The Eleocharis plant belongs to the sedge family and is also known as swampweed or sedgeweed.
Origin In the early 80s of the twentieth century, the famous nursery of the Danish company “Tropica” received a batch
The question of why the turtle doesn’t eat arises for most beginners. Almost always the answer must be sought
Kohaku swordtail The variety of aquarium fish is sometimes amazing. And taking into account the fact that one
Hydra is a soft-bodied polyp from Cnidaria, one of the most ancient groups
Catfish is an amazing fish that, depending on the species, can weigh up to 200
Pseudorays are not very widespread in the aquarium hobby among fish owners, but some lovers of exotic
5 (3) Lake Malawi cichlids have always been particularly popular among aquarists. It's not surprising, because
Cichlids are beautiful fish with bright colors and unusual shapes. They recognize their owner
Wild animals >> Fish Veiltail is a real goldfish with long fins and a beautiful veil tail.