Golden catfish or bronze catfish (lat. Corydoras aeneus, also bronze shellfish) is a small
Home › Aquarium plants › (8 ratings, average: 4.00 out of 5) Live plants in
Home \ Services \ Aquarium repair There are often cases when underwater hobbyists and professionals
4.9 (27) When starting an aquarium, we want to select beautiful fish for it that would decorate
Sometimes owners of artificial ponds with fish encounter such a phenomenon as foam on the surface
Mollies are a popular aquarium fish, distinguished by their richly colored scales and easy-going nature. Phenotype contain
Neretina snail photo Common name: Neritina. Kingdom: Animals. Type: Molluscs (Mollusca). Class: Gastropods
Achatina snails are indigenous to the warm and humid regions of Africa. Their description is known from
Pet lovers often keep a red-eared turtle as a pet. Unfortunately, few people
Sand for a waterfall The choice of sand in this case plays a very important role. To illusion