Photo: Sumatran barb
Sumatran barb: maintenance and feeding, the difference between a male and a female and their reproduction
Wildlife >> Fish The Sumatran barb is a freshwater fish that occupies the middle part of the aquarium. He
Clarius catfish: photo, description, content, breeding
Clarius photo Usually, when reading the description of this or that aquarium fish, you can come across epithets: bright,
Keeping and caring for Achatina: basic rules for communicating with snails
Exotic lovers are increasingly keeping snails as pets. Why not,
Hot summer - lower the water temperature and cool the aquarium
During the summer months, overheating of water becomes a pressing and challenging problem for aquarium hobbyists.
What is spawning in fish - a description of the process, how to stimulate
Depending on the type of reproduction, fish are divided into egg-laying, ovoviviparous, and viviparous. Egg marking – main
Helena predatory snail - proper maintenance and feeding habits
Helena snail Very amazing and interesting representatives of mollusks in our aquariums are Helena snails
Let's figure out how long snails live at home?
03/15/2019Shellfish0 The average life expectancy of snails at home depends on a complex of external factors. For
How and what to feed snails
How and what to feed snails in an aquarium with and without fish
Many novice aquarists do not know what to feed aquarium snails, especially since the species of snails
How snails reproduce: mating and aquarium breeding
Freshwater snails are an important part of the aquarium ecosystem; breeding them at home does not require any effort.
Advice from experienced aquarists to beginners on how to properly change the water in an aquarium
03/12/2019Aquarium0 Changing the water in the aquarium is a mandatory measure to maintain the health of the fish. Frequency
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