How to Make and Use an Ultraviolet (UV) Aquarium Sterilizer

Water at room temperature, located in a confined space, is a favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms that negatively affect flora and fauna. To purify liquids, factory-made ultraviolet emitters or homemade designs are used.

Making a UV sterilizer for an aquarium with your own hands allows you to reduce costs and get a compact device that disinfects the tank.

How to use it correctly?

It is important to understand for yourself: the use of this kind of sterilizers is not a complete replacement for water purification itself.
Cleaning means changing the water, washing the aquarium, removing excess algae, and so on. Ultraviolet radiation is essentially only an auxiliary preventive measure that can be used at the first suspicion of a deviation from the healthy norm among the inhabitants.

That is, if the inhabitants of an artificial reservoir begin to get sick, then the latter will not be hindered by a course of ultraviolet treatment so that the infection does not spread. However, there are many cases when such technology is essentially powerless - for example, if you have small worms or a lot of free-floating algae. In this case, you will have to work independently. In addition, provided that the aquarium itself is small and its inhabitants are in good health, you may not need to use such cleaners at all.

Of course, this only works if the aquarium and everything in it are regularly and thoroughly cleaned (except for living inhabitants).

There are a few rules to remember:

  • do not look at the working lamp, preserve your vision;
  • do not use such a device without the protective elements included in the kit;
  • use together with the administration of medications is prohibited and dangerous for fish;
  • excessive ozone generation can be harmful;
  • periodically check the condition of all elements of the device;
  • do not forget about cleaning the flask;
  • Grounding is a very important element.

The question may arise what will happen if you use an ultraviolet disinfectant constantly. It would seem that the water will remain constantly clean, the residents will be healthy, and everything will be fine. But no! In reality, too frequent, and even more so constant use of this kind of devices is not only not useful, but even harmful.

The negative effect occurs due to the heating of the water temperature, which adversely affects many inhabitants of the aquarium. In addition, each fish has its own immunity, and it is completely undesirable to constantly use its replacement. Otherwise, the protective forces will atrophy, and the fish will die at the first deviation from the norm.

Do not use sterilizers when you have just introduced fish into the aquarium, and before this point. It can only be used after some time has passed, when harmful microflora have already formed along with the beneficial ones.

Another very important point is the prohibition of using radiation in conjunction with any medications or fertilizers that you add to the water. Many drugs react under the influence of such devices by producing harmful and even dangerous substances for fish and other inhabitants.

To learn about the features of a UV sterilizer for an aquarium, see the following video.

Features of operation: basic rules

Rules for using an ultraviolet sterilizer:

  • install equipment at the filter outlet;
  • when connecting to the power circuit, take into account the requirements specified by the manufacturer in the instructions;
  • do not look at the source of ultraviolet radiation (applies to devices without an outer shell around the lamp);
  • Do not operate the sterilizer with the protective cover removed;
  • when using equipment immersed in water, provide grounding;
  • carry out periodic inspection of the device and tubes, eliminating leaks;
  • regularly clean the lamp bulb from salt deposits (applies to equipment with collapsible housings);
  • install a new light source after 1-2 years of operation (the resource depends on the duration of use and the manufacturer);
  • When assembling the device, apply a layer of silicone sealant to the rings and wrap plumber's tape around the threads, which reduces the risk of leakage.

Can I use it regularly?

Continuous use of ultraviolet equipment is impractical, since the radiation destroys beneficial microflora and begins to negatively affect the immunity of fish and algae. Due to the heating of the lamp, there is a gradual increase in the temperature of the water in the aquarium, which provokes the proliferation of microorganisms and can lead to the death of individual representatives of the flora and fauna.

If medications are to be used, the lamp should be turned off, otherwise the medications lose effectiveness and toxic or carcinogenic substances may be formed.

How to choose the correct size of UV installation?

This is perhaps the only difficulty in handling an ultraviolet installation. To effectively kill harmful organisms, your UV unit must be suitable for the size of your aquarium. Most manufacturers of UV sterilizers provide their products with a special table. By comparing several well-known models, you will realize that the tables and measurements may differ for each company.

Manufacturer/ModelWattageMax. Liters Flow strength
Aqua Ultraviolet151500700
Angstrom 2537301500750
Double Helix361500500
Emperor Aquatics651200952
Emperor Aquatics8012001049

This table shows the differences between several well-known manufacturers. And as we see, these indicators are quite different from each other. The power that Emperor Aquatics requires is significantly different from other manufacturers. This is explained by the fact that they use an absorption coefficient of water purity of 0.45, and the throughput of the quartz coupling is reduced by 20%. All this reduces UV leakage and improves lamp performance.

Lamp operation

Turtle lamps should be replaced approximately once a year. Even if it works and is not broken, it still needs to be replaced. Each manufacturer must indicate the service life on the lamp box. High-quality materials will work for about a year, and lesser quality ones will fail in 5-7 months.

Replacement is recommended, since during operation the composition contained in the lamp burns out. Therefore, the UV spectrum decreases. An old ultraviolet lamp for turtles will not be able to provide adequate radiation, and this can lead to a number of diseases. When changing the spectrum downward, owners may see differences. To do this you will need to compare a couple of lamps, old and new. By turning on both, you can clearly see the difference in the glow.

Experienced reptile breeders use additional reflectors. With their help you can enhance the effect of UV. You can make such a reflector yourself from ordinary foil or buy a special, ready-made reflector at a pet store.

Some manufacturers make their own lamps. It is possible to make such UV lamps for turtles if you have some knowledge and experience. The main role is a correct understanding of ultraviolet radiation in the life of turtles. For beginners and people who are far from doing DIY crafts, it would be better to buy a lamp and not torture the animal.

Conclusions and advice

As you can see, using an autoclave for home canning is much easier than sealing jars by hand. We presented design option 1 as the cheapest and simplest, but you can change it at your discretion - install a round flange, a more convenient lock for the hatch or a heating element with automatic heating control. The main thing is to thoroughly weld all seams on both sides and do not use thin-walled products for manufacturing (for example, expansion tanks for heating).

One last piece of advice. The literature states that autoclaving beef and pork should last at least 60 minutes. But home craftsmen who are constantly engaged in canning recommend keeping meat in heating mode for at least 2 hours. This is exactly how long it takes for the botulism infection, which is fatal to humans, to die.

How to use a UV lamp

An ultraviolet lamp guarantees a positive effect, but only if it is used correctly.

The amount of time for ultraviolet irradiation is different for each category of consumer:

  • for animals (for reptiles in particular) - if it is possible to control the animal’s presence under the direct influence of such lighting, it is recommended for young individuals to use ultraviolet radiation for more than 4 hours a day, but for adults the use time should not exceed 3 hours. If this is not possible, then it is recommended to use the device throughout the daylight hours (10-12 hours). The lamp turns on only during daylight hours; you can turn off the lighting after the expiration date. The optimal time of use is from 8:00 to 20:00;
  • for plants, the optimal time to use ultraviolet light is during daylight hours, but not more than 14 hours. At the same time, it is worth taking into account the peculiarities of the perception of such light by different plants, and therefore, if the decorative appearance is lost, the radiation dose must be reduced. The lamp turns on during daylight hours, the optimal time of use is from 8:00 to 22:00;
  • for an aquarium - the recommendations of aquarists are limited to using the device for 1 hour daily. For neglected aquariums, eight hours of use is acceptable until the water quality improves. The lamp turns on throughout the night from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.

To achieve a positive result when exposed to ultraviolet light, it is important to consider the basic safety rules:

  • to avoid burns to the cornea of ​​the eyes, only closed type devices can be used, i.e. the device must be in a housing;
  • during the period of treatment and use of medicines by animals, the use of UV devices is unacceptable;
  • fertilization for the growth of vegetation in the aquarium does not allow the use of UV filters.

Important! To avoid fires when using ultraviolet lighting for a long time, safety rules with electrical appliances recommend using surge protectors and voltage stabilizers for switching on.

Application: benefits and harms of UV lamps

An ultraviolet lamp is a device for disinfecting water and air, which also provides a vital imitation of sunlight for plants and exotic animals in temperate latitudes. They can have different shapes or designs, consisting of a body and the lamp itself.

There are such types of lamps:

  • incandescent;
  • luminescent;
  • halogen;
  • LED

In a general sense, such devices operate on the principle of conventional lighting devices, but with the use of special lamps made of uviol glass, which transmits rays of the violet spectrum.
Did you know? Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the effect of carcinogens increases. At the Ivanhoe Reservoir in Los Angeles, researchers eliminated the problem of high levels of carcinogens by filling the surface of the water with 400,000 plastic balls, preventing sunlight from penetrating the water column.

Depending on the intended purpose - for plants, an aquarium or reptiles - such devices may have different properties.

The lamp will be required for arranging the habitat of such animals as: snapping turtle, Madagascar felsuma, matamata, aga toad, banana-eater gecko, Central Asian land turtle, vulture turtle, fire-bellied toad, red-eared turtle, Chinese turtle, monitor lizard, iguana, chameleon, corn snake and fish GloFish.

For reptiles

Reptiles are exotic animals from tropical climatic latitudes, where daylight hours are much longer. You can lengthen daylight hours for such animals using ultraviolet light. Such devices have the main property of stimulating the production of vitamin D3 in the animal’s body for the complete absorption of calcium from food. This property is vital for such animals. By lengthening the daylight hours in this way, animals experience minimal stress, especially during acclimatization.

For aquarium

For aquariums, UV lighting is secondary to the filter and aeration system, but also indispensable. It has disinfecting properties and is an additional step in the purification of aquarium water. By killing pathogenic and disease-causing organisms in the water, such a device can lead to an overall reduction in disease for the inhabitants of the aquarium. Also, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, growth accelerates in some fish species.

Important! Constantly being indoors with a working ultraviolet lamp has a negative impact on human health.

For plants

Under the influence of UV rays, plants undergo the process of photosynthesis - the basis of their life. The lack of received UV rays negatively affects the development of plants, which can be eliminated by using ultraviolet lighting. By increasing the amount of UV radiation, such lamps stimulate the healthy development of plants and accelerate their growth. This property also applies to the type of aquarium plants, which for some fish are the basis of the diet.

Device structure

There are several types of aquarium sterilizers. Internal devices are small in size. Their main power is also small, and therefore their effectiveness is considered low. Some manufacturers add the ability to install an additional UV lamp. External sterilizers are attached to the outlet of the external filter or to the pump. They are considered the most effective. The lamp is placed in a flask, so it is completely isolated from water. The flask is made only from quartz glass, since it transmits UV radiation well, while ordinary glass quickly absorbs it. As the water washes the flask, the process of destroying all microorganisms occurs.

The sterilizer is equipped with two fittings of different diameters so that they can be connected to different hoses of external filters. The sterilizer is installed in the rupture of the hose at the outlet of the external filter. To create a good flow of water, pumps are used. The slower the water flow, the more microorganisms it will kill. If the pump is low-power, then you shouldn’t buy an overly expensive lamp. It is better to install an external filter rather than a pump. In this case, the water is first mechanically purified, and only after that it enters the device.

Rules for operating the autoclave

Like any vessel that operates at high temperature and pressure, an autoclave must be used wisely. To get a quality product according to any recipe from the books, follow simple rules:

  1. Pour water into jars before loading meat and fish, not after. We repeat that its level in the container should not reach 8-10 cm to the neck. If you pour more, the water will expand when heated and break one of the welds.
  2. Constantly monitor pressure and temperature by referring to the table (presented below). Heat the device quickly to 100 °C, and then reduce the flame just to maintain the temperature.
  3. The maximum pre-inflation pressure is 1.5 Bar, you cannot do more.
  4. Do not bleed air or open the autoclave immediately after turning off the heating. In this case, you will end up with a mess of glass because all the dishes will burst. Wait until it cools down and only then unload the finished preserves.
  5. Release the air slowly so that there is no pressure surge inside.
Product typeSterilization conditions
MeatT=110-120° P = 3-4.5 Bar Duration - from 60 minutes
FishТ=110-118° Р=3-4 Bar Duration – from 40 minutes
VegetablesT = 110-115° P = 3-4 Bar Exposure - up to 25 minutes

Advice. The best way to track the moment of cooling is to use a pressure gauge. When the pressure in the vessel drops to the initial value (which was after inflation), the device can be safely opened. Watch the process of preparing canned food in the next video:


Pay attention to how to choose an ultraviolet lamp for turtles

The quality of the ultraviolet lamp for reptiles is of great importance. The best solution may be a regular small incandescent type. It will provide the required temperature conditions inside the terrarium. Depending on your individual indicators, select the type you need. The most common location for its installation is the area above the bridge. This area is where the land is. Number of UV rays

For the normal development of the turtle, it is important to select UVB, with the help of which vitamin D3 is produced in normal quantities. Ordinary lamps are not capable of becoming an alternative to UV rays. Take care of the quality of lighting. Pay attention to this indicator in winter. After all, during this period the animal does not receive vitamin reserves from the sun.

The terrarium should be well lit. For the normal functioning of an animal, 8-12 hours a day of UV illumination is sufficient. The rest of the time you can turn it off.

Calculation of required power

To ensure all the properties of UV lighting, there are certain parameters for calculating the irradiation rate. Such parameters include the volume or area of ​​lighting, power, transmission index, dimensions of devices and others. Accurate calculation of power is made using complex formulas, the solution of which requires knowledge of all quantities. Lack of information about such quantities can complicate the calculation process. The simplest method for determining the required power is to make application recommendations based on the intended use.

Did you know? It is impossible to absorb UV radiation indoors, because window glass, which contains iron oxide, does not transmit ultraviolet rays.

Due to the fact that reptiles need ultraviolet radiation throughout the day, its spectrum is important for these purposes:

  • short wavelengths of light (UV-A) should be in the spectrum of 5% to 10% activity;
  • longer wavelengths of light radiation (UV-B) must be in the spectrum of at least 30% of the activity.

Depending on the volume of the aquarium, it is recommended to use the following powers:

  • volume 130-230 liters - 5 W;
  • volume 150-280 liters - 7 W;
  • volume 170-570 liters - 9 W;
  • volume 230-680 liters - 11 W;
  • volume 280-760 liters - 13 W;
  • volume 340-830 liters - 18 W;
  • volume 450-1100 liters - 24 W;
  • volume 570-1350 liters - 36 W.

When determining the radiation dose, it is necessary to focus on the lower limit of the volume. For plants, the choice of lamp must meet the following criteria:

  • power - from 18 to 36 W;
  • length - from 60 to 120 cm;
  • color rendering index - 7 -8% activity.

Did you know? Ultraviolet is in the spectrum invisible to the human eye. But people who have undergone surgery to remove a clouded lens (cataract) are able to see UV rays.

Determining these values ​​is not difficult, since the indicators of such radiation are indicated on each package of ultraviolet lamps. Compliance with these characteristics is especially important, since the use of UV devices of this kind for plants is recommended for 15 hours of continuous operation.

Immersion sterilizer for an aquarium: how does it work and why is it needed?

Sterilizer for an aquarium - to be or not to be? This is a question that cannot be answered unequivocally. The devices operate on the principle of the disinfecting action of ultraviolet rays. They are called: UV sterilizers. Such equipment is used to disinfect water, since ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on microorganisms, bacteria, and floating algae. Let's look at how it works.

Principle of operation

The device consists of a plastic pipe with two inlet and outlet fittings that provide water flow using a pump or pump. An ultraviolet lamp is located inside the pipe. The water drawn into the tube is purified by a filter and exposed to UV light. Purified and disinfected water is returned to the aquarium and mixed with untreated water.

With such a system, the water is not completely disinfected; we can only talk about a decrease in the concentration of pathogenic bacteria.

Microorganisms living on the bottom of the aquarium, in the soil, on algae, and snails remain in a zone inaccessible to radiation.

The penetrating ability of UV rays is low and depends on several factors:

  1. The greater the density of water, the less penetrating ability of the rays. In turbid, contaminated water, UV radiation can disinfect only a 5-millimeter layer. Therefore, during installation, sterilizers are placed after the filters, and purified water is treated with UV rays.
  2. The density of salt water is higher than that of fresh water. In fresh water, the operating efficiency of the device is much higher.
  3. Cleanliness of the ultraviolet lamp and its shell. It is necessary to keep them clean; a layer of plaque blocks the radiation.


Depending on the location of the device in the aquarium, there are 2 types: surface and submersible or submersible.

A surface sterilizer is a structure of several lamps and a reflector, which is mounted above the tray at a height of 5 to 10 cm. The water flowing through the tray is disinfected by the lamps. A similar design can no longer be found in our time.

Modern sterilizers are hermetically sealed submersible structures. There are several types:

  • built into filters;
  • internal;
  • external.

The internal devices are small in size and, accordingly, the lamp is small in size. Small lamps have low power, which means they are ineffective. These devices are not in great demand.

Sterilizers built into filters are also not of particular interest due to their low efficiency.

External devices consist of a housing, inside of which there is a UV lamp in a quartz flask. Typically, such sterilizers are connected at the output of an external filter. They are the most effective, and therefore have gained popularity among aquarists.

In what cases should it be used?

All living microorganisms are exposed to the harmful effects of UV radiation. But among them are also beneficial bacteria that create vital microflora for fish.

Experienced aquarists do not recommend using sterilizers constantly.

It is recommended to use the equipment in certain cases:

  1. Massive fish disease.
  2. The need for quarantine for new fish.
  3. The aquarium bloomed and an unpleasant smell appeared.
  4. Periodic use to prevent diseases in aquarium inhabitants.
  5. Use in densely populated aquariums.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of an aquarium sterilizer is that it copes with its task really well: floating algae disappear, the water is sterilized (albeit not completely), and the unpleasant odor disappears.

There are many more disadvantages, we list them:

  1. Ultraviolet radiation does not destroy all types of pathogens. Some of their species die when exposed to more powerful radiation and remain invulnerable. Therefore, when choosing equipment, you need to give preference to a more powerful lamp that can destroy as many types of bacteria as possible.
  2. Insufficient penetration of UV rays.
  3. Expensive equipment and the UV lamp itself, the service life of which does not exceed 6 months with frequent use.

There are craftsmen who assemble an ultraviolet sterilizer for an aquarium with their own hands from improvised materials. Moreover, it works no worse than an industrial one.

Among aquarium enthusiasts you can find both supporters and opponents of the constant use of UV sterilizers. This issue is resolved by each user in his own way.

What it is

The flora and fauna of an aquarium is a changing system in which substances are exchanged between all participants. In the process, harmful bacteria and viruses may appear, which cause diseases in aquarium inhabitants. UV sterilizers for aquariums are used to preserve fish. The radiation from them is fatal to viruses and harmful microorganisms.

Ultraviolet waves, which water is irradiated during operation of the stabilizer, are the shortest waves of electromagnetic radiation. There are 3 types of ultraviolet with different lengths, physical and penetrating properties:

  1. UV-A is the longest region, which includes the range from 320 to 400 nm. Reaches the Earth's surface after passing through the atmosphere.
  2. UV-B – region from 290 to 320 nm. Such rays are more aggressive, but only a portion of them reach the surface of the earth. Responsible for the production of vitamin D.
  3. UV-C – from 180 to 290 nm, do not reach the Earth’s surface through the ozone layer and other components. Lethal to living beings.

Any type of ray can be used as a disinfectant. Bacteria and viruses do not have a protective natural barrier that could save them.

Main characteristics of ultraviolet sterilizers for aquariums:

  • productivity – the volume of filtered water per unit of time;
  • gap size - determines how much water will be exposed to radiation at the same time;
  • power - the higher it is, the more efficiently the device operates;
  • operating time - the more the hearth is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the more harmful substances are killed;
  • temperature – ultraviolet radiation spreads well at a temperature of 40-43 degrees;
  • wavelength – the safe range is 250-260 nanometers.

The device is selected based on these parameters.

In what cases should it be used?

UV sterilizers in an aquarium cannot serve as a replacement for mechanical and biological cleaning. Ultraviolet devices only further help make the water cleaner.

Sterilizers will not be able to clean water from algae, worms and other free-floating organisms. Also, the sterilizer can not be used in a small aquarium with an established biochemical balance and healthy inhabitants.

Aquarists advise using an ultraviolet sterilizer in large aquariums, during quarantine, during frequent viral outbreaks or fish diseases, and during water blooms.

Recommendations for use

In addition to the safety rules associated with working with electricity, carefully follow the instructions for the UV sterilizer:

  • You can’t look at a light bulb emitting UV waves;
  • do not turn on the UV lamp for an aquarium without a protective casing;
  • turn off the sterilizer when using certain medications, antibiotics, probiotics, fertilizers;
  • Do not use lamps that generate ozone unnecessarily;
  • when immersing the device in water, you need to use grounding and a protective device;
  • periodically you need to check the condition of the sterilizer, connections, hoses;
  • the flask must be periodically cleaned from plaque and contaminants;
  • it is better to buy a device of medium power or with a short exposure, especially for small aquariums;
  • the bactericidal lamp must be replaced every six months with constant use;
  • When reinstalling, the O-rings should be treated with plumber's silicone.

Advantages and disadvantages

Although a sterilizer is an almost irreplaceable mechanism that allows you to get rid of many problems, it is not without critical disadvantages. One of the main ones is that it gets rid of not only harmful organisms in the water column, but also colonies of beneficial bacteria. Naturally, this applies to mounted or internal sterilizers.

The advantages are almost undeniable. These include:

Effective counteraction to “weeds” among underwater fauna. For example, blue-green algae, which are capable of quickly multiplying along the bottom and causing heavy silting of the bottom, are very afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

Reducing water turbidity. The filter mainly copes with this, but at the same time, UV radiation allows you to avoid new outbreaks of the proliferation of harmful bacteria. The products of their vital activity are substances that pollute water. Beneficial effect on fish living in the aquarium, accelerating their growth and development. Plants accustomed to high ozone levels in water will also receive a life-giving dose of nutrients and will grow much better. Highly effective in outbreaks of pandemics among fish. Eliminates the unpleasant odor of stagnant water.

In addition, it is very useful to turn on the sterilizer when new residents are added to the aquarium. They undergo the same procedure as the old inhabitants, and the condition and composition of the water are brought to one common denominator. If a large number of different species of fish live in a small vessel, it is useful to carry out disinfection with ultraviolet light from time to time.

If there are many different types of fish in the aquarium, sterilization is necessary

The disadvantages are less significant. These include:

Inability to overcome large cloudiness. Here the lamp and filter are powerless, all the water will have to be changed by moving the current residents into a temporary container. Not an alternative to backlighting. Efficiency is too dependent on power. Using it without a filter is impractical in principle, since the flask and lamp will not be able to process water that has not been previously prepared.

Previous AquariumOsram fluora: description of the lamp and its technical characteristics, effect on flora Next AquariumLight in the aquarium: how to choose lighting for fish and plants, types of aquarium lamps

Advantages and disadvantages

When answering the question why an additional cleaning device is needed, you need to consider its pros and cons. Advantages of ultraviolet lamps for aquariums:

  • inhibits the growth of blue-green algae and other weeds;
  • reducing water turbidity;
  • acceleration of fish growth, their development, additional dose of nutrients;
  • high efficiency in treating pandemic outbreaks;
  • elimination of unpleasant odor.


  • a sterilizer is only a preventive measure, and not a treatment itself;
  • does not replace filtration, purification and replacement of water;
  • cannot be used as a lamp;
  • If the water becomes cloudy and the color changes, the UV sterilizer is replaced;
  • large power is required for a large aquarium;
  • high price;
  • with low penetrating ability, not all bad bacteria are removed;
  • requires frequent replacement.

Sterilizers can be found from leading manufacturers of aquarium elements. If you have the skills and abilities, you can assemble the device yourself. Such a device will not be inferior in its characteristics to purchased analogues.

How to do it yourself?

In order to make a UV lamp at home, you need the following materials: a DRL-250 mercury arc lamp (250 W), a cartridge, an ignition choke (250 W), metal brackets for fastening, a wooden board, wires, and a power plug. Tools: drill, hammer.

Now you can start assembling:

  1. Wrap the DRL-250 in cloth and carefully break it with a hammer without damaging the internal elements.
  2. Remove any remaining glass from the base, wipe the internal elements with cotton wool soaked in alcohol, removing white deposits.
  3. To create a platform using staples, screws, a drill, install and fix the chuck and throttle on a wooden stand.
  4. Connect the power plug and cartridge to the throttle with wires.
  5. Screw the base into the socket, connect the entire structure to the general network.

That's the whole process of making a UV lamp for disinfection. A more detailed, visual guide can be viewed in the video below:


Another very original way to get an interesting and unusual photographic image is to use glow sticks when shooting. They will add a colorful rainbow to your pictures. Portraits taken this way are especially interesting. To create this “light filter”, glow sticks need to be activated and attached in front of the lens, lengthwise or crosswise, as you wish. You can use one stick or several. Experience shows that the smaller the glow sticks, the better the effect they give in the photo.

The easiest way to attach glow sticks to the lens is with adhesive tape. This must be done very carefully. At the same time, try not to damage the lens or dirty its front lens. Don't forget to also ensure that the glow sticks attached to the lens do not interfere with your ability to rotate the zoom ring and the focusing ring.

Well, here are all the types of original and unusual light filters that we wanted to tell you about today. Of course, your camera, equipped with such unusual accessories, may cause smiles from others. But, you see, your main goal is to get interesting and unusual photos! What is more important to you? The end result or the reaction of your friends to the process of your work? Decide for yourself. Let us just note that in the old days, some photographers, instead of Vaseline, used... the contents of their own nose, applied to a neutral density filter screwed onto the lens. Yes Yes! They will pick their nose with their finger, and then wipe their finger not on a handkerchief, but on a light filter.

Water pump for aquarium

Draw an aquarium in your imagination. In it you will probably place fish, some kind of vegetation, colored pebbles... And in one of the corners of your aquarium you probably imagined a rising stream of bubbles saturating the water with oxygen. They appear due to the operation of the water pump, which is busy pumping water. That's what we'll talk about.

Features of an aquarium water pump

It must be said that the functions of this pump are not limited to mechanical distillation of water. In particular, its work helps maintain uniform temperature throughout the entire water column. By supplying water to the filtration system, it is also useful in cleaning the aquarium. Finally, a water pump can also have decorative functions: it depends on the imagination of the aquarist whether it will be a decoration of the aquarium design, whether the bubbles it erupts will form a fountain or a waterfall.

From the point of view of its location relative to the aquarium, the water pump can be submersible (deep) and external (external); For a modest-sized aquarium, the second option is better. It is clear that each option will have its own fastening, but the way it is fastened does not affect the power of the water pump at all.

You can make a water pump for an aquarium yourself. For example, to make a simple external pump, you will need a plastic box as a base: on its lower surface you need to make two holes for the hose, and on the lid - a larger hole into which a thin rubber membrane will fit.

By gluing silicone petals into the holes made at the bottom of the box, you can use a crank to connect the membrane to a small motor (for example, from a toy car), which will then be connected to a power source. Once all this is completed, a hose is connected to the assembled structure. The water pump for the aquarium is ready.>

Wine glass

Are you surprised? But this is true. The most ordinary wine glass can serve as an excellent light filter to achieve simply stunning photographic effects! Let's first fill a glass with clean water and look through it. Thanks to an optical phenomenon called refraction, in a glass we will see an inverted image of what is behind it.

Photographing through a wine glass filled with water can create a wonderful series of photos!

How to take photographs with such an unusual filter? It's not difficult at all. We place a glass filled with water in front of the lens on some plane (table, chair, window sill, on a stump in the forest...), focus and start shooting. You need to focus on the image that will be visible on the surface of the glass. We recommend this type of shooting in aperture priority mode. The aperture needs to be opened wider. A wide open aperture allows us to get shallow depth of field, which in turn allows us to get good foreground sharpness while keeping the background nicely blurred.

Well, after you finish the photo shoot through a wine glass filled with water, in the process of post-processing the image on the computer, the picture can be turned 180 degrees, that is, in other words, put it upside down. Now, from the point of view of human perception, the image will be correct.

In what cases should it be used?

UV sterilizers in an aquarium cannot serve as a replacement for mechanical and biological cleaning. Ultraviolet devices only further help make the water cleaner.

Sterilizers will not be able to clean water from algae, worms and other free-floating organisms. Also, the sterilizer can not be used in a small aquarium with an established biochemical balance and healthy inhabitants.

Aquarists advise using an ultraviolet sterilizer in large aquariums, during quarantine, during frequent viral outbreaks or fish diseases, and during water blooms.

About electric sterilizers

Judging by the reviews on the forums, devices with electrical heating are not very popular, the reason is the increase in the cost of conservation. After all, powerful heating elements built into the tank consume from 2 to 4 kW of electricity every hour. But there is another side to the coin: an electric autoclave can be equipped with a thermostat and temperature sensor, and in this way automate the sterilization process.

Note. A homemade apparatus with electric heaters is just as successfully used using traditional technology heated by gas, a blowtorch, and even a fire.

The procedure for manufacturing an electric sterilizer does not differ from that described above. The only additional operation is the installation of heating elements in the lower part of the tank, as shown in the photo above. More information about the assembly process can be found in the following video:

In what cases should it be used?

Sterilizers will not be able to clean water from algae, worms and other free-floating organisms. Also, the sterilizer can not be used in a small aquarium with an established biochemical balance and healthy inhabitants.

Aquarists advise using an ultraviolet sterilizer in large aquariums, during quarantine, during frequent viral outbreaks or fish diseases, and during water blooms.

It is recommended to use the equipment in certain cases:

  1. Massive fish disease.
  2. The need for quarantine for new fish.
  3. The aquarium bloomed and an unpleasant smell appeared.
  4. Periodic use to prevent diseases in aquarium inhabitants.
  5. Use in densely populated aquariums.

Types of ultraviolet (UV) sterilizers

Sterilizers are divided according to their location in the aquarium:

  1. Built-in ones are less efficient; they contain low-power lamps. They do not help with overgrowing and greening of water.
  2. Internal - usually found in a filter that is placed in an aquarium to purify water. The volume that is passed through the flask is disinfected. Small in size. Suitable for preventing diseases in fish, turtles and other inhabitants.
  3. External ones are the most effective. They are fixed at the outlet of the external filter.

Disinfection efficiency

The effectiveness of disinfection largely depends on the design of the UV sterilizer. The effectiveness of a UV sterilizer in destroying microorganisms is measured in μW•s/cm2 and is called the lethal dose. For different types of organisms, lethal doses can vary greatly.

The effectiveness of using a UV sterilizer depends on the power of the lamp, the size of the working gap and the speed of water flow through the device.

  1. Low-power ultraviolet radiation does not destroy all types of pathogenic microorganisms. Some of them die when exposed to more powerful radiation. Therefore, the higher the power of the UV sterilizer, the more effective the disinfection of water. When choosing equipment, you should give preference to a more powerful device.
  2. The thickness of the treated water layer depends on the size of the working gap. Since water absorbs ultraviolet radiation very quickly, only the flow layer closest to the lamp will receive a sufficient dose of radiation. Accordingly, with an increased working gap between the two flasks of the device, for better treatment of water, it will be necessary to pass it through a UV sterilizer many times within one day. Reducing the working gap significantly increases processing efficiency.
  3. The performance of a UV sterilizer refers to the amount of water passing through it. The higher the productivity, the shorter the period of time the water is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the lower the radiation dose it receives, and, therefore, the less the expected effect.

If the gap and flow rate do not correspond to the power of the ultraviolet lamp, then the sterilization efficiency will be low, and therefore the efficiency of such a sterilizer will be very far from the desired one.

In addition to the factors listed above, the quality of sterilization is affected by the density and transparency of water.

Thus, the salinity of the water almost halves the permeability of ultraviolet rays, but still does not eliminate them, and therefore sea water can also be disinfected with ultraviolet light.

When choosing a UV sterilizer for a marine aquarium, you should opt for devices specifically designed for this purpose. Make sure that the working gap does not exceed 6 mm, otherwise such a device will be of little use, since ultraviolet radiation does not penetrate into the water over a greater distance and some pathogenic microorganisms will not be exposed to the necessary effect. In addition, there is no guarantee that sea water will not corrode the casing of a device not designed to operate in such conditions and will not poison animals living in a marine aquarium with products resulting from a chemical reaction.


Do not be surprised. The most ordinary Vaseline can also be a great improvised light filter! Just under no circumstances apply Vaseline directly to the front lens of the lens! To make such a filter, a layer of Vaseline needs to be applied to a piece of thin cling film, which you attach to the lens with an elastic band as we have already described a little higher today. Vaseline allows us to get the effect of “antiqueness” of a photograph, a certain “airiness”, “etherealness”.

Vaseline can also be applied to cling film in front of the lens in a variety of ways. Well, for example, in a circle, with horizontal or vertical strokes of different thickness and density, something else... In this simple way you can achieve the effect of fog or cloudy weather. Women's portraits work well with Vaseline blur. They acquire a pleasant romanticism, a kind of mystery. You can apply a layer of Vaseline not to the entire surface of the cling film attached to the lens, but only to some part of it and blur, for example, the sky in a landscape. Or, conversely, its foreground.

To be even more precautionary, you can install a cheap ultraviolet or simply a protective light filter on the lens under cling film coated with Vaseline. This will avoid accidental contact of Vaseline on the front lens of the lens, which, of course, is highly undesirable. This filter can also be rotated, which will allow you to achieve certain changes in the image.

You can, of course, apply a layer of Vaseline not on the cling film attached with an elastic band to the lens, but on the ultraviolet or protective light filter itself. True, then the filter will have to be thoroughly cleaned of Vaseline...

We repeat once again: under no circumstances apply Vaseline directly to the front lens of the lens! This is fraught with serious consequences!

UV sterilizer for aquarium

Due to problems in the aquarium, its inhabitants may develop diseases and the appearance of the reservoir may deteriorate. Let's consider what sterilizers are needed for, what they are, what effect they have, and what the principle of their operation is. Let's answer the question: is it possible to save fish from diseases of a bacterial and fungal nature using a UV installation?

What it is?

Water purification is an important process for maintaining order in the aquarium. Purification is necessary not only biological, mechanical and chemical, but also bacterial. Biological purification occurs due to aquarium cleaners, mechanical and chemical – due to the filter, and bacterial purification can be provided by UV treatment.

The sterilizer helps to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, and microorganisms (protozoa) through radioactive radiation. It prevents the reproduction and transfer of pests throughout the aquarium, and also destroys them under a certain regime. The sterilizer is also applicable for:

  • eliminating the consequences of bacterial outbreaks;
  • mass illnesses or deaths of inhabitants;
  • quarantined fish.

What else can be used for antibacterial water purification?

The use of any additives, for example, chlorine or ozone, can have an extremely negative impact on the health of your pets; ozone can burn the mucous membranes of fish and snails. So a UV sterilizer is perhaps the most reliable and safe for residents.

What types of sterilizers are there?

It’s worth saying right away that there are two types of UV sterilizers: vertical and horizontal.

Some of them have a regular longitudinal lamp, which evenly disinfects the water around it, and there are sterilizers that create a vortex movement around a spiral lamp.

Devices of the first type usually take up a lot of space and may not fit in the aquarium.

Vortex sterilizers are more compact. However, the water is unevenly processed.

It is necessary to take care of the device and clean it, as deposits reduce efficiency.

What happens after installation?

First, the water flow generated by the pump or compressor passes through the filter and only then enters directly into the external sterilizer. It contains a system of flasks.

The inner quartz flask contains a bactericidal lamp. It irradiates the water that flows between the inner and outer PVC pipe. At the end of the process, water is introduced into the aquarium, already disinfected.

There are two fittings attached to the outer pipe on both sides, from which water intake hoses extend. It is through them that water is withdrawn.

Many factors influence the efficiency of the UFS:

  1. Too high a flow rate will reduce the irradiation time of the water.
  2. Turbidity, like salt, prevents penetration.
  3. Low water temperature negatively affects UV rays. The optimal temperature is about 40°C. In cold aquariums, a coupling (Teflon or quartz) is attached to the UFS, which will heat the water only in a certain area.
  4. A small gap volume also reduces machining efficiency.

Can I use it constantly?

It is important to remember that continuous or excessive use can harm your fish by heating the water. Also, do not use an ultraviolet sterilizer when starting the aquarium.

This will slow down the process of establishing biochemical balance. It must be remembered that the sterilizer destroys not only harmful microorganisms, but also beneficial ones that decompose organic substances

Also, do not use an ultraviolet sterilizer when starting up the aquarium. This will slow down the process of establishing biochemical balance. It must be remembered that the sterilizer destroys not only harmful microorganisms, but also beneficial ones that decompose organic substances.

During UVC operation, the water in the aquarium becomes cleaner not only in its composition, but also visually, because this device kills bacteria that lead to the formation of turbidity in the aquarium.

The sterilizer is safe for plants, fish and other inhabitants, as it destroys only flowing microorganisms, viruses, and bacteria. Beneficial bacteria will not be destroyed if used correctly, because they are located not only in running water, but also on all surfaces of the aquarium.

In conclusion, we can say that a UV sterilizer may be absolutely not useful for small aquariums with an established biochemical balance, plants and healthy fish.

It may be needed in large aquariums, during quarantine, during frequent bacterial outbreaks, mass fish diseases and other problems related to water purity.

Main conclusions

Over time, aquarium water accumulates harmful microelements and viruses, begins to deteriorate and smells unpleasant. An ultraviolet sterilizer can cope with this problem. This is one of the safest disinfection devices that works in harmony with other installed filters. There are internal, built-in and external models, the latter showing the greatest efficiency. A UV sterilizer is selected taking into account power, productivity, operating time and wavelength.

When installing a sterilizer, it is important to remember that it is only a preventative measure. Special medications are used to treat diseases of fish, turtles and other aquatic life.

Is it worth buying a UV lamp for an aquarium?

The sterilizer allows you to purify the water, but does not eliminate the need to periodically replace the liquid and clean the soil and walls of the aquarium. If the owner regularly maintains the tank and monitors the condition of algae and fish, then purchasing an ultraviolet lamp is not necessary. The equipment is recommended in cases of constant algal bloom. The price of factory-made devices reaches 14-15 thousand rubles.

Criterias of choice

Main criteria:

  • The power of the emitter should be selected taking into account the capacity of the aquarium;
  • The device must be equipped with a circuit breaker that breaks the power circuit when shorted.

When selecting, you should take into account the performance of the sterilizer and the size of the gap between the lamp and the body, which determines the volume of water undergoing disinfection treatment. It is necessary to take into account the duration of operation without disconnecting from the power supply and the permissible water temperature.

Ultraviolet wavelength

You should choose sterilizers with lamps emitting light with a wavelength of 250-260 nm, which is safe for representatives of flora and fauna.

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