Superclass Pisces. Characteristics, external and internal structure, organ systems
Features of the external and internal structure The vital activity of fish is ensured by the work of not only internal, but also
Reptile photo: bearded dragon on human hand
18 Species of Lizards That Make Great Pets
Bearded dragon. Estersinhache fotografía / Getty Images Today there are about 5,000 species on the planet
Features of keeping the tarantula lasiodora parahybana
Tarantula spiders, Lasiodora Thanks to this particular tarantula spider of the genus Lasiodora, it became widely known and
Siamese algae eater jaw
How to clean an aquarium with a Siamese algae eater fish?
The Siamese algae eater or crossocheilus siamensis lives mainly in Asian countries: Thailand, Sumatra, Indonesia. A
arapaima gigas
Arapaima gigas: habitats and habits of the giant pirarucu fish
The arapaima, which is considered one of the largest freshwater fish today, has many
An armored pike - a Mississippian armored fish - in an aquarium after 100 million years  
For the first time seeing a fishing trophy two meters long and weighing 59 kilograms (Fig. 1),
Keeping and caring for betta fish: everything you need to know about the Siamese fighter
Incredibly graceful, captivating people with the smooth movements of their veiled tails, betta fish instantly attract people to themselves.
microrasbora galaxy breeding
Microrasbora galaxy - a beautiful and unusual fish
Microrasbora galaxy has recently settled in aquariums. This beautiful and unusual fish attracts the attention of many
Brachypelma albopilosum. Maintenance at home.
Spiders 08/06/20206758 views Rare in nature, but the most common tarantula in collections is
Toadfish can make loud noises, but are at risk of extinction due to humans
The most poisonous fish in the world: Unsplash The most poisonous fish are responsible for dozens of deaths every year.
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