Related Cryptocoryne or affinis (Cryptocoryne affinis)
Conditions Temperatures for growing Cryptocoryne related can vary widely from 20 to
Why does the fish lie down and lie at the bottom of the aquarium or swim along the bottom?
Why did they fall down, lie on their belly or on their side? If the fish lie on the bottom,
Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare): keeping in an aquarium, types, breeding
Angelfish are beautiful and elegant cichlids. Their homeland is South America. Abroad
Rhodostomus - red tetra: maintenance, compatibility, breeding, photo
The article contains fascinating material about three-hybrid parrotfish - exotic and spectacular inhabitants
who eats aquarium snails
Which snail eats snails in an aquarium, and other enemies of mollusks
To an experienced aquarist, the food preferences of the inhabitants of a home pond seem simple and understandable. He can
flock of neons
Schooling aquarium fish: types and brief description
Arriving at a pet store, a novice aquarist is confused by the variety of fish species and finds it difficult to make a choice. If
Angelfish black veil photo
Black angelfish description, breeding, maintenance, compatibility, photo.
This is an amazingly beautiful aquarium fish. Angelfish live in rivers in the wild
Features of the maintenance and reproduction of cichlazoma pink flamingo
Flamingo cichlid, otherwise called the pink flamingo cichlid, is considered one of the brightest and most unusual
Drop checker for an aquarium - how to choose, install, use
Aquascape Promotion > Articles about aquascaping > What is a drop checker and how does it work
Chukuchan or Asian swallowtail (myxocyprinus asiaticus)
Chinese chukuchang or frigate fish (Myxocyprinus asiaticus)
5 (3) The large and slightly shy Chukuchan in the aquarium market may be called frigate fish,
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