become cloudy due to uneaten food and plaque.

The disadvantage of a bright cleaner is that it can become a victim of aggressive fish. Some shrimp (such as the red cardinal) only grow to 1.5–2 cm, so a relatively large fish may mistake this creature for food. Young shrimp are especially at risk of being eaten. After all, the thin shell of crustaceans cannot protect against the teeth of predator fish. If you take good care of the shrimp, they will begin to actively reproduce. Some owners of arthropod pets have to “clean” shrimp rows. Experienced shrimp connoisseurs select those that are lighter (paler) and hand them over to a pet store or distribute them to friends. Bright and beautiful individuals will remain in a spacious aquarium.





Differences in feeding for a community aquarium and for a shrimp tank

When shrimp are kept together in an aquarium with fish, the former act as orderlies. They eat the remains of fish food, dying parts of algae, as well as algae on glass and plants. Aquarium shrimp often eat dead fish, but for the breeder’s safety it is better to avoid this.

There are many food options available in a community aquarium. For this reason, separate feeding should be done very rarely and in small quantities. Otherwise, crustaceans will abandon their natural function - cleaning the aquarium.

Keeping pets separately in a “shrimp tank” requires a completely different approach to feeding them. Only plants, algae and microorganisms can be used as food. However, in this case, growth slows down, the quality of molting, coloring and reproduction deteriorate.

To avoid possible problems, the food must be complete. The simplest option is to use specially developed formulations that include the necessary vitamins and elements.

Shrimp food must be complete

Feeding with fish

In this case, the shrimp play the role of orderlies, as they pick up food that the fish have not eaten. In addition, they are excellent eaters of algae that grow on glass, eagerly feast on wilted vegetation and other things, while providing an invisible but very useful service to their owner. Shrimps do not disdain dead fish, and they cope with this much better and faster than snails. But, nevertheless, we still recommend that even if you have shrimps and snails in your small pond, you should immediately remove dead fish from the aquarium so that they do not spoil the water by decomposing.

Types of shrimp feed

The healthy state of the aquarium inhabitants depends on proper nutrition. Manufacturers offer shrimp food that is designed specifically for use in aquariums. Outwardly, it is similar to tablets for catfish, but differs from them in composition. Feed granules swell in water, but do not spoil the environment.

Branded food

A common type of food is granules that swell in water. As a rule, two or three of these tablets are enough to feed a dozen individuals. Therefore, the consumption is economical.

A common type of food is granules that swell in water.

There are other types: liquid, in the form of plates, different sizes. They must be selected depending on the age of the shrimp.

Popular foods from manufacturers include Mosura Shrimp Food, Tetra Crusta Menu and BorneoWild. Dennerle presents a line of food designed for different types of shrimp.

Experts recommend providing crustaceans with a varied diet. In addition to special food, their diet should include protein and plant foods.

When choosing food, you should pay attention to the percentage of protein (protein). It should not be more than 33%, otherwise the digestion of aquarium inhabitants may be impaired.

Live food

Daphnia and Cyclops can be used as excellent protein supplements. A more complete nutritional composition is preserved in a frozen product. In addition, Daphnia and Cyclops are sources of quinine.

Frequent consumption of such food can cause excessive growth and molting of shrimp. Such stress on their body negatively affects their overall health.

Bloodworms and tubifex can become live food. They can only be given as a supplement and in no case - daily.

Bloodworms can be given as a supplement and in no case - daily.

Crustaceans love to eat spool snails. They can eat them whole, but it is recommended to grind the shellfish first.

DIY shrimp food

In the natural environment, it is difficult to find something that shrimp do not eat. Boiled or scalded vegetables will help diversify the diet of aquarium inhabitants:

  • zucchini;
  • cucumbers;
  • spinach;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin.

Boiled or scalded vegetables will help diversify your diet.

In addition, well-cooked green peas are a delicacy. But it is better not to use fruits and vegetables with a high sugar content as top dressing. Their rapid deterioration negatively affects the state of the aquatic environment in the aquarium.

Plants can also become food. They need to be collected away from railways and roads. Otherwise, instead of benefiting, they can cause harm. Shrimp can be fed dandelions and nettles. Leaves of various trees and shrubs are also suitable:

  • walnut;
  • chestnut;
  • cherries and sweet cherries;
  • birch;
  • raspberries;
  • currants.

The skeleton of the leaf plate remaining after “lunch” must be removed from the aquarium.

A prerequisite is to use only dried plants. Fresh and succulent plants can be toxic to aquarium inhabitants.

Special dried leaves are available for sale. If possible, it is recommended to give preference to them.

Fish leftovers

Crustaceans living in a community aquarium feed on leftover fish food. In addition, various organic matter and algae are used. Such shrimp (both marine and freshwater) can be fed once a week with herbal supplements in the form of various boiled vegetables.

Shrimp living in a community aquarium feed on leftover fish food

Caution in diet

In a mature aquarium, organic microparticles are constantly present, which is what the shrimp feeds on. For some species, this may be quite enough, because excess food negatively affects the health and activity of crustaceans. In a separate shrimp tank, the inhabitants can safely not be fed for one to two weeks.

Basic feeding rules:

  • Moderate meals. Crustaceans can eat continuously, but their body is only able to assimilate ballast food. A large number of calories disrupts metabolism.
  • Careful attention to the composition of the feed. It is recommended to choose those compositions where the content of plant components predominates.

Excessive use of special feeds leads to an inevitable increase in the content of nitrogen compounds in water. This can cause the death of the entire population.

DIY shrimp food

Don’t forget that shrimp are omnivores, so they can easily feast on “your table.” Vegetables are an excellent food for crustaceans. For example, cucumbers or zucchini. Before sending them to the aquarium, they must be cut into thin rings and scalded with boiling water. A young pumpkin that has been heat treated is also suitable. Shrimp pay special attention to green peas, cooked until soft.

Shrimp eat zucchini with pleasure.

It is better to keep all sugar-containing fruits and vegetables for yourself, since if they spoil, they can greatly harm the aquarium and its inhabitants.

Some plant species are also suitable for feeding. Dandelions, currant, cherry, walnut, chestnut, maple, birch, cherry and raspberry leaves will be a very useful addition to the basic diet. Plants must be given only in dried form, otherwise they can release toxic toxins into the water. Dry nettle leaves are a storehouse of useful substances for shrimp for optimal life.

Dried leaves are a good supplement, but be careful! Not all leaves and plants are suitable for feeding! For example, the use of oak leaves is strictly prohibited!

Plants for feed should be collected in ecologically clean areas, away from highways. Only in this case will they be useful.

How often to feed

Shrimp are constantly looking for food for themselves. At the same time, overfeeding negatively affects their condition.

The main rule is that a single feeding should be such that the pets can eat the food they receive in five minutes. There should be no leftovers.

You need to feed crustaceans at the same time. The recommended interval is once every one or two days. It is best to choose the time for the first feeding an hour after turning on the light. During this period, shrimp are most active.

You need to feed crustaceans at the same time

Feeding frequency is affected by:

  • presence of other inhabitants in the aquarium;
  • flock size;
  • number of plants in the aquarium.

When near fish, separate food can be used very rarely. These crustaceans may be completely satisfied with leftover food, plants and algae. In addition, they love the film that forms on the surface of the water. It contains microorganisms that are an excellent treat for them.

Nitrogen impurities have a bad effect on the health of underwater inhabitants. The copper content (often included in medications) leads to the death of the entire flock. Before feeding shrimp, you must carefully read the composition of the selected food.

If the shrimp are kept separately from the fish, their feeding should be especially thought out. You need to monitor not only the frequency, but also the completeness and balance of the incoming food. The diet should include plant and protein foods.

Gifts of the Wild

In the warm season and away from roads and city areas, you can make a special collection of nettles, clover and dandelion leaves, and then dry them. Shrimp food grows above your head and lies under your feet.

Another treat for your pets can be leaves that have fallen from trees.

Very important reminder! Shrimp are mostly forced to feed on detritus on the substrate. Simply put, their natural diet is the carrion of living creatures and all the microbes that contribute to its decomposition. In a natural reservoir, dead leaves of trees also become their food; they also serve as a shelter and even as some kind of filter that purifies the water.

In order to imitate natural conditions, you can immerse hazel, oak or beech leaves in water for 2 days. It is strictly forbidden to put fresh leaves into an aquarium containing shrimp and fish . Their toxins will simply kill your pets. Green leaves have a high sugar content, this point not only affects the composition of water, but also reduces the amount of oxygen. To those already listed, you can add leaves from trees such as sycamore, maple, willow and alder.

Video: Feeding shrimp with nettles

For this collection, it is worth going away from highways and being aware that these trees have not been sprayed with pesticides. Dead leaves picked from a tree do not need to be boiled or parboiled. Those raised from the ground are boiled and dried. Then they are stored or placed in an aquarium. Boiled leaves have the advantage that they sink quickly. The downside is that important substances are washed out during boiling. Cardboard boxes or paper bags work well for storing dried leaves. The container must be well ventilated to prevent mold from appearing.

Choosing a place to feed

The optimal choice is an easily visible area where there are no decorations or plantings. This place should not only be easy to pour food into, but also to remove any leftovers.

The submerged food gathers the whole flock. This is another aspect that requires a place for power that can be viewed. This will make it easy to track the condition and activity of the shrimp. You can see the difference between individuals of the same age.

Immersed food gathers the whole flock

A characteristic feature of shrimp is the fact that after the end of puberty, females continue to grow, and males stop growing. Therefore, there is no need to think that some individuals do not finish eating. Different sizes of different-sex shrimp are considered normal.

Caution in diet

Experts on this type of crustacean do not recommend using food with large amounts of protein. The norm for shrimp is about 33% protein by weight of the feed. You should give food sparingly, and this is not a matter of expenses for the owner of the aquarium. One meal per day is enough for them. It is advisable to choose food that they can eat in a matter of minutes. Generous feeding of underwater pets will result in disaster, since shrimp do not know moderation. In the natural conditions of large bodies of water, they can eat a lot of ballast food. But a large amount of high-calorie food can accumulate in the aquarium (due to thoughtlessness or lack of education of the owner). This approach will simply disrupt the metabolic processes in their digestion. Feeds that contain enough iron and minerals are very useful . Thanks to them, shrimp get a bright color of their shell.

Feed ingredients containing nitrogen can cause shrimp poisoning. An abundance of food will not only lead to an imbalance, but it will also be followed by an invasion of not only snails, but also a dangerous enemy of the shrimp - the planaria worm. This excess of food is good for red algae, but not for crustaceans.

Do not forget that the natural habitat of shrimp gives them only one role, to be scavengers. At the bottom there is no round-the-clock or weekly feeding. There they also starve. If you keep all this in mind, then it’s worth getting closer to their real lifestyle and letting them fast for a couple of days. This period will help cleanse the shrimp’s body, on the one hand, and restore water quality, on the other. Having excess food in an aquarium is not at all beneficial.

Control using a feeder

The use of special feeders helps to maintain the cleanliness of the aquarium. They can be glass, metal and plastic. You can use suitable available equipment.

The simplest design consists of a transparent container like a plate and a long tube placed in it, one end of which is above the surface of the water. Food is poured through a tube. This design also makes it easy to control the amount of food.

Adults can eat this way; for young animals it is recommended to use powder.

Leftovers are sweet

It’s not for nothing that shrimps are called cleaners; they will still be happy to rid the aquarium of dead fish.

If the aquarium is large and has a lot of vegetation inside, then you don’t have to feed the shrimp at all. They will pick up everything that remains from the fish. Fish will not fight for food with crustaceans, because shrimp primarily feed at night (sleep for fish), and food is found by smell.

Shrimp that have settled in a new aquarium with a small amount of algae need additional feeding. The vegetation will become larger and denser, then feeding with external food will be limited.

How does shrimp feed?

The main tool when searching for food is the sense of smell. The shrimp suddenly attacks the discovered prey and grabs it with its front pair of legs. Food is ground using mandibles (developed jaws). Sometimes the shrimp spends several hours on this.

Shrimp spend all their free time searching for food. Some species burrow into the ground, where they search for vegetation. Others can run along the bottom for a long time until they come across suitable food.

Shrimp are unpretentious pets. They benefit the aquarium, being its orderlies. In order not to harm the crustaceans themselves, their diet should be moderate and balanced. When keeping shrimp in a community aquarium, you need to remember that there is more natural food for them. Feeding in such cases should not be frequent.

How is the nutrition of shrimp organized in your aquarium? Share your experience in the comments.

What kind of shrimp to get?

There are a huge variety of types of aquarium shrimp! There are freshwater and marine ones, such as doctor shrimp. Small and big. Simple and extremely unusual in appearance. Some shrimp are not at all difficult to keep. They require virtually no special care. Others are more picky and require special conditions. Nowadays, freshwater shrimp are the most common. If you look at the habitat, these unusual animals brought from Japan, China and India are most in demand among aquarists. Amano, Macrobrachium, Neocaridina, Atiopsis, Bumblebee are some of the most actively purchased shrimp for aquarium keeping.

Features of shrimp farming

Before taking on this matter, it is important to study this issue inside and out.

First of all, you need to take care of the arrangement of the pond; there are 2 main options: rent a pond; make a pond on your own. The depth of the reservoir should be 1.5-2 m, no more is needed.

It is important to provide a covering at the bottom of the pond for a comfortable life for crustaceans. Branches, fragments of tiles, pipe cuttings, etc. are suitable for this task. The water should be live, green, with a small amount of organic fertilizers, then food for the shrimp will form on its own.

It is also important to monitor the pH level. You should also provide high-quality lighting.

It is advisable to maintain the temperature at approximately +23-28°C, in which case the shrimp will exist in normal conditions and reproduce well.

How many years do shrimp live in an aquarium?

The average lifespan of shrimp is from 2.5 (Palaemon) to 6 years (Leander). Life expectancy depends on the temperature of the water in which the shrimp are kept. At 26°C and above, shrimp “age” already in the third year, at 15°C they also live no more than 3 years, at 21-24°C - 4 years or more. Females grow faster than males.

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