Pair of Achatina snails
Tactics for breeding Achatina snails and caring for eggs
Reproduction of Achatina mollusks at home requires care and attention on the part of the owner. These
common toothless
Toothless common - description, characteristics and life cycle of the mollusk
Toothless common, or river, is often found at the bottom of reservoirs and lakes where there is flowing water.
Humidity level in the terrarium with the Achatina snail
All about Achatina: maintenance, feeding, care, reproduction
Lighting Achatina does not see well; she only distinguishes between day and night. Therefore it is not necessary
How to care for and maintain albino Achatina
Achatina Fulika albino, standard, birth, description, care and maintenance
A few facts about the snail that you need to know before buying it. Achatina lives for 10 years.
How to choose a container for a snail
How to equip a terrarium or container for the Achatina snail
Achatina snails are land mollusks. Originally from tropical countries. In our latitudes African
The most unusual, decorative, poisonous and beautiful snails
Snails, or gastropods, are the most numerous class of mollusks, numbering more than 100 thousand species. General
Features of nitrifying bacteria (nitrifiers)
All living things need food. For some, the source of energy is sunlight, for others
Superclass Pisces. Characteristics, external and internal structure, organ systems
Features of the external and internal structure The vital activity of fish is ensured by the work of not only internal, but also
A water plague you'll be glad you had! Elodea in the aquarium
The world of aquarium flora contains a huge variety of plants. Some require sensitive care, great
Swamp turtle
European marsh turtle at home (Emys orbicularis)
Even in the most ancient times, humanity tried to tame wild animals, keeping them with them
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