Silent, quiet compressors for aquariums - choosing the best

Today, almost all areas of industry use compressors. These devices are found in medicine, food industry, construction, etc. Depending on the power of the compressor, its area of ​​use is determined. There are devices designed to work in large industries, but there are also those that pump air into the aquarium.


If we consider in more detail, a compressor is a mechanism that pumps air under pressure. This is a kind of pump that runs on electric current. Like any device, a compressor creates a lot of noise, and the larger the equipment, the more unbearable the noise. Today there are many ways that can significantly reduce the noise level from the operation of the device; noise insulation of a compressor can create optimal conditions for work and life; this is the topic that will be discussed today.

Types of compressors

In order to understand what exactly and what needs to be isolated from, you should first understand the types of compressors. Today there are two types of equipment for supplying compressed air: volumetric and dynamic. The difference between these compressors is that in the first version there is a fixed portioned air supply, and in the second case there is a constant flow. You can ensure the silence of the equipment if you use a noise-absorbing box for the compressor.


Volumetric compressors pump gas in batches; there are many types of devices and they operate according to different mechanical principles. Equipment for pumping air can be: piston, spiral or rotary. In addition, rotor mechanisms can also be cam, screw and gate. All these compressors operate on the principle of pumping gas into a so-called receiver or tank, from which through a reducer. In addition, you will need soundproofing of the compressor.

Piston compressors operate on the principle of supplying gas through a valve system. When the piston passes through the cylinder, pressure is generated, which enters the receiver through the gas distribution system and accumulates. This mechanism operates using electricity; when the tank is filled with compressed air, an automatic pumping stopping mechanism is activated.

When the pressure in the receiver drops, the machine turns on the unit, and the sound insulation of the air compressor reduces the noise level. Due to the piston and valve system, the noise level of this unit is very high, so the main area of ​​application of the equipment is construction and outdoor work using compressed air.


Scroll compressors move gas due to the work of a stator (a stationary element) and a spiral, which makes eccentric movements, resulting in air transfer. This mechanism is somewhat quieter than a piston mechanism, but nevertheless also creates a lot of noise.

Cam compressors operate by rotating cams in a stator housing. The cam mechanisms operate synchronously, due to which gas is transferred.

Screw compressors pump gas due to the synchronous rotation of screw rotors, the air supply goes along the axis of the compressor.

Rotary compressors are considered one of the simplest. The air supply is carried out due to the centrifugal expansion of the blades in the design of the device. This version of the compressor is capable of delivering up to 15 bar of pressure, while it is durable and unpretentious to use. This type of device is perhaps the most durable of all volumetric compressor designs.

Dynamic compressors. The main difference between these structures is that they have a continuous supply of air. There is no receiver or storage tank used here, and the speed of rotation of the blades directly depends on the pressure in the supply system. At low speeds it is impossible to achieve good pressure. In addition, dynamic devices can be:

  • Centrifugal;
  • Axial;
  • Radial-axial.

The power of such compressors is, as a rule, small, so the main area of ​​application of the mechanisms is ventilation systems and air conditioning, but first there must be reliable noise insulation of the compressor with your own hands, only in this case can a good effect be achieved.

Important! It doesn’t matter whether the compressors are volumetric or dynamic, they make a lot of noise, so they need to be soundproofed; only in this case can the operation be optimized.

Main causes of compressor noise

Depending on the compressor model, the noise level from the operation of the device can vary significantly. Of course, if we compare the operation of a piston compressor with a screw one, the first one will be many times louder, since the number of operating mechanisms is somewhat lower. When a piston compressor operates, in addition to the rubbing elements of the structure, the sound is also generated by the pushing of air masses into the storage tank.


The operation of a piston compressor involves many parts and structural elements that inevitably produce acoustic and vibration noise. Today, modern soundproofing materials allow you to choose exactly what you need. Proper sound insulation will help reduce the noise level to the required parameters.


If we talk about the compressor installed in the refrigerator, then despite the fact that modern designs are made so that there is minimal noise, nevertheless, noise appears for various reasons.

Aquarium pump

After the refrigerator compressor, these are the most common devices operating in close proximity to humans. They are designed to improve the oxygen supply to fish and other pets living in the aquatic environment. The following types of devices are used for equipment and arrangement of the aquarium:

Piston engines provide better performance per unit of power. Experts recommend using them for aerating large containers.

The performance of a membrane-type pump is significantly lower; it is suitable for small aquariums.

Aquarium models are specially designed to be silent. The level of acoustic radiation from membrane devices reaches medical requirements of 30-32 dB; such aerators can work in bedrooms. If the compressor noise level is above 35 dB, it is better to move the aquarium to the kitchen or living room.

Incorrect installation

The noise effect may occur due to improper installation of the product. It is important to know! That when a compressor system operates, most of the sounds occur due to vibration. Often vibration in the housing occurs due to incorrect alignment of the equipment. The slightest discrepancy in the installation of the structure leads to high noise output.

Advice! In the case of a refrigerator, it is not difficult to fix the problem; it is enough to install the unit in the correct position and the sound effect will be significantly reduced, but it is impossible to completely eliminate it.

The compressor does not have enough air

One of the reasons for the formation of noise from the operation of the compressor on the refrigerator is a clogged filter or choke. When such a problem occurs, the unit operates at full power, and a large amount of noise is generated. To fix the problem, you need to clear the clog. Of course, doing the work yourself will be quite difficult, since without knowledge and skills, solving the problem will be problematic.


Also, the reason for loud operation of the refrigerator compressor may be due to an excess of liquid in the system. Often, when filling the system with freon, more is added than required, which leads to a hum; the problem can be corrected by bleeding off the excess liquid. Sometimes incorrect operation of the unit is caused by an electrical problem, that is, the relay does not work. To fix such a problem, you simply cannot do without a technician, since a refrigerator is actually a complex mechanism that requires inspection by a specialist.

How to install?

Before installing the compressor, you should read its instructions. The location of the devices may vary. Some models are submerged in water, while others are attached closer to the surface.

External type devices are mounted on a table, on a container lid or on a special shelf. The compressor must be positioned so that the length of the air tube is sufficient to reach the bottom of the container. The lower the location of the spraying point, the more the water is enriched with oxygen bubbles.

Suction cup models are placed on the walls of the tank, with the external air tube located on the surface.

The best way to place the snorkel underwater is near a heater. Air bubbles will immediately mix layers with different temperatures. This location has a beneficial effect on the health of the fish, since the same water temperature throughout the reservoir is beneficial for them.

The compressor housing is loose or loose

Even today, you can find old models of refrigerators in people's apartments and houses. Unlike today's refrigerators, those engines were mounted on springs, so the possibility of the compressor moving from its place is quite acceptable. If the motor is misaligned, it may come into contact with the housing, creating additional noise and vibration. Another possible cause of noise could be worn rubber linings under the engine. Over many years of use of the unit, the material has worn out, which leads to the formation of noise.


Advice! Sometimes, when purchasing a new refrigerator, the buyer forgets to remove the shipping locks from the product. When you turn on the unit, you will hear a lot of noise, and to fix the problem, just unscrew the bolts, and everything will fall into place, and the noise will disappear.


The Chinese compressor positions itself as silent, but test results show a completely different result. Even if the aerator was relatively quiet when purchased in a store, after just a couple of months the volume is 45 dB, plus there is strong heating of the body. In addition, the warranty on most models is only six months.

Chinese Resun has a low price, which is why they attract customers, especially beginners. But the controversial question is whether it is worth saving in such a matter.

Soundproofing an industrial compressor indoors

If the compressor is installed at home, in an office or industrial premises, then additional sound insulation is necessary. It is important to understand that such products regenerate two types of noise: acoustic and vibration, so to solve the problem it is necessary to select an integrated approach that can absorb vibrations and retain acoustic sound. High vibration levels can be eliminated in several ways:


  1. To isolate the compressor housing from the floor surface, it is necessary to use vibration-proofing materials that will prevent the racks from interacting with the hard surface. Suitable options: vibroisol, isotope or rubber-based material.
  2. As an option, you can install the unit on suspended guy wires. Of course, this method is quite difficult to apply in small rooms, but where there is enough territory, stretching will help neutralize any vibrational hum.
  3. The last method on the list, but not the least effective, is to install a floating floor system in the room. Thanks to this method of sound insulation, it is possible to provide the room with optimal conditions with a minimum amount of sound.

It is worth understanding that such insulation options are suitable for reducing vibration waves, and for acoustic sounds you need to use a box with sound insulation inside.

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