Having seen in the store the whole range of filter structures and various fillers for them, it may create
An aquarium is a decoration for any interior. Today it is not just a vessel with fish, but a real
Methods for quickly killing fish The easiest and simplest method of stunning is considered to be hitting the top with a stick.
Every aquarist has faced a problem such as the health of their pets. Yes, yes, fish too
Angelfish, or in Latin – Pterophyllum scalare, is a large fish from the cichlid family, with an original
Wild animals >> Reptiles Turtles are a fairly large order of reptiles, which includes more
10/07/2019 How much will it cost to send your cargo to its destination? To answer this
Aquarium snails are beautiful, useful and for the most part do not harm other inhabitants. However, there are
Yes, of course, the phrase “dry aquarium” (some aquarists use the expression “dry aqua”) evokes a condescending smile,
Disease prevention Fin rot Ichthyophthyriosis (semolina) Treatment of fish with saline solution Exophthalmia (bulging eyes) Dropsy Oodiniosis: